Relationships are Evil

by TheTimeSword

Chapter 14: Spa Day

Applejack slammed her hooves on the table, the stack of books trembled against the violent tremor. “You can’t be serious, Twilight! He does one thing with the Crystal Heart and all of a sudden you trust him? It’s got to take more than that!”

The alicorn ignored Applejack’s attempt at intimidation. “As I mentioned, I also trust Tirek, but you seem to have glanced over that completely.”

“Well, Tirek hasn’t done anythin’ wrong since he has been here. Sombra failed day one! Shoot, even Chrysalis is more trust worthy than that rotten stallion,” she resentfully replied.

“Applejack! What in Equestria did you see on that first day? Whatever it was, it really put him on your bad side,” noted Twilight, sighing heavily after she responded. “Alright, if you’re uncomfortable with him moving up then I’ll permit you to go out there and let him know.”

“Me?” The orange pony raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by Twilight’s stipulation.

She could see the hesitation in Applejack’s eyes. “Yes you. I already told both Tirek and Sombra they were past the initial reforming process; that they wouldn’t need to be babysat anymore. If you don’t want that for Sombra, then you have to be the one to let him know he won’t be moving up.”

With a gulp, Applejack reluctantly replied, “Alright, I can do that. Since I’m forcin’ him down, when will he be moved up?”

“Whenever you finally okay it, or when another pony believes in him as strong as Fluttershy did for Discord. I think that’s fair.”

Applejack gave a nod, understanding the terms of the alicorn’s demand. She immediately left Twilight’s company to go and find the dark unicorn. It didn’t take long to find him, as he stood proudly with Tirek in the foyer of the castle. “There yah are,” she called out as she trotted down the steps.

Sombra and Tirek looked up at the earth pony, smiles on their faces. They bowed as she walked over to them. “Afternoon Applejack, come to congratulate us?” Tirek asked.

“Congratulate?” she inquired.

“Yes! We’ve both moved up, no more are we to be accompanied daily,” Sombra replied.

She darted her eyes to the floor, anxious to give the bad news. “Actually, Sombra…”

“Oh, wait! How rude of me,” Sombra interjected. “Since we’re no longer being escorted, I was just about to take Tirek to the spa. Would you like to join us?”

“The spa?”

Tirek placed a hand on his hip, popping the joint in his back. “Sombra says I’ll enjoy it. Apparently, ever since Rarity took him he can’t get enough of it, and these old bones aren’t getting any smoother.”

“I’m not really a fancy soap kinda gal,” she uttered, a bit surprised that Tirek and Sombra were getting along so well. It was then she realized that telling Sombra the bad news in front of Tirek might not be a good idea. Telling him now could create a rivalry between two, she thought. Not to mention I’ll have to babysit him.

Sombra frowned, but then gave an understanding nod. “Very well, we shall see you around then,” he replied.

The two males began taking their leave, bowing as they exited. As the door closed, Applejack rushed outside, unable to let go of her deep rooted resentment of the dark unicorn. “On second thought, I’ll join you. I could use some free time,” she said, not willing to admit that she didn’t want Sombra to be unsupervised.

“Wonderful! At least now I won’t be the only one who may dislike the spa,” Tirek jested.

Applejack groaned as they reached the day spa, the idea of being pampered was not something she usually cared for. She enjoyed coming here with all her friends, but she had yet to deem Tirek and Sombra to be her pals. Even though she didn’t care for hooficures or face masks, a good massage was worth the trouble.

The three were checked in and then immediately taken to a backroom where they were given robes to put on. When it came to Tirek’s robe, the workers were at their wits end. They eventually gave a shrug before giving up all together. His torso was wrapped in a white robe but his lower half remained uncovered. That wasn’t the only struggle he faced.

Being a centaur in the land of ponies would prove very difficult. Pony sized things were not easily customized for varying sized centaurs. Tirek was forced to lay on two separate tables that were pressed together, one for his upper torso and the other for his horse body. Sombra and Applejack chuckled at the sight of the centaur’s elongated table.

“Go ahead, laugh. This better be worth it Sombra, otherwise I’m stealing your magic,” Tirek annoyedly jested.

As the spa workers started massaging, Tirek made plenty of groans and moans of delight, causing Sombra and Applejack to chuckle once more. He ignored it this time, enjoying the thrashing and pounding of the working ponies that massaged his weary body.

“This is my favorite part of the spa, right up there with the sauna,” Applejack mentioned. “We’re doin’ the sauna, right?”

“Mhm,” was all Sombra muttered as Lotus Blossom massaged his back.

She gave a delighted sigh, smiling as she was kneaded. The dark unicorn had already closed his eyes, allowing the pleasure sensors to take hold. Once Applejack noticed, she too closed her eyes, allowing herself a moment of reprieve from the steady eye she kept on him.

Sombra eventually snapped back, realizing something was missing. “Oh, um, did you want to talk about anything?” he questioned.

“Me? Not that I can think of. Why?” she answered, her eyes still shut tight.

“Well, usually Rarity is talking non-stop while we’re here. I didn’t know if that was a common thing,” he placidly explained.

She opened an eye, taking a look at the stallion that laid next to her. “No, I prefer just to relax. Not all mares are the same,” she crudely provoked.

Applejack had expected him to groan or even defend himself. Instead, he simply replied, “That’s good. As much fun as she is, the silence is rather enjoyable, I must admit.” Sombra had completely negated her goading, whether he meant to or not.

“Then how about you two remain silent,” Tirek growled. The two ponies silenced their conversation per his request, allowing the spa ponies to finish their work in peace.

Applejack’s massage was the first to be completed, allowing her to head to the sauna first. As she sat, resting comfortably in the steamy warmth, she felt herself drift into a slumber. Though she didn’t want to leave Sombra alone, the soothing sauna was well worth it. It wasn’t long before she was awoken by the door opening.

To her surprise, Sombra waltzed in, his massage had finished. “W-What are you doin’ in here? This is the mares’ sauna!” she hollered.

He raised an eyebrow, questioning her words as he sat down on the wooden bench, catty-corner to the mare. “Rarity and I have always come in together. I’m pretty sure everything here is unisex,” he replied.

“Oh, err, right. Sorry,” she muttered.

Sombra looked away from the earth pony and shut his eyes, hoping to avoid starting a confrontation. He then laid his head down, feeling the warmth of the steaming wood against his face. A sudden and exaggerated cough caused him to reopen an eye, only to notice Applejack covering her flank with her foreleg and tail.

The bench put him eye level with her rump, and she quickly repositioned herself with her back to the wall. He gave a quick smile before closing his eye, but she had noticed the smirk. “What’s so funny?” she hollered once more, a slight red hue across her muzzle.

“Even with a massage, you still seem very tense,” he replied, “and embarrassed.”

“Well excuse me for not wantin’ yah to see mah butt,” she raged, her southern drawl became fiercer as her anger built.

He let out a bellow of laughter, raising his head as he chuckled. Applejack’s face reddened even more from his humiliating guffawing. When he finished, he opened his eyes, taking a long, hard look at the earth pony. As she watched him gaze, she could feel her anger reaching the tipping point.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” she hissed.

“You really don’t like me, do you Applejack?”

The question sent a pin into her emotions, bursting the balloon that was her boiling point. She shouted, “Of course I don’t! Yah put me into one of them nightmarish spells, then you do one thing in the Crystal Empire and suddenly you’re in Twilight’s back pocket! Well I don’t trust you, and that’s why I’m even here.”

Sombra frowned, a bit perturbed by her attitude. “So, you came along today just to try and become friends?”

“No. Since I don’t think you’ve changed a bit, Twilight’s given me the power to put you back down to bein’ babysat. That’s why I’m here, to watch you,” she angrily recounted.

“Oh,” was all he replied with. He placed his head back down against the seat, a frown still sitting on his face.

She had expected the unicorn to become angry, or at the very least, defend himself. When he did neither, the feeling of guilt tightly wrapped around her heart like the robe she wore. Her anger and rage finally subsided.

The lull of conversation made her feel extremely awkward. The fact that he said nothing, just sitting there like a bump on a log, was enough to drive her crazy. “Alright, I’m sorry,” she finally said, an exasperated exhale left her lips.

He didn’t speak, or even acknowledge he heard her.

“D-Did you hear me?” she asked, trying to push him into conversation.

“Yes,” he finally spoke. “However, you have no need to apologize. I can’t expect everypony to trust me, especially you.”

She felt even guiltier, the way he was acting was not how she had expected. “Sombra, I…” The door to the sauna swung open, interrupting the earth pony.

Tirek waltzed in, causing the two ponies to stare, an ecstatically whimsical smile looked to be painted on the centaur’s face. He sat down on the bench across from Applejack, still shining with glee. “You were right Sombra. This place is absolutely wonderful,” he praised.

Sombra gave a half-hearted smile before replying, “I’m glad someone has enjoyed today, at least.”

“Look, I’ve liked today, it’s just, well,” Applejack stammered, trying to think of the right words to use before she spoke.

“Did I miss something?” Tirek asked.

In unison, they both replied, “No.”

Tirek tugged on his beard, confused as to why they seemed to be worlds apart. It was clear he missed something important, even though he wasn’t getting an answer. Perhaps I should just move on to the spa itself, he thought.

As the awkward silence played on, Applejack was unable to take it any longer. “Listen Sombra. I’m not goin’ to have you babysat anymore. Honestly, I’m still upset about the nightmarish spell you used on me, but I’m willin’ to give you the benefit of the doubt,” she stated.

“If we’re being honest, then I must say that I do not want your pity,” he replied.

“Pity? I just said I-“

“I want you to trust me,” he interrupted. “If you can’t do that, then I’m not deserving of the freedom in the first place.”

Tirek immediately said, “So I did miss something!”

Applejack ignored the centaur, instead, she heatedly replied to Sombra, “I just said you weren’t gonna be watched anymore, and yet you refuse? What’s wrong with you? Trust isn’t somethin’ that’s easily given, especially not after what you did.”

“If it means I have to be looked after until you finally do trust me, then so be it,” he stated.

Her mouth opened wide, the shock of his stubborn words were as surprising as his want to be trusted. She hadn’t expected him to be so sincere in reforming, it was clear to her that something had changed from that first day on the apple farm. “You’re serious? What in tarnation has gotten into you?” she asked.

“Friendship,” he replied.

“Oh, gross,” Tirek spoke up, his eyes squinted and his nose wrinkled. “That was awful and corny, you’ve been talking to Discord haven’t you?”

Sombra rolled his eyes, attempting to ignore the centaur’s complaint. “Well it’s true. While it’s strange for me to admit, I’ve come to yearn for it,” he said as he closed his eyes, slumping against the wall. “Perhaps it’s what I’ve always wanted.”

“Tirek’s right, you have been talking to Discord too much,” Applejack replied. When he opened his eyes, he saw the charming smile of the mare. She then added, “I suppose, if you’re that inclined to friendship, then I reckon we could be friends.”

He shared her enchanted smile as they stared at one another. “Thank you Applejack, that means a lot.”

“Well, you two are getting way too mushy for my taste. When you’re finally finished crying over each other, you can come to the spa,” Tirek said as he stood up, exiting the sauna.

“I suppose I should get out too. This steam is startin’ to make me loopy. If I stay in here any longer, I might start admittin’ embarrassing secrets and crushes,” she joked, standing to her hooves.

“Like that purple dragon?” Sombra questioned.

She halted in her place, his words rang through her head like a clock’s chime. “W-Wh-What?” she stuttered.

He raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by her embarrassed expression. “Oh, I guess that wasn’t something you publicized yet. I didn’t know. Sorry, forget I said anything.”

“H-How did you kn-know?” she asked as she stared into his red pupils.

While anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes darted off in different directions. “The spell, remember? I can see a ponies deepest, darkest fears,” he nervously explained, fearful of how she might take the news.

To his surprise, she gave a short sigh, her startled expression returned to a calm attitude, easing his discomfort. “I’m glad it was through that, and I haven’t been throwin’ myself at him to where every pony's noticed,” she replied.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” He gave an affectionate smile to the earth pony, who returned with a smile of her own. “Have you told him how you feel?” he questioned.

“N-No,” she said with lament in her voice. “He likes Rarity, I can’t come between them.”

“Actually, Rarity turned him down. I was going to push them together, as a thanks to Rarity for her kindness, but she turned the scaly creature down,” he mentioned.

Her face lit up with glee, the news had not yet reached her. “Well, I wonder how he’s taken it.”

Sombra rose to his hooves, standing in front of the earth pony. He gave a smug smile before replying, “Perhaps instead of helping him with Rarity, I can help you with him.”

“You want to help me?” she questioned.

“Think of it as me helping a new friend. It’s the least I could do for peering into your mind and learning about it,” he smoothly answered.

Applejack raised a foreleg, placing it out in front of her. “Alright then, I’ll take you up on that, friend.”

He grasped his hoof in hers, giving a firm shake, only to have his hoof crushed by her strength. As she let go of his hoof and walked to the door, he felt the throbbing in his foreleg. He winced in pain as he thought, these mares are going to kill me.