The Shaded Path

by Crensler

Chapter 9

“W-who are you?” Gray Shroud tried to sound more sure of himself, but the figure standing in his doorway just seemed to radiate menace, sending chills through his whole body.

“You don't recognize me?” The unicorn mare asked as she stepped forward into the light, tone sounding hurt as she gazed upon him sadly. “Oh, grandfather, you wound me.” She stepped around him, Shroud turning to follow the movement, eyes widening at the sight of her cutie mark, a silver and gold star-burst, like a mystical fireworks display had been painted upon her flanks. “Could you have possibly forgotten me?”

“Amber?” Shroud was obviously quite skeptical of her identity, but the cutie mark upon her flanks was unmistakable. “I don't understand. What in the world happened to you?” She was almost unrecognizable, being far taller and much more intimidating than the sweet young mare he remembered.

“I realized my true destiny, grandfather,” she replied, grimacing at a hanging picture. It depicted a scene from nineteen years ago at Hearth's Warming, a young Amber playing with a colt with a dark blue coat and bright, lively red eyes, his flank bearing a trio of paw prints. Those were indeed happier times for them both. But the way Amber now glared at the colt in the photo made it look as if she despised him with every fiber of her being. “I shall claim what is mine by right...and you are going to aid me.”

“Amber, please, what is going on?” Shroud asked, his granddaughter worrying him more and more with each passing second. “Something's wrong, and I'm not just talking about what's happened to you physically.” Though that was rather drastic as well. “Amber, it's okay, you can-”

“Don't call me that,” she interrupted him, her dragon eyes turning to him, showing distaste and barely restrained rage. “Amber Dawn was a weak little filly, content to lock herself away for the rest of her pathetic life.” She let out a low hiss, the elder pegasus shivering slightly at the sound. “I am not that sad excuse of a mare anymore, grandfather. I am Nightmare Radiance.” Those words chilled him to the core, the old stallion shaking his head in denial.

“No,” he whispered, unable to believe it. He didn't know how or why, but he now understood what had happened. Somehow the curse had taken hold of his granddaughter like a possessing spirit. “Amber, please, listen to me, you're stronger than this!” He pleaded with her, wings flaring out from his sides in agitation. “You can't let the curse control you like-” He cut himself short, his granddaughter having started to laugh, as if finding his desperate entreaties incredibly amusing. “Stop it, fiend! Let my granddaughter go!”

“Oh, please, spare me your self-righteous demands,” Amber, no, Nightmare Radiance spat, eyes narrowing in a fierce glare. “There is no Amber anymore, grandfather. You had best get used to it.” The door slammed shut behind him, causing Shroud to jump, startled by the sudden sound of it. “Now, you will tell me where to find the others and you will tell me now.”

“I have no idea what you're-” Shroud's lie was cut off as he was suddenly launched through the air by a burst of telekinetic power, the door shuddering from the impact of his body against its surface. The pegasus groaned in pain as he struggled to rise, his right wing rendered broken and useless. Nightmare Radiance stalked towards him, horn glowing with silvery light, that same light lifting him into the air, bringing him up to eye level with her.

“You will give me what I want, Gray Shroud,” she growled, fangs bared and all pretenses of being his granddaughter having vanished. “Even if I have to rip the information from you one piece at a time.”


Seeker stared at the guest bed that had been prepared for him, having not so much as set a single hoof on it since he'd closed the door to the room and laid his eyes upon it. He knew that he shouldn't be worrying, that the simple fact he was still himself was more than enough proof that his sleep would be undisturbed, he couldn't help himself. When you had nightmares every single night for over half your life you tend to dread going to bed. He supposed he would need time to adjust to a more regular sleep schedule, not that he was about to complain about it. Mystic Star, meanwhile, was likely already in bed, having spent an hour planning out the next day with him before retiring to her quarters.

An early morning train ride would take them to the northwest, a trip that would last several hours at least, to Vanhoover and the Eldest. Seeker couldn't help frowning as he thought of the pegasus that was technically his great uncle, the two of them having never really been all that close. Seeker's father had been the older pegasus’s nephew and even they had only been civil with each other, from what little he could recall anyway. He'd always wondered why that was but had never been able to scrounge up the courage to ask. Maybe when everything was settled he'd sit down with him and talk, but for now he forced himself to climb into bed, settling in under the covers and closing his eyes. Ignorance truly is bliss.


Some hours later...

Nightmare Radiance stepped out of the old cottage, a pleased smile on her face. The old bird had been surprisingly stubborn, but pain could be a very effective motivator when applied correctly. While Seeker was beyond her reach at the moment she now had the locations of the other “cursed” ponies of their generation. It would be time consuming to track them all down, of course, but it would certainly be worth the effort in the end. Even Gray Shroud had contained a small flicker of her fragmented power, due to his ancestry, and every little bit helps, or so they say. She glanced back to the partially open door, her pupils flickering from draconic slits to wide, horrified ovals before the mare grit her teeth and snarled, shaking off the shred of guilt that had been trying to worm its way into her heart and shoving it back down where it belonged.

“Shroud isn't the only stubborn one in this twisted little family it seems,” she hissed, scowling as she stomped away from the cottage, intent on putting as much distance between her and it as possible. “I cannot stand being so limited,” she grumbled, noticing she was starting to feel fatigued, the teleport spell combined with the energy she'd expended retrieving the information she needed from Gray Shroud and drawing out his fragment taking its toll at last. Her gaze turned to the lights of Vanhoover, the unicorn sighing as she started towards the city. Her plans could wait for the night and she would be gone before the dawn, after she procured some supplies for her journey that is.


Luna was going about her nightly duties, ensuring the dreams of her subjects were peaceful ones and helping those troubled by nightmares with facing their true fears. It was during her travels through the corridors between dreams that she found herself surprised to discover a door that seemingly hadn't existed until this very night. The alicorn of the night frowned as she regarded it for a moment, trying to remember if any of the new foals were old enough yet. The minds of infants were not developed enough to dream anything coherent at first, so this could have been one of them gaining enough of a sense of self to manifest a dream door. But, no, the dates didn't seem to match, though it wasn't completely out of the question for a young mind to develop earlier than those of its fellows. Feeling it her duty to investigate, the princess reached out and opened the door, squinting against the light that shined through the newly opened portal before stepping through it to see what lay beyond.

The chill of late autumn was the first thing she noticed upon entering the dream, along with the crunching of dead leaves beneath her hooves. Were it not for her senses telling her otherwise, Luna could have easily mistaken her surroundings for those of an actual forest. She focused her mind, searching for the dreamer's consciousness, letting her form shimmer and shift, becoming a swirling cluster of leaves on the autumn breeze. She soon found herself swirling above the head of a young colt, a very familiar looking one at that.

Dark blue coat, bright red eyes and an unkempt mane a blue several shades lighter. All that was missing was a cutie mark, but she was fairly certain this was a young Seeker. A Seeker who was apparently rather lost at the moment, from the looks of things. That could stem from any number of issues somepony in the stallion's situation could be suffering from, but she would need to watch the dream play out to be certain.

She settled on a branch overlooking the overgrown path the colt was on, watching as he pawed at a patch of freshly fallen leaves, frowning as he uncovered a hoof print underneath, smaller than even his. He immediately began looking around, as if searching for something. “Quick?!” He cried out, shuddering as a chill wind swept over him, ruffling his coat. “Quick, where are you?!?” He began trotting along the path, eyes sweeping over the ground, the slumbering foliage and trees. “Damn it, Quick, answer me!” She let out a snort, not surprised to hear that he had a foul mouth even when he was a colt. “Come on, come on, I know he came this way, I just know it!”

He passed a twisted clump of brambles, only to stop and turn back, squinting at a pale brown tuft of hair caught by a wicked looking barb. He didn't linger long, breaking away from the path and scrambling his way over the twisted, snarled roots of old trees and past the grasping messes of shrubs and briars. “Quick, are you there? It's me, Seeker!” He called once he had caught his breath, panting as he looked around hopefully. There was movement in the bushes off to his left, followed soon by the head of a colt younger than Seeker by at least several years.

“Squeaker?” Luna blinked at the nickname, having to stop herself from snickering as Seeker scowled adorably. “I-I'm cold and I wanna go home.”

“Don't you start calling me that too!” Seeker protested, showing how he'd earned the nickname as his voice pitched in an odd way, forcing Luna to stifle another snicker as a result. The younger colt had stumbled out of the brush in the meanwhile, a pale brown coated pegasus with a black mane and tail, presumably Quick. “Anyway, come on, Uncle Shroud is off looking for you with the other adults.”

“How'd you find me?” Quick asked as Seeker started leading the way back, blinking owlishly at a new addition to the earth pony's flanks.

“I dunno, it just felt like the adults were off looking in the wrong places,” Seeker replied, sounding a little puzzled as he trotted on. “So I snuck away while Mom was in the supply wagon and went out to look for you on my own. After that there were all these signs that I kept finding, like a feather from your wings, a few hoof prints, even a tuft of your coat.”

“Wow, Squeaker, no wonder why you earned your cutie mark!” Quick exclaimed, clearly impressed, only to freeze as Seeker rounded on him, cheeks burning as he glared at the younger colt.

“I said don't call me...wait, what?” What Quick had said finally dawned on him, Seeker gazing back at his flanks, eyes wide with wonder as he took in his cutie mark, the triple paw prints in black, gray and white. “I got my cutie mark!” He cheered, jumping around and whooping with joy, making quite the spectacle of himself.

“Um, Sque-erm, Seeker? Shouldn't we be getting back?” Quick swiftly corrected himself before he used the nickname again, Seeker giving up his childish antics at the reminder with an awkward clearing of his throat.

“R-right, let's get moving!” Luna left the dream at this point with a smile on her face, glad to have learned something about her subject. So he was good at finding things. Puzzling, then, why it took him so long to find her. Perhaps she would ask him about it later, but for now she had her duties to attend to.


Later on that evening, Luna made one final stop before the night came to a close. She stopped by this particular dreamer's door fairly regularly, indeed feeling almost compelled to ensure they slept soundly. After all, when you make an investment you wish to make certain that it pays off. Though to be honest, while their relationship had started out more professionally, and to some extent remained so, she'd found that she had become fond of this pony despite her many...eccentricities.

Speaking of which, the princess wondered what sort of dream she would be having tonight even as she opened the dreamer's door and walked inside. The sight that greeted her within was a familiar one, indeed the mare dreamed about this on a regular basis. The shopping district of Canterlot stretched out below her, most of which was grayed out and indistinct, save for a moving section of color that she immediately zeroed in on, the princess of the night making sure she was hidden from the dreamer's sight as she descended for a better look.

What she saw once she was close enough was also fairly familiar, though there was a distinct difference that was both interesting and rather amusing: below, taking part in the practice she'd learned was called “window shopping” was Mystic Star and a heavily burdened Seeker, whom, from his flagging tail and lowered head, seemed absolutely miserable, wearing a specialized harness for the carrying of goods, a multitude of shopping bags from various places of business in this case.

Luna had seen this dream before, but not like this. In fact, the first time she'd seen it, right after the unicorn moved into the palace, she'd been the one walking with Star, though she certainly hadn't been carrying any bags. The princess had been curious enough to take over the role of herself in the dream, Mystic Star dragging her from storefront to storefront, never purchasing a single thing, much to her initial confusion. Yet Seeker was carrying the evidence that this time that wasn't the case. Why? Why this time and not in previous versions? Truly the modern era was a mystifying time, one she still struggled to adapt to even now.

“Tell me again, why did I agree to this?” Seeker asked with a groan, trying to shift his burden into a more comfortable position, ears pinned back flat against his mane. “I don't remember you saying anything about lugging around all your stuff.”

“If I had, would you have come along?” Star countered, leaving him to grumble under her breath, causing her to giggle softly. “Now, be a proper gentlestallion and quit complaining about doing a lady a favor.”

“Who's a lady now?” Seeker's snark was rewarded with a smack to his nose by a flick of Star's tail, the earth pony snorting irritably. “So, do you usually lure out unsuspecting stallions under false pretenses? I think they call that ponynapping, which happens to be very illegal in most cities.”

“Oh hush up,” Star responded, blowing a raspberry at him to follow her words. “You really need to just relax and, you know, enjoy the simpler things in life.”

“Like carting around a bunch of junk for a crazy mare?” This earned him another slap to the nose. “Would you stop that!” His protest was met with a giggle, causing him to grumble some more. “Why are mares always such pains in the flank?”

“Why are stallions always such whiners?” Star countered with a smirk on her face. “You're really going to make a delicate mare like me do all the heavy lifting?” The stallion replied by mumbling a rather unflattering epithet, which the unicorn chose to ignore. “Besides, you're an earth pony aren't you? So suck it up, mister~”

“This is so tribalist,” Seeker drawled, Star sticking her tongue out at him childishly. “Why do you do this, anyway? I mean, it's not like you need any of this, right?” Strangely, this drew a laugh from the eccentric unicorn, much to the dream Seeker's, and Luna's, puzzlement. “What's so funny?”

“It's just, well, you're not the first to ask,” Star replied, Luna noting that Seeker had an odd habit of tilting his head like a curious dog whenever something confused him. Or maybe that was just the dream's influence. “I once asked Princess Luna out like this, too.” This surprised Luna, as dreams rarely had such connected narratives. Fascinating.

“Did you make her carry all your crap too?” Seeker asked, his tone again voicing his displeasure over becoming her beast of burden. He really did like to complain, didn't he?

“Of course not, she's a princess,” Star told him, as if that should have been obvious, the earth pony merely rolling his eyes at her. “I'll tell you what I told her: sometimes it's the pointless, mundane things in life that make it all worth it.”

“Yeah, and sometimes those pointless, mundane things drive you crazy.” This only caused Star to giggle again, Luna resisting the urge to do the same, the stallion not sharing their amusement as he gave the unicorn a flat look.

“Look, since you've been such a good sport,” the mare's tone drew a snort from Seeker, “I'll buy you lunch, okay?”

“...fine, but I'm ordering whatever I want,” he agreed, following her down the street once more. “And no cheaping out on me. I'll have you know I'm broke.”

“Yes, yes, I said I'd buy,” Star assured him, Luna looking up as the spell she'd set earlier let her know she was out of time. Celestia would soon be up to raise the sun, so she had to be ready to do her part, otherwise her sister would give her no end of grief. The last time she was late in setting the moon she'd had to listen to the elder alicorn pontificate on the importance of duty and responsibility for what felt like hours. Not wishing a repeat performance, she cast one last look to the odd pair before departing the dream, wishing them both the best of luck.


Seeker stared at himself in the full length mirror the guest room had on hoof, having just taken his second bath that morning. The first had rid him of the dust and road grime he had accumulated on his trip to Ponyville, the water having turned brown with it, but the second was just for the sheer pleasure of having access to hot water again. Who was this well rested stranger he saw in his reflection? It couldn't possibly be himself, could it? If it was, well, he really needed a mane cut. Even his tail could use a trim, the length of hair nearly touching the floor.

“Amazing what a full night's sleep can do, isn't it?” Seeker's head turned towards the door, Mystic Star having managed to sneak into his room while he'd been distracted. “Wow, you could actually pass for a civilized pony, if we got you a mane cut at least.” He rolled his eyes at her, moving over to where he had stashed his things. “Oh, wait, the scowl's back. Never mind~”

“Do you make a habit of barging into other ponies' rooms unannounced?” Seeker asked as he tossed his saddlebags onto his back, head dipping down to tighten the straps into place. “Or am I just special?”

“Don't flatter yourself, grumpy,” Star replied, earning a derisive snort from him for her trouble. “Gee, and here I was hoping a good night's sleep would put you in a better mood. So much for that.”

“What can I say?” Seeker took the time to strap his sword into place before continuing. “You just bring out the best in me.” He turned to face her once more, flicking his head to get his mane out of his eyes. “So, we ready to go or what?”

“Well aren't we in a hurry.” Star shook her head at his impatience. “The train leaves in an hour, so we have some time to kill before hoof.” She giggled when he sighed in exasperation. “Oh, come on, just relax you grumpy old coot.”

“Old coot?” Seeker's face scrunched up as he repeated the words. “Seriously? I can't be that much older than you, can I?” It was her turn to snort this time.

“Show's what you know,” Star teased him, turning with a flick of her tail and heading out into the hall. “I'm only twenty three.” Seeker's jaw dropped, having not expected that. So he was almost a decade older than her...well, that was awkward. “Come on, old timer, let's go.”

“Stop calling me old,” the earth pony grumbled as he followed her out, glaring at the back of her head for a few moments. “Where are we going? I thought you said we weren't leaving for another hour.”

“I thought I'd give you the ten bit tour of Canterlot,” Star informed him, glancing over at him once he'd caught up with her. “We'll take a look around the shopping district and grab some breakfast. Sound good?”

“Real food sounds amazing right about now,” Seeker replied, his stomach rumbling as if to punctuate his words. He blushed as Mystic Star giggled, the stallion grumbling under his breath at her in return. “Hey, until you've lived off of hard tack for months on end you have no room to judge.”

“Oh calm down, it was funny,” Star teased him, causing the earth pony to sigh in a decidedly resigned fashion. “You know, we're going to have to work on that sense of humor of yours once this is all over.”

“You know, you're starting to remind me of somepony else I know,” Seeker told her, peaking her interest.

“Oh yeah?” Color Star curious. “Who would that be?”

“My cousin,” Seeker replied simply. “She was always quite the smartflank, too.” His use of past tense worried her.

“Was?” She dared to ask, causing him to shrug carelessly.

“I haven't seen her, or any of my family, in over five years,” he reminded her. “A pony can change a lot in that amount of time, so she could have grown up a bit since then I suppose.” He grimaced. “Though, knowing her, she's just as much of a pain in the flank these days as she always was.”

“So, are you gonna tell me the name of this cousin of yours?” Star asked, smirking deviously. “Sounds like we'd get along famously.”

“Amber Dawn,” he replied, shaking his head ruefully. “And yeah, I can already tell the two of you have a lot in common.” Star's arched brow drew out a chuckle from him. “You're both good at driving me crazy.” Her following grin unsettled him, however. “What?”

“Oh, nothing,” she said, prancing ahead of him and stopping where the hall turned a corner. “I'm just looking forward to meeting her is all.” His stomach hit the floor when she just about cackled before disappearing from sight.

“Oh, sweet Luna, what have I done?”


Nightmare Radiance was not accustomed to the needs of a mortal body and she found the very idea that she was limited by them repulsive. She relished the day when her power was complete, but for the time being she had to tend these needs if she wished to survive. At the moment she stared at a cart selling various apple based pastries, mouth twisting into a pained grimace as her stomach voiced its desire to be filled. Unfortunately she lacked funds at the moment and simply taking them would cause a scene she wished to avoid. She glanced over the mare running the stall, some earth pony with a pale yellowish coat and a two toned green mane tied off with a small pink ribbon at the end.

“Hey there, sugar, you gonna just stare at mah cart all day or would ya'll actually care to buy somethin'?” The mare teased her, having obviously spotted her among the other ponies going about their daily business. Radiance had taken on her former appearance for the sake of blending in among the rest of the city's populace, the unicorn having to force herself not to glare at the earth pony for daring to speak to her in the first place.

“Oh, um, sorry about that,” Radiance said, laughing awkwardly, adopting a persona she hoped would be convincing. She'd never been any good at acting before she'd ascended, however, and the change hadn't helped, so she prayed this mare was a gullible one. “They just smell so good.”

“Don't they, though?” The earth pony chuckled softly. “Ah'm mighty proud of mah skills, especially when Ah see other ponies droolin' over em, like yerself.” She laughed as Radiance flinched, cheeks darkening, though from anger rather than embarrassment. This mare was lucky she didn't have the time to waste on disposing of her. “Name's Apple Fritter, by the way, and sellin' pastries is mah game.” She gestured over her selection for emphasis. “Fritters, tarts, strudels, scones, ya'll name it, Ah can bake it.”

“Wow, that's quite impressive,” Radiance offered her false flattery, smiling in what was supposed to be a friendly manner, but it only came off as slightly pained instead. “Do you live here in Vanhoover? I'm only asking because, well, you talk differently than everyone else.”

“Nah, Ah live outside of town,” Fritter replied, taking a moment to pass off a pastry to a customer after accepting their bits. “City life is just too hectic, ya'll know what Ah'm sayin'?” The earth pony frowned suddenly, looking Radiance over for an uncomfortable length of time. “Say, ya'll feelin' alright?”

“Of course, never better!” Radiance lied easily, only to freeze as her stomach complained loudly. “Um, just ignore that.”

“Well, shoot, why didn't ya say ya'll were hungry?” Fritter wrapped up her namesake and hoofed it over to a surprised Radiance. “Here, this oughta quiet those belly rumbles of yers.”

“Oh, no, I don't have any money,” Radiance said, about to pass it back, only to pause when Fritter shook her head. “What, you're just giving this to me?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously when the other mare nodded. “Why?”

“Why not?” Fritter countered with a carefree shrug, smiling kindly. “Never leave a pony hungry, that's mah motto.” She gestured for Radiance to partake in the pastry. “Go ahead, try it. Don't be shy now~”

“Well, I suppose,” Radiance muttered, trying to puzzle out what Fritter got out of giving away her product for free. All thought fled from her mind, however, when she took her first bite. Her eyes widened as the flavor assaulted her senses, the unicorn swiftly devouring the rest of it.

“Now that's what Ah like tah see,” Fritter said with a cheerful laugh. “Another satisfied customer.” Radiance cleared her throat, her cheeks once again flushed, though she wasn't angry this time.

“Why did you just give me that?” She asked, still confused about Fritter's motives. “Don't get me wrong, it was delicious, but what do you get out of it?”

“Get out of it?” Fritter's face displayed her own confusion plainly. “Why Ah don't get a thing, save fer helpin' ya out.” She smiled slightly. “Though Ah wouldn't mind a thank you. Just sayin'~”

“Oh.” Radiance wasn't accustomed to thanking anypony, unused to displays of kindness. “Well, thank you, I guess.” The words felt wrong in her mouth, her insides twisting up as she shifted her weight a bit.

“Ya'll have a good day now,” Fritter said, waving her off as the unicorn turned away to depart. “And tell yer friends about me, Ah'm here most days sellin' mah wares.” Her words made Radiance freeze, the mare half turning and smiling, understanding blossoming inside of her.

“Oh, of course, and thanks again,” she replied, turning away once more and scowling as she walked. Of course, she should have realized the earth pony had an ulterior motive behind her little display of generosity. By having her sample them, she'd spread the news about the quality of Fritter's pastries by word of mouth, thereby increasing the business she received. “Everypony always wants something.” She glared back towards the stand, Apple Fritter already focused on selling her pastries once more. “She's good, though, I'll give her that.” She snorted in disgust, eyes flickering as her disguise faltered for a moment. “That sweet smile, that accent, she even had me going for a moment there.”

“Uh, miss?” She was snapped out of her reverie by another pony's voice, her gaze falling on a stallion in uniform. “I'm gonna have to ask you to move on. The way you keep mumbling and glaring into space is kind of scaring everypony.” She looked around, the other ponies giving her a wide berth.

“Oh, I'm sorry, sir,” she said, tone sickeningly sweet. “I've just had a rough day, that's all, but don't you worry your precious little head about it. I was just about to head home anyway.” She watched him start to sweat under the weight of her gaze, relishing the fear she was instilling in him, allowing her smile to turn predatory. “You take care now~” She then walked away, the officer sighing in relief.

“Who was that mare?” He murmured to himself, feeling strangely cold inside. “She looked like she was gonna take my head off for a moment there.” His eyes followed her till she disappeared into the crowds, a shiver running up his spine. “P-probably just my imagination.” He sniffed the air, forgetting her almost instantly. “Oooo, Apple Fritter's in town!” He then trotted off towards her stand, having no idea how lucky he actually was.


“What do you mean you've never taken the train before?” Mystic Star asked, standing with Seeker at the station, the pair waiting for said locomotive to arrive. “All the traveling you've done and you've never once thought to take the train?”

“Of course I've thought about it,” Seeker replied with a roll of his eyes. “I don't normally like being around too many ponies at once.” He'd been extremely uncomfortable while they'd been walking through the shopping district, for example, making the entire trip feel awkward for them both. “There's also the fact taking the train costs money, money I generally don't have because I've likely spent it on supplies for my trip.” He scuffed the floor with one hoof, frowning down at the polished wood in a dour fashion. “Is it really so strange?”

“Not strange, just surprising,” Star assured him, not wanting him to feel bad about it or anything. “So, um, what did you think of your tour of Canterlot? You were kind of quiet for most of it.”

“It''s different, I suppose,” Seeker said, brow furrowing slightly as he glanced up at the nearby clock. “There are so many different ponies and everything here is so lively.” Indeed, the city was bright, colorful and the ponies in it were of fairly good cheer. “Lunch was certainly interesting, too. I've never had Prench food before.” He offered her a small smile of appreciation. “Thanks, you know, for putting up with me so far today.”

“It hasn't been easy, let me tell ya,” Star joked, smiling back at him brightly. “You're moody, angsty, grumpy and you're not much of a conversationalist. Honestly, I don't know how I do it.” She giggled as he frowned at her. “See? No sense of humor, either~”

“Ha ha, that's so funny,” Seeker said dryly, one ear flicking in a show of annoyance. “Well, to be fair, you're chatty, impulsive, nosy and, let's not forget, childish.” Her response was to blow a raspberry at him. “See? That's exactly what I'm talking about.”

“Stop being such an old fogey and learn to take things easy for a change.” Star looked up as she heard the train's whistle. “We have plenty of time, so just try and relax, okay?”

“I'll relax once we've seen the Keeper and figure out how to help the rest of my family,” Seeker responded, watching as the train pulled into the station. “Uncle Shroud ought to be able to point us in the right direction. From what I've heard, though, Red Velvet is a bit of a hermit.”

“You've never met the Keeper then?” Star followed him onto the train and took a seat across from him so their conversation could continue.

“No, she's never come to any of the reunions and she wasn't around when I was still a colt,” he said, gazing out the window at the other ponies as they boarded the train. “I don't even know if she's still alive at this point.”

“Hey, it'll work out,” Star assured him, smiling kindly once his eyes turned back to her. “We'll see your great uncle, find out where this Red Velvet mare is and work from there.” The train soon departed the station, leaving them with plenty of time to talk, and Mystic Star was certainly curious. “So, I bet you've seen all sorts of interesting things during your travels.”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Seeker agreed, not catching the hint and lapsing into silence. Star waited for about a minute before she sighed softly.

“Would you care to share any stories of those interesting things?” She prodded him, causing him to finally realize that she was trying to get him to help kill time.

“Oh, yeah, just let me think for a second,” he stalled, wracking his brain for something appropriate. “Ah, there was this one time I was down in Zebrica. I was searching for old temples, ruins, that sort of thing, hoping to find something to break the curse.” His eyes went a little vacant as he recalled it. “After weeks of travel, sorting out what tales were mere legend and what was fact, I had finally tracked down the location of an ancient temple city in the heart of the Zebrican jungle.”


Zebrica, three years ago...

Seeker growled his annoyance out around the hilt of his sword, having been slogging through the thick undergrowth that made up the Zebrican jungle, grunting as he hacked through a tangled cluster of vines before pausing to catch his breath. He was hot, tired, thirsty and his coat was plastered with sweat. He seriously hoped this temple city of Istrukaya was worth all the effort he was-


“Wait, wait, stop,” Star interrupted Seeker's story abruptly, her expression incredulous. “The temple city of Istrukaya? Are you seriously ripping off a Daring Do novel right now?”

“There are novels about Daring Do?” Seeker asked, sounding surprised, causing Mystic Star's jaw to drop. “What? Seriously, what's the matter?”

“You mean you don't know?” He shook his head. “Really?” His nod had Star rubbing her temples. “Daring Do is a fictional character and Istrukaya is the temple city she visited in Daring Do and the Obsidian Eye.” He blinked at her owlishly, as if he couldn't wrap his head around what she'd just said. “You cannot seriously be telling me that not only did you visit this place but that you actually know Daring Do?”

“Well, I wouldn't say I know her,” Seeker replied slowly, still having trouble grasping the fact he'd met somepony who had stories written about her. “We bumped into each other a few times, yeah, but it's not like we became friends or anything.”

“How did you first meet her then?” Star asked, leaning forward slightly as she waited for his response. This went beyond killing time, this was actually quite intriguing, that is if Seeker was telling the truth.

“I was getting to that when you interrupted me,” Seeker grumbled, leaning back in his seat and making himself comfortable. “There I was, hacking my way through the dense, humid jungle, when night started to fall and I was forced to make camp...”


Seeker finished clearing a place for his camp site, having already gathered wood and dug a fire pit, needing only to pitch his tent now. He worked methodically, rolling out the tarp for the “floor”, constructing the frame and finally staking the whole thing down once the canvas was in place. The stallion had then been about to get the fire going, the jungle swiftly growing dark, when he realized he was no longer alone. There was nopony in the clearing with him but he had the distinct impression he was being watched.

He'd been warned by the locals that this area of the jungle was dangerous, though up until this point he'd been fortunate enough not to run into any predators. He decided to play things casually, in case his audience was of the intelligent variety. He'd run into problems on other expeditions, tomb raiders, grave robbers, that sort of thing, so if this was a similar situation then he'd need to be careful not to let them know that he was aware of their presence. He finished getting the wood set up in the fire pit, then moved over to his saddlebags, where not only he had his flint and tinder, but his sword as well. He leaned over as if to start riffling through the bags, in fact aiming to grasp the hilt of his weapon, when it happened.

Something hit his back, hard, knocking him over and rolling with him into the brush. He didn't have time to think, to figure out just what had pounced on him, his first instinct to fight back, even just so he could get away. He struggled with the creature in the darkness, grunting and kicking, only learning he wasn't dealing with an animal when a hoof struck home, eliciting a pained, decidedly female, gasp. His panic replaced with anger, he growled and rolled, his hind hooves digging into what he figured was her underbelly and launching her back into the tiny clearing he'd made for his camp. The pony, zebra, whatever, crashed into his tent, becoming entangled with the canvas. Seeker wasted no time in rushing for his bags, grabbing his sword and unsheathing it, ready to continue the fight as the figure emerged. She was a pegasus, with a coat color between beige and a very dark yellow, a mane and tail like some kind of grayscale rainbow, her raspberry red eyes glaring at him heatedly.

((“Huh, that's weird,” Seeker murmured as an aside, frowning thoughtfully.

“What's weird?” Star asked, wondering what was so important that he'd interrupt his story for it.

“Nothing, I just realized she and another pegasus I've met look a lot alike.” The look Star gave him had him backpedaling immediately. “No, not like that, I mean like they could be sisters or something.”

“Just continue the story before you dig the hole any deeper, dumbass.”))

“Fo she vuck are you?” Seeker garbled out the words around the hilt of his sword, having intended to say “Who the buck are you?” rather than that mess that made him sound like a mentally challenged buffoon. The pegasus snorted, eying his sword warily while slowly circling around him, forcing him to turn so he could keep her in sight. What surprised him, though, was her reason for it. Her circling brought her over to a tan pith hat, which she promptly picked up, dusted off and placed atop her head.

“I could ask you the same question, pal,” she said once her hat was back in place, having somehow made out what he'd meant to say even with the sword hilt in his mouth garbling the words. “Not many ponies would risk the dangers of the Zebrican jungle after all.” Her eyes scanned over him critically, from nose to tail, eventually focusing on the sword gripped in his mouth. “Gonna make me guess, huh? Well for starters your stance tells me you've had some training in how to use that thing and that you've even managed to make the hilt work for you despite the fact that sword was clearly made with a gryphon in mind.”

Seeker was impressed by her deductions thus far, wondering where she was going with this. “The wear on your gear suggests you travel a lot and those hooves haven't seen a file in months. And when was the last time you even bathed anyway?” He let out a dismissive snort, not sure why that mattered right now, foolishly allowing himself to relax a bit. “Finally there's a leach on your flank.” He should have known better than to drop his guard but he couldn't stop himself, his head turning so he could look back, thereby giving the mare ample opportunity to blindside him. A hoof struck his right temple and he must have blacked out for a couple seconds, because the next thing he knew he was on his back, his own blade at his throat. “Wow, you're not very bright are ya?”

“Says the mare going around tackling strangers in the middle of the jungle,” Seeker ground out, not daring to so much as twitch, his position a tenuous one at best. He could barely see her now, the sun all but set, her cocky smirk taunting him in the dying light. “Why the buck did you attack me and who in Tartarus are you?”

“What, your boss not in a sharing mood lately?” The pegasus countered, which only served to add to his confusion. “Don't try and play dumb with me, buddy. I've already run across half a dozen of your friends out here and I'm in no mood to play games.”

“Listen, you crazy mare, I have no idea what you're talking about,” he told her, flinching as the edge of his sword pressed more firmly against his throat.

“Don't lie to me!” She snapped, wings flaring and eyes narrowing dangerously. “I know Somnambula is after the Eye and that you and your fellow goons are trying to find Istrukaya for her! Well, let me tell you something, pal. I won't just sit by and let that witch have it!”

“Hey, I already told you before that I don't know what you're talking about!” Seeker shouted at her, his glare matching her own. Several long, tense moments passed, the mare staring deep into his eyes, as if she could see right into his very soul.

((“Wow, seriously?”

“Oh, shut up, it's called using artistic license.”))

“You really don't know,” she murmured finally, sounding shocked by this discovery. “Well, damn.” She suddenly stepped back, Seeker's sword clattering to the ground and causing the earth pony to let out a sigh of relief. “So if you're not with Somnambula, then what in the hay are you even doing out here?” Seeker took his time in responding, getting back on his hooves and dusting himself off.

“I don't know any Somnam-whatever, but I am looking for Istrukaya,” he replied, bringing his sword back over to his things and sheathing it. He then took a minute to get the fire going, the light gone at this point, leaving them in complete darkness. Once it flickered to life he took a seat, figuring it was safe to do so now that she was no longer literally at his throat. “Not that it's any of your business, but I'm trying to track down some artifact the locals say can grant whomsoever holds it a single wish.”

“That would be the Obsidian Eye,” the pegasus remarked, taking a seat across the fire pit from him. “Not that it's any of your business,” he snorted softly at how she turned his own words back on him, “but that's why I'm out here, to keep it away from idiots like you. You have no idea what you're messing with here, so just go home while you still have the chance.”

“Excuse you?” Seeker didn't appreciate her tone. “I didn't come all the way out here just to turn back because some lunatic in a pith hat says so!”

“The name's Daring Do, grungy,” Daring snapped, glaring at him once more. “And I don't need some amateur treasure seeker getting in my way when I already have a power mad witch and her cronies to deal with. So do yourself a favor and get lost!”

“Forget it, I'm not quitting on this,” Seeker growled, feelings of intense dislike for the pegasus roiling in his gut. “I NEED to find this thing and I won't let anything stop me, so you just stay out of my way if you know what's good for you!”

“You're not the first to threaten me and you won't be the last,” Daring said as she stood up, gazing down at him with distaste, like he was something she'd scraped off the bottom of her hoof. “Fine, you want to be an idiot? Go right ahead. Just don't come whining to me when Somnambula turns you inside out.” With that she turned and casually strolled into the jungle, leaving him to stare out at the darkness with a scowl on his face.


“Wow,” Star murmured, almost literally on the edge of her seat. “I can't believe I'm getting a first hoof account of that scene.” She chuckled. “The writer wasn't very flattering in her depiction of you, though that's not very surprising considering the fact you and Daring got along about as well as oil and water.”

“Yeah, she's certainly something else,” Seeker muttered, making a note to pick up this book at some point. “I've never met anypony as stubborn and bullheaded as that mare.” Star's giggle drew his attention away from his memories of that night. “What?”

“Oh, nothing,” she replied dismissively, though the twinkle of mirth in her eyes said otherwise. “Please, continue.”

“Well the next day I broke camp and headed out in search of Istrukaya once more,” Seeker recounted to her. “It was when I actually found the city that I learned Daring Do hadn't been lying in an attempt to scare me off. Of course by then it was too late for regrets.”


Seeker grunted as he pushed his way clear of the jungle foliage, blinking as he was suddenly confronted by dazzling sunlight. As he squinted against the glare, he got his first look at the temple city of Istrukaya. Much of the once great center of civilization and worship had been reclaimed by the jungle, but what remained intact was still a fairly impressive sight. From what he understood, the zebras once ruled a good portion of the lands south of the Badlands, but mysteriously their nation almost completely collapsed overnight.

Historians theorized that Discord's rise to power had something to do with it, but records from that time period were scarce to say the least. Nopony was about to ask the self proclaimed embodiment of chaos, either, so the truth remained undiscovered to this very day. Now the zebras lived in nomadic tribes that roamed the plains of southern Zebrica, keeping to themselves for the most part.

“Magnificent, isn't it?” The voice drew Seeker from his musings, the earth pony turning swiftly to face the source, taking a defensive stance. “The zebras once ruled this entire region of the continent, but their arrogance brought about their downfall.” A cloaked, odd given the jungle heat, quadrupedal figure stood just at the edge of the clearing proceeding the cliff Seeker now stood upon, features almost entirely hidden in shadow. “They sought to make deals with a trickster who they believed was one of their gods, come to reward them for their devotion.” The speaker's voice was hoarse, raspy even, but still distinctly female. “Foolish, really, but what can you expect from such savages?”

“Who the buck are you?” Seeker demanded, something about this pony, if they were indeed a pony, setting him on edge.

“Surely you have encountered that feather brained interloper calling herself Daring Do by now,” she said instead of answering directly. “She must have told you about me.”

“So you're Somnambula,” he murmured, wondering why his skin felt like it was crawling whenever he looked at her. “She called you a witch.”

“Yes, I'm sure she did,” Somnambula said with a laugh that rattled from her throat like somepony was shaking a dusty bag of old bones.

((“More artistic license?”

“No, her laugh was really just that creepy.”))

“What I want to know, however, is just who you are.” The supposed witch started towards him, her movements slow, as if they pained her, making Seeker regret that his back was to a drop that had to be at least a hundred feet. “It's faint but I can sense an old, powerful magic lingering in your aura.” Seeker could just make out enough of her face to see her lick her dry, cracked lips, causing him to shudder in revulsion. “It makes me very...hungry~”

“Stay back!” Seeker warned her, though his voice had gone strident and quavered with his fear, causing her to laugh as he tried to back up, only for his right hind leg to meet only air. Had he not had three other legs firmly on solid ground he would have likely toppled over the edge, but luckily he was able to catch himself in time. “I won't tell you again, so just stay away!”

“Oh, you poor colt,” Somnambula taunted him, raising her head enough so her hood slipped back, exposing the face of an aged unicorn, heavily lined with wrinkles, but her bright blue eyes were still very sharp and alert as they gazed upon the stallion trembling before her. “Don't be afraid, it won't hurt for long.” Her smile was terrible to behold. “Restrain him.” Seeker stiffened, having failed to notice in his frightened state that others had joined them, earth ponies with gray, lifeless eyes and stark white coats.

As the first rushed him on the right he turned about and bucked the groaning, lunging pony in the face. His hooves struck with a sharp crack, the blow sending the seemingly mindless pony flying back, but the others kept coming. He was tackled from behind, the mare's body feeling cold against his own as she tried to pin him while her fellows soon joined her in the effort. Oddly, though, they weren't as strong as he would have expected. Granted, not all earth ponies were power houses in terms of their physical strength, but they seemed to lack something, some vital spark that made an earth pony, well, a pony.

“Get off me!” Seeker shouted at them, his voice cracking as he bucked and struggled against them. Despite their strange, sluggish movements, however, they outnumbered him severely, piling on and forcing him down to the ground at Somnambula's hooves. “Get off, damn it! Let me go!”

“Oh be quiet,” the decrepit unicorn said coldly, her gnarled horn sparking with a sickening yellow light. “You're going to spoil my appetite.” Seeker grunted and struggled, his body gradually becoming engulfed in a pale glow that chilled him to the bone. That might have been the end, but thankfully luck was on his side. Whether it was good or bad, however, was up for debate.

“I don't think so!” Daring Do cried as she swooped in from above, kicking Somnambula away from the downed stallion, causing the unicorn to tumble away with a startled squawk. “I'm not letting you drain this one, you old hag!”

“Ugh, curse you, Daring Do!” Somnambula snarled as she struggled to her hooves, glaring at the pegasus balefully. “Get her, you foals! Teach her what happens when you defy Somnambula!” The drone-like ponies leaped up from their task of restraining Seeker in favor of attacking Daring Do, who seemed to make a game of trouncing the shambling, moaning hoard.

((“Yes, I love this part!”

“Please stop interrupting and just let me tell the story.”))

Seeker had to give Daring Do credit, she was certainly a spry one, swooping and weaving past the flailing hooves of her attackers with seemingly little effort, her own hooves striking hard as she worked her way through them toward Seeker.

“Jump!” She shouted, startling him by suddenly pushing him over the edge of the cliff. Seeker wasn't ashamed to admit the fact he then proceeded to act in an entirely rational manner.

“Sweet Luna, I don't wanna die yet!” He screamed as he plummeted towards the ruins below, only to grunt with the suddenness of his stop when Daring Do caught him under his front legs from behind.

“Celestia's teats, you're bucking heavy,” Daring Do complained as she slowly lowered them down, wings flapping desperately as she struggled with his weight. “What's in those saddlebags anyway? Rocks?”

“You crazy, feather brained idiot!” Seeker railed at her, only to yelp as her hold on him faltered a bit. “You could have killed me with that little stunt!”

“Oh, quit your whining,” Daring gasped, sweating profusely as she set him down in the crumbled remains of what might have been, at one time at least, a house. “I just saved your sorry flank, in case you didn't notice.” She huffed tiredly, sitting down to catch her breath. “I told you Somnambula was dangerous, but no, you had to carry on your merry way like you're out for a picnic.”

“You could have warned me she had zombies,” Seeker griped as he slumped to the moss covered stone floor, panting a bit as the adrenaline worked its way through his system. “And thanks for nearly giving me intimate knowledge of what happens when a pony hits the ground at terminal velocity.”

“Sweet Celestia, do you ever stop complaining?” Daring asked, fanning herself with her pith hat and wiping a bit of sweat from her brow. “I should have just let her suck the life force out of you. At least then I wouldn't have to listen to you carry on like this.”

“Is that what she was doing?” Seeker shivered, feeling cold despite the sweltering heat. “Is that why those ponies were acting like a pack of zombies back there?”

“Yeah, she drains ponies of their magic, their life force, and uses the husk left behind for whatever menial task she likes,” Daring replied, putting back on her hat after a moment. “They're not much good for anything else, though, so she suckers in fresh ponies with promises of money and power, only to eventually do the same to them.” She sounded properly disgusted by this fact. “It's how she's stayed alive for two hundred years.”

“Two hundred years?” Seeker shook his head, unable to imagine what sort of depraved mind it would take to think up such a method of sustaining one's own life. “No wonder she looks ready to crumble to dust.”

“That would have changed if she'd managed to finish draining you,” Daring told him. “When she drains a pony it restores her youth, but over time she'll age again, meaning she has to keep doing it in order to survive.” She glanced back up towards the cliff. “Don't let her appearance fool you, though. She's packing some serious power inside that creaky old body of hers.”

“Great, so not only do I have to get past whatever defenses were left by the zebras to protect the Eye, but now I also have to dodge mindless zombies and a life sucking old nag as well,” Seeker grumbled, looking up to see Daring Do staring at him like he'd grown a second head. “What? You didn't think I was going to quit now did you?”

“You should just go home,” Daring told him, shaking her head at his stubbornness. “An amateur like you is only going to get killed and I won't be there to save your worthless hide the next time you're in trouble.”

“I can't,” Seeker said as he got up, giving himself a shake in an attempt to steady his nerves. “Not without the Eye, at least.”

“Why?” Daring asked as he turned away, frowning deeply. “What makes the Eye so important to you anyway?”

“It's none of your business,” Seeker snapped at her, ready to move on so he could find it already. “Just leave me alone.”

“Hey!” Daring landed in front of him, cutting him off and causing him to scowl in annoyance. “The Eye isn't some toy, you moron! It's dangerous and needs to be locked away where nopony can get to it.”

“I don't care,” Seeker spat as he shouldered past the mare, only for her to cut him off again. “Get out of my way!”

“Do you even hear yourself right now?” Daring eyed him warily, causing the stallion to look away with a huff. “You're just like every other idiot I've run into over the years, only thinking about what you can gain, consequences be damned.”

“First, don't talk like you know anything about me,” Seeker began, glaring at her now. “Second, what does it even matter to you? Why do you care?”

“Because you're making a mistake,” Daring replied, voice full of conviction as she spoke. “Stuff like this, the Eye, it's not something to fool around with on a whim. Do you think the zebras crafted the Eye so just anypony could use it? There's always a catch when it comes to these things.” He went to look away again, only for the pegasus to turn his head so she could look him in the eye. “Always. Go home, before it's too late.” Seeker ground his teeth, wanting to yell at her again but able to tell it wouldn't help anything at this point, he instead sighed heavily.

“I can't,” he said softly, pushing her hoof away and continuing on. “I won't.”

“Then I'll just have to get to the Eye first,” Daring announced firmly, watching him go with a look of determination on her face. “I won't let you, Somnambula, or anypony else use it.”

“You'll fail," Seeker told her, just as determined. "Because I'll be the one to find it first. Count on it.”


“Damn, Seeker,” Mystic Star murmured, shocked by the telling, the book not having done that little scene justice. “I figured you would have been driven, but not to that extent. It's frankly kind of scary.”

“Yeah,” Seeker muttered, not exactly proud of himself. “Desperation can make a pony do all sorts of things they'd never normally consider before. I didn't care what I had to do in order to get the Eye and I sure as Tartarus wasn't about to let Daring Do or that old witch stop me.” He sighed, feeling exhausted from recounting the tale. But, she wanted to know, so he might as well finish it. “I was right about there being defenses in place. Pits, arrows shooting from the walls, you name it, I nearly died to it, but I wasn't going to let them stop me either. Eventually I found myself inside the central chamber of the main temple, the Obsidian Eye just waiting for me to take it...”


Seeker pulled himself up out of the pit that had opened under his hooves, grunting and straining before finally flopping to the cold stone floor, panting raggedly. The zebras hadn't wanted anypony making it this far and it was pure luck he'd heard the mechanism of that last trap activate, giving him enough warning to grab the edge before he could plummet to his death on the spikes at the bottom.

He looked up at his surroundings, the main ritual chamber laying just beyond the next archway. Gritting his teeth, Seeker forced himself to get up, tired, thirsty, but with the prize this close he wasn't going to stop now. The Obsidian Eye was almost as large as his head, carved with intricate detail to resemble the eye of a serpent, with runes in language he didn't recognize engraved into the polished black sphere's surface.

“So, what's defending you then?” He wondered aloud, looking around carefully for any sign of a trap, frowning deeply in concentration. Oddly enough, though, there didn't seem to be anything protecting the Eye itself. Maybe the zebras hadn't expected anypony to make it this far? It wouldn't surprise him given how deadly all the other defenses had been. So, here he was, the Eye simply waiting to be taken, yet he hesitated. How was he going to be able to use it?

He was no unicorn, he didn't know the first thing about magic. As he studied the altar, however, he began to realize the answer was literally right in front of him. The old tongue of the zebras was hard to translate, but he'd studied a long time in preparation for this trip. “It details the ritual for utilizing the Eye,” he murmured in amazement. “Yes, yes, this is great!” The more he read, however, the more his excitement, and his hope, dwindled. “, I can't be reading this right.”

“You're reading it correctly,” Daring Do's sudden appearance startled him, the mare having stepped out from behind a pillar nearby. “The Obsidian Eye doesn't work without power and the only way to give it that power is to sacrifice somepony's life.” She moved around to the other side of the altar, looking him dead in the eye. “So, will you take it? Even knowing that you'll need to kill somepony in order to use it?” Seeker found himself greatly conflicted, looking from the Eye, to Daring Do, then back again. In the end, however, he slowly backed away from the altar and sat down abruptly, his legs shaking from what he'd just considered doing. Daring Do, meanwhile, sighed in relief.

“No, no I can't,” Seeker said finally, sounding just as tired and defeated as he felt on the inside. “This was supposed to be it. This was supposed to be the answer.” He lowered his head and closed his eyes. “But I can't kill somepony for it. I won't.”

“Then why not give it to me?” An unfamiliar voice suggested, sultry with the edge of a purr, a mare's voice. “I don't mind paying the price for such unbridled power, after all.”

“Somnambula,” Daring spat the name out like it was a curse, Seeker rising and turning to look moments later. That sure hadn't sounded like the old nag he'd run into on the cliff. It certainly didn't look like her either. This mare was around his own age and gorgeous, her long black mane elegantly styled and her charcoal gray coat well groomed. Those sharp blue eyes, however, were unmistakable. “I see you stopped for a quick snack on the way.”

“Yes, those foals I hired to find this place served me quite well in that regard,” the witch said, rolling her Rs and looking quite pleased with herself. “They made getting past all those nasty traps easier as well, but I can always find more idiots willing to serve me once I'm finished with my business here.” Over a dozen of her mindless slaves shambled into the room, flanking her on both sides. “Power is tempting, after all, and I can be very persuasive~”

“Ugh, stop, you're gonna make me vomit,” Daring gagged, Seeker not liking the mental image that had conjured either. “You're too late, anyway. I'm taking the Eye and leaving, and no two bit, washed up old nag like you is gonna stop me.”

“Oh, Daring, who said I was going to stop you?” Somnambula chuckled, her eyes focusing on Seeker intently. “I can see how hungry you are, little colt. You want something that only real power, power that I have at my beck and call, can give you.” She held out to a hoof to him, smiling wickedly, her eyes full of promises. “Give me the Obsidian Eye and I will grant your wish with it. That way your hooves stay clean and we'll both get what we want.” Her smile widened as she saw that he was tempted by her offer. “Yes, give it to me, my dear colt. Give me the Eye!” Seeker took a long hard look at himself in the next few moments, asking himself if he could really give in to such an offer. It was definitely tempting, but there was still one caveat. Somepony would still have to die in order for him to get what he wanted.

“Go to Tartarus, you vapid old witch!” Seeker turned and knocked the Obsidian Eye off the altar towards Daring Do, the surprised pegasus fumbling to catch it. “Get that thing out of here, now!”

“You miserable little bastard!” Somnambula cried, enraged by his refusal. “Kill them! Do not let Daring Do escape with the Eye!” The shambling group of her slaves rushed the pair of them, Seeker leaping up onto the altar and drawing his sword, ready to fight.

“You're bucking nuts,” Daring commented from off to his left, stuffing the Eye into her rucksack while dodging a lunging zombie. “But hey, it's the kind of crazy I can respect.”

“Juft fut up and go,” Seeker mangled the words horribly, but his intent was clear. He wanted her to take the Eye and get out while he distracted them. “I got fish.”

“You know, this right here is why I work alone,” Daring remarked as she stomped another zombie into the dirt while he used the flat of his blade to brain a third, the pair jumping back to avoid the rest as they tried to overwhelm them.

“Yeah, yeah,” Seeker mumbled, the zombies circling them, trying to cut off their escape while Somnambula watched on from the back. Why was she just standing there anyway? Hadn't Daring Do said she was powerful earlier?

“She doesn't dare fire off any big spells in here,” Daring said, as if reading his mind. “This place could collapse if she hits something other than us. That's why her buddies are trying to pen us in.”

“Exactly!” Sumnambula jeered before firing off a blast of golden power, the energy screeching through the air towards them even as her slaves charged them from all sides. Seeker, not ready to die just yet, jumped forward and swung his head to the left, catching the spell with the flat of his sword. He really should have known better than to try to deflect it, however, as the force of the energy colliding with the polished gryphon forged steel sent him careening backwards flanks over tea kettle, bowling through the rear most zombies and smacking his head off the wall. He heard a rumbling sound and felt the floor shake under him just before falling unconscious.


“I woke up a week later in a zebra village, being tended by their shaman,” Seeker concluded the tale, shaking his head at the memory of waking up to find he'd been dumped off there by Daring Do. “I don't know what happened after I tried to deflect that blast, but obviously Daring got us out of their alive at least.”

“You actually managed to redirect it,” Star informed him, having read the book after all. “Sumnambula's spell struck the ceiling and exploded, starting a chain reaction that ended with the collapse of what remained of Istrukaya. Daring Do barely managed to drag you out before it all came crashing down and there was no sign of Somnambula once the dust had settled.”

“I hope the damn witch bought it,” Seeker said, shuddering as he thought about how she'd offered him everything he wanted. But like Daring Do had said, there's always a catch. Always. “I imagine the Obsidian Eye's in some secret vault or something now, and good riddance.” He looked up to see the conductor coming into their car, causing his ears to perk up with interest.

“We'll be pulling in to Vanhoover station any minute, folks,” the conductor announced, the pony continuing past them on his rounds. “Please stay in your seats until the train comes to a complete stop.”

“Wow, we're here already?” Mystic Star looked out the window towards the swiftly approaching city. Their destination, Vanhoover, and, Luna willing, Gray Shroud. “I didn't think your little story would take quite that long to finish.”

“Times flies and all that.” Seeker shifted in his seat, gazing out at the city as well now. “Uncle Shroud lives in a cottage about an hour's walk from the city. Hopefully he'll be in the mood for visitors and can tell us where to find Red Velvet.” Once the train came to a stop they departed it, Seeker stopping, head turning as he glimpsed somepony boarding the train several cars down from them. “Amber Dawn?” The crowds parted moments later, but there was no sign of his cousin anywhere. “No. No, it must have been somepony else.” She lived many miles from here, from what he could recall, unless she'd decided to move recently.

“Hey,” Star called to him, having just noticed he'd stopped. “You coming or what?”

“Yeah, I'm coming.” Seeker glanced over the train briefly, hoping to spot her through one of the windows. Either she was sitting somewhere he couldn't see or he really must have imagined it. “Just my mind playing tricks on me, I guess.”


The walk to Gray Shroud's cottage was a relatively quiet one, the pair silent as they walked down a well worn dirt path, a branch that split from the main road a good distance from Vanhoover leading to Gray Shroud's home.

“Uncle Shroud's a bit of a stuffy old bird, but he's always been there for us,” Seeker informed Mystic Star, the familiar landmarks telling him they were getting close. “He's sure to help us, especially considering what we'll have to tell him.” He'd been looking over at his companion, who had just stopped, her features displaying surprise and more than a little concern as she looked ahead towards their destination. “What's the matter?” When Seeker turned to look, though, he immediately understood. The windows of the cottage had been smashed and the door stood ajar, clear evidence of something foul having occurred.

“Uncle Shroud!” He charged inside, Star calling out for him to wait, but her words went unheeded. “Uncle Shroud, please answer me! It's Seeker!” He looked around the room, a mix of a study and living area, the furniture trashed, feathers and spatters of blood here and there, all evidence of something horrible having occurred. “No, no, no, please, Luna, please let this be a nightmare,” he murmured as he walked through the mess, feeling numb and hearing an odd ringing in his ears as the smell of blood, copperish and sickly sweet, hit him hard. His heart pounding, Seeker made his way further into the cottage.

The bedroom door hung from a single hinge, creaking as he pushed past it. The sight inside made his blood turn to ice, the ringing in his ears deafening now as he stared in horror at what remained of Gray Shroud. He couldn't hear himself but he screamed, long and loud, Mystic Star pulling him away, yet it was too late to unsee it. His great uncle was dead and so too, it seemed, was their hopes of learning where Red Velvet could be found. And, on a train now long gone from Vanhoover, Nightmare Radiance was heading for her next target.