//------------------------------// // Twilight Signing In // Story: Alien: Twilights Final Chapter // by TwiRaptor //------------------------------// Twilight jolted up to a seated position gasping for air, the alicorn could only remember being taken out of the craft. She was now on what looked like a solid metal medical table. A long robotic arm hovered over her head and she ducked a bit to avoid hitting her head on it as she sat there looking around breathing heavily. Her hoof was now on her own chest feeling around in the soft matted fur. The room was filled with wheeled tables and chairs. A sharp blade was also hovering over her as it was attached to the robotic arm. Twilight pushed off the table and immediately she yelped placing her hoof on her chest again. "AHHHHH!! Fuck...." She looked down to see a special outfit was placed on her. The suit caused her to growl and she began to look around more frantic as she looked for other ponies that might be nearby. Her outfit was labeled with a large W, she was wearing a Weyland Corp shirt. "Hello? Anypony here!! You can't keep me here...I demand you show yourselves and tell me whats going on! Why do you keep following us!?" Twilight grunted and rubbed her hoof over her chest as a sharp pain continue to throb in her body. "What the hell did you do to me!?" There was no answer, instead a door opened nearby and Twilight looked to it as soon as the hiss of the sealed door buzzed in the room. The alicorn flared her wings and grunted once again with a angry breath. She was ready to fight , she was ready for anything. The sound of hoof steps was heard soon after the door opened. Twilight got ready, was it a Weyland troop? Was it some high ranking pony working for the corporation? Two hooves started to come into view from the darkness of the unlit hallway, Twilight with all her might moved forward but fell back as soon as she began to hear the pony talk. "Twilight wait!! STOP~!" Twilight's hooves slipped all over the the floor and she fell to the ground and gasped at the sight of who it was, Cadence quickly used magic to bring the smaller alicorn to a stop in front of her. "Twilight calm down, your okay....calm down sister" Twilight shook her head and got up on her hooves with the assistance of Cadences magic and the small alicorn began to back away shaking her head more as she noticed what Cadence was wearing. "Twilight? Whats wrong?" Twilight looked at her sister in law and gulped seeing Cadence was wearing a Weyland Yutani uniform. She could trust Cadence right? Family comes first, Cadence used her magic to once again move something, this time it was a clipboard. She removed a pair of glasses from her eyes and shook her mane around to bring it to its more natural form instead of the pulled back style it was in when she walked in. "Twilight....I know how this looks and I have read everything that I could without digging too deep...you have had some bad experiences with the company but I assure you we are here to help you" Twilight narrowed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief of that. "Some help you all have been, I appreciate all the gunfire and lies you all have been 'helping' me with" Twilight stood as straight as she could and her eyes sank into sadness as she remembered back to the days on Equestria. "Cadence...this is what you went to do when you left for space? You went to work with Weyland Yutani? " in the past there was a time when many ponies had the opportunity to go to space, most of them went up there to go work and others went up to live a life of luxury at a fancy spaceship. It was much like Valuntas but smaller. Back in those days allot of ponies had goodbye parties and many families shed tears as their family members left for space. Twilight had one and so did Cadence, but Cadence left first. Cadence nodded at Twilight's question and moved forward to get closer to her sister. "Gun fire? Twilight...there is noway a group of troops or Weyland would target you because that is not something we do here. If bullets were ever fired at you it was because they were trying to prevent others from passing and infected area....you just happened to be there too, they aren't going to stop firing their weapons for the sake of one pony" Cadence blushed moving her eyes over the alicorn as she looked over the small mare. "No matter how special that pony is..." Twilight shook her head, it made sense but she didn't want to believe it. "I wouldn't be so angry about what i chose to do with my leave to the open world. I heard nopony took your leave in a positive way" Twilight lowered her head nodding. She hadn't heard from her friends back in Equestria in several years no matter how many video messages she sent to them she never heard back. "But that shouldn't hinder you from what needs to be done, your friends still love you....they just miss you so much that it hurts" Cadence stopped now standing directly in front of Twilight lowering her flank to the floor the large alicorn smiled and raised her hooves up a bit in a paddy cake manner. "Sun shine, sun shine" Twilight looked up and her ears pinned back. She hadn't heard those words in years and how could she resist. Twilight got down and timidly started the greeting, the two mares started together doing the dance. "Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight stared into the eyes of her old foal sitter and now sister in law. Her once heart full of pain felt warm and full of love. Cadence smiled and got up on her hooves looking down levitating the clipboard off of the table. "I have been waiting to do that all day sense we pulled you from the ship and from the looks of everything.....the operation went well and you are recovering fine. I'm glad because I could not imagine loosing you like we have lost others in the past. Our doc is one of the bests and I guess he was right when he said he had it figured out" Twilight tilted her head, what went well? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Twilight walked down the hall side by side with Cadence, ponies were all around in their Weyland Yutani outfits and doing their business. Twilight wanted to run, she wanted to find her friends and get out of where she was because she felt that with Weyland comes Xenomorphs. The alicorn sighed and looked over slightly at Cadence who was currently looking down at her clipboard reading to herself about things that were on it. A stallion walked past almost bumping into the violet alicorn causing her to jump away bumping into her sister. Cadence smiled and looked to her. "Twilight you need to calm down" Cadence giggled and bumped the mares side with her own after she spoke. "I can't...I don't trust this and I don't trust the company" Twilight replied quickly and tried her best not to seem soft and weak as she squeaked from the bump in the side by the alicorn Cadence. Twilight looked around once again as she noticed something most unsettling walking the hallway. Twilight stopped as the thing came over to them, its white eyes pierced into hers as it stared at her. Cadence lowered her board and raised one hoof up looking at it. "Get this thing away from me" "Do you need assistance? You seem to be experiencing a strong case of being lost" It was the white fleshed android model she remembered back at Valuntas. Cadence shook her head at the android and spoke in a stern rather monotone voice as she spoke to it. Twilight shivered and closed her eyes as she moved her head to look away from it. Placing a hoof on her head as she remembered the breaking neck of a stallion that had been grabbed by one of them. Yes the guy she was remembering was crazy and tried to kill her but the sound of his breaking neck replayed in her head as one of the androids once again stood near her. She waited to hear it walk away and when it did the small alicorn opened her eyes and started to walk side by side again with her friend. "Please be careful" Twilight flinched hearing the thing speak again from behind as they both walked away. "Why do you have those things walking around? I don't.....I don't like them at all" Twilight shook it off and pressed forward hoping she would soon be seeing her friends White and Sunset again. They were all she had left from all this, Twilight stared into space as they walked. She was remembering the faces of those who had died so far, the ones she had grown to like, grown to trust. Iron Will, Fractured Hearts, Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, Lily Grassland, Coco, Silverstar, and the rest. She teared up and moved her head away so her sister in law wouldn't see her tears. Each tear was shed for the memory of her groups glory and strong hearts. They were all amazing ponies, with great traits and big hearts for everypony. They were all so wonderful and there wasn't a day that went by, no, there wasn't a second that went by where she didn't see their faces. "I miss you all....Sometimes i wish it were me instead of you" Twilight closed her eyes as she seemed to disappear now with the crowed as she followed Cadence deeper in the facility. At least for once she was in a place that wasn't full of death already. "Alright Twilight, Lets sign you in" ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sunset sat there in her seat twirling the necklace she had made for Twilight. It had been a whole day and nothing about Twilight was told to them except for one things of course. Sunset didn't know if she should believe it or not but she wanted to. She sat there looking at the necklace, it was special indeed to her and it would even more so be for Twilight. The necklace was like no other, it was the long top fang of a Xenomorph. It was from Gash and now it would be with them as long as somepony was wearing the trinket. White was sitting next to her in a seat with his hooves over his face, he couldn't stop thinking to himself. The thought that Weyland was able to find them without a tracker to follow stunned him and he had been dwelling on that for a long time. "Sunset...do you think its true? Do you think they actually managed to save her from certain death?" White spoke now with very little expression. He wasn't sure either if he should believe it because they both knew that the company had a bad obsession with hiding the truth about everything. "The thought has been killing me too, White. If they actually managed to remove the creature without killing her...I not only fear that they could use that to breed the alien creature but it could also save many lives. I just want our Twilight back, I want her to be safe here with us....I want it to be true! I want her to be alive" Sunset moved the necklace into her pocket and looked to her stallion friend and smiled. "We have to have hope" White raised his head and his face was unlike before or ever. He was bloodshot in the eyes from little rest and tears. His blue and red mane was tattered and a mess. He looked like a wreak and Sunset didn't like it but she tried her best to ignored his poor state. In a random chance to brighten the situation Sunset placed a hoof on the stallions beard and smiled. "You should shave this thing" "You think so? I am not sure because I hear beards are in the season" White placed a hoof on his beard and smiled, they were both trying so hard to lighten the dark situation but...Twilight. That mare wasn't leaving their minds because she had done so much..she made a promise to a filly and kept it. That little pony got out on evacuation before they arrived...well at least that's what they put together after they didn't find her body among the rest of them. Twilight was strong and full of love, she was the happiness that they both had right now. She kept things calm and she always in time brought a smile to everyponies face. She made and android feel alive, she made friends with the unfriendly captain of Valuntas before it fell and he fell with it. "But I hope Twilight is okay....tell me again how you got that tooth from Gash" Sunset looked around and then down to her pocket pulling out the necklace that had the fang on it. "You mean this?" Susnet said and White Lighting soon replied with a nod. "Well...you know after...after Gash took his last breath and we managed to pull Twilight off of the creature so we could get out?" Sunset looked into the shine of the tooth at her own reflection and fixed her eyes there. "I stayed behind shortly to grab this....luckily there was little of his blood so I didn't get burned from him. I took this knowing Twilight might want something to remember the creature" Sunset smiled and blushed thinking of the alicorn now. "I know I would...yes Gash killed and killed but if it wasn't for what happened we probably wouldn't be here" Sunset raised a brow as she saw a reflection in the tooth of the door opening and all she could see was a mane of a mare, it was rather combed and it didn't look like there was a single stray hair shooting out from it. The mare stopped and the sound of her hoof sliding across the ground was heard. White looked over and blushed heavily at the sight of a nurse standing there, she was dressed far to fancy that she looked like an actress in a nurse outfit. Netting on her legs and a bow in her mane the mare stared down at Sunset with a hint of anger, she looked angry to see her and White only questioned why. "Well, well, hello Sunset deary....looks like space isn't big enough to get away from you...wonderful" Sunset turned and was about to snap back but she stopped as soon as she saw who it was. "What~! Surprised to see me? Why are you here? Did you break Twilight's heart again.....running away again Sunny" "R-Rarity....." Rarity used a hoof and used her magic to pull the netting from her legs, her eyes were narrowed and she avoided eye contact. She had no idea what was the deal, a clueless mare only thinking on the past of when Twilight was broken alone on the streets after Sunset chose work over her. "Rarity...no that is not why I am here. You work for Weyland?" Rarity rolled her eyes and looked over but still not eye to eye. "Thats....ewwww, no, the company is a dirty place. I would rather play my hoof in check ups and booboos" Rarity smiled at the White who was still staring at her. "But you know...when your ship runs out of fuel and the company finds you...they usually keep you fore awhile so I am stuck here. I just wish now it wasn't with you.....Welcome to Wey-U Station. A once peaceful place....then you showed up"