The Peaceful Warrior: Jedi in Training

by Valiant Knight

Prepare for Assault

The next three weeks flew by for Paul. He had sent out scouting parties to patrol the sea between the griffon land and Equestria. There were occasional reports, but they only ever told of a lack of an enemy. The griffons did not seem to be attacking anytime soon.

So with the possibility of war heavy on his mind, Paul began to train. He trained excessively, almost never seen anywhere but the gym. He did push ups, sit ups, bench presses, dead lifts, squats, lunges, and anything else he could think of to improve physical strength. He went for long morning runs up and down the mountain to increase his stamina and lung capacity.

He didn’t socialize or interact with anypony else beyond the bare minimum required in a day. He didn’t speak with Celestia or Luna at meals, he didn’t talk with any of his new squad he had assembled for the purpose of being his new best friends, he didn’t even spend much time outside of his room and the gym at all.

When he wasn’t in the gym, he would grab a meal and head to his room, leaving food as incentive to train himself in the ways of The Force. On his second night of training, he found his first step of progress. He was able to lift his cell phone up off the bed, but he couldn’t tell how far. He had closed his eyes in concentration and opened them to find the phone had rotated.

With his success now tangible, he began to throw himself even further into his intense regime than before. Now he wasn’t just doing his because he had to for others, but because he wanted to for himself. He wanted to feel that intense rush of euphoria he had gotten when he first realized he had moved the phone with his mind.

For three weeks he trained, waiting for the news he both longed and dreaded to hear. He was anxious to know that the birds were on the offensive, anxious for the suspenseful wait to be over.

Then one day, about three weeks after the scouts had been sent out, the wait was finally over.

But it was not the way Paul wanted to find out. He had been asleep in bed when he felt a pinprick of fear on his spine. It jolted him awake and he felt the pinprick spread up and down his spine, then across his back, and finally throughout his whole body. Mixed in with the fear was a whole host of other emotions. There was sorrow, pain, anger, hatred, rage, and grief mixed in, permeating the overwhelming sense of fear.

It went on for many minutes, perhaps an hour. When it ended, Paul stood shakily and made his way to the bathroom on unsteady legs, where he proceeded to throw up into the toilet. Paul couldn’t pinpoint exactly what had happened, but one thing he knew for sure was that something terrible had occurred. He could only assume it was the griffons.

After he had finished retching, he made his way to the throne room as quickly as he could. He passed a few guards in the halls, all of which acknowledged him as his station required, but he didn’t seem to notice them. He was intensely focused on making it to the throne room to see if the Princesses knew anything.

He made it to the throne room doors and the guards quickly opened them, allowing him access. He noticed Princess Luna upon her throne and made to speak with her.

“Paul, you are hardly seen in three weeks’ time, then you appear in our court? What brings you here at this hour of the night?” She asked, growing more worried as she noticed how pale he appeared.

“Princess,” Paul addressed as he swiftly bowed. “I believe that something terrible has happened to disrupt the balance of The Force. I do not know what the cause of the disturbance is, but I can only hope it had nothing to do with the griffons.”

“We understand, our sister shall be informed as soon as possible,” Luna informed. “We, too, are hopeful that this catastrophe was not of the griffons. If so, then we will retaliate with all necessary speed.”

Relieved and now tired from throwing up so much, Paul bowed again and began to return to his room to finish his night of sleep. “Princess, I bid you a good night, I need to finish my sleep.”

“Good night.”

Paul slipped out of the doors and trudged back down to his room, where he lay down and return to a sleep plagued with discomfort and wakefulness.


Sometime early, before the sun had risen, Paul awoke again, this time to a frantic knocking on his door.

Throwing off the covers, he ran to the door and opened it, finding a very pale guard outside. As soon as the door opened, he addressed Paul.

“Sir, the Princesses are requesting your presence in the War Room,” he said as he gave a salute.

Paul’s eyes widened and he muttered a quick dismissal of the guard as he ran back into his room and put on his pants. While he did, he decided to grab his lightsaber as well. He hadn’t made much progress with it, but he felt that he could take on anything he griffons could throw at him, short of Diathor himself.

He ran swiftly through the halls of the palace, making turns left and right down seemingly identical passageways until he reached one door in particular. He could feel the presence of both Princesses behind the door, almost eclipsing the fact that there were several other ponies in the room as well.

He entered the room and found that his feeling had been correct, the Princesses were being briefed by a team of Military Intelligence ponies. The elite and clandestine group known as the Eyes and Ears of Equestria, or EEE. They specialized in reconnaissance and espionage, typically on foreign soil.

“General.” Somepony acknowledged Paul’s presence and saluted, causing others to follow suit.

“At ease,” he said, walking over to take a seat next to the Princesses. “What’s the situation?”

The pony didn’t even hesitate to start from the beginning again. “At approximately 0345 hours, the griffon force was sighted, but it wasn’t by a scouting patrol. It was the citizens of Baltimare that saw them, but not until it was too late. We don’t know how long it took, but we assume that the griffons have taken over the city.

“As you know, we expected them to hit more major cities, so we stationed more troops in Manehatten, Fillydelphia, and other large port towns. Unfortunately, this left the mid-size cities more vulnerable and the griffons now have a clawhold on our land. That is the situation as of two hours ago. We are now calling the troops to Hoofington so that we may launch a counter-assault.”

Paul mulled over the words for a moment. This was bad, war had come and Equestria had been caught off guard. The griffons had slipped past scout patrols over the sea, and were now in Baltimare with unknown numbers.

“How many hostiles are in the city?” Paul asked. “And for that matter, how many civilians?”

“We do not know the answer to either, sir.”

Paul thought deeply to try and come up with a viable strategy to take back the city. Number of hostiles: unknown. Number of civilians: unknown. Number of hostages: unknown. He simply didn’t have enough information. In fact he had almost none. He just needed more...

“...information," he whispered.

"That’s it!” He exclaimed quietly, causing many to look questioningly at him. “We need more information, so we send in a recon team to scout out the griffon encampment. They can report back their findings on both size of the enemy force, and hopefully the number of hostages they have.”

“I believe this is a wise move, General,” Celestia agreed. “Captain, I want it done.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The pony in front of them saluted, then turned to make the appropriate arrangements to carry out the order.

Paul stood and saluted to the Princesses as well. “Your Majesties, I’d say that I’ll be returning to bed, but I don’t know if I’d be able to fall back asleep knowing what’s happening. Would you care to join me for breakfast?”

“We think it is a magnificent idea,” Luna said. “Let us go and dine together.”


The group was now seated at the table, waiting for their food to arrive. They sat in amiable silence, but none were discontented when Celestia broke it.

“So, Paul, what have you been doing for the past few weeks that has kept you so unsocial?”

Paul gave a slight chuckle, as he thought it was quite clear that he had been working out, his newfound six pack and growing biceps showed that, especially since he had grown comfortable to going shirtless every day. Though he did have a few more pair of pants and boxers made so that he didn’t reek of body odor all the time.

Still, he played along. “Oh, you know. I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard recently,” he answered, showing off his arms. “This took a while to learn, though.”

He held up his hand toward the fork and knife next to his plate. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It was like he could feel an ethereal hand grabbing them. He opened his eyes and saw them hovering inches above the table. A huge smile broke across his face and he almost laughed with how awesome this was.

Celestia and Luna seemed amused by his child-like amazement at his own abilities.

“Impressive,” Luna commented. “You have begun to hone your abilities as a Jedi, correct?”

Paul nodded as he let the utensils fall back into place on the table. “Yes, I am just beginning to understand the use of The Force. It is a strange and powerful thing that is said to flow through every living being. The ability to manipulate it is rare, only granted to a chosen few Force sensitive children. I am not a natural-born Jedi, as I have said before, and I am unsure as to whether or not any on this planet may be born as one.”

“We are uncertain whether to abhor the thought, or to welcome it,” said Luna. “Any others with abilities to manipulate The Force would certainly cause great change among our world.”

“I can only hope that a way to recreate lightsabers is not found. It could spell disaster for us all,” Celestia put in. “But enough doom and gloom, the food’s arrived, let us eat.”

So they all ate in a comfortable silence and bid each other a good day as they each finished and left.


Paul left the dining hall and went to find his group of “friends.” He didn’t really know what else to call them… The squad? His right-hand men- err stallions?

“Ooh, I can work with that,” he thought. “Right-hand Stallions… How can I work with that. Right Hand of Justice? Maybe. Protectors of Justice? Closer… Ah, whatever, I’ll think more on it later.”

So Paul went to go and inform them of the impending counter-attack on Baltimare. By now, the whole country knew something had happened, but none were sure of just what, not even the Princesses would know until the scouting mission returned.

He made a mental note to have the group included in future meetings if at all possible. Though, this did give him a good reason to see them. He actually hadn’t seen much of any of them in the previous few weeks.

He knew that they obviously wouldn’t be in the same place, so he went to his office, where he had a magical device installed. It was a small device with a very simple purpose, it sent a message to his group, alerting them of whatever Paul needed them to know. It was activated when he said a code word.

He sat down and smiled as he said the code word.


The device hummed and a small microphone came up to record his message.

“Hello, I need you all to meet me for a very important meeting, I prefer not to say anything specific over recording, come to my office soon,” his voice was calm and level, so as not to make them feel too worried. It wasn’t important for them to be told as soon as possible, just soon.

Paul sat back in his chair as the microphone beeped and descended back into his desk. He waited perhaps five minutes before the first two showed up.

“Star Glow, Star Shine, prompt as expected,” Paul greeted as the two walked into his office. They each responded with a wave or a nod. Right behind them was Shining Armor. “Captain, good to see you, as always.”

“And you as well, sir,” came the reply. All three stood in front of his desk awaiting the rest of their team members.

They didn’t have to wait too long before Golden Lance, Iron Shield, and Bronze Mace all walked in together.

“Welcome,” Paul greeted as they entered. “Why don’t you all take a seat, this will take a minute or two.”

The six of them sat and waited patiently for his explanation, and were not disappointed as he told them everything he had been told earlier that morning in the meeting. From the griffon attack to the pending counter-assault; he told them everything he knew about the situation. Then he gave them a little bit more.

“So in light of this pending advancement into Baltimare, I have decided that we, the seven of us, will leading the charge, present at the very least. I intend to use my station to inspire, not as an excuse to hide behind those of lower rank,” he stated. “If we have the power to make a difference, then why wouldn’t we? When we go out there and put our lives at risk, we can use that chance to save thousands. So we will.”

“Suffice it to say, we are going to be leaving Canterlot in the next few days. Get your affairs in order and be prepared to leave any day now. I trust you to keep this quiet for now, just until it becomes public knowledge. Thank you, you're free to go now, if you wish.”

Paul sat back down behind his desk and watched as several members left. He took note that one group that left talking together consisted of Star Glow, Star Shine, and Iron Shield. Another pair that left together was strangely Golden Lance and Bronze Mace.

Unsurprisingly, the only one that stayed behind was Shining Armor. After everyone else had left, his calm facade broke and his true feeling of concern became apparent. He walked up to Paul’s desk and looked him in the eyes.

“Paul,” he began, which immediately caused the general to straighten up. The stallion had only ever addressed him as ‘General’ before. “I am not coming to you as a soldier, or a subordinate, but as a friend. I am concerned about you. I don’t think any of the others noticed it, but I think that behind your passion you are hiding your fear.”

Paul’s head fell and he fixed his eyes on his desk as he nodded. “Yeah… I just, ugh. I just can’t help but feel that I could have done something to prevent the invasion in the first place. You know? I feel like there’s something I missed that could have saved all the innocent lives in Baltimare.”

“Listen to me,” Shining said quietly. “You can’t go down this road, Paul. The ‘what ifs’ never got anypony anywhere. There was nothing you could have done. And even if there was, there’s no use in thinking like that.”

“Yeah, I know that,” Paul replied. “But, I mean--”

“No!” Shining yelled. “No. I don’t know how much you value my opinion on this, but I will not let you fall into this pit of despair! Paul… I don’t know what you think of me, but let me tell you what. From one male to another, you need to buck up. Quit moping and pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward.”

Paul sat still with his eyes still wide from Shining’s initial outburst. When he realized that the pony had stopped talking, Paul began to smile. “You know what, you’re right, Shining. There’s nothing to be done about it except what we’re already on track to do. I realize that I would have only spiralled further and further into the depths of the hypotheticals. Thank you for pulling me out before I went too far in.”

Shining smiled back and began to turn to the door. “No problem, sir.”

However, before he could leave Paul stopped him. “Shining.”

The pony paused, then turned back to the general. “Yes, General?”

“Who’d you lose?”

Shining looked confused. “Pardon?”

“To the pit of despair you mentioned. Who’d you lose?”

Shining’s face fell, he turned and made his way back towards the door. “Believe it or not, sir, myself. Have a good day.”

Before Paul could get in another word, the stallion was gone. The Jedi leaned back heavily in his chair.

“Well now I feel like a jerk…”


The next day came and went as many others. Paul woke, ate, went for a run, went to the gym, ate, practiced some with his lightsaber, showered, attempted to hone his Force abilities, ate, read a book, and went to sleep. All with minimal contact with others. The next day, however, proved more eventful.

Paul was woken up before dawn for the second time in three days. He made his way to the War Room for another debriefing. He walked groggily through the halls and wasn’t entirely aware of the excess movement in the halls for the early time. Wandering the halls were many more royal guards than to be expected before dawn. These were all the ponies ranked Sergeant or higher, any pony with command over at least a few troops.

When he arrived, he was not surprised to see the princesses already there. He saluted them and sat down in the vacant seat. They all looked to the Captain of the EEE for her new information regarding the situation. From her expression, it did not seem like it would be good news.

“You may begin, Captain,” Celestia intoned.

“Of course. As you see here,” She began, indicating to an excessively marked map of Baltimare. “The outer residential district on the western edge of the city is heavily fortified, with forward barracks set up here, here, and here. Moving further back, we have the commercial district, which was entirely looted and holds all of the hostage civilians.”

Her expression darkened for a moment.

“The ones that haven’t already been killed, anyways… Next is the industrial section of the city, left almost untouched by the griffons, with only occasional patrols. We have no idea why this is, but we can look into it further at a later date if the need arises. Lastly, we have the ports. This is the second most populated by enemy troops. We believe that their higher ups are camped out here so they can attempt a hasty retreat if we take back the city. In total, we estimated the size of the hostile force to near three thousand.”

The captain turned her attention back to them. “That’s the general information, more specifics will be given to infiltration squads as necessary. That’s all I have for you Princesses, General.”

“You are dismissed, Captain,” Luna ordered. The captain saluted and left.

Paul stood up and turned to the Princesses. “I have been doing some thinking since we first heard of the griffon assault on Baltimare, and I cannot help but feel that going to Baltimare is playing into Diathor’s hands. It was such a bold statement to take a whole city, almost like he is taunting us. If he wanted to get troops on our shores, he could have easily landed in a less populated area and we would likely be none the wiser. I don’t know what his play is, but I have a feeling that Baltimare is a diversion.”

Paul shook his head. “Whatever happens, just be prepared for anything that may happen. In fact, is there any way to quickly recall myself and my team from Baltimare if something does occur while we are gone?”

Celestia nodded slowly. “In fact, there is. There is one pony in particular that would be extremely useful in this case. I will look into the matter personally.”

Paul smiled and nodded. “Thank you Princess. Now, if you don’t mind, my team and I need to prepare to leave later today. ”

“Very well, General,” Celestia stated. “That is the agreement we made, after all.”

Paul saluted and thanked the Princesses, then turned around and left to go get his team ready for action. He left the room and walked briskly through the halls of the castle to his office. He entered and sat down behind his desk.


The device whirled and Paul began speaking. “Alright, well, I don’t actually know what time it is, but you need to get up and come to my office, because we need to prepare to leave. Later today, a good portion of the forces stationed in Canterlot will be sent out to take back Baltimare. We will not only join them, but lead them in this counterassault.”

After Paul ended, the device lowered back into his desk and he began to think.

“What’s his play? What could he gain from drawing troops from Canterlot to Baltimare? Canterlot is too far inland for him to try anything, isn’t it? He could never get his forces there without us knowing too far in advance.”

Paul’s thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of several ponies. He looked up and saw Star Shine, Star Glow, Iron Shield, all looking very tired, but nonetheless alert.

“Good morning, you three,” Paul greeted. “I hope you slept well. Actually, what time is it, anyways?”

“Nearing five o’clock, in the morning, sir,” answered Star Shine.

“Oh, wow, I’m surprised they were even able to wake me up,” came Paul’s reply with a light laugh. He sighed. “And we still have a very long day ahead of us. Man, this is not going to be fun.”

Paul leaned back in his chair and motioned to the couches as the next two ponies, Bronze Mace and Golden Lance, entered. They did not appear quite as tired as the first three, but the bags under their eyes were present. “Go ahead and take a seat.”

The ponies and the Jedi waited for perhaps another minute before a soft groan alerted them to the presence of Captain Shining Armor entering the room. Paul actually had to suppress a laugh at the sight of the stallion. It was almost like he was asleep on his hooves, sleepwalking into the office.

He only opened his eyes once every few seconds, and was mumbling incoherently to himself as he walked. When he saw Paul behind the desk, his front hoof came up about halfway to his face as he attempted to salute.

“Well, at least he tried,” Lance joked.

That was all it took to break the barrier, and everypony, and the Jedi, began to laugh hysterically at the expense of the pony before them. However, the volume of their laughter was enough to break him out of his sleepwalking state, leaving him clueless as to the situation.

“What’s going on?” He asked groggily, staring at the ponies on the couches. “Why am I in…?”

Shining Armor turned around and saw Paul laughing just as hard as the rest. “Sir,” he said. “What’s going on?”

Paul calmed himself down and addressed Shining. “Whew, sorry. So, now that you’re all here, we can go and get ready. Captain, since you weren’t entirely awake, I assume you don’t know yet, but we are leaving Canterlot later today to take back Baltimare from the griffons.

“So, we need to go and prepare ourselves and our equipment for what lies ahead. We need to go to the armory, follow me.” With that, he stood and left the room, heading to another part of the castle he had only visited once before.

They made a few turns down various hallways, and they were soon in front of a door that was larger than most others in the castle. Paul approached the guards stationed outside the door and nodded to them. They turned in sync and pushed open the doors, revealing a large room within.

It was a fairly plain room, but against one wall were several mannequins (ponyquins?) with ornate armor, each with a weapon on display above it.

The armor was nearly identical between each display, they were mostly mottled brown, grey, and beige, a sort of camouflage. The only difference was the color of the accents on each set. However, each of the weapons hanging above them were unique.

The leftmost armor set was highlighted with a dark green, the color of Iron Shield, and above was a large iron kite shield. The shield was dark blue, the same color as Iron Shield’s mane and tail. The shield was big enough to hide himself behind as well as another pony if he needed to. Emblazoned upon the front was Iron Shield’s Cutiemark, a kite shield itself.

The next set was highlighted in yellow, and above was a spear perhaps six feet in length with a wide head that narrowed to a point as sharp as a sewing needle, adding another foot to the weapon’s length. The polearm glittered in the light, as if made of gold, much like its wielder.

Two others had accents of light blue, both with nearly identical war axes above. The axes were massive, each with a head about a foot and a half wide, and razor sharp. Though, they had one dissimilarity in the slightly different marks upon their heads, they each had a five point star, but one had equal lines of line radiating out, Star Glow’s mark, while the other had longer lines radiating from the back, as if it was a shooting star, this was Star Shine’s mark.

Another suit of armor was accented by red and above was a long-hafted mace, with a head nearly half the size of a large watermelon, and covered in spikes. The haft of the devastating weapon was two feet long and covered in a binding of cords which wove the symbol of Equestria onto it, the two sisters forever chasing each other through the skies.

Finally was a set with highlights of a deep blue, accompanied by a beautiful sword above. The blade itself was almost four feet in length and gleamed a bright silver with intricate swirled patterns etched into the blade. The guard was wide and crafted to appear as if there were twin alicorns springing forth from the center of the blade. The handle was merely a metal rod ribbed with black cording, as it would only ever be used if the wielder was unable to use magic. The blade was capped by a pommel that had a simple elegance about it, it was the symbol of Equestria, the alicorns in the heavenly dance of the sun and moon.

Paul turned from the wonders before him to see his team marvel at them. They all stood at the door and watched, as if afraid to go in. Paul laughed. “Well, go on in, they’re all yours! Get acquainted with them, we’ll likely be in Baltimare late tonight when we launch the assault.”

The group slowly made their way into the room, eyes still wide with awe. Bronze Mace was the first to respond. “Sir, you had all of this done… for us?”

Paul smiled wide and nodded. “Of course, Bronze! That’s what friends do, they get each other gifts, so I had the weaponsmiths forge new weapons to match the specifications of your old ones. Though, I did have them take some creative license with the cosmetic appeal.”

“Wow. Just, wow. Thank you, Sir,” Lance breathed as he stared up at his new lance.

“Thank you, Sir. We are honored,” the Stars said in perfect unison.

“Looks nice. Thanks, General,” came Iron Shield’s short reply.

“It’s unbelievable, Sir. Thank you for doing this,” Shining thanked.

“Really, guys. It was no problem at all. I just wanted to do something nice for all of you, so I figured you deserved an upgrade.” Paul insisted. “Now as I said, since I made sure it was nearly identical to your previous weapons, you should feel no difference when using them. Well, aside from the enchantments that were added. Each of you has a set of base enchantments on your weapon to enhance strength, speed, and endurance, so you might feel like you’re a bit more fit than usual when holding them.

“Anyways, enough of my constant babbling, I will leave you all to get acquainted with your weapons, you all know where the training yard is. Just make sure that you meet me in the barracks at noon, we’ll need to be prepping to leave then.”

And with that, the Jedi left the five to their new weapons.


Several hours later, it was 11:55 and Paul was making his way to the guard barracks to meet with his team. They were going to do last minute triple checks of all their equipment before boarding airships to take to Baltimare.

Paul walked into the barracks and watched as all motion momentarily stopped as everypony inside saluted him.

“At ease,” he ordered, walking forward and waiting there for the rest of his team.

“Still not used to that,” he thought to himself.

Not long after, a few of his team entered. He was about to address them when another roomy ran up to him.

“Sir,” he saluted, giving Paul a piece of paper. “Princess Celestia requests the presence of you and your team.”

Paul read it and smiled. He thanked the courier and dismissed him. He turned back to his team to find that the others had arrived.

“Oh, good. Follow me, the Princess needs to see us,” he winked. He started off, the others following behind confusedly.

They followed him all the way to the throne room, where they entered to see the Princesses conversing with a unicorn. She was bright purple with a stark black mane and a Cutiemark depicting a swirling vortex. When they heard the doors open, they turned to see the group enter.

“Welcome, General,” Luna greeted.

“Yes, welcome,” Celestia added. She gestured to the pony beside her. “This is Phase Shift, she is somewhat of an expert in long range teleportation. She will be the one to recall you, should anything happen while you are away.”

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” Phase Shift greeted Paul. She lit her horn and several gemstones on cord necklaces came floating out towards the Jedi. “These will help me to hone in on your locations, they have a specific magical signature which I am naturally attuned to.”

Paul accepted them with an open hand and passed them out. “Thank you, Ms. Phase Shift, it is much appreciated.”

“Of course, sir. It is my pleasure to be able to help you with this,” she replied with a smile. She began to make her way out of the room. “Be safe, I must return to the school.”

She left the room, leaving the Princesses with the group of soldiers. “So she’s a student at your school of magic, ma’am?” Shining asked.

Celestia gave a small chuckle. “Oh, far from it, she teaches the advanced quantum arcanotheory course.”

“Oh. Wow.”

“Indeed. Quite a remarkable mare, “ Luna stated.

“I can only assume that she is very knowledgeable in magic,” Paul said. “Will that be all, Princesses?”

Luna nodded. “Yes, that is all, General. Hopefully I will see all of you in a few days’ time. Safe travels, and may you remain safe in the midst of battle.”

“Thank you, Princess, but rest assured, we will all return. I am going to make sure of that,” Paul answered as he saluted. The Princesses dismissed him and he made his way back to the barracks to collect his gear and board the airship, his team following behind him.

They collected their things and walked to the air docks on the back side of the castle. The entire military force would all be dropped off about twenty miles from the city to avoid immediate detection by the griffons, then make a stealthy approach and take the birds by surprise.

Paul had another idea, though, and he would do everything in his power to pull it off.

But first he would need to do some testing first with Shining…


Everything went smoothly. The forces boarded the ships, the ships took off, the flew for a few hours, and they landed a few miles outside Baltimare as night was falling. Where things deviated was when Paul had one of the pilots take a smaller craft further ahead with just himself and his team on board.

They flew above the stealthily advancing armies until they got within two miles of the griffon encampment, then flew ahead as fast as they could go with the ship. Within minutes, they were at the docks. Well, not too far above the docks, anyways.

So with the land thousands of feet below him, Paul walked up to the railing of the ship, flanked by his teammates. He looked over either shoulder at his comrades, then locked his eyes dead front.

In one deft move, he took one leap forward and vaulted over the edge of the ship towards the ground far below.