You'll Be Back

by Jade Ring

Ten Years Later

Canterlot Officially Joins the U.N.

Tens of thousands cheered as Princess Celestia finally raised the flag of Canterlot City in the Plaza of Unity, joining the flags of thirty seven other nations. After thirty five years of holding out, Canterlot's joining of the United Nations marks the official end, in the hearts and minds of many, of the terrible conflict that gave rise to the United States of Equestria.

"This is a moment long in the making." A glowing President Spike told the press at a conference after the flag-raising ceremony. "As someone who has known Princess Celestia since my earliest days, it is personally heart-warming to see her join the rest of us in this new age of peace and prosperity."

"This is only the first step in healing old wounds." Princess Celestia herself admitted in her own press conference, her sister beaming at her side. "The next, as I understand it, will be welcoming an ambassador to Canterlot. I have already made the request that it be my old student Twilight Sparkle. She and I have much to catch up on."

Twilight Sparkle could not be reached for comment as she is currently in the midst of planning her next presidential campaign.