//------------------------------// // Spargus: Holding Haven // Story: Sons of Damas // by Tatsurou //------------------------------// With the new information in hand, the trio made their way to the united resistance HQ, in a large building in the central area of Haven. Torn, Ashelin, the Baron, Samos, Keira, and Pecker were waiting for them. "Well, we know what we're up against now," Jak told them all. "Indeed," Samos confirmed. "A huge Dark Planet Builder bearing down on us all...and in the center of the planet is a defense system we might be able to use to stop it, if we get there in time." "But we don't know exactly how much time we have left," Daxter observed. "It could be here tomorrow, next week, next year, or before we're even finished talking for all we know!" "I think we've got about a week or so, tops," Shining offered. "At least a day or two, though." "What makes you say that?" Keira asked curiously. "When I zapped Errol through the comm link, I...got a sense of how far away the ship was, and how fast it was going," Shining explained. "It was...hard to wrap my mind around the numbers, but...I'm about 85% certain that I've calculated it as accurately as I can, assuming it hasn't accelerated or decelerated in the meantime." "It's as good an estimate as we're going to get," the Baron spoke up, "so we'll just have to rely on it. So we've got maybe two days for certain, possibly another five, to get into the Catacombs." "Also, the large number of Eco Crystals being moved about means someone's trying to awaken vast Precursor Technology," Keira added. "And...my only theory is rather unpleasant." "Go on," Jak encouraged. "I...think Errol may be trying to reactivate the tech the Precursors used to originally build the world, in order to have it interface with the Dark World Builder," Keira elaborated. "If he can do that, it'll streamline the re-terraforming process, and we'll be done in the moment the ship enters orbit." "So we also have to keep an eye out for Metalhead activity, and make certain they don't pull it off, while gathering every Eco Crystal we can find...in addition to trying to get into the Catacombs?" Daxter demanded. "And we need to try and get it all done in two days? Well, at least we won't be rushed." At that moment, the entire building shook as an alarm went off. "And while you're at it, helping us stave off assaults," Ashelin mentioned. "Looks like multiple inbound targets." "Then let's go!" the Baron proclaimed, grabbing a large cannon. "Think you can keep up Jak?" "I should be asking you that!" Jak countered, bracing his own weapon. "I guess I'll keep track of the schedule, then," Shining muttered as he raced out with the others. The engagement was very short lived, as it involved several KG Robot dropships, which Shining dealt with by seizing one in his magic and smashing it into another, repeatedly, until all exploded non-functionally. The Baron, Jak, and Daxter all gave him dirty looks as they took the elevator back to central command, despite the cheers of the soldiers. "What?" Shining asked. "We're on a time limit, remember?" Despite grumbling, Jak at least agreed with his assessment. "Alright. Just don't burn through your magic too quickly. You don't have a ready way to replenish, after all." "Right," Shining agreed. "Don't forget, we've also got our work in Spargus to keep in mind." "Jak, you're the best man we've got to lead the expedition into the Catacombs!" Samos called out as he entered. "Are you ready?" "Please, please...let us not be too hasty," Veger said in an oily tone as he entered. "Are you sure you want this Dark Eco freak contaminating the hallowed halls of our glorious Precursors?" "Yes," Keira replied firmly. "Yes," Ashelin added, only a beat behind her. "Absolutely," Samos confirmed. "Without question," the Baron added. "75% of the city's survivors approve of him over you, Veger," Torn added. "Unless you have something to actually contribute-" "The Precursor Monks have given me the knowledge to turn on the Planetary Defense Grid," Veger interrupted. "Oh, so Seem does know how to do that," Jak confirmed. "Good to know. I was afraid I was going to have to figure it out on my own, but they can give me instructions over comms." "What?" Veger demanded. "You really think he'd-" "Considering I use the right pronoun, I'm pretty sure Seem would be overjoyed to help me," Jak interrupted. "Beyond that, they've been talking about prophecy regarding me as well." "You're all washed up, Vegan!" Daxter snapped. "Get out of here!" "It's Veger, you idiot!" Veger growled out. "Whatever!" Baron Praxus stepped up. "Veger, on my authority as Regent of Haven City, I hereby declare Martial Law and dissolve the City Council. You are hereby stripped of your title, command, and all privileges. You are to remove yourself from restricted zones immediately, or you will be found guilty of treason against Haven City and exiled to the desert." He leaned in close. "And I doubt the Wastelanders of Spargus would have any tolerance for you, or find any value in you, either. Now get out!" With that, he turned back to the meeting. "What?" Veger demanded. "How dare you! I offered you-" "Ashelin, if he isn't out of here by the count of ten, you have my authorization to terminate him," the Baron spoke up, his tone almost bored. Ashelin drew her pistol. "One." Veger quickly fled. Smiling widely, Ashelin holstered her pistol. "I've been wishing to wipe that smug smirk off his face for weeks." "Hope you enjoyed your birthday present, then," the Baron replied with a smirk. Ashelin briefly dimpled at her father, then returned to the task at hand. "We can't repel assaults like that last one forever, even with Shining's magic. We need to take out that floating War Factory. The problem is it's shielded, with gate codes on every access point." "Vin's been holding fast in the Power Room," the Baron spoke up. "He might have the information available, if someone can give him cover long enough to access the data." "That's our cue!" Daxter proclaimed as the trio made their way out.