Who are you related to?

by FanOfManyShows

It's no big deal

Trixie sat there, listening to Starlight reading a book about how to cast various magic spells "Ow." Trixie felt a piece of paper hit her.

Come to the Giant Crystal Tree Castle immediately, it's important.

What else am I supposed to call it Spike? don't write that bit down.

Signed, Twilight Sparkle

Starlight put the book down and walked over to Trixie. "What does it say?" Starlight asked looking over Trixie's shoulder.

Trixie stared at the letter slightly confused. "Twilight is inviting me to her castle." She read over the letter again. "And I bet she wasn't the one who wrote it." She said waving the letter at Starlight.

Starlight chuckled. "Yup, Spike definitely wrote that." Starlight was on the verge of bursting into laughter. "We should see what she needs us for."

Twilight paced back and forth, staring at a unraveled scroll "I don't know what to think of this! it's crazy!" Twilight yelled. "She can't be! she can't even use magic!"

Spike walked over to her. "Calm down Twilight, maybe it's a misspelling."

Twilight turned to Spike. "It's not, it says here that Trixie Lulamoon, which is apparently her last name, is the great great great-" Twilight continued for a few more greats before Spike interrupted her.

"I get it Twilight, it's a lot of greats."

Twilight sat down at the map. "-granddaughter of Starswirl the bearded!" Twilight heard a loud thud before turning to Trixie standing next to Starlight who was laying on the floor after she fainted. "Oh, you're here. how long were you standing there?"

Trixie walked over to the map and sat next to Twilight. "We arrived ten seconds ago." She said while unpacking her bag which had some snacks. "And I inherited the last name from Starswirl."

Twilight slammed her face into the table in frustration, and then instantly regretted it. "OW!" Twilight bolted up and held her muzzle, she looked over to Trixie chuckling. "Starswirl's last name is Lulamoon?" She asked wiping away some nosebleed.

Starlight got up from the floor. "Trixie? why didn't you tell me this?" She asked running over to Trixie.

Trixie shrugged. "I didn't need to." Trixie picked up her sandwich about to take a bite before Starlight spoke.

Starlight sat on the other side of the table. "Trixie, you are related to Starswirl the bearded. the pony who created the time travel spell I used!" She said standing up on her chair.

Spike got onto a chair, having to stand because he couldn't see them if he sat down. "Yeah, but you modified it."

Starlight sat back down. "It's no big deal."

Trixie smiled. "Yeah, I don't consider it a big deal either."

Twilight put her hooves up. "This is Starswirl we're talking about! and he invented time travel!"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Are you a powerful pony? are you related to a powerful pony?" They both nodded. "Do you consider yourself powerful?" They looked at each other before shrugging. "I don't consider myself powerful." She said, with massive amounts of irony behind what she said.

Spike huffed. "You sure call your self powerful." He mumbled, earning a stern look from Trixie.

Trixie rolled her eyes again. "Not what I mean, you don't care as much about the-pony-your-related-to's power when you are related to them. which neither of you are." She said gesturing to them.

Twilight leaned forward. "If I found out I was related to him, I don't know what I would do."

Starlight chuckled at Spikes remark, a bit late for it though. "I could be related to him, but I might not be." She said shrugging.

Trixie was a tad bit annoyed they didn't get the point. "I'm saying it's not a big deal, and it isn't." She picked up her sandwich taking a bit out of it. she finished chewing it up and swallowed. "But you only call it a big deal because you aren't."

Twilight picked up the scroll and read it over. "Yeah we're not. but it's still a big deal!"

Trixie groaned in frustration. "Listen, I knew this for eighteen years! it's not when you've known for that long!" She yelled.

Twilight looked surprised at Trixie. "Your eighteen?" Trixie growled. "Oh, right. You have a point, if you've known for that long it's no longer as big of a surprise. is that what you're saying?"

Trixie smirked. "Yes, and I'm actually twenty."

Starlight leaned forward. "So you've known since you were two?" Trixie nodded. "Did you ever consider it a big deal?"

Trixie put a hoof to her chin. "Only when I found out what he did that made him famous, but that was when I was thirteen." She said pausing to take a drink from a water bottle that she also had in the bag. "I stopped considering it a big deal after, actually I can't remember when I stopped calling it a big deal." She said taking another drink from the water bottle.

Twilight looked down at the map. "So you have considered it a big deal, but what made you change your mind?" Twilight asked gesturing to Trixie.

Trixie shrugged. "I don't know, it just kinda stopped being a big deal."

Starlight and picked up a tea cup. "Wait, where did this- never mind." Starlight sipped from the tea, trying to ignore the fact it appeared out of nowhere.

Spike had some trouble as well ignoring the out-of-nowhere-tea. "If you are related to Starswirl. then why can't you use any of his spells?" Spike asked.

Trixie was about to respond angrily at that question, and then realized he had a point. "I never learnt any of them." She said shrugging.

A little gasp of surprise escaped Twilight and Starlight's mouth. "So that's why you asked me to teach you!" Starlight said in realization.

Trixie looked around. "Oh yeah." she pulled out a pocket watch. "I have a show in... five minutes." She said with panic in her voice. "Sorry, I got to go we can talk about this later."

Twilight batted a hoof. "Nah, it's no big deal." She said with a wink. "So don't worry about it."

After a brief smile Trixie's horn glowed before she teleported away. "Heh, she was listening." Starlight turned to Twilight, and chuckled at Twilight's surprised look. "I was teaching her how to teleport before you called us here."

Twilight facehoof, she winced at the stinging. "Why did I have to slam my face into a solid crystal table?"

Starlight shrugged. "I don't know, you were the one that did it." Starlight said before teleporting away.

Twilight walked over to the table and rested her head on it. "Heh, I was." She raised her head, smiling. "I hope Trixie's show goes well."

Trixie walked onto the stage. "Today I will perform the moonshot manticor mouth dive!"

~~~The End~~~