//------------------------------// // Night Two (Part One) // Story: The Bare Weekend // by Blake Skies //------------------------------// Night Two (Part one) “Ready and heave!” Applebloom said as she gave the hay bale a mighty push. She, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo gave the bale a push down the bale slide. With a gentle forward momentum, the bale went down the slide and landed on top of the stack the trio had spent all day making. To say all of them had worked up a sweat was an understatement, the trio was practically glistening. Only Scootaloo showed it though, as her clothes were soaked. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom however, were still nude and now being very thankful for it. Yet none of that mattered at the moment, the job was done and the sun was hanging low in the sky. It was a good day. Despite Scootaloo giving Sweetie Belle some weird looks for taking to the whole nudity thing very, very easily; Scoots had gotten over it rather fast. And that made Applebloom rather pleased. Plus side, no one came to visit the farm today so the trio was left pretty much to do as they pleased. Now the CMC rested just outside the barn, their backs against the wall. Applebloom had brought over bottles of water before they began the job, now they were working through the third set of them. “Man this is one hell of a work out.” Scootaloo said. “Yeah no wonder you’re so strong Applebloom.” Sweetie Belle agreed. Applebloom flexed her arm in pride, “Yeah, I’m proud of them myself. But really you should see Big Mac or Applejack. They’ve got at least twice the strength I got.” “Well gotta be glad for what you got right now,” Scootaloo said. Applebloom downed another swig of water, “Got a point there Scoots.” Just then a soft buzzing caught their attention. Scootaloo blushed slightly, “Oh that’s me.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone, “Hello. Oh hey Rainbow Dash! No I’m actually staying over at Sweet Apple Acres. Yeah with, uh, Sweetie and AB. Really! Yeah I would love to!” Then she paused before grimacing, “Oh actually can I meet you there? No….no reason just want to.” She then giggled before hanging up. “What was that all about?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Rainbow’s gonna shoot off some fireworks near the lake.” Scootaloo explained, “Well her and Pinkie. She asked if I could come along, you two interested.” “Nah I think I’m just gonna shower and go back to bed,” Applebloom said. “Yeah me too,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Alright I’ll be back later,” Scootaloo said, “Just gonna go back inside and change.” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle wanted to get up, but they remained there for a while as Scootaloo got ready. She then came back to the duo and waved goodbye. “I’ll be back late, don’t wait for me!” she shouted. “And don’t forget, it’s your turn tomorrow!” Applebloom shouted. “I know and I won’t tell anyone!” they heard Scootaloo shout as she ran out of view. Applebloom soon rested her head on the barn wall, taking a deep breath. The setting sun felt really good against her skin, especially since she was now drying off. Maybe she had found another good thing about being naked; sweat was drying her off much faster. But before she could focus on that, Sweetie Belle started giggling. “What’s so funny?” Applebloom asked her friend. Sweetie took one look at Applebloom and broke down laughing. Applebloom looked at Sweetie Belle awkwardly at first, and then Sweetie’s uncontrollable laughter began to make her giggle. “Seriously,” Applebloom laughed, “What’s so funny?” “You,” Sweetie Belle choked, “You’re naked. Now Applebloom was confused, “Yeah, so are you.” “I know, and we just completed an entire days’ worth of chores. Naked,” Sweetie Belle giggled. Applebloom at first didn’t get it. But then she did, “Oh my Celestia, this is so embarrassing.” Soon she began to laugh, “It’s amazing no one saw us.” “Yeah, could you imagine the scolding you’d get?” Sweetie asked. “Oh I don’t think Applejack would ever leave me alone in the house again!” Applebloom snorted, “But let’s not forget old prim and proper.” “Yeah Rarity would have a cow.” Sweetie Belle laughed, “But I’d think she’d hate this line more.” “What line?” Applebloom asked. “Despite the fact that two of us were naked all day, in the sun, with extreme risk of getting caught, I actually enjoyed it.” Sweetie Belle explained. Applebloom stopped laughing, though a smile stayed on her face, as she took a drink of her water. She then looked at Sweetie Belle, “I hope the reason ain’t something I’m gonna regret asking about?” Sweetie shook her head no, “Well as naughty and rebellious as this would be for me, I just felt…I don’t know really…” “Free…” Applebloom murmured. “You know what, yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, “Makes me kinda glad that we made this deal.” Applebloom lowered her head a bit, “Yeah, I think I can agree with that. Kinda makes you wonder too you know.” “About what,” Sweetie asked. “About doing this more often, no clothes to wash after a long day of work, actually thinking about that: no clothes to get wet during work, and not having to worry about whether you’re wearing the most fashionable outfit.” Applebloom sighed, “Might actually give us an even keel back at school you know.” “Would be actually kinda cool, in a rebellious kind-of-way,” Sweetie Belle said in a matter of fact tone. “Jeeze I think Miss Cheerilee would have more of a cow than Rarity would.” Applebloom laughed. Then an idea popped into Sweetie’s head, “Why don’t we go?” Applebloom looked at her, “Go where?” “To school, like this,” Sweetie grinned. “Are you kidding, did you not just hear what I said?” Applebloom asked. “No silly not during school time, I mean right now.” Sweetie smiled. “And do what?” Applebloom asked again. “Don’t know, haven’t thought that far ahead yet,” Sweetie answered, “But come on don’t you’d think it’d be cool to walk around Ponyville Middle School naked?” Applebloom took a moment to think about it, “Wouldn’t that be kinda illegal?” “If we get caught, come on schools on vacation and I highly doubt Miss Cheerilee is going to be there at this time of day. And if she is we leave before she spots us.” Sweetie said. “I don’t know…” Applebloom sighed, rubbing her shoulder. “Oh come on AB, haven’t you ever wondered what it might be like?” Sweetie asked. “I find it scary that you have,” Applebloom answered looking at Sweetie Belle with a raised eyebrow. “Like I said, in a rebellious kind of way,” Sweetie smiled, “Besides its late enough that no one would be walking that way to school regardless. And if any are we’ll just dive behind a bush for cover.” Applebloom continued to rub her shoulder. She really couldn’t find a way to dissuade Sweetie Belle besides the arguments she already used. Plus, just only a night ago she had ventured out to the lake for a swim naked. There was also the fact that going to school naked might actually be fun, especially if they don’t get caught. So she relented. “Alright Sweetie let’s try it, but if we see anyone on the road we dive for cover. No flashing anyone okay?” Applebloom said. Sweetie smiled, “Don’t worry; I don’t think my psyche can handle even attempting that.” And with that they were off to school. Applebloom was somewhat okay with the path they took, as Sweet Apple Acres did have its own pathway to Ponyville Middle and High. The path was surrounded mostly by trees and brush, but it wasn’t owned by the Apple family. So people would take the path to talk. Thankfully Celestia’s sun had already set behind the tree line, which made spotting the two naked girls much harder. Yet it was also a double edged sword, as it was also tough for them to see where they were going. Still, Applebloom was taken back by what they were actually doing. “This feels so surreal,” She whispered to Sweetie Belle. “I know right, kinda feels fun.” Sweetie giggled. Onward they walked, down the road towards the school. No one was out tonight, probably either home or going to watch the fireworks Scootaloo talked about. And this eased Applebloom. She still couldn’t stomach the risk of being seen. It was fun when Carrot Top and Derpy walked close by her, but then she had the assured cover of the corn crops and the kart. This, it was just the bushes. Anyone saw them walking down the road might go and investigate. And if they did, the two of them would be caught. Soon they caught sight of the schoolhouse. There was a light on, yet it looked like no one was home. Regardless, the duo ducked behind a brush to plan their next move. “Still want to do this?” Applebloom asked. “Well we did make it all the way here, no turning back now.” Sweetie Belle sighed. Applebloom nodded, “So what do you want to do, walk around inside or go play on that jungle gym?” “Let’s see if we can get inside.” Sweetie said. Before Applebloom could protest, Sweetie was off. She ran across the gap between the bush and the schoolhouse faster than Applebloom had ever seen her run before. Shaking her head, Applebloom stayed right where she was. The chances of two of them getting caught were far greater than if Sweetie went alone. Plus, in case someone was around, she could avoid getting caught. Still, this was kinda fun. It had been the most daring thing Applebloom could do since she took the apple pie cart alone. She was actually hoping they could find a way inside. Her hopes were soon fulfilled. Sweetie called over, “Hey I found an entrance!” Beaming, Applebloom made her way over. The entrance Sweetie had found was right by the gym, which made sense as the cleaning crew usually entered and exited through those doors. Thankfully they were long gone, as their equipment were nowhere to be seen. So the doors were open and the two girls walked in. Being at school when there was no one around was weird. But doing it when no one was around and they were naked was even weirder. And Sweetie wasted no time in acknowledging it, “Wow this is weird.” “Yeah,” Applebloom said, “I can feel the tiles beneath my feet.” “Yeah me too, they’re cold.” Sweetie shivered, “I guess there are some benefits to wearing socks and sneakers.” “Hey lets head to our lockers.” Applebloom said. “Why?” Sweetie asked. “Well we’re in school and I can’t think of anything to do right now.” Applebloom grimaced. “I’ll buy that; let’s treat this like a normal day then.” Sweetie smiled. “Normal as in normal/normal or normal except we’re naked,” Applebloom asked. “I don’t know which would be more fun?” Sweetie asked. Applebloom thought for a moment, “Straight normal, it’ll be like everyone else doesn’t even notice.” Sweetie nodded in agreement, “Alrighty then let’s go.” The duo made their way to their lockers, which were located just outside Miss Cheerilee’s class room. Applebloom plugged in the combination to her lock and managed to open it up. Inside were the books she had left in their back on Thursday before the weekend started, untouched since then. Until now, she pulled out two of her notebooks and closed her locker. Only to find Sweetie admiring herself in a small mirror she had in her own locker. “Nice dress Sweetie Belle,” Applebloom joked. “Like it? It’s something I’ve had for years but never got a chance to try it out before.” Sweetie told her while fixing her hair. “What brought it on?” Applebloom asked. “Just a spur of the moment decision,” Sweetie answered and turned around to face Applebloom, “Though I love what you have on.” “Ah shucks, it’s nothing special.” Applebloom said, “Yours is much prettier.” “Oh don’t be like that; you should be proud of what you got. Come on let’s get to class before Diamond Twit and Silver Splatoon show up.” Sweetie said closing her locker. “I don’t think they’ve got class with us today,” Applebloom smiled. The two girls shared a laugh as they walked inside Cheerilee’s classroom, which was also surprisingly unlocked. The duo made their way into the classroom and looked around. Thankfully no one could be seen within the room or around the windows, so they were still safe. Then they took their seats. “Eeeek,” Applebloom jumped after sitting down. “What?” Sweetie asked, suddenly alarmed. “The chairs are cold!” Applebloom giggled, “That caught me off guard.” Sweetie giggled, but then she sat down and knew exactly what Applebloom was talking about, “Oh you’re right!” The duo then laughed as they both soon got used to the sensation. They sat around the room for a while, pretending to be students within Cheerilee’s class room before finally getting bored and moving back around the school. Applebloom soon realized she was having the time of her life. She was doing something that many could see as illegal and immoral but she didn’t care. This was fun. She was, so far, getting away with something she’d never do with anyone around: walking around School naked. Plus side, she wasn’t alone, she was with Sweetie Belle. Somehow, having someone to share this experience with was all the more fun. But soon enough the night sky was telling them that it was time to head back home. The duo made sure they locked up everything and headed out of the school. “Man I can’t wait to tell Scoots about this!” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah, she’ll be so jealous she missed this.” Applebloom agreed. Sweetie giggled, “You know it’s gonna be her turn tomorrow, I wonder how she’s gonna take it.” “Probably something between how you or I took it. I mean I was scared stiff and you were accepting, so she’ll either be one of those two.” Applebloom pondered. “Well we’ll just have to see.” Sweetie said. Applebloom was quiet for a second but then turned to Sweetie Belle, “Hey Sweetie?” “Hmm,” Sweetie answered. “Thanks for recommending this, this was fun.” Applebloom said. Sweetie didn’t say anything, she just smiled as the duo walked back home.