Diary of a Ruler

by Lamia

Entry 527 - Balance

I am foolish. In all my life I have never experienced a mistake so overwhelming as this. It grates at me so, my actions of the past year, the descent into madness. However, my sister has shown me the light. I am truly grateful to have Luna at my side.

For all of the life that we have lived through together, my sister has remained caring for me, forever keeping me in balance. She looks upon me with smiles even now, and I can only be filled with the greatest regret at all I have done. Whenever I was depressed, she gave me cheer. For the times I needed advice, she was there. Everything that she has done for me since the beginning... it passed my notice as if she were just a pony in the background, a meaningless and forgetful existence.

When I read the last entry in this diary, I could feel my heart and mind begin to clear. I turned around and she was there, staring at me with an expression only a sister could have, and uttered those words that only led me to cry.

'I forgive you.'

With tears running down my face, I fell to the floor in front of her, denying my right to have it. Her descent into madness was just like mine, and I did nothing to stop it because I could not deal with the emotion. For millenia before, I ignored her to satiate my own vices, wanting what was best for me alone. Her requests fell on deaf ears in the time leading up to it, the reminder making my heart sink. Even afterward, I cast her aside at the castle as I relished in the opportunity to dismiss my life as princess, going instead for yet another short life of love with a pony.

However, she only smiled and moved to embrace me. Despite all that I have done, my apparent actions of driving her away, she stayed loyal to me. In my fiery emotions that plagued me so, I had even thought with all seriousness that death would have been preferable to this prolonged life without love, my unending lifespan being able to be subverted should I will it enough -- but I am blind. Luna has always loved me, her care never ceasing, forever watching me to bring me from the darkness when it is necessary. I cannot fully express my gratitude for her saving me from myself; I do not deserve her forgiveness.

We are similar to two parts of a whole that should never be separated, for all the days of our lives are what must be looked upon together. I realize now what had happened to me... The unbalance between us as the bitter ego of Nightmare Moon emerged began to break this connection, and with the banishment of my other half, my mind became distant. For a thousand years I shifted into a life of misery without love and affection, dismissing the emotions as a tiresome exercise. I know now that I need her more than ever.

While I can never forgive myself for what I have done, Luna looks upon me without regret. With her extended time on the moon, she remarked that her inner self, her true self still thought of me every day, hoping that I was leading a good life. It pains me so, the truth I explained to her.

Still, it matters not. My sister is here for me now, and I her for the rest of our existence, and this time I will not shun her.