Relationships are Evil

by TheTimeSword

Chapter 16: Lord Tirek - Part 1

“I thought I was free to roam as much as I pleased?” the centaur questioned.

“You are! It’s just, well…” Starlight’s voice trailed off as she contemplated a way to describe the test to him. With Discord and his unusual magical abilities, the princesses knew how he would be a valuable ally, but Tirek was a different story. “We’re just trying to find out more information. You know, learn about what you can do.”

He squinted his eyes and pointed to the notepad that was in her magical grasp. “Then why don’t you just ask me what you want to know and be done with it? I see no reason to be chaperoned by you,” he contested.

“Think of this more as a test, Tirek,” the young princess said as she strolled down the stairs of the foyer. “We’re going to be seeing how you can use your special talents to better Equestria. It’s not about getting to know your personality, it’s about getting to know your strengths.”

“Well that makes a lot more sense than how she explained it,” he replied, irritation in his inflection. “However, it does sound a lot like you’re trying to use me.”

Twilight let out a chuckle as she walked over and stood next to Starlight. “You tried to destroy Equestria, Tirek. Asking you to use your powers to aid us in times of strife is the least we can ask of you,” she haughtily noted.

With a grunt, he crossed his arms and grimaced at her answer. “I only tried to destroy everything after I was unjustly imprisoned.”

“Hmm, I would have imagined the great Lord Tirek would be more inclined to agree to this. After all, Discord agreed to it,” Twilight provoked the centaur as she looked over Starlight’s notes, making sure everything was settled for the test.

“You’re trying to incite me, aren’t you? You think just mentioning Discord did something is enough to get me to do something?” he growled.

She then looked him square in the eyes and boldly replied, “Yep.”

“I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.”

“If you want Discord to remain ahead of you then so be it,” she said as she began to walk away. “Come along Starlight. He’s clearly not ready.”

Starlight nervously bit her lip as she stared at the centaur, eventually turning to take her leave. As she began to move, Tirek groaned and grabbed his horns, pulling them in frustration. “Fine! If Discord can do it, so can I!” he angrily yelled.

As soon as he said the magic words, Twilight halted her movements. She gave a big smile as she turned around. “I hope you won’t do everything Discord has done, since he did betray us to help you. Though, you know how well that turned out for him.”

“Does that mean if I’m ever in his position and I don’t betray you, I’ll be better than him?” he sarcastically asked.

Before Twilight could answer, she was interrupted. “What is with you wanting to be better than Discord? What’s wrong with just being who you are?” Starlight interjected her questions, a quiver in her voice as she spoke.

Twilight was just as surprised at the questions as Tirek. He placed a hand on his beard and began to stroke it, a serious expression grew on his face. “Are you saying I’m already better than Discord?” he enthusiastically questioned.

The unicorn shook her head with a frustrated frown stretching upon her lips. “No! You don’t have to be better than him or worse, you can be his equal!” she shouted.

“Equal? As if I’d ever surrender to that idea! Discord is an insignificant worm compared to me,” he replied, placing his hand up to deny her words.

Starlight let out a groan of exasperation, to which Twilight immediately stepped in. “I actually think Tirek trying to prove he’s better than Discord is a good thing,” she confessed.

“You do?” Tirek and Starlight replied in unison, surprised by the revelation.

“Of course. Starlight, you of all ponies should know that being equal isn’t always a good thing. You’ve seen that different personalities can get along quite well. Some personalities have that sense of being the best ingrained in them; that desire to prove themselves to others. Tirek here is a prime example of that,” explained Twilight.

“I don’t understand. Isn’t being yourself what you’ve been teaching me, Twilight? How can Tirek be himself and still try to be better than someone else? Isn’t that counterintuitive?”

Twilight gave a half-hearted smile to her young student. “Tirek’s lessons and your lessons are different in many ways. Tirek is himself by trying to be better than others, like that of Rainbow Dash, striving for that goal of being the best. You, Starlight, are the opposite. You’re striving to be the best at being yourself. That’s why I’ve put you both together for this assignment. Both of you are being tested today.”

Tirek interjected, placing a hand between the two ponies to get their attention. “I thought this was supposed to be about utilizing my talents in the world?”

“It is. Today, you will use your talents to help one pony in Ponyville. You are free to help whoever you wish, but Starlight will be there to aid you if you run into an impasse. You can turn to her for a different view point when need be, though I doubt you will,” Twilight explained.

“You want her to learn from me, and me to learn from her. I never took you for the clever, devious type, Twilight Sparkle,” he said with a guttural laugh.

Twilight placed a hoof onto Tirek’s torso, a humorous smile crossed her face. “That’s right, and I’ll be watching you both from a far, so do try your best. Depending on how well you help, you may get something special,” she mentioned.

“Really? Well then, what are we waiting for? Come along Starlight,” he said as he opened the front door, commanding her with a snap of his fingers. “I’ve already got an idea for a way to pass this silly test.”

“Coming!” she hollered. She had not expected that she too would be part of the test. Starlight trotted up next to Tirek but not before giving a nervous look to her teacher. To her surprise, all Twilight did was give a smile and wave goodbye. She could barely keep up with the centaur as he briskly walked, his mind on a mission. As she hurried beside him, she asked, “Where are we going?”

“Sugar Cube Corner,” he firmly replied.


“You’ll see,” replied the centaur with a teeth-bearing grin.

Her nervousness had yet to subside as they reached the pastry shop. Tirek burst through the door, startling the snacking ponies along with Mr. Cake who sat idly behind the counter. Ponies stared as he strolled up to the register and asked, “Hello. Is Pinkie Pie here?”

“She’s in th-the back, l-let me get her for you,” Mr. Cake anxiously replied. After retrieving the pink party pony from the kitchen, he quickly made himself scarce, not wishing to be in the vicinity of what seemed to be an angry centaur.

“Hiya Tirek! Heya Starlight!” greeted the happy party pony. “Did you need something?”

Tirek grasped Pinkie’s face in his hands and pulled her close, staring deeply into her eyes. “I’m being tested and I need your help to pass.”

She smiled as wide as she could, her eyes glistened as she stared back at his beady pupils. “You need my help!?”

He nodded and asked, “Where does that pony of blue live? The one you like.”

“Royal Pin? Come on, I’ll take you to him!” she replied as she wiggled out of his grasp and bounced to the door.

As the two rushed out, Starlight followed behind, a bit surprised Tirek would choose to enlist Pinkie in his endeavor. It wasn’t long before the trio spotted the handsome, blue unicorn exiting his house and waltzing down the street. Tirek forced the two mares to hide behind a bush, attempting to remain out of the unicorn’s sight.

“What’s the plan?” Pinkie loudly whispered.

“I’m going to play the part of the big bad centaur by chasing him into a secluded spot, I need you to come to his aid after I have absorbed his magic. Can you do that?” he asked, to which Pinkie happily nodded. “Also, play it up a little.”

“Wait, you’re going to absorb magic?” Starlight sent a questioning look at the centaur.

He gave a smug grin before replying, “Don’t worry your little pony mane, I won’t be keeping it. However, you should probably watch from a distance and then get close enough to hear once Pinkie chimes in, alright?”

Starlight worriedly stared at the centaur. “You know this is a test to help a pony by using your powers for good, right? What are you planning on doing?”

“Enough chatter, you’re going to spoil the surprise. Just don’t intervene,” he commanded, to which she gave a yielding nod.

Pinkie and Starlight held their position as Tirek watched the unicorn make his way down the street. As soon as he got close to an alley, Tirek jumped out and began rushing toward him. Before the pony could react, Tirek grabbed and hauled him down the alley, out of sight from the rest of the street. Once he was in the alley, Pinkie rushed over and waited to hear her cue, Starlight quietly following behind.

“Wh-Wha-What do you wan-want from me!?” Royal Pin screamed, fearfully pushing away the centaur.

“Give me your magic!” Tirek hammily shouted as he opened his mouth, draining the unicorn of his power. Royal’s eyes transformed to a dim, desperate color as his magic was engulfed. He dropped to the ground, weakened by the loss of magical energy. “Yes! The power!” Tirek grew slightly, feeling the energy course through him.

“W-Why?” Royal quaveringly asked, the only word he was able to mutter through the fear.

“I shall conquer the world, one pony at a time!” Tirek overplayed his evil mockery.

As Tirek flexed in front of him, showing off his barely altered physique, Pinkie appeared at the end of the alley. “Tirek! What do you think you’re doing!?” she angrily screeched, pointing a hoof at the centaur.

Royal looked up, noticing the pink pony. “R-Run, Pinkie,” he tried to shout.

Tirek let out a bellow of laughter, maniacally grinning at the earth pony. “I have drained a unicorn and have become stronger! I will now absorb your earthen magic, and there is no way anyone can stop me!”

“Oh no!” Pinkie exaggeratedly yelled, placing her hooves against her cheeks in a façade of fear. “What ever will I do?”

“The only way to reverse my magic is for a pony to tell another they like them. Their admittance of love is the only cure,” Tirek announced with a cheer of victory. “I have won today, as there is no pony around to have that feeling for another!” He then turned his face out of view of Royal’s line of sight, giving a wink to the pink pony.

Once Tirek began to move slowly towards Pinkie, Royal stood to his hooves, heavily breathing as he rose. “Stop rig-right th-there!” he apprehensively commanded.

With a whip of his head, Tirek stared his beady yellow eyes at the unicorn. “You think you can stop me? Hah! How foolish,” he boasted, grinning evilly as he spoke.

“I know I can st-stop you, b-because there is somepony here that l-li-likes another!” Royal stood proudly in front of the centaur, staring him down as a nervous sweat drenched his determined face. He shifted his focus past Tirek, down to the pink pony that stood at the end of the alley. “Pinkie Pie, I like you… No, I love you!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, his words echoing between the walls of the alley.

Tirek’s mouth fell open with shock, overacting his reaction as best he could. “No! Your admittance of love!” he screamed, grasping onto his face with an exaggerated expression of horror. Magic poured out of his mouth and back into the unicorn’s horn. As the magic finished, Tirek collapsed onto the ground. “I have been bested by a simple unicorn! Who could have foreseen such a thing!?”

Pinkie rushed down the alley, jumping over Tirek’s body, and wrapping Royal in a hug as tight as she could. “Pinny! That was so sweet!” she squealed.

“I meant it!” he excitedly replied, placing a foreleg around her.

As Tirek began to crawl away, trying to quietly remove himself from their emotional moment, Pinkie gave Royal a kiss on the cheek and asked, “Do you really love me?”

He nodded in return. “Absolutely. I’ve been a fool not to tell you sooner.”

“I love you too!” she replied, planting another kiss on his lips.

“What should we do with him?” he said as he pointed to Tirek.

The centaur had already crawled his way to the edge of the alley, hoping not to be seen. Once he knew he was caught, he flipped his body around, placing a hand against his forehead. “Oh woe is me! I shall return to Princess Twilight Sparkle and beg for her forgiveness! I can only hope she is lenient with me!” he melodramatically shouted, quickly disappearing around the side of the building.

As Tirek turned the corner, Starlight was already standing there, listening to the scene take place. She gave a smug grin as he ushered her away from the alley. After they had put some distance from the new couple, Starlight spoke up, “That was a really sweet thing you did. I’m surprised you were able to come with it at a drop of the hat.”

“Actually, I had already planned that little spectacle in order to earn some points with Twilight. Hopefully it was enough to pass her little test,” he bemoaned.

She gave a nod with a giggle, giving a bump to the centaur’s side in a joking manner. “I think it’s a start, but we should break for lunch. I’ll have some questions for you while we eat,” she replied, tapping the notepad with her pen.

With a groan, he motioned for her to lead the way, knowing full well the questions were not worth the food. The clear, bright day allowed them to sit on the patio of the restaurant. After they ordered and the food had arrived, Tirek immediately dug into his meal, unwilling to wait for Starlight to begin her questions.

“So, when did you learn of Royal’s crush on Pinkie?” she asked as she cut her sandwich into halves.

“Pinkie told me, though it was quite obvious from the way he spoke to her” he answered, crumbs falling onto his beard. “I figured my manipulation skills would easily convince the halfwit to spill the beans of his infatuation with that pink pony.”

Starlight bit down on her sandwich as she scribbled on the pad. After swallowing, she blatantly asked, “Would you say you’re better than Pinkie Pie?”

His brows furrowed. Before replying, he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “What type of question is that?” he angrily asked. “I do not need to compete with that party mare.”

“I see. So, why do you need to be better than Discord, what is the difference between Discord and any of the Elements of Harmony?”

“How is it that you are Twilight’s pupil, yet you’re so dense?” he asked, annoyed by her opined questions.

She gave a frown and harshly jotted something down. “If that is what you believe, then explain it to me like you would to a simpleton,” she said with irritation in her tone.

“Twilight and her friends beat me, this is true, but if it had not been for Discord, I would be the ruler of this world. He is the one that tipped the scales.”

“That’s resentment, not envy,” Starlight noted.

Tirek shoved the last of his lunch into his mouth, mumbling out, “Mm, no.” He swallowed his food and wiped his lips. “It’s neither resentment nor envy. It’s anger. That draconequus is like my brother Scorpan, a lover of ponies. They’re both fragile, emotional idiots. Discord betrayed you ponies, yet he is still loved and protected by your kind. He could easily seal you all away at any given moment, but he plays your silly games. It gives him a power, a power that I loathe,” he explained, clasping his hands together with a stern look upon his face.

“The power of friendship, right?”

“Yes. So I too will play silly pony games, I will become better friends with all you ponies, as long as it means I can be better than Discord.”

“But wouldn’t that mean you would be a so called lover of ponies, like Discord? Like Scorpan?” she asked, trying to make sense of his explanation.

He stroked his beard, considering her words. “Huh, I never thought of it like that, actually.”

“Are you serious? What did you think reforming was about?” she lectured, raising her voice from the frustration.

“I thought it was about not stealing pony magic? Sure, I’m supposed to be friends with you and the Elements of Harmony, but that doesn’t make me a lover of ponies, does it?” he inquired.

“Yes!” she hollered. “Being friends with ponies does technically mean you like ponies. You like hanging around with them, that you like their company and are willing to be yourself around them! You’re willing to accept them for who they are, and you’re willing to accept yourself for who you are.”

His face changed from a confused expression to a maniacal grin. Starlight realized what she had said as she stared at his smug face. “The willingness to accept that you must better yourself, even if it means competing with another?” he added.

“Did you just manipulate me?” she aggressively asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tirek’s grin widened further as he answered, “If I don’t get an a on this little test, I will be sorely disappointed.”

“Oh please, I wouldn’t say manipulating me is worthy of any prize,” she replied, slumping down in her chair.

“I suppose you’re right. You are pretty dense,” he smugly added.

With a roll of her eyes, Starlight looked back down at her notepad and scribbled some words. “Since you’re going to be rude, why don’t we talk about something else, like your brother,” she said with a subtle taste of retaliation.

“My brother? Why do you want to know about that awful gargoyle?” contested the centaur.

“Actually, it’s on my notes and I’m not sure how it got there, but since you mentioned him earlier I figured it’d be a good time to talk about him.”

Reaching across the table, Tirek grabbed onto the notepad and looked over the page. Starlight attempted to pull it back without him seeing what she had written, but he held his grip on the paper. “Talk about Scorpan. I get the feeling that came from a certain princess we both know,” he said as he examined the notepad. “Also, alpha attitude leaves little to be gained when attempting to learn through explanation. What does that mean?”

She finally managed to pull the notepad back out of his grip, slamming it into her lap. “Don’t try to change the subject. You’re not getting out of this one so easily, buster,” she replied with an irritated tone. “You said your brother was a gargoyle?”

“Yes, a pathetic, worthless gargoyle.”

She then asked, “How is he a gargoyle and you a centaur?”

“Well, when a daddy centaur and a mommy gargoyle love each other very much, the daddy centaur inserts his-“

“Enough!” Starlight loudly interjected as she slammed the notepad against her face.

Tirek slumped forward against the table, grinning like Discord after one of his chaotic tricks. “The worst part was when little, innocent Tirek stumbled upon them making his baby brother.”

Starlight smacked Tirek’s face with the notepad, refusing to put up with his fowl mouth any longer. “Let’s just move on to the next question then. Nopony has really seen a gargoyle before, other than artist renderings. Could you give a good description of your brother? And no, I will not write down descriptions like weak or pony lover.”

“Gargoyles are uncommon?” he mumblingly asked. “I suppose that would make sense, seeing as how my homeland was already in a state of disrepair. What about other centaurs?”

“Oh, well, no. No centaurs other than you, at least,” she replied.

He placed his hand on his chin, contemplating the reasoning. Starlight sat patiently as he became lost in thought. He eventually thought aloud, “Perhaps I should return home.”

“Home?” Starlight said, mouth agape from her shocked expression. “You mean you want to see your brother again, your family?”

“I’m sure my parents are probably dead, or shriveled up like raisins. No, I’d like to see what has become of my kingdom. I always knew it would rot off eventually, but for none of my kind to make an appearance in Equestria after all this time, that is what concerns me.”

Tirek hadn’t noticed that Starlight had placed the notepad and pen down, she stared with deep concern as he speculated about his kingdom. “If you were here all this time, doesn’t that mean your brother would have replaced your parents as ruler of your homeland? Maybe he’s done well enough to keep it orderly and stable,” she tried to theorize.

“Now there’s a good laugh. My brother has never done anything important in his life. Even his betrayal was worthless, since I’m out and about - free as a bird.”

“If you had listened to your brother, you never would have been betrayed,” she murmured aloud.

“Excuse me!? If I had listened to my brother, I would have been ruler of a dying kingdom! As if I would want to be a weak ruler for an even weaker empire,” he snarled, crossing his arms.

She rolled her eyes and thought to herself, and here you are, no kingdom to rule. With a brief sigh, she pushed her plate away and slumped into her seat. Another question popped into her head, causing her to sit forward once more. “Tirek… Why did you join the bet for Twilight?” she asked, biting her lip as she waited for an answer.

The question sparked a suspicious look on Tirek’s face, curious of the motive behind it. “I’ll answer that if you answer my question first,” the centaur declared.

“Ok, that sounds fair.”

“Why didn’t you join the bet yourself? You’re an ex-villain after all,” he related.

Starlight let out a soft giggle, placing a hoof over her mouth. “I took control of an entire town and almost destroyed all of Equestria, all because of a colt. Pretty sure I need to try and make friends before I ever settle down in a relationship. Not to mention the pupil and teacher thing is more for those romance novels,” she mordantly replied.

“I see. You’ve never had a desire to pursue any relationship then?” he asked.

“Ah, ah! That’s two questions, I answered yours so you answer mine.”

“Oh fine. Well then. I joined this bet in the hopes that I could one day rule a kingdom worthy of my stature, whether it was with Twilight or not, it does not matter. What does matter is that I become Lord Tirek, a true lord, like I had always dreamed. The means of how I attain that dream have shifted, but that is still my dream true and true,” he somberly explained as he held his hands clasped together, giving a dignified eye to the young unicorn.

She had slumped against the table, pressing her hooves against her cheeks as she listened. “It’s nice to see the passionate side of you, Tirek,” she complimented.

He placed a hand on the back of his neck and replied, “And it’s nice to speak of my aspirations with someone who I know won’t judge.”

“I know you’re trying to follow your dream,” she paused, “but perhaps you should get in touch with your brother.”

“Are you insan-“

She raised a hoof. “Let me finish,” she interjected. “Your dream is to rule a kingdom, but you have an anger in you, a resentment of your brother. I think if you patch things up, or even say your piece and be done with him, perhaps it will clear your mind.”

“And why would I want a clear mind?” he rhetorically retorted.

“With your resentment free from your thoughts, the path to your dream will become obvious, don’t you think?” she concluded with a smile.

Tirek simpered with his reply, “Winning Twilight may help realize my dream, or it may not. I understand what you mean and I can see why Twilight paired us together, I’ve learned a lot.”

“She knows best, that’s for sure. I think we both have a long way to go,” she timidly replied with a gentle smile.

A yell rang out, getting the attention of both the unicorn and centaur. “Hey you two!” a feminine, high pitched voice shouted in the distance. They looked in unison to witness the bouncy, pink earth pony prancing her way towards them, a blue unicorn in tow.

“Oh no,” Tirek groaned, covering his face with his hands.

Starlight nervously smiled at the fresh couple as they approached the table, while Tirek hid his face, looking in a different direction all together.

“I’m just here to thank you for what you did! I know it was part of your test, but I’m glad you thought of me,” Pinkie calmly exulted, an unusual sight from the hyperactive pony.

Tirek turned his head to face the two, surprised by her words and shocked that the blue unicorn had a stern appearance about him. “Oh, well, you’re welcome Pinkie, glad I could have been of service,” he anxiously replied.

“I would also like to thank you,” Royal said as he bowed before the centaur. “At first I was afraid, I still sort of am, but after Pinkie explained the behind the scenes, I was more embarrassed than anything. Without your, uhm, unique help, there’s no way I would have ever pronounced my love for Pinkie. So, thank you.”

As the two males locked eyes, Tirek noticed a change in Royal’s attitude, the unicorn didn’t nervously look away as he always had previously when looking at the centaur. Tirek took a moment and then extended his hand to the unicorn, giving an approving, toothy smile. Royal placed a hoof in the centaur’s hand, giving a firm shake.

“So, are we going to see you two together around town from now on?” Starlight enthusiastically asked.

Pinkie lifted a foreleg around Royal’s neck and pulled him close to her. “Oh totally! He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m throwing a SUPER special party for the new couple, which is me for once!” she replied, snorting as she laughed.

Tirek placed an elbow on the table, holding his cheek against his fist. “I’m sure he knows now. Though I’d imagine he’d quite enjoy a private party,” he said with a grin. “One where his little pin can pop some balloons, so to speak.” Royal blushed a bright red and Starlight let out a giggle at the innuendo.

“Balloons aren’t meant to be popped, silly!” Pinkie replied, innocently missing the wordplay. Leaning in, Starlight whispered in the ear of the pink pony. “Ohh,” Pinkie quietly said, blushing brighter than her new coltfriend.

For once, the loudmouth has had a loss of words, thought Tirek.

“Well, it’s time to go,” Royal quickly mentioned, taking hold of Pinkie and dragging her away from the table. As the new couple left, the two ex-villains burst into a cackle of laughter.

The centaur repeatedly slammed his fist onto the table, unable to contain himself. “That… That was amazing!” he hollered, bellowing with laughter.

“I’ve never seen Pinkie blush!” Starlight replied as she wiped a tear from her eye, slowly ceasing her chuckling.

“Neither have I as a matter of fact,” said a voice from another table. The two looked up at the stranger, noticing the wings and horn of the purple alicorn. “After watching today, I’d have to say you’ve done quite well, Tirek.”

He quickly rose to his hooves, almost knocking the table over in the process. “H-How long have you been there?” he stammered.

The mare turned her body to face their table, giving an irksome grin as she replied, “I already told you, I’d be watching.”

Tirek turned to look at Starlight who simply gave a shrug with a somber expression. “Have you been watching us all day?” He turned his attention to the alicorn once more, pointing in aggravation as he spoke.

“Off and on. Here and there,” she vaguely replied.

He rested his arms at his sides, unwilling to play the little pony game he knew she was playing. “So,” he spoke with a serious tone. “Did I pass?”

Starlight’s eyes widened as she looked to see Twilight’s expression, hoping the centaur had performed well enough. The alicorn rose from her seat and walked over to her pupil, lifting the notepad with her magic. She’s going to see what I wrote, thought Starlight, fearful over the rude remarks she had written.

“Well.” Twilight lifted her gaze to lock eyes with the student, a deep frown stretching across her jaw only to have it fade into a smug grin. “I think I will let Starlight decide if you passed or not.”

“Me!?” shouted Starlight, almost falling out of her chair in shock.

Tirek’s mouth was agape as he stared at the two ponies, eagerly waiting for the decision to be made.

“Go ahead Starlight, did he complete his task valiantly?” Twilight inquired.

“I believe…” stuttered Starlight, nervously trying to anticipate the reactions of both her friends. She gave a deep breath, centering herself. “Tirek is still trying to understand the world around him. He’s come a great deal further than I believe he knows. The way he’s listened and understood those around him, he’s truly open to all sorts of friendship. For that, I believe he has more than earned the right to pass with flying colors.”

Twilight placed a hoof onto Starlight’s shoulder, giving an affirming nod to the young student. She then turned to look at the centaur, only to be surprised by the almost joyous expression he held. His lips quivered as he smiled, the truest smile she had ever seen. “There we have it, Tirek. You’ve passed.”

“Does this mean I am… reformed?”

“Not yet, but this does mean you are on your last trial. Though, it may be the hardest you’ve faced,” Twilight replied.

The young student prodded the teacher. “I thought this was the last test?”

Tirek let out a snarl, perturbed by the words used. “Trial and test, two very different words,” he said. “All the tests are finished, but many tests can be held within a trial.”

“That’s right. Though this final trial will be very difficult for you, as you’ll have to put your pride away for this one, Tirek,” Twilight sternly replied. “If you’re ready, we’ll be heading to Canterlot first thing in the morning.”

He raised a hand and shrugged. “Explain what I must do in this trial. What is in Canterlot?” he asked, raising his voice in the process.

“If you complete this trial you will become a full-fledged member of Equestria, free to do whatever you please, much like Discord.” Twilight skirted around his question.

“Explain!” he shouted, smacking his chest with his fist. “I want to know what the trial pertains! What is it I have to do? What has you so worried that I will fail?”

“Tirek… For this last trial, you must apologize to the royal sisters for the atrocities you have committed.”