//------------------------------// // Bruised Ego // Story: Love's First Bruise // by TheAmazingMe //------------------------------// The Story home in the Spireside district of Canterlot was an impressive feat of architecture. Partially built into the side of Alicorn Spire, the exterior façade was almost futuristic in its use of elegant high quality metalwork, but brought out a traditional side as well with stained glass. It was a marvelous melding of both Second's design prowess and Lovely's fixation with beauty. Silver Platter opened the front door as soon as Bruiser set hoof on the front step. "Master Bru, it is quite a pleasure to see you. Your nana is in her solarium, as usual. Shall I bring in some tea? Master Story has grown quite fond of a black tea from Hossam." "No thank you, Mr. Silver. Maybe just some juice," Bruiser asked, hastily adding on, "Please?" Silver nodded warmly. "Of course, off you go." "Thanks again, Mr. Silver!" Bruiser called over his shoulder. He slowed down as he approached Lovely's solarium. As one of few rooms lit mostly by natural light, the indoor garden had a unique feel. Taking care not to step in anything he would track onto the carpet later, Bruiser made a circuit around the room before finally noticing Lovely tending a few bushes. "Nana Story, I'm here!" He announced. Lovely lit up as she extracted herself from the foliage. "So you are! Give me a hug, you little stud." Smiling, Bruiser leaned in, to be engulfed in the scent of earth, green, and the slight hint of lavender that Lovely used lately in her mane and coat care. As he leaned back, Lovely tipped his hat up so she could see his face. "Now, tell me what your fathers taught you about conducting yourself around a lady." Bruiser swept his hat off and answered dutifully. "A young stallion of breeding ought only to touch a lady as necessary to be a gentlecolt. His words should be soft and sweet and if he should have any problem with a mare he must always remember to treat her with respect." Lovely wiped her hooves on a nearby towel and looked him over. "So why did you forget yourself and start acting like a little scamp?" Bruiser hesitated before mumbling. "I don't know." "Come on, Bruiser, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on in your head when you talk to this filly." Lovely persuaded as she gently led the colt over to a bench. "When you want to talk to somepony but can't find the right words at the time, it might help to think of the conversation ahead of time. You plan out what you're going to say and maybe even guess on what their reaction would be. So tell me about her." "She's got a beautiful glossy coat and her mane is just...amazing. Her laugh is contagious and she has a group of friends she's with most of the time." Bruiser answered. "Whenever I see her, I just kind of freeze up and don't know what to say. So I end up saying something rude or mean like dad and daddy do when they're flirting. Except it doesn't work." Lovely pressed her lips together and hummed as she sighed. "Hmm, yes. Well, your fathers are both stallions, so they would be a bit more macho in their flirting. Not to mention they were friends for so many years before they became...involved. So they're relationship can weather a few petty and absurd squabbles. Young love must be tended more carefully." "So...how is this going to work? I'm not going to have to read, like, all of your books, right?" Bruiser asked sheepishly. Rolling her eyes, she laid a foreleg around his neck and hugged him sidelong. "No. We'll reacquaint you with the rules of courtly behavior. Your manners have definitely slipped, even Life admits it." Silver entered, rolling a table laden with drinks for two. Following behind in the glow of his magic was a set of chairs. "Hossam chai, with your usual condiments, Madam. And apple juice with a selection of cookies I made personally." Bruiser doffed his hat and bowed his head slightly. "Thank you, Mr. Platter." "Will there be anything else?" Silver asked, setting the two chairs out. Lovely stepped to take her place at the table. Silver made to push in her chair, but she held up a hoof. "That will be all, Silver. The young master needs a refresher course on proper comportment." Silver nodded to them both and took his leave. Turning back to Bruiser, Lovely smiled. Stepping forward, Bruiser helped her into her seat and scooted it forward. Bruiser took his seat and tried not to drool at the smell of Silver Platter's cookies. Lovely busied herself with the tea as she spoke."I think if this is going to work at all, we'll have to agree to be completely honest with each other. You tell me what you're feeling and I'll try my best to explain it so you're not confused. And I'll tell you things like an adult. But, I'll be frank with you, you're going to be making most of the decisions here. Whether or not you listen to me, whether or not you're honest, and whether or not you want to pursue any given relationship; all of that is up to you and, eventually, the pony you're with. Does that make sense?" Unfortunately, the question came right after he'd made a selection and while his mouth was full. Taking a moment to clear his mouth, Bruiser took a sip of juice and wiped his lips before answering. "Yes, ma'am." "Good. So here's what I want to know first," Lovely said as she stood. "What have you noticed about her?" Bruiser fidgeted on the bench. "Well, she's pretty." Lovely only just managed not to roll her eyes. "I think you mentioned that. Good. Pretty. And?" Bruiser swallowed to wet his dry throat. "She's a pegasus. She's on the flying team at school and she's one of the best." Lovely nodded. "So, have you gotten to know her very well or is this a..." She searched for the right words for a moment. "Basic attraction?" Bruiser winced at the term. "She reads Everfreeworld." Smiling, Lovely tapped her chin. "By Apple Gait? So she has some taste in novels. Do you suppose she would read my stories?" Eyes open in shock, Bruiser shook his head. "Nana. No." Tilting her head at his vehemence, Lovely suddenly rolled her eyes skyward and snorted. "Not those stories, Bru. The new ones that...that none of my loving family has deigned to read. I do have young adult novels that are suitable for all ages." "Oh." Bruiser scratched one hoof with another absently. "Well, maybe." "So you should apologize for sure. But there is something else to put a ribbon on top." Lovely beckoned him forward and they walked back out of the solarium. *** "Lacy Feathers, may I talk to you for a moment, please?" Bruiser asked the pegasus as she walked out of class. Her friend looked dubious, but Lacy actually looked at Bruiser and caught his expression. More than that, his ever-present hat was in his hoof, so she could actually see his face. Curious, she nodded to her friend and gave Bruiser her full attention. "Make it quick, I have flight practice today." Lacy said. "I wanted to say sorry for how I've been acting around you. I've been pretty stupid." Bruiser said. "I noticed that you read Apple Gait's Everfreeworld. My grandmother writes too, and I wanted to give you this." He held a book. Taking it in hoof carefully, she opened the title page. "You're grandmother is Lovely Story?" Hesitantly, Bruiser shrugged. "Yeah." "It's even written to me!" Closing the book, Lacy brightened and held it to her chest. "I love her new books. My mom won't let me read some of her other books, but I've gotten every book in this series except this one. I didn't think it was out yet!" Bruiser smiled. "It's not. This is fresh out of the presses. Nana gets a few early every time. I'm glad you like it." He turned away, returning his hat to his head. "Hey, Bruiser, wait." Lacy called. Turning around, Bruiser replied. "What's up?" "This was pretty cool of you. If you're that serious about being sorry, well apology accepted." She held out her hoof. Smiling, Bruiser gave her hoof a shake and turned to walk away again. "Hey!" Lacy called again. "Yeah?" Bru asked, turning halfway around. "A bunch of us are heading to Sunridge bakery in Prominence after practice. If you're not doing anything, maybe you can come along?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." Bruiser said, as his eyes connected with hers. She smiled. "Cool." Bruiser smiled. "Great." "Awesome." Lacy said as their gazes held. Unseen by either, Lacy's friend rolled her eyes and coughed. Bruiser noticed first. "Uh, your practice?" Looking at the wall clock, she gave a little start and looked at her friend. "Right, well, it's usually about an hour long, so I'll see you then!" Bruiser waved. "See ya!" With his own after-school running to do, Bruiser locked up his bag and trotted over to the running club. Stretching out on the school's running track with the other runners, Bruiser took a look up and smiled. From here he could see the flying club and even hear the flight coach whistling and calling out. Properly limbered up, he started down the circuit and mostly stayed with the pack for the first few laps. "No-name blank-flank!" The lone pegasus on the running team called from behind him. Ignoring him, Bruiser sped up a touch. The pegasus moved to keep pace, but had some trouble getting around the pack of other runners. "Hey, don't ignore me, you patchy little brat!" Bruiser snorted. "If you have enough breath to run your mouth, Breezy Feathers, then you can catch up and say whatever you want to my face." The other runners around them snickered. Undaunted, Breezy slowed enough to get out and then slip around the pack. With obvious effort, he caught up with the two tone earth pony. "I saw you talking with my sister, Loser." Breezy said briskly. "Why don’t you just leave her alone?" Bruiser sighed. "I was apologizing, Brees." "About time, you loudmouth brat." Bree quipped. Bruiser put on a bit more speed. "I'm not going to fight with you, Bree." "Yeah, you should be scared of me." Breezy responded as he strained to keep up. Only a few runners were around them now. Bruiser scoffed, his breathing still unaffected by his new pace. "My dad's a royal guard, Bree. He taught me how to fight." "Yeah? Your dad's a royal disgrace. He's one of those night guards who works for Celestia's little sister, Loony." Bree huffed between phrases, but kept up with Bruiser. Unfortunately for Bree, they weren't alone. "Bree, shut up about Princess Luna or I'll tell the coach myself," One of the other runners, a unicorn Bruiser recognized by face but not name, warned the lone pegasus. "Although if this is what it takes for you to run like Bruiser, maybe I'll start talking to your sister too." Bruiser laughed, keeping pace with the older pony as both left Breezy Feathers in the dust. As they finished and stretched once more, the unicorn colt sat near him. The older colt reminded Bruiser of Life, but a near metallic shade of blue instead of red fading to black. Bruiser noticed the colt staring at him with his teal eyes. Finally, he stretched over and held out a hoof to Bruiser. "Teal Twister. My friends call me Twist." Bruiser shook hooves, laughing as Twist pulled him over. "Bruiser. Friends call me Bru." Twist nodded. "I know. You're one of the better runners on the team. What's up with you and Lacy? You actually apologized?" Bruiser frowned. "You know Lacy?" "We grew up around each other. Our parents are friends since they were in school." Twist explained. "So?" "Yeah, I guess I just realized how much of an idiot I was and figured I had to make it up to her." Bruiser said. "Forgive me for asking, but you look a little too old to not have a cutie mark." Twist said, looking down at the tornado on a race track on his flank. "Guess I don't know what I want to do with my life yet. I'm still young." Bruiser said, trying for a nonchalant tone. Sensing the awkwardness in the air, Twist let it go. "If you ever get teased too much, just let me know. Bullies really bother me. To tell you the truth, when you were bothering Lacy, I almost cracked down on you." Bruiser looked down to hide his face. "Why didn't you?" Twist shrugged. "Lacy told me not to. She had a feeling you didn't mean to sound rude; I guess she was right." "I guess so." Bruiser agreed. Coach Shoes interrupted the group of runners. "Alright everypony, good practice. Time's are definitely improving, but some of you slacked off over break. So that means you'll be training harder and smarter from now on if you want to make it to the meets. Hit the showers!" "Yes, sir!" Everypony replied.