//------------------------------// // The Labtastrophy // Story: Alien: Twilights Final Chapter // by TwiRaptor //------------------------------// "This is Eagle Seven, its been two hours sense the alarm was tripped. Doors are sealed and we are going to cut our way in, over~!" The leader of the team nodded and the team breached the lab, "Lets move!! Keep your heads up and remember we are in the largest lab on the station. Check your corners!" The lab was dark and water veins in the wall were busted and spraying out water. "Holy shit, actual are you seeing this? The walls are covered in scratches and..holy shit there is water everywhere. This place is flooded!" "Eagle Seven, this is actual, connection is poor I can't see anything on your end. Your all alone in there except for a couple motion sensing turrets, Actual out" The team pressed forward and the lab was in a whole ton of shit, the entire area was flooded. Years of paperwork was mixed in the water, samples had also fallen in the water. The place looked like it was attacked by a giant monster and dead ponies were floating face down in the main lobby. The soldiers moved the bodies aside as they pushed themselves through the water. One of the troops ran to a corner and his lunch was now in the water as he began to throw it out from the smell of death. The captain pushed forward using his key door to open doors that needed to be checked. "Alright, we need to get this place out of lock down. Too many doors our down and we can't move or navigate with progress" The leader looked around and he gave a disgusted grin. "This place is a mess, lets get this over with and check the records. See what happened down here! GO NOW" The stallion screamed this to get his point across as he slid his key card in the main computer unlocking all the doors in the lab. As all the doors opened what sounded like a hundred screeches rang through the lab. Growls and hisses and it continued to go without stopping. "What the hell was that!" The lights on the guns shined through the darkness with little affect. The captain swung his weapon around and around looking for the source. "What the hell is that!!" The screeches continued to ring through the lab getting closer and closer. Then all the troops swung all their weapons to a table as the sound of a recording started to play. "Hold it! Its a recording, lower your weapons" The screeches were coming from the recording so the troops lowered their weapons as a voice began to speak. When it played the sound came from every speaker in the lab. "We were fools you know that right? We thought we could play with her, something we never played with before. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Okay, if your listening to this your an idiot! We are all idiots for what we have done!" The voice was Gallants himself, he sounded scared as the sound of creatures rang in the recording. "The Xenomorphs...they behave so differently around her! I don't get why but they do!!" The soldiers looked around as soon as the name was said, Xenomorph. "Every test we performed made a new Xenomorph. When we hit her from a distance she made a long range creature. Everything was going fine! FINE!" Gallants could be heard slamming his talons on desk in anger before he continued to speak. "Then she made it...she made a mother fucking. She made a Drone and once she did it got away. We looked and looked for it but we couldn't! We couldn't find it..." Gallants could be heard again pressing a button in, "I'm calling for help! I have too...the drone...the drone it came back and it" Gallants went silent for about a minute before coming back and speaking again. "It broke out the eggs, it broke out her! Fucking shit they ripped my friends apart! Savages!! SAVAGES!" Gallants let out one more sigh and could be heard removing something metal from around him. "I am going in the vents. I sealed the lab so they cannot escape from here. Please god I hope this recording doesn't play because if it does...if it does that means you opened the doors. You let them out...." Gallants sighed again and chuckled. "We are all idiots you know that right?" "Hey um, yeah what the fuck was that sir!! What the hell does he mean!" The private stood up from a desk and faced his leader who then raised his hoof to silence the group, "Sir what the hell is going on in here!" "Will you shut up! I think I heard something....quiet....I heard something" The leader began to look around slowly as a faint sound of movement could be heard moving around them. "Watch yourselves! We have movement!" The team began to spread out slowly moving their weapons around looking for the source of the noise. "We have to lock this place back down if what was said on that recording is true. Move out now and report any strange activity" the area seemed to grow darker now as the team began to become more scared of their surroundings. One of the stallions was looking in the main lobby of the lab while the rest were looking for survivors. "Hey guys!? Is that you!?" The private moved from the desk and stood out into the center of the lobby moving his flashlight around as he moved his gun. His horn was glowing providing that much more light. "Hey guys? Lets not be playing games on the rookie now. This is not the time wouldn't you agree?" The private stared out into the doorway that lead out to where his team mates were. As he looked around he began to squint. Behind him a long tail began to slowly slide down from the ceiling, thick fluid dripped down into the water below and the stallion stared still looking for his team mates. "That is it, I am coming in there you guys!" The private moved through the door slowly peaking around the corner to see if his friends were there but froze half way as a loud hiss echoed from behind him. Turning around slowly the creature was now visible, a smooth head shining in a dim light. Shocked in fear the soldier stared at it as it raised its large head slowly. The alien hissed and its long slender tail raised up into the air as it opened its mouth slowly. "You have to be kidding me....how...." The xenomorph gave of a blue sheen as it stood under the flickering neon lighting of the lab lobby. Slowly raising his gun the private hoped for the best and was ready to fire. The alien looked over at the weapon and roared swinging its tail into the side of the stallion sending him flying against the wall. The tall alien growled as the stallion hit the wall and fell into the water firing his gun, the loud weapon sent bullets flying all around the area and it seemed to miss the alien every time. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HEEEEELLLLP!" The gun fired more and the large drone lunged into the air, time slowed down and the dagger tongue revealed itself as the xenomorph was in mid lunge. The alien began to shake suddenly as a flash of light began to grow from the other end of the hall. Blood splattered on the walls and the water boiled. The rest of the team ran into the area guns blazing and they all were shooting the alien until it fell just feet away from the private. "Die you mother fucker, yeah!! How do you like that you ugly fucker!" The leader screamed down at the dead body of the serpent. The team seamed to celebrate but the private stayed on the ground shocked with fear. "We did it" as the leader turned to look at his team he was silenced as his face was met with a lunging facehugger. He tried to shoot but the single bullet he shot missed slamming into one of his men. The soldier fell from the bullet and screamed as the rest of the team looked in terror as the face hugger wrapped its tail around the neck of their leader. They all began to look around looking for signs of more facehuggers . "Xenomorph signals acquired! Please stop what your doing and seal the area. Xenomorph signals acquired." "Ah shit, we have men down! Men down send back up now!!" after not receiving a response the stallion throws his radio aside "Fuck!!! Now what! We are all going to" A tail slammed down from above curing from behind slamming through the ponies chest. The private who was still on the ground closed his eyes as he saw his friend slowly start lifting of the ground. The stallion was bleeding badly from the chest and he was lifted to come face to face with a smaller alien. The ridged head shined in the neon much like the drone did but less, which is why it was unseen until now. " Fuck me..." the stallion forced himself to say these last words as the alien opened its mouth to finish him. As soon as the aliens dagger tongue entered the stallions head more of them began to show themselves from their hiding places in the walls. The creatures fell from the ceiling and into the water. The private opened his eyes and tears fell now as all his friends body fell from above and another team member was pinned against the wall from one of the creatures. The tail of the xenomorph raising up above the stallions eye as he struggled and then it slammed down into his skull and the soldier went limp. Private shook his head as one of the creatures appeared to look his way. "No! Get way from me you freaks! Get away!"The lab then lit up in red as red flashing lights began to flash all around. The automatic security systems were kicking in now. The private started to back away on his back as all the aliens began to make their way to him. "No!! Not like this!" One of the ridged head aliens moved close and began to snarl. Clear spit dripping from the lips as the mouth drew closer to the privates face. The private had a picture on his helmet of a mare and a young colt, it was his family. They were on this ship with him and now it was all he was thinking about as the alien pressed its mouth against his cheek. The lights made the aliens appear to be red , this is why they didn't notice them before because their carapaces were so shiny they were blending with the dark and the parts that were being hit by the light were taking on the sheen that a wall would, making them invisible. The ridged head alien began to open its mouth, its head shook with its lips as the spit seemed to drip faster in excitement as the xenomorph was about to strike. "NOOO!!!!!" The warrior looked back and up at something and backed away from the stallion. the private looked around and the aliens were rushing away and down the halls to all the exits. They were also seen ripping open vents and crawling inside. "No, no, no!!!" the private pulled himself up and reached for his gun. "I don't think so you ugly mother...."Spit suddenly began to fall from above and down onto his shoulder. "Oh come on!" He looked up and screamed as a silver dome head came down from the vent. The xenomorph was a drone, like Gash. "AHHHHH!!!!!" The xenomorph grabbed the stallion pulling him up into the vent quickly, he struggled to get free but couldn't as he was taken away. One last scream came from the vent before it went silent, red lights were all that was left in the lab and then the recorder that said the message before began to play again. "We are idiots...you know that right. Don't come down here or we are all dead. I'm sending this message to control to make sure this lab stays sealed" ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Twilight was sitting at one of the tables now, after the collapse she had her friends all kind of forced her to take a seat. Sunset was just across from her staring slightly. The alicorn didn't seem to notice and also didn't seem to realize the numerous signs of Sunsets feelings. They were small but there. Sunset looked away and slowly pulled out the necklace she made and kept it under the table as she twirled it on her lap using her magic. Twilight looked over now seeing the unicorns horn illuminate, they both locked eyes for a moment and it was quiet between the two, the area was full of ponies and all of Twilight's friends were there now. "Hey Twilight?" Sunset broke the silence and blushed softly still looking over at the alicorn. Sunset was worried and so was White Lightning and now that Twilight was here and okay they both had questions. "Is it gone? Did they remove the queen from you?" Sunset was keeping quiet as she asked this question. Not wanting to let the others hear this conversation, Twilight's ears pinned back and she looked a bit scared to answer that question. She also had a blunt unsure expression on her face. "I don't know...I feel different and I also feel like nothing has changed. Sometimes I feel like she is still in here and sometimes...." Twilight shook her head and turned her head away as if trying to leave the topic. "I don't feel safe here because of it. I don't think she should have been removed by the company. You know what they want and if the queen is still alive!" Twilight was then silenced as Sunset moved over to sit next to her. Sunset placed a hoof on the alicorns mouth and Twilight nodded understanding she was getting to loud. "Twilight....nopony has ever survived a chestburster. Nopony has ever survived a surgery either because for unexplained reasons, they die" Sunset used her magic to pull the necklace up in front of Twilights eyes. The tooth shined in the light and Twilight moved Sunsets hoof from her mouth and gasped. Twilight knew right away what alien it was from. "I got this for you because I think we all need to remember" Sunset's horn sparked up some more causing her horn to glow brighter. Twilight closed her eyes and the necklace was placed around her neck and Sunset smiled looking at the alicorn once again. "He was a monster but in the end he died fighting for the right side? Even if it was for his own species survival as well. He did seem like a friend didn't he" The group of friends who knew about Gash decided to call the alien a boy because of the rough and tough behavior the xenomorph displayed while it was alive. Sunset looked over at Twilight's friend and one of them looked back. It was Applejack, she didn't look frilled to make eye contact either. "Sunset, thank you!" Twilight used her magic to turn the unicorns gaze back to her and before anything else Twilight pulled the unicorn into a kiss. Applejack looked away as soon as this happened and she shook her head. Sunset was shocked as she felt the wet, warm lips make contact with hers. Twilight made it quick before breaking the connection and now they both sat there with their muzzles touching each other. "I really needed this Sunset, after everything that happened between us and everything that happened on Valuntas. I really do see you are a good girl now." Twilight smiled as she wore the necklace with pride. Sunset moved her eyes too look at Applejack and then Rarity. Twilight looked over as well and frowned before lowering her head to look at the floor. "We will tell them but just not right now. I love to see them happy and wouldn't want to break it with the news of their sisters deaths" Twilight remembered them very well and tried her best not to tear up as all the memories of death now tried to flood her thoughts "Just not yet, please" Twilight moved up against Sunset burring her face into the mares chest for comfort. Valuntas was the worst place to be thinking about right now, all the things that happened there was too much for most ponies to live with without gaining PTSD. Sunset snuggled Twilight to try and help her stay calm. "I just want this all to end Sunset...I want us to be able to go home. We could leave space forever and never look back.....I want to live with you back at Equestria" Sunset smiled and looked around as some troops began to walk around the area as if looking for something but she ignored it and instead responded to Twilight. "We will make that happen, Twilight. I promise you we will make that happen" Pinkie Pie was talking to one of the soldiers and appeared to be very confused as she looked from the stallion to Twilight. Sunset stopped snuggling and quickly moved Twilight away pointing over to what was happening. "Twilight, I think somepony is looking for you?" Twilight looked over and gasped when she saw the stallion. Pinkie Pie nodded and pointed over at Twilight giving away her position. The stallion smiled and then took out his radio and began to speak loud enough for his message to be clear to the ones he was radioing in. "Need back up we have a Xen43-19! Over we have a Xen43-19 I need back up right away!" Pinkie Pie reacted to the code as she heard it pulling out her holstered weapon. The stallion took out his rifle and levitated it by his side where the earthpony Pinkie Pie had to have a attachment to grip it properly with her mouth. Several troops entered the area and Twilight got off of her seat and took off running. Everypony in the area who was just a civilian began to scream as every soldier had their weapons out. "Hey! Stop her!" Sunset got up and looked over to her friend as she ran away. Sunset took after her and began calling out to her. "Twilight! Wait! Stop where are you going!" Sunset ran as fast as she could and was about to catch her but that is when Twilight opened her wings. The wind from her running gave her a lift to start flying, the alicorn dodged ponies as she flew as fast as she could as low to the ground as possible. Pinkie Pie ran up and passed Sunset Shimmer dodging everypony she come across but even she wasn't fast enough to catch the mare. "Pinkie!! What is going on! PINKIE!" Soldiers ran by almost knocking Sunset down to the floor. Sunset had never heard that code before....what did it mean? Twilight took a quick turn and landed on the ground as she quickly began to move down the hall, ponies were running away from the cafe that she came from which gave her some cover to hide blending in with the crowd. Troops were walking the hall as well weaving through the crowd looking for her. Twilight closed her eyes and used her magic to keep her new necklace close as if holding it for comfort. She was scared for her life after hearing Gallants earlier saying they would shoot her if she ran and she had already ran. "Over there!! There she is! We have a code Xen43-19!! Suspect spotted moving down the East hall of the Cafeteria!" A mare screamed this which caused Twilight to growl as she took off running again. "She is running! Twilight Sparkle is on the run!" Twilight took off taking a left turn bursting out of the panicking ponies as they took a right. Twilight could hear a voice speaking through the speakers of the hall, the voice sounded very familiar to her but she didn't know where she had heard it before. "Here at Weyland Yutani we are working to make a better place. A place where we can live and work in harmony without the hazards that are found in Equestria. Weyland Yutani, Building Better Worlds" "More like destroying better worlds you lying peace of!" Twilight stopped as troops seemed to come from nowhere now surrounding her, Twilight lowered to the ground as they all began to scream at her telling her to get down and freeze. "Shit...." The troops got close and were all pointing their weapons at her. Twilight began to breath heavily causing her heart rate to pick up, she was sure that she was going to die now that she had ran away again. Her chest began to hurt as she lay on the ground, she tried not to scream because of it but it caused her to whimper. "Look here boss, she is so scared she looks like she is about to cry, ha!!" One of the stallion laughed at her seeing a tear roll down the mares cheek. The boss of the group was the female that spotted her before, she was a bat pony and she didn't seem to care for what the stallion had said as she threatened to hit him with the butt of her weapon. "Sorry sir! I was just pointing it out" The mare shook her head and moved over to Twilight taking out a thing of hoof cuffs. Twilight stood up slowly and the troops pointed their weapons more easily. Twilight's chest was in so much pain she looked ready to cry even more as more tears began to fall from her face slowly. She kept a straight face the best she could but her eyes widened as she saw a streak fall from the ceiling onto the captains shoulder. "Get down now!! I am not going to ask again!" Twilight shook her head and the troops moved closer to try and intimidate her but she shook her head again. Twilight closed her eyes and moved her head to face the floor but she did not get down, the panicking ponies could be heard throughout the halls. "Look lady, I will shoot you if you don't get the hell down!" Twilight whimpered and then a loud sound was heard from above but it sounded like, wings? "Hey~! How about you leave her alone you big mean pricks. Or are you so full of yourselves you have to pick on a mare!" Twilight opened her eyes and sure enough it was her. Rainbow Dash was hovering just above the circle of troops. "If you don't I hate to tell you but you are all going to have a bad day, I am pretty awesome~" Rainbow crossed her hooves as she hovered there above them slowly lowering herself to land next to Twilight. The troops moved closer but Rainbow didn't seem fazed, it was probably because her ego wouldn't let that happen. "Civilian! You have a couple seconds to move or we will force you" "Oh please! Civilian! I am a engineer here so I am a full time worker now move before I clean your clocks in ten, seconds, flat!" Twilight was surprised. Rainbow had a Weyland uniform but she was only an engineer here after all, Rainbow growled and the troops didn't seem to want to leave. Twilight however couldn't help herself but to wonder how Rainbow passed Engineering. "Alright thats it!!" Rainbow spread her wings and took off flying straight at the leader and Twilight closed her eyes as she heard the sounds of punches and the zipping sound of Rainbow flying back and fourth between the troops and only three shots were shot off. Twilight heard a body hit the floor and then felt a hoof tap her on the shoulder. "Come on lets get you out of here before they wake up. What did you do to get in trouble with the Wey-U Fellas anyways?" Twilight gulped as she saw all the stallions on the ground sleeping from Rainbows punches. "No questions, Please, Otherwise I will loud your brain with questions that will make you wish you had shut your muzzle" Twilight said quickly and looked around at the ceiling. "We should go, I saw something not good before you came" Rainbow shook her head and stared at Twilight as the alicorn passed back and fourth. "We have to get off of this ship with out friend before its too late" Rainbow raised a hoof and began to laugh a little. "Twilight calm down, its not like we are under attack. That is just Weyland Yutani...they are always paranoid assholes" Rainbow flinched as the hallway suddenly went dark and red lights flashed throughout the cafeteria and the hallways surrounding it. "What the hell!?" "Warning foreign signatures acquired. Initiating lockdown of the local area surrounding the cafeteria area~" "What! Thats most of the civil area! What the hell is going on!?" Rainbow looked around and looked to her friend Twilight, "Twilight come on we have to get out of here before they lock this place down. I don't know what but something is going on here!" Twilight teared up and nodded having a general idea of what was going on as she noticed the red light giving away a puddle of thick spit on the floor where the mare leading the assaulting group of troops was standing before. "Come on Twilight! Hurry!" Rainbow then took off running down the hallway and the red lights were still flashing brightly everywhere as screams were heard once again throughout the hallways. The windows of the area were now being slowly covered by metal panels to prevent them from breaking just like Valuntas did during the meteor storm and this would only make things darker. Twilight moved fast to try and catch Rainbow but she was sure that if the windows were almost covered that the area was almost sealed. Twilight looked back briefly as a soft long hiss echoed from the vent where the troops lay on the ground motionless but she kept running, maybe she would be wrong this time.