Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High

by Gear Works

Ch. 39 - Destiny's Path




I don’t know who was calling me while I was asleep, but I decided to open my eyes and see who was calling me. But once I did, all I saw was an empty, white space. I decided to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but realized that I was using my right arm to do so. I soon then noticed that I wasn’t wearing a neck brace or pads. The only other thing I was feeling was Sunset’s hand on my own. She was still sleeping on my chest.

“Sunset, wake up.” I shook her in trying to wake her up.

She slowly opened her eyes. “What is it, Jack.” Her eyes went wide open in shock at what was around her. “What the…where are we?”

The realm of souls

She started to look around. “Who’s there?”

We started to hear footsteps from afar. Sunset started to get up. I decided to do the same, which surprised her. She noticed that I wasn’t wearing my neck brace.

“I’m guessing that we are not in our own world,” she said.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I replied.

It was then that we noticed a shadowy figure coming into view. It took a while before the figure became clear to us. It was a white man with red hair in a small ponytail and a red goatee, who was dressed as a kendo master. He had a white kimono top and black hakama pants and split toe socks.

“You’re not, Jack.”

I asked him, “How do you know me?”

“A former student of mine told me about you not too long ago.”

It was then that I remember Luna telling me about her master who once bear the same gift that I now have.

“Master Blades.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Jack. I’m glad that Luna would tell me about you when I confess to her about my gift, not to mention that you carry the last two katanas that were ever made.”

“I’m surprised that you once had the same gift that I have,” I said.

“A gift that I no longer bear,” said Master Blades. “And you must be Sunset Shimmer. Luna has told me how she has been using Jack’s gift to help you overcome your problems.”

“And I’m grateful that he didn’t give up on me. But how come we are here. I mean, what is this realm of souls place, and how did we get here?” Sunset asked him.

“The realm of souls is a…bridge point between the real world and the afterlife.”

Sunset was nearly shocked. “Wait. We’re not dead, are we?”

Master Blades let out a hearty laugh. “No, that’s left to Death and Fate to deal with. It is here that souls are sent to be reborn. But only those that bear soul resonance when they die.”

“If that’s the case, then why are you still here?” I asked.

“Because my passing was after my gift faded away. If you bear the gift of soul resonance until it is gone before you die, then you have fulfilled your life in its purpose. Those who die while bearing the gift are sent to be reborn so that they can fulfill their journey. And you, Jack, are one of them.”

“But why are we here. I mean, I bear the gift, but Sunset doesn’t. I don’t understand.”

“Look at your scared hands.” We both looked at our left hands to notice that the scar that we made from our pact was glowing. “What you are experiencing is soul bonding. It means that you share a strong, special bond with each other. Come with me and you will understand.”

He started to walk away from us, so we decided to follow him. As we were walking, I decided to ask him a question.

“Can you explain this…soul bonding and how it works? I mean we just made a blood pact during that time by using Masamune and Muramasa. How is it that it brought us here?”

“You will see soon,” he replied. “What I can tell you is that your bond has grown stronger than when it started, enough that it finally brought you to this realm.”

“But all we did was go to sleep at that time,” explained Sunset.

“Now that is something you should ask Luna about when you return to your world. I believe it is known as dreamscaping.”


“It was a special profession that she worked on while she was with Professor Star Swirl. She did research on dreams when she was in collage. She even used some of my meditation practices to help her learn. She said that by dreamscaping, she could enter other realms that are from other beings.”

“Like entering another person’s dream?” I asked.

“I believe so. I never could understand it the way she does. But I was able to learn from it in hopes that I could get in touch with my master’s spirit at the time. But I was never able to do so.”

“She told me that you had Professor Star Swirl study your own powers because of sensing that they were fading. Do you know whatever happen to him?”

He stopped for a moment before he responded. “I wish I knew. When I first heard that he…retired, I wasn’t sure that he did so, because he never talked about it. But when I saw Luna and her sister come to check up on him, they thought that something happened to him and that they received a book from him. That’s when I learned that something bad must have happened to him. So I decided to retire myself and leave before someone decided to look for me as well.”

“The Dark Star Organization.”

“You are aware of them, right?” he asked me.

“From what Coach Iron Will told us, they were a part of the axis group during the Great War. And Luna might have read in your diary that they could have been at the temple that you were staying at later on.”

“Indeed. They came out of nowhere, and all I was ordered was to escape before they could find me. I don’t think they even knew that I exist. But that no longer matters now.”

We continued walking to where he was taking us. It was then that we walked up to what looked like a crystal tree with six gems on it. On each main branch were five separate gems that had the colors of red, blue, orange, pink, and purple on them. And at the center of the tree was a magenta six-pointed star shaped gem.

“We have arrived,” he said.

“What is this?” I asked him.

“The Tree of Harmony. I’m sure you’ve heard of the legend.”

“It was something that was displayed in the school library about the Guardians of Harmony and how they helped the Knights of Canterlot,” Sunset explained.

“Well that legend is real,” he said. “And it’s that the Dark Star Organization has been looking for all this time.”

“Then why is it here?” I asked him.

“It is waiting…for the awakening.” We had confused looks on our faces. “You will learn in time. But for now, you must look into your souls past. Place your scared hand onto the tree where the star gem is.” So I did what he told me. “Now Sunset Shimmer, place your scared hand on top of his. This will cause the tree to react, and allow you to see what Jack sees in his past life.”

Sunset decided to place her hand on top of mine. At that point, the tree started to glow, and our vision became so blight that everything disappeared in front of us.

----------10 Years After The Great War----------

“How much longer before we arrive?”

“Not much longer. Once we clear the forest, you’ll see it from the hillside.”

We cleared the forest and made our way to the top of the hill. The view in front of us was a huge rock wall that had holes in it.

“Is that where you stay?”

“It’s not just our home, but our school, garden, and training center. It’s a town by itself.”

We made our way to the gate inside the rock wall. The bell was rung and the gates open, with two more gates already opened. Once we passed all three gates, each one was closed and locked to keep the temple safe from intruders. An older scholar greeted us.

“Master Edge, we were **cough** worried that **cough** you wouldn’t **cough** make it back.”

“Here, Dr. Remedy. This should take care of that throat of yours.” I handed him a small bottle of medicine, which he removed the cork and took it in one gulp.

“Damn that’s bitter. A little strong, but you did a good job,” he replied.

“Thank you. I had to rely on what Blitz Wing had at his home.” I pulled out a small bag to hand to him. “Here are the herbs that you wanted. Used a bit for what you just drank.”

“At least he’s doing well. Just be careful on the strong stuff that you use. I wouldn’t offer it to any of the young ones here. Make sure Master Moonlight talks to me before she takes any on my supplies again.”

“I’ll see to it that she understands.”

He looks at the kid next to me. “And who do we have here? Another scholar in training?”

I placed my hand on the kid’s shoulder. “No, this is our new student, Saw Blades. He’s the reason I couldn’t return yesterday.”

Dr. Remedy had a shocked look on his face. “You mean…”

“Yes. I’m guessing Master Flare is training with our students?”

“She is. Shall I have the scholars prepare a room for our new student?”

“Please do, Dr. Remedy.”

He left us, calling a couple of scholars to follow him. I took Saw Blades to the training room doors.

“Tell me, what can you sense behind this door?”

“Only a few people. I don’t think they pose a threat. Why?”

I opened the doors, which revealed 14 girls and two masters, one with lavender skin and purple hair, and another with orange skin and red hair. A few scholars were watching and taking notes on what was going on. The one with the red hair saw me and clapped her hands, ordering her students to each side of the training center, 7 students on each side. It was then that both masters came towards us.

“Master Edge, I see that you are still alive,” said the red haired lady.

“Very funny, Master Flare. I see that practice is going well?”

“It is,” replied the purple haired lady.

“Good. I was able to pick up the herbs that the doctor needed, since someone wanted to take the last of them without asking, Master Moonlight.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “Fine. I’ll remember to ask next time.”

It was then that their attention was turned to Saw Blades. They were able to catch on to what he possessed and looked back to me for an answer.

“This is Saw Blades, a homeless kid who’s been able to survive on the streets at the town I was visiting, thanks to his gift.”

“Then I guess he will be our newest student here?” asked Master Flare.

“In a few days. I want to get him adjusted before we start training him. If you will please.”

Master Flare bowed to me, then turned around and clapped her hands, ordering her students to continue practice with her watching over them.

“Excuse me, but how come I can’t sense them that are practicing?” asked Saw Blades.

“Because they bear the same gift that you do,” I answered.

“But they’re all…”

“Girls?” Master Moonlight finished his sentence. “That is true. Only girls can possess this gift. But it is rare for a boy to possess it as well. Both you and Master Edge are proof of that. Even his late master was also a guy.”

“I see.”

It was then that Dr. Remedy came in the training room.

“His room is almost ready? Shall I have the boy examined?”

“Yes please. He has been living on the streets for a long time. I want to make sure he is in well shaped before we continue.”

Dr. Remedy nodded and escorted the boy with him.

“You not going to poke me around, are you?”

“Don’t you worry, boy. I’m just going to make sure you don’t have any illnesses and such. Besides, you get to see where I work my craft…as long as I still have something to work on.”

Master Moonlight slapped her palm in front of her face in disgust. “Alright already. I’ll ask next time.”

Both of them left the room. It was then at Master Moonlight who spoke up.

“I’m going to have to live through this, will I?”

“Perhaps what you did was a matter of fate. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have found the boy in the streets.”

Master Moonlight let out a small grin. “Maybe so.” But her face showed that she was worried. “But what about them. I mean, we haven’t heard anything since that ex-solider talked to us about them.”

“And so far, he hasn’t seen anything that could resemble the threat that he told us about. He’s grateful that I was able to find the boy. Otherwise, he could have been a victim to them if they showed up.”

“But what if they no longer exist? Then what?”

“They do exist, Master Moonlight. Remember that I was able to see the pain and suffering that he saw during the Great War. Being a member of the Equestrian Knights might have gave him painful experiences, but it’s that knowledge that will help us stay alert in the future, if they find this place. Besides, the scholars that were left with him have become helpful in their own studies. We just need to make sure that we are all ready for the worst to happened.”

“I just hope it never happens. This is the only temple that we know of that carries gifted students.”

“Saw Blades has become a fast learner than I first remember. And it’s been about 2 years since he came here,” said Master Moonlight.

“It has. This is a good sign,” I said. “But I’m worried about some things about him.”

“He feels different about having fun and interacting with the other students, right?” asked Master Flare.

“It’s because he’s a boy, and they’re girls. He feels like it’s a distraction to him,” I responded.

“But he doesn’t behave that way during training,” explained Master Moonlight.

“That’s because he’s going through training with the other students,” Master Flare added. “This is different. He needs someone who can help bond with him if he wishes to succeed.”

“What about that one student that you have been helping in private? Wind Breaker, I believe?” I asked.

“She has high potential, but I’m not sure she’s ready for that,” answered Master Flare.

“I believe that was the same for you and Master Edge,” responded Master Moonlight. “And look at the both of you. You share a bond that would make both your masters proud.”

“Remember, it took much longer than that before I started to share a bond with Master Flare,” I responded.

“I think it doesn’t mater if it’s age or experience. As long as they start to develop that bond, then both of them can succeed to greater things,” explained Master Moonlight.

Our students were sparring with our warrior scholars so that they can develop their senses against their opponents, plus make sure our scholars are ready to defend the temple should the worst happen. Saw Blades was the latest to step on the practice mat with another scholar, both armed with bo staffs. As they were sparring, it was in one point that the scholar decided to do a strike from above with his back towards him. We were expected for Saw Blades to block the attack, but something happened that I didn’t expect to see so soon. He got a glance at his opponent and decided to dodge the attack, but this led to him transporting farther away from his opponent, letting him strike the floor and breaking his staff.


I walked towards Saw Blades, who was in shocked and confused as to what he just did.

“Master, what just happened?”

“What you just did was a soul shift. This skill can be used to help evade your opponent when you need it the most.”

“But…how does it work? I don’t even know how I did it.”

I looked at Master Flare and gave her a simple nod. Then she turned to the other students.

“Wind Breaker!”

A girl with sky blue skin and green hair stepped forward with her bo staff in hand.

“Saw Blades. I want you to spar with Wind Breaker. You will see what I mean,” I said.

Saw Blades got up and made his stance in front of Wind Breaker.


Both of them sparred against each other, relying on their other senses. One thing that Wind Breaker can do is relying on her other senses should her gift fail on her. At one point, Saw Blades decided to attack from behind, only for Wind Breaker to shift to his backside and tap her staff on his shoulder. This was a sign that he was defeated. Both of them faced each other and bow to each other.

“Don’t worry. I was surprised when I did it for the first time,” said Wind Breaker. “I’m sure you will understand how it works as you experience it more.”

Saw Blades said, “Thank you.”

I saw him looking over some books as he was studying more about the history of the place.

“You’re not playing with the others,” I said.

“It feels different playing with girls. I’m just a boy,” replied Saw Blades.

“But you train with them, right? Having fun with them is another reason to learn about everything. It’s all about interacting with them, working as a team. Besides, I think there was someone who was worried that you would stress yourself out in your studies. You have time to study on other things, but you should learn to relax and remember what your purpose is in life.”

Saw Blades nodded and decided to leave his room. It was Master Flare who saw this and enters the room.

“So, you finally got him to play with the others?” asked Master Flare.

“I think so,” I replied.

She went over to the window that looked over the field where the other students were playing. I joined her and saw my student join them. I can see Wind Breaker smile and waving for Saw Blades to join them in playing with a rubber ball.

“You think they can bond with each other?” asked Master Flare.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind and said, “If we could, I’m sure that they will do the same.”

“It’s been, what, nine years since I brought you here?”

“It has, master. And I’m glad that you brought me to this place. It’s too bad that Dr. Remedy is no longer around. I still have much to learn from him.”

“Don’t worry, I have learned much from him since I gave him a second chance in life by helping out here. Plus he did leave all of his notes to use so that we can learn more about his practice.”

“I’m glad that Wind Breaker is helping me in his late teaches. It’s like we share some kind of…bond with each other.”

“I was hoping that you would be able to bond with her. Both of you have great potential in your gift. Perhaps it is almost time for the two of you to learn one of our biggest secrets, the Soul Arts.”

“What are those?”

“Powers that can be used to protect others, as long as both of you use them wisely. I will discuss this with Master Flare about this before we proceed.”

It was then that Master Flare came running towards us.

“Master Edge, we might have a problem.”

She guided upstairs to where Master Moonlight was looking outside towards the forest that leads to the entrance. It was night outside, and the moon was shining bright outside.

“Master Moonlight, what’s wrong?”

“I thought I saw movement outside, but I can’t make out anything in the forest.”

“Were you able to sense anything?” I asked.


We were looking out the windows to see anything, but couldn’t make out any movement.

“Master, over there.” Saw Blades pointed to one area for me to see, and that was when I could make out a shadowy figure close to one of the trees.

“Master Flare? Bow please.”

She handed me a bow and arrow. I took my stance and made the shot, hitting the shadowy figure. Sparks came shooting out of it, and it disappeared. That’s when I know that the worst has finally come.

“Master Moonlight? Notify the scholars to prepare themselves and take the students into the training room. They’re here.”

She looked out the window. Then she looked at me and nodded and made her way downstairs.

“Master Flare, we need to get him out of here.”

All three of us made our way downstairs and started to make our way to my room.

“How were they able to find us?” asked Master Flare.

“I’m not sure, but I don’t even think they are human,” I said.

“Master, what’s going on?”

“It’s the Dark Star Organization,” I said. “They’ve been looking for people who bear the gift that we have.”

“What for?”

“To create their own super soldiers. It was something they did back during the Great War.”

“You mean like the stories that Blitz Wing told me about?”


“Then why do I have to escape alone? Why won’t the other students come with me?”

“Because they don’t even know that any guys bear it. We want to do our best keep that a secret,” explained Master Flare.

“Then are you coming with me, master?”

“I’m sorry, but I have to secure your safety first. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they don’t take me alive.”

“Wait, what about my diary? I should take it with me, right?”

We stopped for a moment. I knew I asked him to write down all that went on, but I couldn’t let that fall into their hands.

“Master Flare, begin the preparations. I’ll join you shortly.”

Master Flare went on ahead. I went with Saw Blades to his room so that he can take his diary. I grabbed a bag and asked him to take it in there so that it would be protected from the water during his escape. We left and made our way to my room, where Master Flare was placing boxes into the secret passageway.

“How many have you placed?”

“Just two. I’m on my third one.”

“Saw Blades, take this passageway where the boxes are. It will lead you to the back of the temple. You will come across a waterfall that leads to a river in some forest. It will help you make your way to the town. Go to Blitz Wing’s place and let him now that the temple is no longer safe. He will understand. Once they see that it is now safe to return, come back here and retrieve these boxes. They hold the Soul Arts that we just discuss. You will have to learn these on your own from here on out.”

“Yes Master.”

It was then that we hear noise that was coming from the entrance. Master Flare just got the fourth box into the passageway.

“They’re in. You must leave now.”

“I understand. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Until we meet again.”

“Until we meet again.” I closed the passageway and looked at Master Flare. “I guess this is it.”

She had two katanas with her and handed one of them to me. “I guess so. We never had a chance to have children, did we?”

“Our students were our children. Remember that.”

“I know.” She let out a smile. “You were thinking about teaching him the Soul Arts, right?”

“Yes. But it looks like he will have to learn them on his own.”

There was a banging from the door in front of us. That’s when we decided to draw our blades. The door came crashing down, and what look like ninjas entered and surrounded us. That was when we sense someone coming this way, someone evil. It was a woman in black with white skin and blonde hair.

“Well, well, well. Look at what we have here. I was wondering if there would be a guy who was…gifted. It’s been hard to find one, and my master was getting tired of looking for one. They are so rare these days.”

Master Flare yelled, “What do you want with us?”

The mysterious lady waved her finger and said, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Is that how you greet someone?”

“We know you work for the Dark Star Organization, and that you have been taking people for your experiments,” I said.

“So you do know about us. That makes things easier for me to explain.” She pointed at us and said, “Capture them!”

The ninjas threw chains to tie us up, be we shifted ourselves away from them. I slashed one of them, cutting its head off. Sparks flew out of its body before it fell.

“An automaton?”

“So that’s what you call them? I’m impressed. But they are really called cyber mechs. And they are far advanced than you will ever know.”

The others continued their assault, but we attack and took down each one of them. The mysterious lady became angry at the end result.

Master Flare pointed her blade at the lady and said, “Give it up. There’s nothing you can do to stop us.”

“Well, I didn’t want to get my hands dirty, but you left me no choice.” That’s when a green flame consumed her and revealed her true self. She had dark skin and a purple suit and green hair that had a life of its own.

“A Soul Eater.”

“Oh, now I’m really impressed. But you can call me…the Mane-iac.” He hair started to come towards us, but we cut them down with ease. “Damn it. No one chops up my hair. NO ONE!!!”

“Too bad, because it needed a heavy trim,” taunted Master Flare.

“I’ll show you!” She began growing more hair like vines and started to attack us, which we were able to defend ourselves. Master Flare saw an opening and decided to charge towards her, but was knocked down and slammed towards the wall. “I’m sure that my master wouldn’t mind if one lady was disposed.” That’s when one of her strands of hair turned into a spike and lunged it into Master Flare. I saw was about to happen and shifted my body in front of her, taking the damage myself. “NNNOOOOOO!!!”

“Master Edge!!!”

The spike was withdrawn from my body, causing me to fall on Master Flare’s body. My life was slowly fading.

“I guess…I’ve done…my part.”

“Don’t you dare leave me, Edge,” she said as she held me in her arms.

“I’m sorry, but you know…that I can’t…let them…take me alive. Just…do me…one favor? Kill that bitch for me.”

“I will. Until we meet again.”

“Until…we meet…again…”

Everything faded to black.

My vision came back to normal, and I saw our hands on the Tree of Harmony once again. We took our hands off of the tree and looked at Master Blades once again.

“You mean I was your master in a past life?” I asked him.

“Yes, which would explain how you started to execute the Soul Arts before I was able to deliver the information to you. A part of him started to awaken inside of you, which I was able to find out from this realm.”

Sunset asked, “So he knew that if he died, he would be reborn once again?”

“That is correct.”

“So…you were able to return to the temple later on when it was safe to return,” I said. “I’m guessing that he was the only master’s body that you could find.”

“Almost. A day later, they were able to find Master Flare’s body outside of the temple in some bushes. She was holding on to both blades at that time. I can only guess that she battled the soul eater and died trying. A day later, we found one who was barely alive walking into town. Master Moonlight. She was able to escape, but was attacked in doing so. She found a place to hide until they gave up looking for her. Once so, she was able to make her way to the town. All the others were stilled captured when she escaped. She was grateful to see that they didn’t find me, but was sadden to learn of Master Edge and Master Flare’s death. She told me that they needed to be alive so that they can collect their soul powers to use on their test subjects, like the ones at your rival school, Crystal Prep, I believe.”

“Then that means that there is a connection between the organization and the school,” I said.

“There is, but it is just a fraction so far. The problem is that I cannot sense where they are doing their experiments.”

“I’m guessing that Master Moonlight didn’t make it, right?” I asked him.

“Her last words were to look of the three of them in their new life. And now I have found one of them.”

“So it’s possible that the other two are out there?” asked Sunset.

“Maybe, but I have no idea where to find them. While we cannot sense their soul in the real world, we are able to find them from the realm of souls. That how I was able to find you, Jack. And with Sunset’s bond to you, it was enough to bring you here. What is worse is that I am unable to find any of the other students that were captured.”

I asked, “What about Professor Star Swirl? We can guess that he’s no longer alive, right?”

“That’s a bigger mystery. I was able to meet up with Blitz Wing and Dr. Remedy in the afterlife, but not Professor Star Swirl. And I cannot find Wind Breaker’s soul anywhere, even if I was able to share a bond with her. It is unclear if she is dead or not. She would have aged like I did, but I have not come across her in this realm, or find her soul reborn. It troubles me.”

“So what can we do now?” I asked him.

“Only one thing, bring the Dark Star Organization out of hiding. And beating Crystal Prep in this game of football might be the best way to do so.”

“It might not be the only thing,” I said as I placed my hand on my chin.

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset.

“Indigo Zap told me that she sensed something odd about Principal Cinch, like a wall around her soul.”

“You mean the same thing that you felt from me, Jack?”

“Yes…and no. It was more like bad karma that she felt.”

“And you might be right,” explained Master Blades. “She is the one who’s in charge of this Crystal Prep?” We nodded. “I have been sensing something strange from that person as well. But it is hard to make it out from here.”

“If I was able to encounter her, I might get a better reading on her,” I said.

Sunset panic. “Oh my gosh. I just remembered. The game was in the third quarter when we came here. It might already be over, which means…”

“Do not worry,” explain Master Blades. “Time flows differently here. When you return, only a few seconds would have passed.”

“But Jack is in no condition to play again,” explained Sunset.

“Not without this gift.” He turned to the tree, raised his hands, and said, “Tree of Harmony, grant these two the power to be as one.” It was then that the tree glowed, and streams of lights that matched each gem and journeyed their way to our scared hands. A new glow came from them. “Since you share a bond with each other, you can now use the power of Soul Link.”

“Soul Link?”

“It allows you to share your powers with each other. Sunset can lend her strength to you and help active some of the soul arts that you have yet to possess, like the tenth art that you couldn’t execute before. And Jack can share his powers to you, Sunset, so that you can fight in sync with him against your enemies. I’m sure there is more that you want to have answered, but for now, this should be your primary focus. Just tell Master Luna to help in your training and learn how to dreamscape. Once you return here again, I will do what I can to answer your questions. And maybe you will have a better idea on who this Principal Cinch really is.”

“Wait,” I said. “Did you just say…Master Luna?”

“Yes. Tell her that she has earned the right to be known as master in your presence, as well as her friend, Master Spitfire. They both have earned the title. I also have one more request for you. Find allies who can help you, those who can be trusted.”

“We do have some friends who have been helping us already,” said Sunset.

“I am aware of this, but you will need more. Blitz Wing has told me that they had a big group to help stop the Dark Star Organization.”

“The Equestrian Knights and Equestrian Riders,” I said.

“Yes. And it was that group that helped turn the tide of battle against the axis nations. And in this day and age, you will need more help than ever. Some will have to battle in the front lines. Others will have to work behind the scenes. And if they are working on your nation’s soil, then it can be worse that we have thought.”

“I might know some who can help us, but we will need to discuss this with Luna and Twilight before moving forward,” I said.

“Do so. I’m sure they will agree with your decision. Now, grasp your scared hands together and say SOUL LINK and you will be able to return to your world fully healed. Once so, you can use it to turn the tables against Crystal Prep. NOW GO!!!”

I looked at Sunset and asked her, “Ready?”

“Does it look like I have a choice? Let’s do this.”

So we both took a deep breath and clasped our left hands to each other.


At that point, we started to glow and were engulfed in a blight light.