//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Equestria Express // by ripjump12 //------------------------------// The Equestria Express By: Ripjump12 Solatune was a beautiful Pegasus pony. She had a red coat with tan hair and white wing tips. Her cutie mark was a flute with 3 music notes surrounding it. She decided to follow her husband down from the cloud to film trains. Her husband, Superliner, was a gold colored Pegasus pony with brown hair. His cutie mark was a railroad crossing. He called himself a railfan. Railfans were people who sat by railroad tracks and filmed trains. Superliner has loved trains as long as Solatune could remember. The morning was cool, and the descent from the clouds almost made Solatune freeze solid. Superliner, however, shot down from the clouds like a bullet. He wanted to get to Canterlot as fast as possible. She followed with all the strength she had. It was still early morning and she barely had anytime to do her mane. Solatune arrived at the station a few minutes after Superliner. He already had his camera on a tripod. She unfolded the blanket she brought and fell asleep on the station bench. Superliner focused his eyes on the distant town of Ponyville. He was glad he could see the small town from this elevation. A faint departure whistle sounded. He looked closer and noticed a trail of smoke following the tracks. The steam locomotive was on its way to Canterlot! “Hey Solatune! Solatune wake up!” yelled Superliner as he messed with the camera. “What is with all the yelling?” asked Solatune. She had trouble opening her eyes. “The Canterlot special is almost here! I really want to get a good video of the train.” Superliner was more excited then usual. “Why do you want me up then?” She fumbled to get on her hooves. “What is so special about the Canterlot special? It comes through here all the time.” Without hesitation Superliner told his wife “This new engine does not need to be pulled by ponies!” Solatune never believed that a train could operate without strong earth ponies pulling it. If Superliner was an earth pony he could help pull the trains, but since he was a Pegasus he was not allowed to help pull. The next best thing to pulling trains was filming them. A train that could pull its own weight was amazement to both ponies. As the train neared, Superliner began to yell in amazement. Solatune looked over Superliner to see a large shiny locomotive climbing up the mountain. The engine must have been pulling up to 35 passenger cars! “It is a 2-10-0 decapod! The numbers mean the amount of wheels it has. It is streamlined with a Doppler light! Isn’t it beautiful?!” Superliner was now hovering in the sky trying to get a better look at the locomotive as he rambled on about the engine facts. Solatune graduated college with a major in music and played lead flute for Cloudsdale orchestra. She was not familiar with a lot of train info, but living with Superliner has made her more familiar with railroads. It was now time. Superliner came down from the sky to press ‘record’ on the camcorder. Solatune has learned countless times to stay quite when Superliner was filming. The engine sounded very close, and she could make out a bell noise. The engine emerged from climbing the last hill. It was huge! The noise of the engine made the ground shake like an earthquake. Solatune decided to hover in the sky so she would not be disturbed by the shaking. After every chuff she still felt her body shake. Superliner was going insane! He tried his best to stay quite, but he couldn’t handle himself. The engine pulled into station at a fast speed, but it wasn’t able to stop quickly. The locomotive towered over them. Superliner started circling around the engine. He took photos of everything on the engine. Solatune flew up close to the locomotive to get a close up view. It was very clean. She could see her reflection in the metal. She couldn’t help trying to fix her mane with the mirror. “I take pride into making sure my locomotives are always clean” said a male pony that poked his head outside of the locomotive window. Superliner immediately started asking questions to the man inside the locomotive. The man must have been the engineer because he sure new a lot about the engine. “This engine is the first of its kind. I used to help pull the trains, but it was very tiring. Since I was the elder of my crew, I was chosen to operate this locomotive. I am glad that I can operate a locomotive without exhausting all my energy. Once Celestia shows up we can talk about making more engines…” Solatune interrupted the conversation. “What did you say about Celestia!?” “I said that the she will be here in a few minutes to discuss making more engines like this one. We think it will improve the transportation of Equestria” said the happy engineer. This was Solatune’s chance! She had never seen the ruler of Equestria before! She always wanted to play flute for the Grand Galloping Gala. If only she had brought her flute! “Excuse me ma’am. If you want to talk to Celestia, she will be here in about 10 minutes.” said another man who was next to the engineer. Solatune almost screamed with glee! She imagined herself playing flute at the Grand Galloping Gala. Superliner was filled with questions to ask the engineer. “Hey what is the top speed of this locomotive? What is the build date? Does it require a 92 day inspection? How much pressure does the boiler require? What type of whistle is that? Please tell me it is a 5-Chime Maner Whistle!” The engineer could barely keep up with Superliner. “Hey would you like to see the schedule for the next trip?” asked the engineer. “That would be amazing! I really want more film of this locomotive!” Superliner was almost ready to explode! Solatune had her eyes on the sky. She tried flying up and around the station to see if the princess was near. Then she spotted a small chariot being pulled by 2 guards. Behind them was what he had hoped for. Solatune had to make sure Superliner was also aware of the Princess’ presence. “Superliner look! Celestia is almost here! Do I look alright?” asked Solatune. “You look absolutely beautiful Solatune” said Superliner. He clearly liked the locomotive more than ruler of Equestria. “Superliner this is big deal for me! I really want to play at the next Grand Galloping Gala!” said Solatune. Solatune lowered herself to the ground. Superliner stood next to her. He still cared about his wife more than anything. That was reassuring to Solatune. The chariot stopped and Celestia walked over to the station platform. “Hello Steamer. It is a fine day for the train. I am glad to finally see the new locomotive” said Celestia. “Who are these other ponies?” “My name is Superliner and this is my beautiful wife Solatune” said Superliner. “It… it… it is such an honor to talk to you!” Solatune tried her best to not hug the princess. All she could do was say those words and stand there with a wide grin. “It is nice to meet both of you. Why are you both here?" Celestia looked puzzled because the engineer and the brakeman were the only 2 people aware of her early arrival. “I love railroads and this is a rare chance to see this brand new locomotive!” said Superliner. “I am here because I followed my husband. I did not expect to meet the leader of Equestria” said Solatune who was still overjoyed. Celestia and the engineer, who apparently was named Steamer, conversed about the new idea for rail transportation across Equestria. Superliner and Solatune were amazed that Celestia new a lot about railroads. Solatune overheard parts of the conversation. Apparently this engine was going to depart to Manehattan. Celestia, Luna, and a lot of high class ponies were going to on the train. Celestia was here early because she wanted to see the revolutionary locomotive and new passenger cars. "I want to film near the tunnel. I also want to see the train cross the river on the new trestle!" Since Superliner now held the schedule for the train, he was able to find perfect areas to film the train’s excursion. He was overjoyed that he will be able to see the train going over 150 miles per hour! Solatune was still quietly waiting to ask her question. “Excuse me Princess Celestia. I am the lead flute player for the Cloudsdale orchestra. Is it a possibility for me to play at the next Grand Galloping Gala?” asked Solatune with a very quiet voice. “I am not sure about that. I do choose who plays for the Gala. All I know is that the players including Octavia will be on the train today. You might be able to ask them, but the train is sold out. Sorry” Princess Celestia knew this meant a lot to the Pegasus. Solatune's head slowly fell towards the ground. She knew this was to good to be true. What really upset her was that it would be impossible to ask Octavia for a flute position in the Gala. Princess Celestia noticed Solatune and said “If you can make it to Manehattan today, you will be able to talk to Octavia.” Solatune did have a chance then! She decided to go with Superliner to help film the train. That way she could get to Manehattan. Superliner and Solatune watched as all the ponies boarded the train. There were so many ponies in line. Solatune could not pick out Octavia. She did catch a glimpse of Luna, but was not able to approach her. Superliner waved good by to the engineer. He also helped the brakeman back up into the cab. Solatune and Superliner did not have time to watch it pull out of the station. As they flew away they could hear two short blast from the whistle. That meant the engine was departing. If the engineer was right, the engine would increase to 150 mph by the time it neared the first tunnel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Superliner and Solatune raced past trees, fields, and small homes till they saw the tracks again. From their angle they could perfectly see both ends of the tunnel. Superliner wanted a distant shot of the train speeding through the tunnel. They at the filming area 10 minutes before the express neared the tunnel. Superliner took this time to relax and to steadily set up the camcorder. He snapped on the zoom he purchased. Solatune sat down on the blanket. She was glad that Superliner decided to film the train on a large hill. Superliner decided to see how far the new zoom would go. He started to zoom closer to the tracks. He could now make out every tie on the tracks. They were about a quarter of a mile away! That was very impressive. He looked again and noticed something wrong about the signal next to the tracks. The lights have fallen off the signal post! He looked over to the opposite side of the tunnel. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He could see another train heading the opposite direction towards the express!!! “Solatune another train is headed towards the express!” yelled Superliner. “What can we do?!” Solatune tried to look at the tunnel, but she could only see a bright light from the freight train. Superliner was not responding to anything. He was thinking about how to stop both trains. “Solatune I need you to warn the incoming freight train that there is another train! Take this red lantern and wave it back and forth next to the ponies of the freight train. Since it is still hauled by ponies it might be able to stop quickly! I will do the same for the express! We need to move now!” yelled Superliner. Then another whistle sounded. It was the express… It was rounding the curve towards the tunnel! Superliner took off like a bullet towards the express. Solatune flew towards the freight train. She flew faster than she ever could! It was very hard, but she didn’t care. She needed to save all of the people on the trains! Solatune neared the freight train. She was glad that the ponies pulling the train noticed her before the tunnel. They saw the red latern and immediately put their hooves hard to the ground. The freight train struggled to stop, but it was able to halt at the beginning of the tunnel. Solatune tried her best to explain the situation to the freight ponies. They were glad she stopped them, but they were still worried about the express. Superliner neared the express at a fast speed. The problem was that the train entered a thick forest. The tracks were hidden behind very large trees. He fought his way through the trees and finally arrived at the tracks. He noticed the signal and started waving his red lantern frantically. The engineer and brakeman did not see the lantern. He flew over to the cab of the locomotive. He could barely keep up with the train. “STOP THE TRAIN! STOP THE TRAIN! STOP THE TRAIN!” yelled Superliner as he grabbed onto the cab window. The engineer noticed him and pulled a red valve. A large gust of smoke flew out of the side of the locomotive. Then he pulled a long bar towards him. The train’s brakes applied, but the train was not slowing down fast enough! Another gust of smoke flew out of the side of the engine. The engine was letting off pressure to slow down. Superliner noticed the edge of the tunnel. There was a light at the opposite end! There were also red lights near the end too. Solatune must have alerted the freight train crew in time. The brakes of the express screeched. It was almost deafening. The train finally reached 25 mph. They were halfway through the tunnel. The light grew brighter. The engine was slowing finally! 10 mph. 9 mph. 8 mph. He flew ahead of the locomotive and stopped at the front of the freight locomotive. The express came to a screeching halt 2 feet in front of the freight train. Superliner and Solatune were heroes! They could not believe that they just prevented a major disaster. The engineer of the express and the engineer of the freight train along with the brakemen thanked the two Pegasus ponies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When both trains backed out of the tunnel Celestia and Luna approached the couple. “We would like to thank you two so much for saving the express train, and also the freight train. We are glad to have ponies like you in Equestria. Luna and I will present you two with medals for extreme acts of bravery” said Celestia. “Without your help our train would be gone. Thank you very much!” said Luna with enthusiasm. The couple was very excited. Solatune noticed a pony figure nearing them. It was a grey earth pony with black hair. She had a treble clef sign as a cutie mark. “Hello. My name is Octavia. I would like to thank you for stopping the train. I heard from Celestia that you are looking for me. Is that true?” asked Octavia. Solatune almost fainted. It was finally happening! “My name is Solatune. I am the lead flute for the Cloudsdale orchestra. I was just wondering if… Can I be a part of the Grand Galloping Gala instrument group?!” said Solatune as she tried to hold back a very big smile. “Of course you can be a part of the instrument group! We need a flute player. Since you saved our behinds on the train, I would be honored to have you as a part of the group!” said Octavia. Solatune began doing back flips in the air. This was the best moment of her life! She was now going to play flute at the Grand Galloping Gala!!! “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you sooo much!!!” yelled Solatune as she flew into the sky like a firework. “Excuse me Superliner. Thank you for saving the passengers, myself and stopping the train. Would you like some throttle time for the rest of the trip? You know a lot about trains, and I believe that you will be able to operate this engine! Don’t worry. I will help you for the entire time” said Steamer. Superliner was ready to explode with joy. He would be one of the first ponies to operate this legendary locomotive! It was the best day ever is his life! Nothing could ruin this day. Solatune boarded the end of the train with Celestia, Luna and Octavia. Superliner climbed into the cab of the express locomotive. The freight train managed to reverse to a siding a mile away. Superliner gripped the whistle cord and pulled. Two short blast. The train was ready to depart for Manehattan.