//------------------------------// // Obsession // Story: The Hero They Need // by MetalJrock //------------------------------// 'Why am I not surprised?' Batman looked upward to see a literal gingerbread house, 'I found it... Of course the pink one would bother to live in a place like this. Then again, it was called Sugarcube Corner, so what else was I expecting?' he mused. Ignoring this Batman looked around, seeing that the town was a lot more empty than usual, 'Strange. From what could tell, this place looked a lot more busy, even earlier it did. I'll see what this is about once I see what Pinkie wanted to see me for. It'd better be worth my time for her sake.' The Dark Knight walked into the door, only to be met with darkness, 'This can't be good... Did Ra's get here first without me knowing? That's not possible... Unless that's what he anticipated... Might as well surprise them myself.' Batman used his Detective Vision to see a group of ponies standing around, 'Hm... They look fine.' he looked up to see a banner of sorts, but couldn't tell what it read, 'Oh no... This better not be what I think it is..." he groaned in his head. Despite this, he turned off his Detective Vision, turning on the lights after finding the switch. "SURPRISE!" Batman remained unfazed at the sight, 'Of course it is...' he sighed, seeing the large happy group of ponies, even the six mares and dragon that he met and allied himself with. Pinkie Pie looked at Batman with a huge smile on her face, "Hi, Batman! At first I thought you were a huge meanie after you hurt my friends, but then you saved Ponyville twice from Bane and that creepy Grundy zompony, and then I talked to the girls and then they said that I should throw you a party!" she inhaled after saying all of that in one breath, surprising even Batman, "Well, do you like it?!" "Sure." "Oh! I knew you would!" said the pink pony. Incapable of seeing that the Caped Crusader had not changed emotion at all despite having a surprise party thrown for him. Batman felt smething nudge at his cape, looking down he saw three fillies staring up at him. "Yes?" he asked in the calmest tone he could muster at a time like this. "You're Batman! You look so cool, but not as cool as Rainbow Dash!" said the orange pony. "Ah don't know, Scootaloo, he might be even cooler than her." said the yellow filly. "Don't try her, Applebloom." warned the white unicorn. "Sweetie Belle's right! Nopony can be cooler than her!" declared Scootaloo. "Can I help you?" Batman asked, interrupting the annoying debate. "Yeah! You're friends with our sisters!" Sweetie Belle revealed. "Pardon me?" Batman asked, crossing his arms while kneeling down to face them. "Yeah! Applejack's mah sister and Rarity is Sweetie Belle's! Rainbow Dash is watching over Scootaloo though!" Applebloom revealed to the Dark Knight. "Why are you telling me this?" Batman questioned the three fillies. "Because we wanted to thank ya for helpin' Ponyville and our sisters. Twice. When we heard Pinkie was throwin' another party we thought it was the only time to do that!" said Applebloom. Batman was a little shocked to hear this. It wasn't everyday he was thanked for helpong others, especially those he tried to fight off a few days ago. Even then, he had no idea those ponies he met had siblings of their own. "You're welcome." was all he said to them. The three fillies left with smiles on their faces to do whatever it was they were doing before speaking to him. Batman stood back up, seeing the giant cake standing on the table, 'That wasn't there a minute ago. Pinkie can give the Flash a run for his money.' he mused in his head. The cake was chocolate and had a bat symbol on top of the frosting, which he found a little humorous. Only a little, but he kept his composure. Turning his head, he saw Twilight use her magic to cut off a piece of it with a knife she got. The alicorn started to place the pieces on plates and handed them to everypony who attended. She lifted one last plate after placing her own on a table next to her, "You want one, Batman? Pinkie spent a whole day on making it for you. It's chocolate." she levitated the piece of cake over Batman's face but he didn't respond to her offer. 'Do I really? Then again it'll be better than eating hay.' with a groan, he held the plate of cake and held the fork. He bit into the cake and started to eat it. "What do you think, Bats? Pretty sweet cake, right?" wondered Rainbow Dash, having her own. "I agree. Pinkie really outdid herself on this one." Rarity agreed. "It's good." The ponies around him paused, "D-Did he just compliment ya?" Applejack studdered to say, "Woah! We should give ya cake more often. Yer actually a lot nicer." "I speak what I think." Batman said honestly with a small smirk on his face. "Can you explain what happened here?" Celestia and Luna left to go investiage the Fillydelphia attack that occurred a few days ago,. The reason why it took so long was becuase of the whole Batman ordeal that occurred until Luna assured the sun princess that Twilight and her friends were keeping an eye on him while he stayed in Ponyville. "Y-Yeah! It was so strange... Changelings showed up and attacked our quiet town... Luckily there were no casualties in the rampage..." the stallion they spoke to suddered in his words, trying to find the right things to say, "They managed to feed off us, but those creatures weren't alone?" "You mean Chrysalis attacked with them?" Luna asked. "Yes, she was with them. But she was not who I was referring to." the pony said, "H-He was a bipedal creature. He wore these ancient looking clothes over his body and wielded a sword. H-He didn't hurt anypony thankfully, but he gave us a warning about what's to come for Equestria..." "What did this creature say?" "He said be ready for war... That this war shall bring the end to Equestria's injustice!" Celestia looked to Luna, "Do you think this involves Batman?" the white alicorn asked her sister. "Perhaps. He fits the description of this creature, but it was not him directly. Twilight and her friends told me that he was incapable of this kind of destruction. Thy say we return to Canterlot and preapre out troops for a war that this creature has waged against us." "Thank you for your time. We will send you guards to help with the repairs." Celestia said before her and Luna flew off back to Canterlot to ready themselves. Batman and the ponies stepped out of Sugarcube with the party done, "Thanks for coming, Batman!" yelled Pinkie. "Anything to make you be quiet." "Heh. Maybe we should give you more cake! You're a lot nicer!" Rainbow Dash held back laughter. Then again, it was kind of hard to do with the image of someone like Batman sitting down and eating cake, all with the same stoic expression all the while. She snickered once more resisting the urge, Rarity shivered, "Is it me or did it get colder while were inside?" "It does feel a little colder now that you mention it." Fluttershy agreed, holding herself with her hooves to keep herself as warm as she possibly can. Snow started to fall from the sky was they walked, "Oh come on! We just finished Winter Wrap-Up last month!" Dash groaned, looking at the flakes fall around them. "You control the weather?" Batman wondered, "Yes. The pegasi control the clouds around Ponyville. They schedule whether we have rain, a cloudy day or clear skies. We also have a set period for winter where it snows for the entire season. But Rainbow Dash is right, we just did Winter Wrap-Up and shouldn't have anow again for at least another year." Twilight explained, trying to figure out where the snow was coming from. 'If they can control the weather, then that obviously means that an outside source is causing this... But who can cause this kind of weather pattern?' he paused. Batman's eyes went wide as he figured something out. "Oh no... Not him." he groaned in annoyance upon figuring it out, "What do you mean?" asked Rarity. "Take cover!" shouted Batman wile diving, holding the ponies while he did so. A strange blue beam narrowly missed them, hitting the wall behind them and turning it into ice. The ponies looked up in amazement at the sight and turned their heads upwards to find the source of that strange beam. It was a human like Batman. But he had features that made him vastly different from Bane and even Grundy. His face was pure blue and wore goggles. He wore armor that looked like an astronaut suit and a dome that covered his entire face, it fogging up with each breath he took. He wielded a gun in his right hand, his left hand pointing at the Dark Knight, "Batman. You know why I'm here... He'll kill Nora if I don't do this." he declared, holding up his weapon. "Uh, Bats? Who is that?" Dash wondered. Batman stood up to face the blue man. The ponies watched in awe at the staredown. This strange figure could freeze him at any second, but instead they continued to stare, even the cold weather wasn't making them shiver as much as them watching at the scene going on in front of them. "It doesn't have to end this way, Mister Freeze."