//------------------------------// // Chapter 34 -Cheating Death- // Story: Shattered Skies // by Arctikfox //------------------------------// -Cheating Death- "I never should have taken that blasted position." Skies vented as he rubbed his brow. He looked down to Quiet, Sif's up and coming right paw wolf. Quiet waited in her bowed stance after giving Skies news of Celestia's arrival. "You say she is currently at Twilight's castle?" "I do, my Lord." Skies looked up from the grand throne he leaned on, and squinted towards the other side of the room. Nothing demanded his immediate attention, but there were still tasks and obstacles in Farhaven to work through, and his continued absence from Ponyville would surely soon start to raise suspicion. "What do you wish of me?" Quiet asked. "Go and alert Storm Front. Tell him to bring on a very heavy rain storm. We have made a plan in case Celestia tried something like this before training was completed. Once you’re done with that, alert Flowing Streams to sit in the river a little downstream from the base." Skies stood and groaned quietly. "I knew there was a reason Fury was asking so many questions." Quiet nodded and bolted down one of the side rooms. She rushed past a red stallion with such force that he reared up in shock. After regaining his composure, Big Mac entered the throne room, but stopped when he noticed Shattered Skies staring down at him from the throne’s pedestal. "Is there something I can help you with, Big Mac?" "Y-Yes, my Lord." Big Mac said. "You can call me Shattered Skies, or either part of my name. When we're around as few beings as we are now, you can forgo the honorifics." Skies waved his hoof, calling Big Mac closer. "Now speak, it's obvious something is on your mind. Your foal, perhaps?" Big Mac nodded. "Gilda is getting on in her pregnancy, and she’s starting to worry the foal may become unhealthy. What do we do?" Skies smiled. "It's a good thing you came to see me right away, it saves me the trouble of sending for you next week. Soon, Gilda will need to start drinking an herbal tea with Bloodflower stem extract." "Isn't that poisonous?" Big Mac asked. "Something you learned from your younger sister, I presume?" Big Mac nodded slowly, slightly put off from the hazardous instruction. "Well, yes. It can be extremely poisonous, but the toxins are easily cancelled if you dry the stem and strain it to make the tea-" Skies corrected. "-Something that I've taken the liberty to prepare in the past few weeks. I am able to make a tea out of it so she will only need one cup a day, but be warned, it tastes like a boiled leather bag. I suggest adding a little sugar to it." Big Mac nodded, but concern still radiated from his shaky expression. "Oh, on a different note, I have sent a representative to Canterlot to see about setting up a postal route from Farhaven to Ponyville." Skies said, lifting Big Mac's solemn look. "I know you leave our borders to check on your farm. I like your devotion to your family, but please be wary of dangers. I am the ruler of the forests, but even I am not omniscient enough to see everything in my forest at once." Big Mac smiled. “I’ll be sure to do so. Winter is coming and Granny Smith never fares well in the cold. My only regret is that I can’t spend time around like I used to.” “Because she is nearing the end of her life?” Skies asked, receiving only a slow nod in return. Skies sighed and ran his hoof through his green mane. “Such is life. She is your surrogate parent since yours left at such a young age. It’s understandable that you would want to see her off.” Skies averted his gaze to the many statues that lined the spacious room. “It shouldn’t be much longer before you’re reunited. But leave that matter to me. For now, worry about your daughter.” “If I may, my lord. How did you know my parents left at such a young age?” Big Mac bowed, and rose to see that Shattered Skies had disappeared, and that the vines that surrounded his throne now held bloomed, bioluminescent flowers. “He does that.” Anara said as she walked into view, taking Skies’ place on the throne. “I overheard what you and my father were discussing. I wish you the best with your new child.” Big Mac bowed once more. “Thank you, my lady. We’re both nervous and excited, yet terrified that something will happen.” “Then that means your head is in the right place.” Anara said. “In the short time I’ve spent with my father, I’ve learned much. He always tells me that… what was it?” Anara tapped her chin, her casual speech confused Big Mac, but when in doubt, it was always better to humble yourself before royalty. “Ah!” Anara gruffed her voice to make it sound deeper. “One must posses the right thinking; only then can you see a clearer path.” “You’re father seems to be a very wise Spirit.” “He is, when it isn’t hidden under all the silliness.” Anara chirped. “Although, he is a master of avoiding questions.” Lazily, Skyfall lumbered into his house, and up to his study. Having already felt the guard messenger half-sprinting her way to his estate, it wasn't difficult to figure out what type of visit Celestia was conducting. Plus, the four hundred ponies sitting in the tree line were too organized to be anything other than another guard unit. Sky sat before a large darksilver egg and swiped his hoof over its ornate middle ring, causing it to shudder and peel back, revealing his darksilver armor, and blue shoulder cape. He paused and chuckled at the visitor in his doorway. "If you stand on my shoulders we really will be a dog and pony show." Sif bit her lip and remained quiet. "What's wrong?" Skyfall asked. "Nothing, thought I'd come by to see what you were up to." Sif said. "You're a horrible liar." Sky chuckled and fastened his armor into place. "Where is Cadance?" Sif asked. "She's at the castle. She is taking over court to get practice in running a nation by herself, no oligarchy." Skyfall stopped pulling straps and looked hard at Sif. "Now tell me. Why are you in a mood? I'll have no denial. Everything out, now." Sif chewed on her lip. "Sif." "I can't." Sif sighed. "They will soon make themselves known." "If you're asking where my daughter is, I want to know the reason." Sky informed. "Especially if there is an ominous 'They' involved." Sif's ear pinned back as the room's walls creaked with Sky's dire tone. His front of being chipper eroded into a cold glare. Sif lowered her head. "I am oath bound to not tell you, my lord." Skyfall softened his expression and beckoned Sif over with a weak hoof. Her eyes teared up as she rested her head against his chest. "I'm sorry, Sif. It’s not something that’s going to result in death or foalnapping, right?" "No, it's-" “Then it’s fine.” Skyfall cut her off and patted her head. "You've always been loyal to me. I should have never let the thought cross my mind that you may have had ill intentions. Whatever has your mouth sealed will play out." "Thank you." Sif said, her voice nearly failing her from inner conflict. She grabbed pieces of Sky’s darksilver armor and began to help him push them into place. Skyfall chuckled. "You should hide your furry butt. That messenger will be here any minute." "Captain!" Called a voice from outside. "Or now is fine." Skyfall said as he pulled the last strap of his armor, before pulling his arm cape into place over his left arm. He sealed the egg, and strode toward the door, ready to deal with Celestia's test. "Aren't you taking the swords that go with that?" Sif chuckled, knowing the answer. "The swords that I've used, what, twice?" Skyfall mused. "Wait, you're taking nothing besides armor?" Skyfall shook his head. "There is a sword at my office that Celestia had made for me when I was appointed. I'll use that so I get brownie points. Still, I know it will break two swings in." "No silver axe?" "It’s a fake invasion force. I'll likely fell half within the first surge with nothing but bottle-necking them through small openings." Skyfall chuckled. "Rage won't appear. Too much exposure looks bad for Celestia, so he is only the option for Skies' arrival." Sif nodded and pulled herself towards his desk. "Well, if you need me, I'll be under this desk, sobbing into a bowl cereal and rubbing dolls together." "Love you too." Skyfall laughed. The guard was frantically banging on the front door, and Sky finally took a deep breath, went to the door, and opened it only to receive yelling and a gust of stormy weather in return. "Captain, hurry! There is an army from Farhaven amassed by our base!" The mare cried. 'So that's your plan?' Skyfall silently cursed. 'Using your test as simultaneous news coverage to put Farhaven on the defensive.' Skyfall nodded. "Good thing I just finished adjusting my armor. Let's go." With a powerful flap of his wings, Skyfall rocketed into the stormy sky, and jetted off towards the Ponyville barracks. Like most fast-travelling Pegasi, Skyfall left a trail. It wasn't a rainbow or a collection of clouds, but a trail that lightly fractalized space in the fashion of his cutie mark. As Sky flew, his mind ran through all the political stratagems Celestia had invoked throughout the years. She likely planned to make everything look real enough to pin on Farhaven. Uncertainty sat in the back of Sky's mind: uncertainty that Celestia had malicious ulterior motives. "Right." Skyfall said to himself before turning his head to the guard flying behind him. "Your name is Peak Performance, right?" "Yes, Sir!" "Peak, go upriver and tell the dam engineers to turn the power controls to the dam off in say-" Skyfall looked up towards the dam and then traced the river into the forest just past the parade grounds. "-an hour, then fly to Ponyville General and get all their non-essential personnel to the barracks. Do those tasks in that order, and do not deviate from my command. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir!" Peak shouted. “But in this heavy rain, the dam will overflow and cause a flood.” “I know.” Peak saluted and banked off towards the distant dam, unaware of the reasoning for her orders. Skyfall could see a few of the painted heads that were supposed to represent the enemy force peering out from the canopy. He scanned the parade grounds and found that Nimbus was helping the guard force into their combat armor and rapidly issuing commands and instructions alongside Desert. "Captain on deck!" A guard roared as Skyfall landed, causing the entire field to snap to attention before being waved along with a curt nod of his head. "As you were." Skyfall said. "Everyone, grab your things and head to the flight deck of the aviation building, you will finish your preparations there." Nim walked up to Sky’s side, avoiding eye contact in favor of scanning the treeline. "So, what are we lookin' at?" Skyfall remembered that Nim couldn't see through the forest like he could. Nim only saw trees, and couldn't feel the four hundred or so raiders, poised to attack. "A four to one red herring." "You're kidding me, right?" "Afraid not." Skyfall chuckled. “I don’t know exactly what Celestia is planning, but I have a few guesses. Best-case scenario is that she’s doing this to set Farhaven up for a political nightmare. We just exposed ourselves, and an immediate invasion on a weak target is believable. It’s also likely that she cast some sort of spell to nullify all weapons on both sides to make everything look real enough until the illusion wears off. Worst-case scenario, she knows who I am and is doing this to provoke a transformation.” “I guess now is a good time to tell you that Fury, Celestia, and the rest of the posse are here.” Nimbus said. “They arrived here an hour ago. Celestia wanted to see you, but I told her you were home, tossing and turning with Sif.” “Nim…” “What?” Nimbus groaned. “I had to tell her something.” “Did that something have to be sexual in nature?” Skyfall chided. “What’s wrong with that?” Nimbus asked. “You never had an issue with that image before. It’s convenient! They ask where you are? Oh, he’s off with the waitress. Wait...” “What?” “You’re actually getting together with one of these mortals, aren’t you?” “No.” “Yes you are.” Nimbus smirked and jabbed Sky’s side. “It’s Twilight, isn’t it? She wanted you to tell her your life story, so you gave it to her, biblically.” “Nim, you’re a bit much sometimes. You know that, right?” Skyfall chuckled, knowing Nimbus was only playing with him. “Skyfall.” Nimbus said in a serious tone. “Romantic relationships between Spirits and mortals never get a happily ever after. They just get a slow descent into sadness before a final goodbye. Even if you cheat the system and have children, they too will pass with time.” “I know.” Skyfall turned to walk towards his office, the cold reality having hit him. At certain times in one's life, the obvious needs to be stated by another for it to sink in, and a well learned lesson resurfaced with Nim’s warning. “Sky?” Inko called from the mess hall. “You okay?” “Yeah, just lost in thought. How are you?” Skyfall cantered to the cream colored mare. “You look well-rested.” “I am. Is there anything you want me to do?” “Brunch?” Skyfall asked. “We’re about participate in an overgrown training game.” “Really? I thought something more serious was happening.” "Why do you think the Princess is here with the Elements, and the Captain of the Guard? Coincidence is rarely that kind." "Do you have a plan?" "Already in motion." Skyfall turned to leave, and felt magic surround him. With a crack, he was teleported to his office’s lobby. "Sorry, I know you like being asked." Nim mumbled as he faded into sight. "It's fine." Skyfall said. “I probably would have avoided meeting our guests if you didn’t.” The muffled sound of giggling could be heard from behind the door to Skyfall’s office. With a deep breath, Skyfall pushed the door open to see Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash standing on his desk, wearing an old helm with a bright blue mohawk. “That is an ancient helm from the Battle of Bree.” Skyfall chided as he went to take his seat, ignoring the whispers and glances shooting around the room, as well as the rest of the ponies in his office. “I take it there is a good reason all of you are here when there is an invading force on their way here?” Celestia smiled and stepped forward. “We were here to see how everything was coming along. Captain Fury heard of the force coming when we arrived, and thought it best for us to stay here until everything blew over.” Skyfall leisurely wrote out a list of work orders and supply requests, his mind tearing through his experience of troop movements and strategies learned through the millennia. Each action held a consequence, and no matter how it seemed, outnumbering an opponent had no advantage with rookie soldiers. The silence dug at those accustomed to the typical liveliness of interaction with royalty. “Do you suspect me of lying?” Celestia eventually asked. “Answer your Princess, Captain Skyfall.” Captain Fury demanded, after a long stretch of silence. “Do I suspect you of lying?” Skyfall asked. “Is that not rhetorical?” Before Celestia could respond, Skyfall leaned back in his chair and looked out the window to the forest. “No. There is indeed a force of four hundred invaders in the forest and you are here, so your story checks out.” The number of invaders didn’t surprise anyone in the room, something Skyfall picked up on immediately. “Does four hundred seem to be a bit much?” Twilight asked. She looked at Celestia who then looked at Fury who only shrugged. Skyfall, in an effort to keep up the act of being a competent guard captain chuckled. “It’s no matter. They will fall regardless.” “You won’t talk to them?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Surely you could reach some sort of agreement. It doesn’t have to come to fighting.” Fury sat down eyed Skyfall, who raised his eyebrow to Sunset. The other ponies in the room looked at one another with uncertainty. “Four hundred isn’t really a ‘let’s talk’ number of ponies. That is an invasion force meant for one thing, destruction.” “So you’ll fight them with a four to one disadvantage?” Twilight asked. “I’ve commanded armies against more with less.” Skyfall grabbed the sword that Celestia commissioned for him upon his official decree of entry into the Guard. “Skyfall, darling.” Rarity called. “Surely a gentlecolt wouldn’t leap to fighting like this?” “You’re right, but I’m no gentlecolt on a fighting field. Gentlemen fight for show, I fight to win.” Skyfall looked up to see sour reactions from most of the ponies in the room, save Fury who only smirked. “Do you all remember what I told you about armed conflict?” Skyfall asked, checking his flimsy officer sword. “At times it’s unavoidable?” Rainbow Dash said. “Yes.” Skyfall nodded, and placed his sword aside. “Do you all seriously think four hundred ponies funneling out from a dangerous forest is something that can be avoided with words?” Skyfall looked to Celestia who was struggling to maintain her calm disposition. Even Fluttershy couldn’t look Skyfall in the eye as he bore down on the room. Playing tricks with innocent mortals always played with Skyfall’s temper. He took a deep breath to alleviate the scowl he felt building. “I must apologize to you all. War is a tough subject filled with conflicting opinions. When this is all over, we can discuss what could have been done, but the pieces are set, and all that’s left is the loss of life.” Skyfall left in a hurried canter, leaving behind a room stunned into silence. "What's your plan?" Nim asked as Skyfall marched through the hangar door. Sky smirked at Nim in front of their squadron of guards. They each caught his sly look and shuffled into their teams once again. With a long, tentative look, Sky examined the position of the sun and whispered. "Thirty minutes." Desert trotted into view holding Skyfall's sword, and held it out to him the instant she arrived. She hesitantly looked over Sky's armor as she knelt down. Each guard on the deck was eyeing Sky's darksilver armor. "Thank you, Desert. I must have forgotten this in my office." Skyfall said as Nimbus grabbed the ornate sword, and fastened it to Sky's side. “What were our guests discussing?” Desert sighed. “They were talking about a training accident, and that this is getting out of hoof. Captain Fury then assured them that all of their weapons were enchanted to only knock other ponies unconscious.” “Called it.” Skyfall said, relieved from his worries. “Hope they can swim.” “There is one more thing.” Desert said. “Lady Fuji has just arrived, and requests your presence immediately.” “Huh, well that’s rather unfortunate.” "They're all yours, Sky." Nimbus said as he stepped up. Skyfall solemnly nodded as he acknowledged the unchallenged relinquishment of Nim's lead. He took a deep breath, and looked at his guards as the event's taskmasters, Princess Celestia and company, stood looking out from his office. "Everyone, gather in a horseshoe around me." Immediately, Skyfall’s guards formed around him with levels of speed and attention that would make any normal Equestrian commander sweat. Skyfall rubbed his brow, slightly upset with the situation. He was used to playing games like this with the Princess, but without Celestia telling everyone that it was a training exercise, they had to treat it like a real threat. This meant the potential loss of life, on both sides. "I won't sugar coat this." Skyfall started. "Today will likely get very, very ugly." The unshaken looks surprised Skyfall. "There is an estimated four hundred soldiers in that forest at the moment. Essentially, we're outnumbered four to one." One by one, a realization sank into each of the guards. Audible gulps echoed through the silence. "Your training isn't finished, and you are definitely not ready for what comes next, but they're even less prepared. None of you have an obligation to stay, and if you wish to leave now, I will gladly sign any paper authorizing a transfer or dismissal from service without penalty." After a pause, two guards stepped forward nervously. “Delivery, Bells, it’s been an honor.” Skyfall said. “You may leave, the paperwork will be delivered to your houses in the morning.” After a final, crisp salute, Skyfall waited for what he expected to be uproarious acceptance of his offer, but when no more volunteers came forward, he couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face. "So after a few months with Nimbus and me, you've all become sadists?" Nimbus scoffed. "You're the sadist. You get off on Sif pinning you to the floor and biting you over and over." Loud laughter erupted at Nim's jab. "Guilty." Skyfall chuckled. "She's a fierce mare that needs a stallion to wear her out, and I'm all too happy to oblige." A lull in conversation washed over the crowd, allowing the tall guard captain to continue his speech. "Back to the situation before us." Skyfall looked directly across the airstrip and into the command headquarters where Celestia was likely watching and eavesdropping. He growled, but made sure that his guards believed that he was speaking to them. "Just be sure when you're all out there, remember, even though your weapons are dulled, they’re still weapons. Each life you take is on your hooves." Silently, Skyfall raged at Celestia for allowing these events to play out, even if she wasn't the mastermind. "Don't think about it, just do what you needs to be done. I take responsibility for putting you all in this situation, a force that large should not have gotten this close." As the words left his lips, Skyfall realized that his words were true, he didn’t sense them moving into his forest. For one or two to sneak in was one matter, but an army moving in was something else, something he should have noticed. The guards looked around before Desert spoke. "How close are they?" "I saw a few in a tree top on the way here. If they were reconnaissance, then a mile or two out." Skyfall said. “So they’re likely at our doorstep by now.” A guard in the crowd moaned. "I'll never see Celestia's fat flank ever again." Skyfall laughed hard at seeing Celestia's awestruck expression the princess in question walked onto the airstrip, and humored the guard. "She does have a huge flank, doesn't she? Built like a brick house." The crowd laughed and hollered in agreement. "I bet you could snuggle up between them love buns and not be found for days." Skyfall exclaimed to boisterous laughter. "I bet some of you have very sticky pictures of her on your hooflocker, don't you?" Some of the guards laughed boisterously, and others did so nervously while avoiding eye contact, further kindling the laughter of the other guards. The laughter dissolved with a soft pop of magic from the shadows of the flight hanger. "Skyfall!" A voice called from behind him, a familiar voice Sky had been trying to avoid. Slowly, everyone in the crowd turned with amused expressions before they devolved into nervous frowns upon noticing their Princess, wearing a fake smile. "Hello, Fuji. Where did you come from?" Skyfall eyed the dragonpony up and down. She glared at him with extreme hurt. "Don't ‘hello’ me. That was incredibly disrespectful!" Fuji glared up with her amber eyes. "Not only have you scarred everyone here, but you have ridiculed your Princess." Skyfall scoffed. "You have no investment in Equestrian politics, why are you pretending to be angry?" "I am angry!" Nim chuckled. "You're just mad because Sky doesn't write to you." A mix of anger and embarrassment turned Fuji's sapphire face to a deep red. After fumbling her words, she growled. "I'm upset with that as well." Skyfall rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this." Fuji growled at Skyfall. "Fuji, the situation here is quite dangerous. You need to join the Princess and the Elements, and get to my office." Skyfall said coldly. "Captain Fury should be enough protection for the nine of you." "You sure you don't want me here?" Fury called, more amused than he should have been. "It's fine." Skyfall said. "This'll be over within the hour." Skyfall's statement shocked everyone, Nim included. "I'm staying here." Fuji growled. "No, you're not." Skyfall commanded as he examined the sun once more. “Neighponese royalty has no place on the battlefield.” Fuji stomped her hoof on the deck, causing a deep thud. "Skyfall, We have not seen each other since you walked out on our engagement! I will remain here until this is over, and then we will talk." Skyfall heard murmuring throughout the crowd, and stomped loudly. The statement had been true, he did leave Fuji, but she was the one that ended the relationship. "Fuji." Skyfall's deep voice boomed off the surrounding buildings. "I will have no more of your delusions. I have given my commands, and they are to be followed. Now go." Fuji huffed a cloud of flames as she turned and stomped away, her dragon-like tail swishing back and forth angrily. The rest of the group, minus Rainbow, followed after giving hesitant looks to Skyfall. "Were you really engaged to the Princess of Neighpon?" Desert asked aloud. "Yep, but she was engaged to an old friend of mine first, so I broke it off. But that is in the distant past now." Skyfall shrugged. "After that I found the love of my life, and Fuji never forgave me for not returning." "You left her?" "She left me. After the eighteenth time, you get a little tired of it." Skyfall chuckled, but stopped when Rainbow hovered over to the circle of guards. "Rainbow, go with the others." "No." “Sir.” Desert interrupted. “Wonderbolts don’t fall under the usual chain of command in the Equestrian Guard. She answers to no less than a Colonel.” Rainbow sat and looked toward the treeline, Skyfall bored down on her, but a momentary glance from her rose-colored eyes declared that no amount of complaining would force her to leave. "Fine." Skyfall said, startling Rainbow. "But you're in my flight group. You aren't under my command, but you're on my field and I won't have my squadron fall due to insubordination. Understand?" "Completely." Rainbow flew over to the bay to look for a spare flight suit so she could gear up. “Where do you want me?” “Get suited up and then report back.” Skyfall took a moment to take in the happenings of his unit. Each guard looked to the sky with subtle fear and anxiety rising in their chests as the storm went from bad to worse. That is, until Skyfall whistled. "Looks like out situation just keeps improving, huh?" Skyfall looked on as Peak Performance, the pony that informed him of the army, landed before him. “Sir, message delivered, and news from our recon team.” Peak waited as her Captain nodded slowly, with a bemused expression. “The invading force is just beyond the treeline and closing in. They say the army should arrive any minute now.” "What's the plan, Sir?" Desert roared. The flight deck was twenty feet from the ground, each guard under Sky’s command could make that leap and roll into a sprint. Desert examined the grounds and saw three choke points for ground forces. If Skyfall gave the command, they had a decent chance of holding the base. The only problem was, her Captain sat at the edge of the platform, motionless. "Sir! Orders!" Desert roared. "Hold." Skyfall mumbled as he felt every pony in the forest moving towards the wall. He looked to his guard company and nodded. "You will hold until I give you the signal. When I do, squads two through six will rush to the crate house, and drag all boxes of cornstarch into the open.” The guards smiled in remembering when their captain used this same trick during training. “Empty all of the boxes, place the majority of the piles near the choke points. Squad one, go now and get out hammers.” “Sir, wouldn’t swords be better?” A guard asked. “Not for what I have in mind.” Skyfall said. ”Go now and return immediately." Skyfall commanded, and the guards instantly responded. "You're going to cook your enemy?" Nimbus asked. "They aren't my enemy." Skyfall mumbled. “I’m only aiming to teach our supposed leaders a lesson. They don’t seem to understand the true significance of this ‘battle.’” “Until you went in there declaring your intention to kill.” Nimbus said. “At times you can be very cruel. Would it have not been easier to say we know it’s a ruse? ” “How would we explain how we know?” Skyfall asked rhetorically. “Fair enough.” Nimbus nodded, knowing no explanation was good enough. “So what now? Kill a few mortals and club the rest?” “No killing.” “Skyfall.” Nimbus said. “If a few don’t die then it looks too staged. They’re only ponies.” “What has gotten into you, Nimbus? Mortal creatures deserve respect as well.” Skyfall squinted at Nimbus as he scoffed. “No killing.” “We will see.” Nimbus chuckled. Skyfall stood and strode towards Rainbow as she squeezed herself into a coat-tight flight suit that was emblazoned with his unit's colors of blue and silver, with their insignia on the flank; a shield with a silver rose. Rainbow groaned at the suit. Stunt suits fit loosely to allow for some level of comfort while performing in shows. This suit, however, was a combat suit. It was pressurized, and was designed to fit uncomfortably tightly in non-joint areas, allowing for tighter turns and steeper climbs. "A little help?" Rainbow asked, offering her leg as she wrestled with the crooked suit. "Never fit yourself in a combat variant?" Sky asked. "Laugh it up." Rainbow said. "In training, unicorns bound our custom models to us so we didn't have to." Skyfall sighed and grabbed Rainbow's flank, forcing it to the floor before grabbing her shoulder and lifting it to his armored body. "Hey, what are you doing!?" "Shush, there is a trick to this and it's easier if I show you, not tell you." Skyfall grabbed her elbows and lifted them above her head as he bit the neck of her suit and pulled back. "Ouch!" "Do you always whine this much?" Rainbow paused and moved her arms. "Hey, that does feel better." With only a few more complaints, and a bit of bickering, Skyfall managed to get the rest of the suit on, and zipped it up. "There. Now you're ready." "What about you?" Rainbow asked, looking Skyfall's armor up and down. "Are you going to fly into combat in all that?" "Who says there's going to be any combat?" Skyfall asked breathlessly. When he saw Rainbow's questioning look, he waved her to follow. One by one, the teams of guards climbed back onto the runway. Rainbow looked at Skyfall's devious smile and followed his gaze onto the field to see that crates of sticky starch had been opened and placed throughout the grounds. "I don't get it." "I don't get it either." Desert mumbled. "You will soon." Skyfall watched as scores of ponies flooded out of the forest and through the openings in the walls. White clouds of dry starch exploded before the rain sent it down onto the invading force. The ‘enemy’ ran in different directions, looking for guards to fight. To Skyfall and the rest of his guard force, their behavior seemed to mimic roaches after a light was switched on. "Sir, we need to fight!" Desert barked. "No. You will hold." Skyfall's ear swiveled back towards the forest at the sound of rushing water. "I wouldn't want you to get wet." "Sir!" One of the forest ponies barked at their hidden commander from the forest line. "The dam burst! We need to get to highe-" The treeline erupted in a flood of river water. The trees jerked from side to side as the water tossed the ponies like fickle driftwood as they screamed for their Princess to save them. The outer wall of the guard’s base ripped open before the water took it and a few smaller buildings and a half dozen large containers with the surging water. As the flood ransacked half the base, a lone river Spirit zipped to and fro, dragging ponies underwater and sending them downstream. Slowly, Skyfall panned over to see Celestia's panicked face in the window of his office. She darted her eyes back and forth until they finally met Skyfall's judging glare. Of course, he couldn't hear her thoughts, but he imagined it was something to the tune of his indirect statement to her from before. 'Every life you take is done by your hooves.' Soon after, the grounds glowed in a royal golden light that dissipated the waters, and gathered the remaining forces to the center of the parade grounds, shaken and sobbing, but alive. "Guards." Skyfall called calmly. "Take up positions around the prisoners." "Sir, they still outnumber us." Desert reminded. "It's fine, they haven't got a fight left in them." Skyfall chuckled at a pony’s sudden, whiney outburst. Teams of guards rushed from the deck to the soggy grass, causing trails of water to fly up as they circled their new prisoners. They took positions with their weapons at the ready, but a few of the guards recognized the prisoners, and confused murmurs grew into a loud roar. Leisurely, Skyfall glided down and was soon met with Nimbus, Desert, and Rainbow Dash. "Did you plan this?" Rainbow asked. "Of course I did." Skyfall laughed at seeing the invasion force trying to stand as the sticky cornstarch sludge clung to their fur. "How did you know that you were going to be attacked by Farhaven?" Rainbow asked, clearly not knowing who the ponies were. Skyfall stopped and shook his head. "This isn’t the work of Farhaven. This is the Fourth Guard Division." The statement hung in the air as their plot was uncovered. A large green stallion grunted and stripped off his armor so he could move freely. He was difficult to recognize through the face paint, but the stallion was the Colonel of the Fourth Guard Division, Iron Eyes. With a gruff bark, Iron Eyes stepped out from the group with a large axe and glared right at Skyfall. “You knew we were guards!” Iron Eyes barked. “And knowing this, you flooded your own base and drowned half my ponies?” “Yes.” Skyfall answered coldly, shocking everyone. "You sought only to bring us humiliation? You tricked us!" Iron Eyes shouted. "Ha! The irony is rich, no?" Skyfall spat. Celestia exited the post’s command center and made her way directly to Skyfall, more upset than he had seen her in some time. Many of the ponies on the grounds shied away from looking directly at her and chose instead to bow their head in respect, as if they were silently asking for forgiveness. "Captain Skyfall!" Celestia boomed. Skyfall rolled his eyes and looked to Nimbus. "I get that alot, don't I?" "Told you you're a drama magnet." Nimbus sat and summoned a bag of sunflower seeds. "Might want to put on some sunscreen." Celestia calmed herself looked down to Skyfall. “I demand an explanation. If you knew they were a fellow guard unit, why didn’t you just end this immediately?” With a light chuckle, Skyfall looked to Celestia. Years of political nohow kept her exterior calm, cool, and collected. On the inside, however, Skyfall knew her rage had doubled. "I never did anything to harm them, that was entirely the weather’s fault.” "You will address me as Princess Celestia." The Princess corrected calmly. "I will address you how I see fit." Skyfall scoffed, letting his anger seep through him until he felt Nimbus tug on his tail to signal him to ease back. He directed a fake smile at Celestia. "Princess." "You will explain yourself." Celestia commanded. "Princess, I think you’re the one that needs to explain." Skyfall tapped his hoof on the ground. "What is the meaning of sending the Fourth Division here? Do you not realize, had I not recognized this as being planned, your little force would have been wiped out? Four hundred plus ponies, dead or injured." Celestia blinked absentmindedly at the claim and then scowled at the news that Skyfall knew all along. "So you recognized this as being a test, and nearly drowned everypony?” "Had anyone died, it would have been your fault." Skyfall seethed under his breath. "You still think this is a game. Your sister learned her lesson, why didn't you?" "What was that?" Celestia asked, unsure of what she just heard. "I said conflict isn't a game, so stop treating it as such." Skyfall gestured to her defeated guards that were still exhausted from fighting the raging current. He spoke low enough so that only she could hear him. "I know you know, but just as a reminder, these ponies are not pawns to be sacrificed, especially for making a headline news story or to prove a point. They have families and lives of their own, yet you chose to try and pit them against an entrenched force that you know has been training to fight effectively while outnumbered. If you wanted to test our strength, then do it the honorable way!" "Alright everyone, I think it's time to cool off." Fury chuckled out as he pressed himself against Skyfall. "C'mon big guy, you need to go home. You've had enough excitement for the day." "I will stay, this is my base, and technically we just had our first victory." Skyfall smirked despite Celestia's sour mood as Twilight tried to talk out what happened with her in an effort to relax her mentor. Skyfall turned and approached Iron Eyes. “Sir, if I may.” Skyfall said loud enough for everyone, including the Princess to hear. “Your unit’s speciality is amphibious assault, is it not?” “Aye.” Skyfall gestured to the open guard gate. “I placed two of my squads downstream with a water recovery expert named River. You should find your ponies are safe and being tended to.” Iron Eyes choked up at the news and hung his head. "That was one crazy maneuver you pulled." Iron rasped out. "Thank you, I suppose you do have a heart after all.” Skyfall winked gave a curt nod and left the captain to deal with his troops. The parade grounds erupted into thunderous stomping as guards on both sides showed their approval. "Why are they cheering?" Rarity asked. "Why indeed." Nimbus said as he appeared next to her and Fluttershy. "They aren't fighting, and disaster was averted. That is always a reason for celebration." "Food, everyone!" Inko shouted from the Mess Hall. "I have enough for everyone!" "How far in advance did you know?" Celestia whispered to Skyfall. "Trade secret." Skyfall turned to Desert. "Take him to the infirmary, get some medicine on that wound, then get him to some food." “No, tend to my ponies first.” Iron Eyes grunted before making his way to the river. As Sky looked around to see if anything demanded his attention, he saw Fluttershy and sent her a wave of his hoof, which she returned with a delicate wave of her own. Skyfall strode to the center of the courtyard, and smiled at his gathering guards. "I told you all that you weren't ready, so I don't have anything for you except a congratulations. You all listened to orders and kept your cool, even when four hundred invaders poured into the courtyard. Every one of you has this coming week off. That is your reward." "That's not just because the base needs repairs, right?" A stallion in front called, making the crowd burst into laughter. "What was that? You said you want to clean the entire base with your unit, Long Bow?" Skyfall asked, eliciting groaning and a cacophony of 'no's from the unit. "I'm just playing with you. Now go eat." The horde of guards left, leaving Skyfall to himself. "Are you going to join them?" Nim asked. “No, they’ve earned this win and deserve a little down time.” Skyfall said. “Plus, I have some placating to do with my boss. My attitude got a little out of hoof.” "Oh no." “Oh no is right. She’s probably going to burn me like a marshmallow.” After a moment of tense silence Skyfall poked Nimbus. “What’s wrong?” "Who is your friend, Sif?" Echoed the cheerful voice of Twilight Sparkle. "Your sister?" Skyfall chuckled as he turned. "Sif doesn't have a sister." Nimbus backed away slow upon seeing Skyfall's enraged look. "Everyone, I think we need to leave these two alone." "Nonsense." Rarity chirped and waved at the white unicorn. She swooned at seeing her styled mane accented with her green eyes. "A mare with looks like this must-" "Stop talking Rarity." Fuji warned, her voice taking on a dire tone instead of its usual cheeriness. Celestia looked between the two ponies, it didn't take an Alicorn to sense their troubled past. "Sif, what is the meaning of this?" Sky barked, causing Sif to look away. "I told you earlier, Skyfall. I was honor bound not to say anything." Sif turned and walked away, leaving everyone watch as Skyfall furiously glared down at his visitor. "H-Hi, Sky-" "Don't." Skyfall growled. "I don't want to frighten you." The mare cooed. She stood still, and tried again and again to say something to neutralize the situation, but she failed to find the words. With a tentative step forward from the mare, Skyfall shook his head. "Stay there. Stay right there. Don't move." Tears formed in the mare’s eyes. "Okay, but I'd like to tell you a few things, if that's alright." Skyfall's silence allowed the mare to explain herself. "I-I know this seems impossible to understand, Skyfall. I thought I knew what to say, but I don't." Her voice shook. "I don't know what to say to you except that I'm sorry. It's really me, Sky, and I'm sorry." A ragged breath tore into Skyfall as he inhaled, unsure of what he was seeing. "You're not my wife. You're not Honey Bee." Gasps of realization spread through the eavesdropping ponies. One by one, they looked between the two ponies, and the rumors that circulated throughout Ponyville months prior of his family dying bubbled to the surface. "I am Honey Bee, Skyfall." Honey took an unsure step towards Skyfall, and winced when he stepped back. "I want you just to listen-" Skyfall's stone-like demeanor cracked as his eyes started to water. "My wife is long dead. Who are you!?" "I had to leave, Skyfall." Honey placated as she stepped closer. "I had to leave to keep you and our daughter safe." Skyfall bared his teeth, rushed forward, and grabbed Honey. He firmly grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to sit as his hooves pressed down. "How? I watched you die in the cold." A lump formed in Honey's throat as obvious pain shook Skyfall’s voice. "How are you here? Where have you been, huh?" Tears started to trickle down Skyfall's face as Honey smiled weakly up at him. She winced at Skyfall pressed down harder. "You’re dead." Nimbus gave a nervous glance to Fuji, who returned the same look. A Spirit had returned from the dead: Something that had, until that point, been impossible.