//------------------------------// // Emotions // Story: Hikarus Freedom // by 20percentcooler //------------------------------// Hikaru and Sky left the building with a new job on their hooves. Hikaru looked over at Sky with a smile. "What?" She asked "We did it." Hikaru said with a laugh. "We freaking did it Sky! YES!" Sky laughed with Hikaru's excitement. "That went better than I ever could have expected. This is awesome, I can't believe she accepted us that quickly!" "We got this Sky." Said Hikaru still feeling on top of the world. "We got this! We have a job, a place to live, this is actually gonna work out perfect. Forgive me for screaming but AAAA!!!! This is AWESOME! AAA!!! "Um...Hikaru...." "AAAA!!!!" "Hikar-" "YAAAHAAA!!! "Hika-" "YEAH WHAT NOW!" "HIKARU!" "Hm?" "Ponies are staring at you." Hikaru looked around and noticed that many ponies had stopped what they were doing and were staring at Hikaru. "Oh...." He felt his face turning red. "Um....sorry." "Maybe....its a good time for us to go get some lunch." Sky suggested. "Yes!" Thats perfect, um....lets leave...here...now...yes" Hikaru had seen an interesting looking restaurant on the way to the factory, so he decided to take Sky there. The two found themselves inside "Zapwhich". It was a small sandwich place that seemed to have lots of business. Hikaru ordered two Tofu and Oat sandwiches for the both of them and they found a table to enjoy them. "Wow this is good." Said Hikaru munching on his sandwich. "I remember when I used to get sandwiches like this all the time in Ponyville. I used to go to this once place every day. At least until my Dad banned me from going there because he said it cost too much to get stuff there." "You talking about that one place across from the hotel?" Asked Sky. "I remember that. I went there once a long time ago. Not sure why I never went there again." The two of them stayed at the restaurant for quite a while. Talking about random things. Hikaru found that he could talk with Sky very easily about pretty much anything. Just one of the things that made her awesome. 'She is awesome.' He thought. 'Really awesome....' "We should probably start heading back." Said Sky suddenly. "It looks like it might rain, we gotta get back before it starts." "Ah yeah it looks like the Pegasus are setting up a decent storm there..." Said Hikaru glancing up at the sky. "Lets head back." It was a good thing that they left when they did in fact, as the rain started pouring right as they reached the door of the apartment building. They rushed inside laughing and quickly went to their apartment to dry off. "Well that sure was something." Said Sky breathing heavily from their quick 2 block sprint. "I'm pretty sure that there was no rain in the forecast." "Yeah Ill say." Said Hikaru shaking the water out of his mane in the bathroom. "That was intense." There was a sudden knock on the door. "Hm, now who could that be?" Sky opened the door. "Oh! Flash! You...ok now...?" "Oh yeah Im fine!" Said Flash proudly. "Its like this all the time. Zen and I get drunk out of our minds. Wake up with the worst hang over you can't even imagine, and do it again in a few days. I love my life!" "So where is Zen anyways?" Asked Hikaru coming out of the bathroom. "She alright now?" "Well.....um...she is ok...sort of...." "Whats up?" "Well....." "Whats going on bro?" Flash sighed and continued. "So....um...well....Zen tends to get sobered up a lot quicker than I do. And well....I tend to say lots of things when I am drunk...." "What did you say?" Asked Sky. "Well.... um..." "What did you say Flash?" "Oh gosh...." "What did you SAY!" "Ugh! I started saying some...things about my past girlfriend. And I dont even know...apparently I told her something about how her mane was better looking....and she was...better...in some ways..." "FLASH!" Yelled Sky. "I KNOW! AUG! But I don't know, I say stupid stuff when Im drunk okay? I didn't mean those things! I love her! And she is so much better than that stupid Clover girl I was with. She comes nowhere near to what Zen is. Zen is everything I could have wanted and more. I really didn't mean those things! I tried to tell her that this morning, but she was so angry, and she threw a vase at me and well....kicked me out of our apartment..." "Ugh Flash..." Sighed Sky. "Ill go try to talk to her." Sky left the apartment muttering under her breath. "This is why I don't drunk alcohol!" "I messed up...." Sighed Flash. "Its not worth it man..." Said Hikaru. "I mean, I know you like getting drunk and partying and whatnot, but if you say stuff like that when you are drunk, it just doesn't seem worth it.." "Yeah I know..." Flash replied softly. "Its tough, you get addicted to it you know? And I always hear about Ponies who manage to stop. But there's a big difference between those ponies and me." "What's that?" "They want to quit. You have to want to quit, in order to quit. And bro, I don't have that want. I love alcohol, and I'm not just gonna stop cause it makes me say some stupid things sometimes." "But you ended up hurting Zen." "Yeah and that's sad, but bro, she can learn that I say stupid things when Im drunk. And take them with a grain of salt right?" "But Flash....don't you think she's worth it?" "What do you mean?" "What kind of life is that for her? In your mind, you know what you mean, but she can't tell. Think about it. If Zen got drunk and said that she preferred some other colt, and then sobered up and told you that she didn't mean it. And then it would happen again. Don't you think you would get tired of that?" "It only happened this one time Hikaru.." "Whats to say it wont happen again? Dude, for real. You say you love Zen. Wouldn't you want to do anything possible to make sure that you don't hurt her? Don't you love her enough to want to do that?" Flash sighed and hung his head. "I guess....darn it Hikaru, I love her and I want to make sure she knows I do. But I don't see how I can just stop drinking. Thats almost impossible." "Well, the way I see it." Hikaru began. "Love will make anything possible." Flash laughed. "True words from a haymark card bro." "Hey its true." Laughed Hikaru, thinking back to the random cards he used to see in stores. "I just hope Sky can say something to at least get her to talk to me, so I can apologize." Flash said as he leaned back onto the couch. "I don't want to lose her." "Yeah for sure. You two are awesome together, I would hate to see that end." Hikaru said as he noticed some towels on the ground that he forgot to bring downstairs to the washing machine. "Argh." "You know what I think." Said Flash sitting up. "I think you and Sky got something going on. Aren't I right?" "Woah wha!?!" Hikaru almost choked. 'I need to stop getting shocked so easily, Im gonna choke myself to death one day Im serious'. "Nah man, me and Sky are just friends. We grew up together through a lot of our lives. Thats all." Flash laughed. "I don't know man. It seems to me that you two are a bit on the "more than friends" side of the spectrum of such." "No...no......no.....bro...no...." "Well do you like her?" Hikaru paused. "Well yeah, as a friend." "Has the thought of her being more than a friend ever popped through your mind?" "Well....I mean...well maybe once...or a few times...but...I mean...no....cmon man..." Flash laughed. "I think you do like her. Like "that". I can tell." "I....I don't know..." "Its ok bro, I know the feeling. You think you don't, and then the realization hits you. Crazy huh." "No....dude....I....that can't work. I mean, I care about her a lot...I...." Flash cut him off. "Let me guess. You feel really happy and safe when you are around her? You feel very protective of her don't you? You are willing to go out of your way to do things for her. And I would even go as far to say that you do find her attractive don't you? Can you tell me no to any of those? I don't think so." "Oh gosh.....dude....I mean...no....umm...." "You like her bro. Haha, can't you see that now?" Hikaru wasn't sure what he felt. He didn't want to think of Sky in that way. But from what Flash was pointing out, it sure seemed like that might be the case. 'It can't be...." he thought to himself. "Could it?" ------- "ZEN! Open the door come on!" Sky knocked on the door repeatedly. "I don't want to talk to ANYPONY right now, go away!" "We need to talk! Open up!" "Buck off!" "Okay Zen. You leave me no choice!" Sky stepped back, and then bucked the door in front of her with all of her strength. The door flew off its hinges and flew through the room and hit the back wall with a loud crash. Zen had fallen backward over a cough in shock. "What in the HAY is your PROBLEM SKY!" "You have duct tape, it can be fixed." "I'm going to hit you so hard...." "Look Zen, I know you're mad at Flash, but you gotta understand that he truly didn't mean those things he said." "Yeah sure, ponies say what they really mean when they are drunk you know. Mind is open and willing!" "But he truly didn't mean that Zen. Hikaru and I were just talking to him, he feels terrible about what he said, and he really didn't mean it at all." "How am I supposed to know that?" "Think about all he has done for you Zen. I know its been a lot. He was drunk, he was saying things that didn't make sense. While its true that being drunk can make your mind open to say things you wouldn't normally say, it also makes you say things that really aren't true. And that frustrated colt in our apartment sure regrets saying those things." "I don't know Sky, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. He said something similar a while back one night. I got mad but forgave him and moved on. I just hate having to hear that okay...." "Yeah I can understand that...." The two of them sighed. "I guess Im just mad about this whole thing. And maybe I did freak out a bit much." "You threw a vase at him?" "Yeah..." "I know he is deeply sorry for what he said. I can see the sincerity in his eyes. He really does love you you know...." "Yeah....I do..." "Maybe you should at least try to talk to him?" Zen sighed. "Yeah...I guess...." "Good girl, come on, lets go." ------------- "Sorry to make you feel awkward Hikaru." Said Flash apologetically. "But hey, at least now you realize it." Hikaru sighed. "I hate you...." "Everyone does!" Said Flash proudly, which Hikaru found somewhat ridiculous but understandable based on the sort of unicorn he was. "I'm just that legit you know." "So now what?" Asked Hikaru looking at himself in the cracked mirror on the wall. "Ok, I might like Sky apparently..." "Ya do!" "Okay okay! Ugh! But what am I suppose to do now?" "Maybe...tell her?" "Dude....." "Tell her Hikaru!" "No......no....." "Why not?" "What if she doesn't like me back? I don't want to ruin the friendship that we have. She is my ONLY friend pretty much. She might get creeped out and not want to see me anymore. I don't think I want to risk that." "But what if she does like you back? You would never know." "Nyar........." "Heh?" "Nothing." They suddenly heard the sound of Sky and Zen heading down the hallway. "Oh gosh.." Said Flash with a sigh. "I gotta word my words carefully to Zen...I hope she can forgive me." "She should." Reassured Hikaru. "Thanks, and hey, this might be your chance to tell Sky how you feel eh? eh?" "No....." "Or...I could tell her if you are too scared." Said flash with a wicked smile. "Don't you DARE bro!" "I think I will." "Dude NO!" "Yeah I will." "NO dude, Ill buck you in the freaking mouth dude NO. Flash paused. "Its worth it. here they come." "DUDE ILL KILL YOU!" "Time to tell all yeah?" The door clicked open and Sky walked in ahead of Zen. "HEY SKY! GUESS WHAT! HIKAR-" Flash was suddenly being tumbled over the back of the couch by a very angry Hikaru. "Wha? Hikaru!" Yelled Sky. Hikaru jumped up and looked around. "Uhh.....he started it." Hikaru ran into the bathroom and shut the door. "Wow that was unexpected." Said Flash getting up off of the floor. "What just happened?" Asked Sky, very confused as to what was going on. "Oh, was just gonna speak for Hikaru and tell you-" Hikaru peeked out from behind the bathroom door and glared daggers at Flash before closing the door. "Ah, never mind." Flash looked at Zen who still had a sad look on her face. "Zen...." He began. "I...I don't know what else I can say but.....Im sorry...I don't know what in the hay I was saying. I was drunk out of my mind. I wasn't thinking, But you gotta believe me, I did NOT mean those things I said. That last girl I was with is trash compared to you Zen ok? Trash! You are, SO much more beautiful than her. I have never seen a more beautiful mare in my whole life, and I know I never will. My drunk mind was just too stupid to realize that. But that wasn't me. I mean- it was but...argh. I never wanted to hurt you Zen. I love you....I really do. Like, I can't even describe how much you mean to me. I can't express enough how much I love you and how sorry I am for what I said. I'm...Im gonna try to cut back on drinking. I don't want to hurt you Zen. And if drinking makes me say the things that might hurt you or mess things up like this....I don't want anything to do with it." "You would quit drinking for me?" Asked Zen, surprised by this as drinking was a huge part of Flash's life. "Ill do anything it takes Zen.....You are more important. And nothing else is as important to me. I never wanted to hurt you...ever..." Both Zen and Sky were surprised to see a tear fall from Flash's eye. "I don't want to lose you Zen....can you forgive me...? Please...?" Zen looked at the sorry colt in front of her and sighed. "Flash....the things you said really hurt me...its not the kind of thing thats easy to forgive." Flash hung his head. "But...." Flash looked up. "I freaking love you. I can't be mad at you." Flash breathed a huge sigh of relief and quickly grabbed Zen in a tight embrace. "Im so sorry Zen..." "Its ok..." Said Zen. "I love you." Zen kissed Flash enthusiastically which made Sky feel a bit awkward. Luckily it didn't last too long. "I guess that means we're ok?" Said Flash with a laugh. "Hay yeah." Zen replied as she nuzzled up to him. Flash started nibbling on Zens ear which was apparently something she enjoyed. "So......" Said Sky quickly. "Oh! Hmm, haha." Flash realized how awkward it must have been for Sky. "Maybe..we should go back to our apartment yeah?" "Oh..haha, yeah probably." Zen said feeling a bit embarrassed. "We'll get out of here." The two got up and left the apartment. Flash strayed back a bit and whispered to Sky. "Thanks. I really owe you one." And with that, they left the apartment. Hikaru came out of the bathroom and walked over to Sky. "So... howzit?" "Why were you hiding in the bathroom." "Felt like it." "Why did you attack Flash." "Um...he was...going to throw....eggs...at...you." "Heh?" "Yeah lets go with that." "You don't make sense." "I know." ... ----------- Iris found herself with a moment of relaxation. There were no more ponies checking in and at the moment, none trying to call in to get rooms. All seemed pretty much quiet. "Its about time." Iris said aloud to herself. "That last stream of individuals was tough." "She was about to go online to check on the news of the day when the front desk phone rang. She answered as she always did for hotel guest calling the front desk. "Hello, front desk, how can I help you?" An annoyed sounding Colt was on the other end. "Yeah, I have no soap in my room. No soap, shampoo, conditioner, nothing. I don't know but I highly doubt that this is normal...." "Oh dear, sorry about that. Your room should have had those stocked. Ill send some up right away. What room number are you in?" "704" "Alright, Ill have some sent up. Sorry for that." Iris grabbed one of the hotels walkie talkies and radioed Orange Range. "Hey Orange?" *Static* "Yeah Iris what's up?" *more static* "Room 704 called up, for some reason there room was stocked with no soap, shampoo, or conditioner. Could you bring some up to them?" *More annoying static* "Oh, Iris, I actually can't.." *Getting tired of static static* "What? Why not?" "Going to throw something static* "Well...Storm told all the room workers that we are not supposed to stock the rooms with that anymore. If they want any of those things, they have to pay an extra 10 bits." *Static that makes you want to kill everypony in the world* "WHAT? thats crazy! All hotels have complimentary amenities like that! Thats a horrible idea!" *Oh whatever static* "I know Iris. Its dumb. But its storms rules...." *....* "Ugh! Fine, thanks for telling me Orange." Iris picked up the phone tom call the Colt in room 704, when it started to ring. "Hello, front desk. How can I help you?" "Yeah, I notice that there are some things missing from our bathroom." 'ugh' ----- Hikaru was browsing through the songs of his music player when Flash suddenly walked into the apartment. "Woah! Flash!" Hikaru was surprised to find Flash in the apartment without knocking first. "Oh!" Said Flash realizing his error. "Sorry!" He ran outside and shut the door. Then knocked. 'Wow.' thought Hikaru. "Just come in! You already did so you mine as well." Flash walked in to a glaring Hikaru. "Heh-heh...sorry about that." Hikaru sighed. "What's up Flash?" "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to join me and some of my friends to a cool little place tonight. Like around 9 ish." "What kind of place is this?" Asked Hikaru. "This isn't some bar is it? I thought you were gonna cut back." "I am don't you worry." Said Flash waving him off. "I just want to take you to this place me and some friends like going to every once and while. Guys night out ya know." "What about Sky and Zen? What are they gonna do?" Hikaru didn't feel right about going out for a night of fun and leaving behind the two girls to be bored doing nothing. "No need to fear bro! Zen is having her own girls night out with some friends as well! So it works out perfect!" Hikaru wasn't sure how he felt going out with Flash without Sky and Zen for guidance. But he knew that he had to learn to enjoy life and try out new adventures. So he thought why not? "Alright. Im game." "EPIC!" Yelled Flash. "Ill drop by at a quarter to 9 and we'll go meet up with the others there. Believe me bro, you're gonna love this place." "I wish you would tell me what this "place" is..." Said Hikaru feeling a bit nervous about going to somewhere that he knew nothing about. Then again, the awesome night before was a total unknown as well. And it worked out perfect. "I don't want to spoil it. You're just gonna have to trust me aight?" "Fine...." "Thats the spirit!" Said Flash enthusiastically. "Ill see you later!" Flash got up and left slamming the door for some reason. "Wow." Said Hikaru aloud." I thought for sure that a door slam like that would knock the door off of its-" The door creaked and collapsed off of the hinges and onto the floor with a loud slam. "-Hinges..."