//------------------------------// // Skyline Smackdown // Story: Along Came A Spider // by Onomonopia //------------------------------// The beast roared with fury as Spiderman drove his back hooves right into the chest of the beast and struck it with such force that the both of them were hurled off of the top of the building. Spiderman shot out a strand of webbing to stop his descent, but to his surprise the creatures shell split open and two pairs of wings extended from the back. It hovered down onto a rooftop below Spiderman, where it looked up at him with a bellow. "You are a bizarre one, do you know that?" Spiderman asked the creature before it bellowed and hurled itself up onto the roof where Spiderman was. Otto leapt back when the creature tried to punch him with it's arms, landing atop an antenna so that he had the positional advantage. 'Yet even though I am clear the superior being, this creature may have surprises in store for me that I know nothing of. A strong offense while being cautious will be my best bet.' Not wanting to give the monster a chance to size him up, Otto fired two shots of impact webbing into two of the creatures eight eyes. The beast roared with such fury and pain that the ponies shopping down below looked up to the tops of the buildings, but none of them could see the two as they battled. With the monster currently in pain Spiderman took that moment to lunge at the creature and kick it in the side of its colossal head, staggering the beast. Spiderman followed up the kick by shooting two strands of webbing around two of the monsters arms, before he yanked on the webbing and pulled the arms tight. The monster roared as it began to tear at the webbing, but when it reached over with two more arms to pull at the strands Spiderman webbed them up to. Smirking at the creatures stupidity, he leapt over the creature while bringing both arms back, preparing to end the beast in a single strike. His spider sense blared with a ferocity that he had only felt a few times in the past and Spiderman shot a strand of webbing onto the wall next to him, veering himself away from his current course. Just as he did so a blast of gas erupted from the creature, covering the beings body. Spiderman stuck to the side of the building and narrowed his eyes when he saw the gas eating through the metal on top of the building. 'Some kind of cloud of poison that can eat through any material. Would hate to see what would have happened had that hit me,' Otto deduced as he watched the webbing that he had used on the creature be melted away. With its arms now free, the monster bellowed as it swung its head around to face Spiderman, all eight eyes blazing with fury. Figuring that distance was key, Spiderman shot two strands of webbing into two air conditionings that hung off of the side of the building he was stuck to. He wrenched them free and hurled them towards the beast, releasing his grip on them and firing twin impact shots as a follow up. Just as he predicted, the monster swatted away the chunks of metal before being struck in two more eyes by the webbing. Now that it was half blind, the beast snarled while assigning two of its arms to protect its remaining eyes. "So you are capable of learning. Congratulations, so is a three year old. Are you proud of your accomplishment?" Spiderman taunted before following it up with a haughty laugh. He didn't know if the creature understood his words, but it definitely understood his tone. The chimera monster screamed at him before it kicked up with two of its powerful arms, slamming into the side of the building and grabbing hold of the side with its eight arms. 'And now it is angry,' Spiderman thought as the creature tore across the side of the building towards the spider, tearing chunks of the structure off of the building as it did so. 'Perfect. Its already limited intelligence will be dwindled by its rage and it shall play right into my hooves. Sometimes it is so boring being so brilliant.' Otto dodged each and every one of the pieces of rubble that was thrown at him, smirking as he heard the sounds of the rubble striking the building behind him. With no fear of the creature whatsoever, he fired a shot of webbing at the creatures face. The beast had learned its lesson and blocked with one of its arms, but when the webbing struck the arm Spiderman yanked down and reattached it to another limb. With a bellow of desperation, the monster dug one of its free hands into the side of the building and ripped out a chunk of it. It then hurled the chunk for all it was worth at Spiderman, who dodged it with such ease that he felt insulted by the attack. "I had been hoping that the one that sent you to kill me would have made his monsters a little more clever," Spiderman said with disappointment as he fired more webbing into the creatures face, causing it to roar with fury. "That is why you are here, are you not? To kill me? So answer me this, does your creator hate me because I am a hero or because I brought down his monster in front of an entire city? Can you answer me that much?" The being's response was the roar and throw more of the side of the building at Spiderman, who shook his head as he dodged it with ease. He decided that he had enough fun with the monster, so he shot two strands of webbing behind the monster before he leapt back to pull the webbing nice and tight. He then released his grip and was launched across the side of the skyscraper, ramming his back hooves into the face of the beast and hurling it off the side of the building. The beast landed face first onto one of the roofs below them, before Spiderman landed on the back of its head. Spiderman sprang off of the skull with an arrogant cackle, landing on the rooftop with perfect balance while the beast picked itself up. "He...sent to kill..." the beast muttered as if it was having trouble with every word, thought Otto was more surprised that the beast was capable of speech. "You...offend him...your existence...is a crime to him." "So your creator is a he and he sees offense in my abilities? You have been most helpful," Spiderman remarked as he took aim at the creature and wrapped it in webbing. "And for that I will simply leave you here for the cops to deal with instead of dealing with you myself. Be grateful for my generosity." "He...told me...your weakness," the beast continued, causing Spiderman to raise an eyebrow under his mask. A smile spread as well and he sat down with merriment in his eyes. "My weakness? My dear monster, please, tell me of these so called weaknesses." "You hero...that mean...you FOOL!" The beast then turned it's head towards the building they were on and fired a beam of pure magic from its mouth. The swear that Spiderman bellowed was lost amongst the destruction and the sound of the laser firing. Chunks of debris and building began to fall onto the ponies below, just as another cloud of gas erupted from the beast to free him once more. 'He's going to use this to escape,' Otto realize as he prepared to pounce upon the creature. 'He wishes to use these ponies as a distraction so that he can get away. Well I will not allow him to. The ponies have magic, they should be more than able to-' A memory then flashed through Otto's skull with such intensity that he had never felt before, not even from the spider sense. It was the scene of a little girl being held up by ropes in front of a speeding subway train, whose only chance of survival was Otto. And Otto had hesitated. With a bellow of fury that would have put the monsters to shame, Spiderman hurled himself off the side of the building and began to fire his webbing, stringing up the pieces of debris before the could strike any of the civilians. With his spider strength Spiderman pulled back against the now netted debris and yanked it away from the civilians, hurling it instead towards the fountain in the center of the area. The debris and webbing landed with a huge splash that emptied the fountain, but none of the ponies had been crushed. With a sigh Spiderman looked down at all of their safe faces, while they looked up at him with awe and amazement. 'Never again,' Otto swore to himself as he looked down over them. 'I will never hesitate again.' His spider sense erupted like a volcano and a moment later something powerful slammed into his back, sending him flying off of the top of the building and into the streets below. He smashed through one of the stands and collapsed it down around him, burying him momentarily. With his strength he managed to punch a hole to freedom, but once he emerged from within his prison he was blasted in the chest by a beam of magic. Spiderman roared with pain as the beam hurled him across the market place and into the side of a concrete wall, which shattered from the force of his impact before he fell to the sidewalk. Pain roared through Octavius mind as he pushed himself back up to see that the chimera monster was practically on top of him. He raised his arms and took aim with his web shooters, but when he tried to fire only the sound of air came out. 'Out of fluid?!' Spiderman bellowed within his mind before a gorilla hand wrapped itself around his face. The monster picked him up by his face before driving him into the concrete below him, causing Spiderman to roar with pain. The monster lifted him once more before throwing the costumed pony through another market stand, were he tumbled to the ground on the other side. "You...weakness...is one...all heroes share," the monster sneered as it lumbered towards Spiderman, who was slowly pushing himself back up as pain flooded through his mind. "You always...save them. You give...up advantage...for strangers." "That...is true," Spiderman admitted before another punch to the side of the face sent him hurtling across the square. Otto's brain raced like a train as he tried to come up with the best solution to solve his problem while he forced himself to stand back up to face the monster, which towered over him. The beast gave him a smile that was filled with venom before it brought six of its eight arms over its head. Otto tensed up as he waited for the right moment to jump, but before he could something hit the beast in the back of the head. Both the monster and Spiderman looked to see Coco standing alone behind the monster, her entire body trembling as tried to stare down the being that was five times as large as her. The monster snarled as it turned towards the pony, raising its arms over her as it did so. And in that moment Otto saw his opening. The moment the monster turned its back on him, Spiderman lunged forward and landed on its back. The being roared as it realized where Spiderman was, but before it could begin to thrash Spiderman took aim at a spot below the where the skull met the neck that wasn't armored. He then drove his hoof there with all of his might, causing the beast to roar with pain under the force of the blow. Otto hammered upon that spot a few more times before the sound of bones breaking could be heard throughout the entire area. With one last roar the beast fell over, its body twitching as it lay in the street. "What...you do?" the beast asked Spiderman as he staggered off of the beings back. The monster tried to move, but it found that its body no longer listened to it. Spiderman stared down at the beast with an unseen smile beneath his mask. "I broke your spine and paralyzed you," Spiderman said in a no nonsense tone as he forced himself to not show how hurt he actually was. "Aside from straight up killing you, it seemed to be the only way to stop your actions. Now take a nap." Spiderman drove his hoof into the face of the monster and knocked it out cold, finally giving Otto a moment to let out a sigh and assess the damage. One building was practically destroyed and another was missing chunks of it, the two square was decimated and multiple shops were destroyed, and his body hurt like hell. He groaned weakly as he took aim at a building to swing away before realizing that he had no more webbing. "Thank you!" the voice of Coco said from behind him, causing the spider turned around to face her. She, and all of the ponies that were standing behind her, began to applaud for the spider with gratitude in their eyes. "Enough!" Spiderman roared loudly enough to silence all of the clapping. His rage then succumbed to exhaustion and he glanced around at all of the ponies. "I am no hero, despite what your media thinks of me. The only reason any of your lives were jeopardized was because I was here. That monster was after me. So in truth, I am the reason all of you were in danger. That is not the actions of a hero." "But you saved us. I saw you," one of the ponies said to him. Otto ignore their words as he turned his masked eyes to Coco, who shrunk back slightly under his gaze. "Why did you interfere? You could have been killed." "Because you needed help," she replied with genuine concern in her voice. "I had it under control," Spiderman replied before he turned to one of the buildings that hadn't been destroyed. "Thanks for saving us," Coco said before he could jump, causing the spider to snarl. "For the last time, I-" "I know what you said. But you still risked your life to save us. So thanks...Spider." Knowing that there was no use arguing with her, Spiderman shook his head and leapt onto the nearest building. He did his best to ignore the clapping that he heard coming from the crowd beneath him (and the scientific part of his mind made him wonder how they were clapping), before he leapt across building to building. Only once he landed in an alleyway and had taken his mask off did he finally let out the sigh of rage that he had been holding in. "Idiots! They believe me to be a hero, even when I told them that I was the reason they had been in danger! Those fools are almost as bad as the ones back in New York!" Otto raged as he found where he had kicked his bag and quickly stuffed the spider suit into it, making a mental note to burn it first chance he got. He walked out from out of the alley and turned down the street, having to make it back to Coco before she began to worry about him and cause a scene. As he walked there he glanced into a window and found the angry face of Peter staring down at him, almost as if he was disgusted that Otto had been wearing the suit again. For a brief moment the two glared at each other before Otto broke eye contact and walked away, tired and hurting.