Azure Memories

by Silvak

Chapter XVIII: Sleigh

"Isn't it wonderful to see the first snowfall of winter?"

"Yeah, it's wonderful."

"While I will miss my friends who are either hibernating or leaving for the winter, I know that this is a natural part of their lives," Fluttershy said, while Sapphire just stared at the first wave of snowflakes with a neutral expression. She had just finished helping Fluttershy with the last of the animals that were going into their dens for hibernation. It was a couple weeks after the steam incident with Twilight, which were uneventful for Sapphire. The only exception was the 'Iron Pony' contest between Applejack and Rainbow and the Running of the Leaves event. Sapphire had chosen to stay out of the event, which turned out to be a wise move for her since it made it easier for her to hide when she saw Princess Celestia appearing at the end of the event.

"Yeah, such a shame," Sapphire replied in an empty tone, drawing a worried look from Fluttershy.

"Is something the matter Sapphire? That is, if there is something wrong," Fluttershy asked.

"It's... I don't know. Just something about snow is putting me on edge for some reason," Sapphire answered.

"Do you think it could be another hint at that theory that you're a wild pony? I mean, it would be harder for you to get food during the winter in the wilds..."

"Maybe... I can't say for certain about this, but you may be right," Sapphire replied as she continued her staring. Today she was going to spend the day helping out Fluttershy, but due to winter coming, it was mostly helping her in aiding the local wildlife to their dens for hibernation. That in itself wasn't that hard of a job, resulting in the duo being finished by noon, just in time to see the weather team finish moving in the first winter clouds of the season. "Still, this is all just spec—" Sapphire continued before a snowball suddenly hit the side of her head.

Blinking in shock for a moment before hearing the familiar sound of Rainbow laughing, Sapphire turned her head to glare at it’s source, who was perched on a cloud. "Buahahaha... you should have seen your face when I hit you with that snowball!" Rainbow exclaimed before another fit of laughter possessed her.

Scowling at the pegasus, Sapphire asked, "Don't you have a job to do since you're Ponyville's weathermare?"

"Not today! Cloudsdale handles most of the winter weather stuff, so I'm free to do whatever I want," Rainbow said, leaning back a bit like she was about to relax until a snowball crashed into her face. "What the buck‽" Rainbow cried out as she wiped the snow off with a foreleg before glaring down. "What's the big idea?"

"What? I thought we were having a snowball... umm... match?"

"Umm... I think you meant a snowball fight," Fluttershy muttered out as she distanced herself from Sapphire.

"Pah, you think you're a match for the fastest pony in Equestria? I'll bury you in snow before you can even blink!" Rainbow declared, to which Sapphire gave her a half-lidded stare in return. "What?"

"Rainbow, didn't Twilight or somepony tell you about my special talent?"

"Yeah, it's to control water or something like that. What's your point?" Rainbow replied as she folded her hooves over her chest in impatience.

"Well, ain't snow just a kind of frozen water?"

"What does that have... to... do... oh buck," Rainbow answered, her eyes widening with the realization of the situation she just got herself into.

"Yeah, so how about we call it a draw?" Sapphire asked with a small smile on her muzzle.

"Yeah... I mean I would win of course, so I'll let you off easy," Rainbow replied, rubbing a hoof against the back of her head. "Anyways, I'm going to go see if I can prank Applejack today, so later," Rainbow continued before flying off, while Fluttershy approached Sapphire with a confused expression.

"Umm... why did you call it a draw? Wouldn't your magic keep her from winning?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well.... yeah, but then Rainbow will try to get back at me and I rather not have some horrible prank happen to me," Sapphire answered.

"Oh... I see what you mean..." Fluttershy responded while giving Sapphire a nod.

"Yeah... I'm not in the mo—"

"Look out!" cried out a young voice, causing Sapphire to turn her toward it, only for something to slam into her side before she could get a glimpse of what was coming.

"Sapphire!" Fluttershy shrieked as she witnessed a sleigh bearing three familiar fillies crashing into Sapphire, sending her flying into a tree. Flying over to the poor unicorn, Fluttershy asked, "Sapphire, are you hurt? Is anything broken?"

"Pinkie, I don't think you used too much confetti..." Sapphire responded, as her eyes spun around in their sockets. As Fluttershy was about to say something, she was bowled over by the drivers of the sleigh as they gathered around Sapphire.

"We're so sorry! We didn't mean to hit you!"

"Yeah, we were just tryin' to get our Cutie Marks in sledding!"

"Umm... girls, I think she's too out of it to understand us."

"Should we take her to the doctor then?"

"Wait, maybe we can fix her up!"

"And maybe we could get our Cutie Marks in doing that!"

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Doctors Ya—"

"What‽" Sapphire cried out as she returned to her senses due to a sudden feeling of dread, only to get a clear view of the three fillies right before her.

"Awww... there goes that idea..." bemoaned Sweetie Belle, as their ears laid flat against their heads in disappointment. Since Sapphire lived with Rarity, she had come across Sweetie Belle multiple times. She had even heard of a club that she had made with two other fillies after meeting them in some party.

"Umm... girls, I know you're trying to help, but maybe we should get a real doctor to look over Sapphire..." Fluttershy commented before her eyes widened in realization. "I almost forgot! Sapphire, we need to ge—"

"I'm fine, Fluttershy. I was just a bit dizzy after being hit by... whatever that is," Sapphire said while pointing at the sleigh.

"Umm... that's a sleigh, haven't you seen one before?" the orange pegasi filly asked, only to receive a jab in the side from Sweetie.

"Scootaloo, she's the pony that has amnesia," Sweetie whispered to the filly, to which Sapphire raised an eyebrow to.

"You know, there's nothing subtle about whispering in front of somepony," Sapphire said, causing the two fillies to yelp in surprise, while Apple Bloom just facehoofed while letting out a groan.

Regaining some of her composure, Sweetie replied, "Sapphire, this is Scootaloo. Scootaloo, meet Sapphire Rain," with an awkward smile, till she remembered about the crash. "Please don't tell Rarity about what happened."

Looking at the tree, Sapphire realized that if she wasn't in the way, the trio would have crashed into the tree instead of her. "Eh... I'm fine, but just try to look where you're going next time," Sapphire responded, causing the fillies let out a collective sigh of relief. Quirking an eyebrow at that, Sapphire added, "And don't try being a doctor."

"But why not?" Scootaloo asked with a frown. "What if being a doctor is a special talent for one of us?"

Pausing for a second, Sapphire had a sudden image of the fillies wearing blood splattered doctor costumes with one of them wielding a saw before shaking her head clear of that image. Where in the world did that came from? Sapphire thought to herself before returning her focus to the fillies. "Um... well, from what I know... doctors occasionally have to deal with blood..."

"" Sweetie said as her eyes started to widen at the thought of seeing ponies bleeding.

"Um... maybe this isn't such a good idea to try to get cutie marks in being a doctor," Apple Bloom said to her fellow crusaders before returning her attention to Sapphire. "Will there be a lot of blood?"

"Umm... maybe?" Sapphire answered before turning her head towards Fluttershy. "What do you think Fluttershy?"

"Umm... it might happen often... since it's rare for a pony to get too seriously harmed in Ponyville... but it is possible," Fluttershy answered while looking away, a queasy look on her face due to the subject on hoof.

Looking at the look of disgust on her friend's faces, Scootaloo released a sigh before saying, "Yeah... maybe it isn't a good idea to try to be doctors after all... wait a minute!" her face brightened as an idea crossed her mind. "Maybe Sapphire can help us out in finding our Cutie Marks!"

"Huh? Why me?" Sapphire asked with a befuddled expression.

"Well, since you're only helping other ponies from time to time since you have no job—" Scootaloo started to explain, causing Sapphire to adopt an annoyed expression, "—then maybe you could help us out too!"

"Now wait a mi—"

"Yeah! With her ability to control water, I reckon we could try things we couldn't have done on our own!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"I don't thi—"

"She could even have the pond freeze early so we can try ice skating!" Sweetie said, causing the other two to give her a blank stare. "Umm... I would like to try some ice skating..."

"Now stop already, I didn't agree to help you three in crusading, so stop getting ahead of yourselves," chided Sapphire, causing the fillies to droop their ears. "Also, just because I'm unemployed doesn't mean I'm at the beck and call of everypony in town."

The trio looked downcast at first, until Scootaloo brightened up again when she declared, "But you didn't say that you wouldn't help us."

Oh no, not again, Sapphire thought to herself, her ears folding down as Apple Bloom said, "Yeah, so can you help us with our crusading?"

Just as Sapphire was about to say no, Sweetie Belle added, "I'm sure Rarity would be grateful if you helped us find our Cutie Marks Sapphire," causing Sapphire to shut her mouth.

Turning her attention to Fluttershy with eyes pleading for help, Sapphire watched as Fluttershy shifted her hooves a bit as she said, "Well... it sounds like it would be nice if you were to help them... that is if you don't mind, Sapphire."

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Sapphire answered, "Fine... I guess I can help you three with your 'crusading'." Just as the crusaders cheered at the news, Sapphire said, "But no more sledding, I thinking you crashed into enough ponies today," causing them to give her awkward smiles and laughs, to which she responded with a deadpanned stare.

"Let's get movin' Crusaders! I got an idea on what we can try next for our Cutie Marks!" Apple Bloom cried before they started to run off as a group, leaving Sapphire to sigh before carrying their forgotten sleigh with her magic as she thought to herself, Well, today is going to be a splendid first day of winter.