Alien: Twilights Final Chapter

by TwiRaptor

Quarantined Xen43-19

The lights were flashing and ponies were everywhere as the area was locked down from the rest of the station. As the places sealed the darker everything became because the windows were now covered with metal sheets. Twilight was with Rainbow as they both pushed through the crowed. Twilight was looking up the whole time while Rainbow was trying to focus on getting to the sealed door ahead. Ponies in front of them were pounding hard against the door but with every hoof strike and kick they didn't seem to be getting anywhere with the door. Rainbow ran up and pushed one of the ponies out of her way, Twilight watched as the pegasus began to smash her hooves against the surface of the door.

"Rainbow what are you doing! That isn't going to bust down from all this hitting if anything its going to stress the door until the frame bends!" Twilight moved to the right to let a pony pass her and she looked up to a hovering vent that rested above the crowd. "I think we should try somewhere else! This crowd is too big and they are all very loud" Twilight flinched back and bit her lip as Rainbow turned around and pounced forward at her flaring her wings.

"Twilight enough!! We are staying here okay!? We have more of a chance breaking out in numbers" Rainbow and the other ponies were struggling unaware of what was going to happen. Twilight shook her head and attempted to move forward and speak but Rainbow stopped her with her hoof. Rainbow had a look in her eyes that showed her feelings had suddenly flipped about Twilight staying here with her for some reason and it happened so quickly than expected. Twilight frowned and watched as Rainbow patted the shoulder of a random pony to give them a boost of confidence before she turned to look at her"Twilight go! If you want to go thats fine!!" Rainbow had to yell over all the ponies because it was loud. "Go find...Sunset or something I don't need this right now" Twilight tilted her head and stared at rainbow as her friend turned to the door and started hitting the door. "Hey can you do me one favor Twilight? If you go out there make sure Fluttershy is okay"

"I'm not leaving without you Rainbow! Not with this lockdown going on, did you ever start thinking something is very wrong here. Rainbow wake up its not safe here!" Twilight stomped her hoof in refusal of leaving the rainbow mare behind. "I'm not going without you!" Rainbow stopped and returned her gaze to the alicorn. A look of confusion was on Rainbows face now as they both stared at each other and just before the Pegasus could respond she was stopped. "Things are different now and I am not going to leave you or anypony behind again" Twilight flinched and looked up at the ceiling again as she felt a sharp pain in her chest like before.

"Twilight...I didn't mean to act that way I am just a bit sensitive right now. You know?" Rainbow opened her wings to allow them too droop down in sadness. "You left so quick Twilight, its like we didn't...." Twilight shook her head and placed a hoof on Rainbows muzzle to shut her up. "Hey!!" Rainbow immediately pushed the hoof away and her wings slammed back up onto her sides. "What the heck was that for!?"

"Shut up, Rainbow" Twilight turned around still looking up at the ceiling as quiet thuds began to move along the ceiling as if something was crawling up inside. Rainbows face turned red and she walked up to Twilight pushing her head down by the muzzle to face her again.

"Shut up!? I was getting all sappy with you and I need to shut up!" Rainbow narrowed her eyes as her faced turned more red as she began to grow angry. "What has gotten into you Twilight!?" Twilight placed a hoof on her chest and then looked back up to the ceiling beginning to wonder away from her Pegasus friend. "Hey!! I'm talking to you, Twilight Sparkle~!" Twilight stared up and stopped just below a vent access point and followed it down the hall a she mentally began to see that this hallway had three access points and her eyes slowly began to wide as she noticed a group of ponies ripping one open. Rainbow now stood next to her and her face was still very red and she stared over at Twilight and began to snort out angry breaths. Twilight's horn ignited with a magical glow and she took off through the group of ponies moving over to the group who were tearing down the ventilation access in attempt to get out of the Quarantine and Rainbow followed her with both eyes and she then noticed the group of ponies and she too immediately reacted to the situation.

"Stop!! Hey get down from there now!!!" Twilight used her magic to grab one of the ponies by the leg and she began to tug on his hind leg. "Stop that its not safe up there!" Twilight gasped as she was then grabbed by two other stallions who were now yelling at her to back off and to let go of their friend. "Hey let go of me! I am trying to help you" Rainbow rushed over and was grabbed by one of the stallions from behind, the Pegasus grunted and kicked the stallion hard in the knee but was grabbed again as she tried to get to Twilight not liking to see her being handled that roughly and aggressively.

"Stop that she is right! Its not safe up there and I should know because I work on them! Get down!" Rainbow wiggled her way out and pushed the stallion away from her but not to hurt him. "Get down now and let go of my friend you pricks!"

"Back off lady!! We are not taking our chances being locked up like dogs! Don't try and stop us" One of the stallions who was boosting his buddy up to the vent said looking over at Twilight who was still holding the stallion from going any further in the vent. "Let go now, please" Twilight shook her head slowly and her horn began to glow brighter to keep hold on the stallions hind leg. "No? Thats it!!" The group began to move over to Twilight with aggression on their faces. Twilight closed her eyes and Rainbow moved forward as one was getting ready to hit the alicorn in attempt to make her stop.

"Hey! Thats it buddy I warned you!" Rainbow then threw herself forward and the pony bystanders began to scream as the stallion was tackled to the ground. "You think you can just hit a mare you asshole!" Rainbow raised her hoof and swung it down but was pushed off by another pony and she hit the floor. Some ponies who were watching moved in and helped Rainbow up onto her hooves and they all looked ready to fight. Twilight opened her eyes and the ponies were screaming and threatening each other as some were air boxing to make themselves look tough. Rainbow pushed back with her smart remarks and cocky facial expressions and the anger and noise only grew as it seemed impossible to prevent a fight from happening. Twilight was still being held by two stallions but they looked ready to let her go and join the shouting fest. "Oh yeah!!! I am the bad mare? You were about to hit a mare your the one who is a shit head here!"

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, perhaps I should teach you a lesson bitch!!" One of the stallion growled and shook his hoof but Rainbow just grinned and flicked her mane back. She responded the way Twilight expected she would, she didn't know how not to be cocky.

"Of course I do and my mother is awesome...just like me sweetie~ How about you do it old man and teach me a lesson then, hmmmm?" Rainbow laughed a bit and batted her eyes before letting out a angry grunt flaring her wings. Twilights was still holding the stallion with her magic preventing him still from entering the vent. She looked at them and she was scared, she did not want anypony to fight. She just wanted them to be safe. "Bring it!!" Rainbow stopped when suddenly the lights turned off and the lighting of the room was then replaced by slow flashing red lights. "Hey...what the hell happened to the lights?" Some ponies began to scream afraid of the darkness and the menacing red flashes.

"Warning, foreign signatures acquired! Warning, foreign signatures acquired!"

"Oh no..." Twilights said to herself and her horn slowly dimmed and her magic stopped as fear took her over. The ponies around stopped yelling and started looking around the area went quiet except for the faint sound of something moving above them. Twilight looked up and the stallion who was going to enter the vent was now pulling his head up to look around. He looked right and then left but it was too dark in the vents to see anything because the alarm lights did not shine up into it.

"Can I get a flashlight? Anypony got a flashlight!? I think there is something up here" He lowered his hoof down and waited for somepony to slide a hoof light onto his hoof. When somepony did he lifted his hoof back up into the vent. The lights were slowly throbbing and the area was still dead silent as they all waited to know what was going on. "I don't see anything..." He looked right and nothing but the shine of the vent walls could be seen, it was an empty vent that way. He slowly turned his body while being supported by his friends and turned the light over to the left to check that way. "Nothing here either" the left passage was empty and nothing but a shine could be seen. Twilight closed her eyes and shook her head as the lights remained red. "Alright get me down because there is nothing here. There isn't shit up there" The stallion dropped down and looked over at Twilight and then to everypony else. The area was still quiet and he looked around some more and smiled. "Now this could be our way out of here! Who is going up with me and who is going to stay here and pound at that door with little achieved?" Ponies began to look at each other and many began to move forward ready to climb up and leave but some ponies shook their heads. They didn't want to go up there after clearly hearing something up there already.

"Don't go...its not safe up" Twilight tried to get up but was pushed down by one of the stallion who were previously holding her still. She whimpered as she hit the floor and she placed a hoof on her wing whimpering louder as she lay there. Rainbow growled and got down placing both hooves on the alicorn.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Rainbow growled and looked around, she noticed that allot of the ponies didn't seem to care about it. "What is wrong with all of you. A small lock down and you all are crazy? She just wants to help you!"

"I am telling you there isn't a god damn thing up" the stallion flinched back as the sound of bone cracking rang through the silence. The stallion looked down as he was lifted into the air. He was shocked that not a scream escaped his lips but everypony else began to scream as he was lifted into the air. A long ridged tail was now pushing through the front of his body from behind him. Blood began to drip from his nose and Twilight looked up and tears filled her eyes and she started to crawl away. Rainbow dash looked in horror as a silver grin started to move from the darkness. The xenomorph's long ridged head shined in the red light and spit dripped from its mouth down its chin. Ponies ran and some pounded on the doors harder. Twilight pushed herself along the floor while she was laying on her side, she didn't know why but she couldn't stand up. Her wing was in lots of pain and it hurt her to move it. Rainbow Dash got up and stepped away as blood began to pool below the raised body of the stallion. The alien screamed opening its mouth and quickly sent its dagger like tongue into the stallions head three times. Blood sprayed from the quick gashes and landed on the screaming ponies and Rainbow.

"Rainbow!! Help me! I can't get up" Twilight was at the wall attempting to us it to stand but kept falling over because her wing would lightly bump the wall sending a shock of pain through her body. Rainbow frantically looked around and ponies began to run into her running for safety as the alien threw the stallion from its tail making him slam into a wall as it backed up into the vent again. "Ow,ow,owww" Rainbow used her side to help Twilight get up on her hooves.

"Get up!! Oh my Celestia what was that thing!! Get up!!!" ponies screamed louder now asking for help as the head of the xenomorph began to lower again except this time it was leaving the vent. The alien was small and fast as it threw itself down to the floor landing on all fours. The creature screamed and its long tail wagged as if aiming at all the ponies. The ones who were at the door pounding began to panic and even more so as five more ridged head aliens threw themselves from the same vent entrance. The other vent access in the hall were thrown down to the floor and each one had at least five Xenomorph's crawl or jump from them. "Come on lets go!" Rainbow supported the alicorn with her wing under her friends belly and they began to move away. The Xenomorphs lunged into the air and landed in the group of ponies who were pounding at the doors as soon as they landed Rainbow flinched hearing the screams of pain as they were being eaten and killed. With blood on her face and fear in her heart she pushed through the running crowd and into a office nearby. She set Twilight against the wall and she closed the door. "Oh my...what is happening out there...what is going on!" Rainbow stumbled back and used her wing to wipe her face. "No! Oh no this is bad" she began to tear up as she saw the blood on her wing that she wiped from her face. "Why is this happening...." Twilight groaned and placed her hoof on her own side and rubbed it softly.

"Rainbow...I am so sorry..." Twilight looked over as her once confident, strong, and loyal friend seemed to break. She was against the wall sitting down on the other side of the small office. Screams rang outside the door and loud roars rang with them, blood had collected on the window and Twilight closed her eyes. "Rainbow I am so sorry...." Twilight wiggled and whimpered as she looked around. The room was rather plane with only a couple desks and a copy machine. Outside ponies were screaming as the aliens didn't seem to focus on a pony who was already dead. They would kill and just move onto the next moving fast and were hard to track as they sprinted on all fours down after other ponies. They were climbing on walls and ceilings like it was the floor and they seemed to move faster up there than down on the ground, Twilight had not seen that before. They were smaller and faster than what she was used to, she thought back to Fortwaid. Sunset had said what Gash was, she said it was a drone but what she focused on now more than ever is that she remembered her saying that. Drones were one type of Xenomorph. She groaned and looked to her friend again. "Rainbow please, don't do this already. Your stronger than this...come on"

"Twilight, somepony just died. I don't want to be in that place, I don't want to die from what ever the hell those things were!" Rainbow was crying to herself and she sniffled after each tear fell from her eyes. "This is fucked up! This is wrong!"

Fluttershy slammed the phone down and slowly began to shake her head. The shy Pegasus was trying to reach the captain of the ship after the lock down. She sat in her seat unaware of what was happening, she wasn't alone however. She had a friend with her, a earthpony named Verglas. Verglas sat on the other side of the room messing with her two front hooves. She was mashing them against each other as she waited for help to arrive. Verglas was a mute, she couldn't talk which made it hard to express that she was scared. Her body would show it like everypony else but she couldn't even scream if she wanted too.

"I just don't get it Verglas. I don't see any reason the ship should be on such a high lock down...its...terrifying" Fluttershy shook as she spoke the last bit. She didn't like this either because she didn't understand the stations integrity, or safety, she was only a visitor. "I mean I am sure this is a big misunderstanding and that everything will be okay,right?" Verglas looked at Fluttershy and gave a quick little shrug and smiled. One thing was for certain, Verglas would always agree with her Pegasus friend. If Fluttershy thought help is coming then so did she. "Oh thank you Verglas...I'm so glad to have your support~ I just hope they fix the problem soon. I hope everypony is okay"

"Warning Foreign signatures acquired! Warning!"

"Oh...I wonder how many times I am going to hear that. I mean of course its not bugging me because I am sure its there for a reason." Fluttershy beamed a smile to her friend and then looked out the window of her room with a frown. "I just hope everything is alright...." Verglas rubbed her small muzzle with one hoof before nodding and going over to the worried friend of hers, she placed a hoof on Fluttershy and rubbed to calm her down. "I am just so worried! I don't know what a foreign signature is, Verglas" Just as Verglas was starting to calm her friend down a loud knock was heard on the back entrance.

"Help!! Get me the fuck out of here!!! HELP ME!!" Fluttershy jumped and turned to the door as the sound of a mare screaming seemed to come out of nowhere. "HELP ME!!! PLEASE!" Fluttershy gasped and rushed to the door with Verglas following. "HELP ME!"

"Hello! Um, I am coming!? What is going on are you okay!?" Fluttershy quickly began looking around for the key card to open the door. "Hold on I am trying to find my card! I'm trying, just hold on..if you can of course." Verglas rolled her eyes and pointed to the arm of the couch that Fluttershy was overlooking. " you dear." Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment and quickly went to the door to open it. She slid the card in and pulled it out fast as she was worried. When the door opened , it was dark and nopony was there anymore. Verglas raised a brow and leaned in confused because she heard what Fluttershy heard. So they weren't crazy. "W-what? Hello! Um, I hate to bother you but um....are you there?" Fluttershy squeaked as a loud growl came from the darkness, "Um...He-Hello?" Verglas backed up as Fluttershy herself started to do the same. "Verglas..what is that thing!" Fluttershy stumbled back as a face hugger moved from the darkness making small screeching sounds. It surely wasn't the thing growling, was it? "Verglas get the door open now!" Fluttershy turned to look at her friend and pure terror was all that was left. The face hugger wiggled its tail and pushed itself up into the air with it. It flew into the air screeching heading straight for the two mares. "Look out!!!" Verglas closed her eyes and a loud thud was all she heard. The mare stood in the center of the room shaking not wanting to open her eyes. What was that thing? Was all she could think about. The mare shakily opened her eyes and saw it, she quickly closed her eyes as she saw the creature run out the door of which it came leaving a green steaming blood trail. Fluttershy was on top of a table holding a kitchen knife. How she got it so quick was a mystery. The blade started to sag and fall apart from the face hungers acidic blood

"Warning Foreign signatures acquired! Warning!"

"That escalated quickly! What was that thing! Verglas are you okay" Fluttershy looked over and at that moment another face hugger jumped from out of nowhere slamming into the mares face throwing her to the floor. Verglas reached out as her friend topped to the floor and she froze as the loud growl from before came from the opened door. She closed her eyes and thought, she better get that door closed before another one of those things comes. She let a tear fall trying to force herself to do it quick so she could get to Fluttershy to make sure she was okay. She ran for the door as quickly as she could and the loud hiss was now even closer than before.