//------------------------------// // Preparing for the Gala // Story: Family of a Lifetime // by TyrannosaurusVenom //------------------------------// After the first week of bonding had passed for the dinosaurs, Indominus got started on his personal mission. Over the course of the first month, he informed the others of Rainbow's wish for him and the other dinosaurs to live under the same roof as her. The rest of the Mane Six agreed to find a way to incorporate Indominus's mission into their bonding. Now that they knew about Rainbow and Indominus's wishes, it was time to start preparing for the Grand Galloping Gala. Fluttershy spent her time with the dinosaurs teaching them how to sing, even if they couldn't talk. Somehow she knew that Indominus would find a way to convey his love to Rainbow Dash, so she wanted him to learn a song for it. If for any reason Indominus couldn't do it, she would translate for him. Singing was not something that the dinosaurs had a whole lot of experience in. To the animals around them, their singing sounded like a bunch of synchronized, jumbled roars. To Fluttershy though, she could always hear what their voices really sounded like. The raptors had strong and fierce voices when they sang. Like they were speaking their minds and showing the world who they were. Indominus and Tyrannosaurus had deep, powerful voices that could move a pony to their core. It felt unfair to Fluttershy that Rainbow couldn't hear how amazing her hybrid boyfriend sounded, but she hoped that the Gala would change all that. She also had to teach Indominus something he didn't think he would ever have to learn: the art of cooking. If Indominus was going to be living with Rainbow Dash, he would have to help her with meals. Meat wouldn't always be an option, and Indominus would have to open his diet to other possibilities. Plus he found out that Rainbow Dash didn't know much about cooking, so it would be a way that he could provide for her. Fluttershy showed Indominus the basics of preparing a meal, and his intelligence allowed him to understand the concept. The dinosaurs were going to have their claws full with having to learn so much before the Gala. Twilight had her own lessons to deal out. She had to teach T-Rex and the raptors how to use the cloud walking spell that she gave to Indominus. For them it was a lot more difficult, none of the raptors nor T-Rex could effectively use the spell at will. They would have to practice multiple times, trying to get the feel of using the spell and walking on clouds. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors would have plenty of time to practice the spell until they got it right. Indominus on the other hoof, had something more important to worry about. It was something Twilight had to look up and study before she could teach him: the fine art of proposing. If Indominus was going to make Rainbow Dash his girl for life, he had to learn all the proper procedures and words to use. That meant he had to get down on one knee, hold out his claws like he was presenting her with a ring, the works. Even though she couldn't understand Indominus, Twilight was sure his soft growls were the proper words for the proposal. The hybrid never imagined that proposing could be so much work, but it was all going to be worth it when the Gala came around. Pinkie ran into trouble teaching the dinosaurs how to dance. Their moves were sloppy and all over the place. Blue and her sisters would often trip over their own claws and crash into each other. Tyrannosaurus couldn't keep his balance with the dance moves and fell over many times. Indominus looked like an uncoordinated pony whenever he tried to keep up with Pinkie Pie. If there was one thing the dinosaurs would need six months to master, it was dancing. For Indominus, he would have to learn to dance properly so that he could sweep Rainbow off her hoofs. Pinkie noticed how down Indominus looked after he had messed up and tripped on his arms. "Don't feel bad Indominus, this isn't something you'll master in a day. It's something you, T-Rex and the raptors have never dealt with in your lives. You just have to keep practicing and you'll get better. Besides, Rainbow and Scootaloo will still love all of you regardless." Indominus appreciated Pinkie's kind words, and it gave him the determination to keep practicing. He wanted to be at least decent when it came to dancing, after he heard how you have to dance at the Gala. Indominus wanted to look good in front of Rainbow Dash, not stumbling like a clumsy fool. Rarity had a special task in mind for Indominus, she was going to teach him how to slow dance. It was an easier form of dancing to learn, and it would allow him to be real close to Rainbow Dash. Indominus caught on and easily picked up how to slow dance, before long he was able to perfectly nail the important art. Tyrannosaurus wanted to learn too because he secretly wanted to slow dance with Scootaloo at the Gala. However, she would have to be near his size in order for it to work, if only the power they had during the fight could've stayed with the pegasi. Indominus told T-Rex that he would pass on the lessons from Rarity so that the both of them could dance with the ponies they loved. It thrilled Tyrannosaurus to think about getting to be close with Scootaloo at the Gala. He would finally know how Indominus felt whenever he got close to Rainbow Dash. The rexes were going to have the night of their lives alright. Indominus did get the chance to ask Rarity the question he had had ever since his dinner in Canterlot. He got Rarity's attention during their dance lesson and carved out his question. "I have a favor to ask of you Rarity." "What is your favor Indominus?" "Would you help me find a wedding ring for Rainbow Dash?" Rarity's eyes began misting up as she read Indominus's request. "Oh darling, I would be glad to help you find a ring for Dashie. Is there any place you would like to look?" "Canterlot." "Oh my! I would love to take you there, but can you wait until next week? I've got to start working on dresses for the Gala, and I need some time for ideas." Indominus nodded his head in understanding, T-Rex and the raptors didn't mind either. They would use their free time on that day to practice using the spells Twilight had given them, and their dance moves. Now Indominus had a day when he could go look for the right ring. Applejack didn't really have much to help the dinosaurs with, since the others had already covered all the basics. She spent her time teaching them the importance of being part of a family. Once very important lesson she taught Indominus and Tyrannosaurus was to put their girls before themselves. The rexes vowed that they would always put Rainbow and Scootaloo above all else, nothing in Equestria would be more important to them. Blue and her sisters vowed that they would look after Scootaloo just like she was a little sister to them. "Indominus, you better take good care of Rainbow Dash. She's a good friend of mine and Fluttershy's, Ah don't wanna here about ya causing any problems for her, alright?" "I promise Applejack. I would never do anything to upset Rainbow Dash, I love her too much." "Good, Ah like an honest gentlecolt that lives up to his word." The hard part for Tyrannosaurus and Indominus wasn't all the dancing or learning all the new stuff, but keeping it secret from Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. The dinosaurs couldn't give away any hints about what they had in store for their girls. If either of them caught on, it might lead to Rainbow discovering Indominus's secret intent. Regardless, they still enjoyed their day of bonding with Rainbow nonetheless, having a grand time together and eagerly awaiting the Gala. The others managed to deceive Rainbow Dash into unintentionally preparing for when the dinosaurs would live with her and the Gala. Fluttershy convinced her to help practice with the same song that Indominus planned on singing with her at the Gala. Twilight convinced her to go out and buy a bigger bed, so there would be room for T-Rex and Indominus. Rarity tried teaching her how to slow dance, even if Rainbow wasn't too keen on learning it. Applejack had even convinced her to make a spare room, just in case she wanted some 'alone time,' By the time the week had ended, Rainbow's friends had prepared her and her home for the arrival of the dinosaurs. After the week had passed, Rarity was waiting patiently for Indominus to show up for their shopping trip to Canterlot. She needed the trip too, because Rarity had been unable to come up with a good design for Rainbow's dress. She had managed to make dresses for everypony else, yet Rainbow's was the only one she hadn't even started. She heard a light knocking at the door and opened it for Indominus. When he walked in, Rarity was shocked by what he was holding. Indominus was carrying an enormous pile of bits in his claws and it left Rarity dumbstruck. "Darling, where in the wide world of Equestria did you get all those bits?" It turned out that being the Guardians of Equestria had one big perk that took a while to arrive. Celestia had sent a large amount of bits to each of the dinosaurs as a reward during one of their days with Twilight. She had levitated everything back to the cave that Indominus couldn't carry. Since T-Rex and the raptors had no use for the coins, they gave their shares to Indominus, to help him with his mission. After Twilight had done the math, she told Indominus that he had about $56 billion in coins, making him the richest dinosaur in Equestria. "We got paid for protecting Ponyville. The others didn't want theirs, so I got all of it. Twilight says I have about 56 billion in bits," was what Indominus had written. His penmanship had improved greatly over time. Rarity was beyond shocked. "56 BILLION!? That would make you the richest bachelor in Equestria. How much is all of that you're carrying?" "Only a small chunk of my stash." "Small!? I hardly count that as small. Ok darling, before we go I must make you a coin pouch. If you carry that around, ponies might try to steal it from you." Indominus would certainly like to see them try, but he let Rarity make the pouch for him and then they left for Canterlot. When they arrived, Rarity began scanning the streets for the jewelry shop that Indominus had seen. In the daylight, the stores were easier to make out and Indominus found the shop thanks to the window display. Once Rarity saw the shop, she was delighted at Indominus's choice. "You must have an eye for quality dear, this shop holds the best gems, jewelry and rings in Canterlot. There's sure to be a ring here that will look good on Rainbow Dash." The unicorn and dinosaur entered the shop, Indominus eager to see what there was to offer. Indominus was overwhelmed at the sight of the numerous gems, stones and jewels that were packed inside glass cases. Every kind of ring, jewelry and accessory imaginable was right in front of him and he didn't know where to begin. The owner was a purple unicorn that came out to greet Rarity and Indominus. Rarity was a little worried that the owner wouldn't be very fond of Indominus. Luckily, she wasn't like the other stuck up ponies and held the dinosaurs in high respect. She had even taken the time to memorize their names just in case. She was a little surprised to see one of the Guardians in her shop. "Indominus Rex? It is an honor to have one of the Guardians of Equestria in my shop, what can I do for you today?" "We are actually looking for a wedding ring." "Wedding ring? You are planning to get married Indominus?" The hybrid nodded his head once and the shop owner was ecstatic. "Oh please take a look around, find the one that you believe is right." Indominus slowly moved throughout the shop, stiffening his tail so it wouldn't smack into any cases. All of the diamonds and jewels before him were dazzling, but none of them worthy enough to be on Rainbow Dash. Rarity watched as Indominus thoroughly scanned each ring on display, judging whether it was good enough. Even the greatest sapphires and rubies on the necklaces weren't enough to catch Indominus's interest. Indominus was beginning to think that there wouldn't be any jewelry that could appease him, when a faint glow near the corner of the shop caught his eye. Indominus turned to the right to see something glowing in the corner and began advancing toward it. Rarity and the owner followed him, curious to see what had peaked his interest. As he drew closer, the jewel that caught his eye gave off a light blue glow. When Indominus had reached the case holding the jewel before him, his eyes widened and his jaw parted slightly. For what he was looking at was a ring that held perhaps the most brilliant jewel Indominus had ever seen. The ring itself had all the colors of the rainbow mixed together in such an amazing way that they seemed to flow around the ring. It was definitely a ring meant for Rainbow Dash, but the jewel on top was what completed the whole picture. The stone on top of the ring was made of a crystal that seemed to hold the very sunlight. The light danced within the stone itself and reflected outwards in ten thousand sparks of white radiance, with glints of rainbow. It was so breathtaking Indominus found himself breathing slowly just from admiring the ring. "Indominus darling, what has gotten you so-" Rarity's eyes fell upon the stone before she could finish, and she understood why Indominus was acting so strangely. She quickly turned towards the owner and asked her "what is this incredible gem?" The shop owner walked next to Rarity and peered into the case that Indominus couldn't look away from. When she saw the gem he was admiring, she had a bright smile on her face. "Ah, he has quite an interesting eye Miss Rarity. He has found the rarest gem ever to be discovered in all of Equestria." "What do you call this rare gem?" "It is called the Arkenstone, the king's jewel. It holds all the colors and reflects them in the most brilliant way." "How come nopony has ever bought this amazing stone before?" "Because it is the only one of it's kind, a true diamond in the rough as it were. That stone is so rare that we had to place it at a price worthy of its value. No pony has ever been able to purchase it, that ring would put them in crippling debt." Rarity took one look at the price for the ring and nearly fainted. The whole ring was priced at 100,000 bits, not even the richest pony in Canterlot could afford such an incredible ring. Rarity got Indominus's attention so he could actually pull himself away from the alluring ring. "Indominus, I hate to ask this, but did you bring enough to pay for that ring?" Indominus looked over at the owner who was at the counter and gestured towards the rainbow ring holding the Arkenstone. "You actually want to buy that ring? I hope you have enough bits for that." Indominus took the pouch Rarity had made for him, and poured out every coin he had brought with him. The owner was stunned at the amount of coins in front of her, and carefully counted out every last one. It took her an hour to count out everything, but when she had finished she was taken aback. Indominus had brought 110,000 bits, he could afford the ring and present it to Rainbow Dash. The owner was in shock to meet somepony that could afford the valuable jewel and was going to use it for a valuable chance in life. "Congratulations Indominus Rex, you are now the proud owner of the Arkenstone ring." "How appropriate that the untamable king, gets the king's jewel," Rarity added, The owner carefully levitated the amazing crystal out of the case and held it while she put a gold chain through the ring. She placed it in a black case and gently handed it to Indominus. The hybrid carefully opened the lid so that he could see the jewel up close. The white radiance danced on his scales as the sunlight shined on the stone. His eyes widened again from the astounded beauty that the stone emitted. Indominus had found a true ring, and it would make his proposal perfect. "Make sure you take good care of that ring Indominus, that stone is a rare find and can never be replaced." Indominus gave a solid nod as he collected the remains of his coins and left the shop with Rarity. After they left the jewelry shop, the dinosaur and unicorn decided to grab some lunch. While they were eating, Rarity noticed that Indominus kept admiring the ring. He had obviously never seen such an incredible jewel before in his life, Rarity had to get a closer look at the gem herself. "Indominus, is it alright if I look at the ring for a while?" Indominus nodded and handed the ring over to Rarity. The shimmering light in the Arkenstone was far more alluring than she had imagined. Then she took a closer look at the ring itself, and noticed the rainbow colors flowing around. That's when a realization popped into Rarity's head, and she smiled as she handed the ring back to the hybrid. "Indominus, you just gave me the best idea for Rainbow Dash's dress. The inspiration is all in the mixed colors of that ring. It's going to be the most amazing dress ever, and you helped make it happen." The hybrid licked Rarity's face happily, he couldn't wait to see Rainbow in such an amazing dress. On the way back to Ponyville, Indominus kept the ring in his right claw, never letting go of it. Rarity decided that the others should see what Indominus was going to present to Rainbow Dash. So she had all of them meet her at the boutique. "Come on Indominus, let us see it." "Yeah, what kind of ring did ya pick for Rainbow Dash?" Indominus got in the proposal position and held out the black case for the rest of the Mane six to see. When he opened the case, the others were perplexed by the beauty of the Arkenstone ring. Even Pinkie was drawn to the brilliant light shining within the crystal. "Rarity, what is this incredible stone," Twilight asked. "The owner called it the Arkenstone." "What a beautiful name, and you picked this one out for him?" "Nope, Indominus found this ring on his own. He has the best taste I've ever seen, he is going to blow Dashie's mind at the Gala. What do you think girls?" "She'll be swooning all over him in no time," Pinkie said. "Ah don't think she'll be able to keep her hooves off him," said Applejack. "I know he'll make Rainbow Dash happier than ever," Twilight said. "He's already such a gentlecolt, this goes to show how much he loves Rainbow Dash. I know he'll do a great job of looking after her and Scootaloo," said Fluttershy. Indominus nuzzled the girls from the praise they had given him. Now that he had their approval and the ultimate wedding ring, Indominus had to nail everything else before the Gala. He couldn't wait to see the look on Rainbow's face when he presented the Arkenstone to her.