//------------------------------// // Chapter 19: The End of a Grand Adventure and the Beginning of a New Family // Story: Ponies Meet New York // by Caddy Finz //------------------------------// "You really mean that, Vincent?" I asked my son as we ran down the stairs of the apartment building. "You really wanna go to Equestria?" "There's nothing here for me, Dad" Vincent replied. "That and judging by what you've told me about Equestria, I really wanna see it." He called me "Dad" again. Wow. Every time he does that, I just get this warm feeling that I've never had. It's hard to explain, really. Either way, Vincent changed his mind about staying here in New York and If he and I could make it to Central Park in time, he could get to experience the beauty of Equestria. I've had my share of depression issues myself and from experience, I can tell that the place will help Vincent with his tremendously. Once we reached the bottom floor, we dashed off the front stoop where I then proceeded to make my way to the alley where I hid my car with Vincent close behind. Despite my best efforts to cover the nearly eighteen foot long piece of government property I'd stolen over fifteen years ago with boxes and garbage bags, it was found and most likely towed away. That only left us with one other option. "Shit!" I cursed as I kicked a cardboard box out of frustration. "Okay, Vincent, We'll need your car." "Uh, yeah..." Vincent said. "About that." "Aw fuck, don't tell me..." "It shit the bed as soon as I got to the warehouse. The thing wasn't going anywhere." "Then how did you get back here?" "How did you get here?" After giving that some thought and Vincent looking at me waiting for me to put the pieces together, he and I both turned to face oncoming traffic and each raised our right hands in hoped that a bright yellow car would come to our aid. Much to our misfortune however, Brooklyn isn't an area where taxis are common and the few that did pass us by already had a fair in their back seat. Still though, things weren't looking good. Even if we could get a cab to pick us up, the driver would have to bring us through several miles of stop and go traffic. To top it all off, it was rush hour. Every odd that could be stacked against us was. The ponies would soon depart and close the portal until further noticed and there was no way Vincent and I were going to make it on time. We needed a miracle. "You fellas need a ride?" A familiar voice said from a police cruiser that stopped next to Vincent and I. It wasn't who I was expecting to ever see again but weather I like it or not, there he was. Sitting in the white and blue NYPD squad car was the tall, young rookie, Officer Ed whom the girls and I had a run in with a few days prior. As awkward as the moment was, I wasn't about to turn down a ride in a vehicle that could make other traffic move to the side. Beggars can't be choosers. "Yeah!" I replied. "Think you can get us to central park?" "Hop in!" "Sweet!" Vincent exclaimed as he opened a door and got into the car. "Let's blow this joint!" "Right behind ya, buddy!" I said as I followed suit. As soon as I shut the door, the car tore off down the street, its siren and air horn blasting away. While we cut through traffic as fast as the late model Ford Fusion cop car could take us, I thought some more about weather Ed knew exactly who I was. In any event, I felt compelled to figure that out. "So, um..." I began. "Have we met before?" "Oh, I'm pretty sure I've seen you somewhere before." A somewhat older officer in the passenger seat said as he turned to face me. It was none other than Officer Glen who's face I had introduced my hoof to the last time we met. It appeared as if he was still recovering from that judging but all the bandages on his nose and the patch over his eye. "Ha! Don't kid him, Glen." Ed Chuckled. "You and I both saw him get turned from a pony into a human with our own eyes!" "And what a spectacle that was!" "Uh, look man, about that, uh..." I began. "Jeez, I'm really sorry about bashing your face like that." "Don't sweat it." Glen replied as he waved his hand dismissively. "I probably would have done the same if some dude came up to my friend with a stun gun." "Wow, you're taking that surprisingly well." "Are you kidding? A little smack on the face was a tiny little price to pay for what you and your pony friends have done for this city!" "Huh? What we did for the city? What are you talking about?" "Hope." Ed answered. "By showing the people of the entire city of New York that magic exists, you all have given everyone new hope. Crime has come to a complete stop today!" "Did you see the tears of joy from the people as they snapped pictures of those princess ponies?" Glen asked. "Fellas, this just might be the miracle this city needed and I don't think anybody will be forgetting it soon." "Hell, even the mayor himself plans on keeping in contact with your princesses. Said something about setting up some kinda diplomatic partnership." "He already signed a bill making it a felony with a minimum of twenty years for harming a talking pony! They're a protected species and we've only known their existence for a few friggin' days!" It was certainly a lot for Vincent and I to take in but it did all make a lot of sense. The more I thought about it, looking back, I probably would have gained a new feeling of hope after the shock of talking equines wore off. I even remembered the time I had seen the divine alicorn princesses for the first time. It's true, I did experience a very warm, optimistic feeling when I first met them. To top it all off, seeing the tender love and care they treated all their subjects with was enough to make my once icy heart melt. Finally, we reached a bridge that lead from Brooklyn to Manhattan and once he had an opening, Officer Ed let the throttle rip sending us over the river faster than Shining Armor pouncing on his wife once he gets a look at her new lingerie. As glad as I am that they're a happy couple with might I add, a very healthy sex life, I didn't need to see that. Those two aren't exactly very subtle about it...Ahem! So we were just getting down to the end of the bridge and finally ended up in Manhattan! "Just hang on, you two!" Officer Ed said as he put the pedal to the floor. "Almost there!" "I see it!" Officer Glen exclaimed. "The beam from the portal! They're opening it right now!" We were so close but we still needed to hurry. Just a couple more miles to go! Only a few more minutes before the princesses and my friends were to leave through the portal for who knows how long before we can see them again. After dodging a few cars cutting us off and blowing through some red lights, just one more mile to go! Thirty seconds later, we were down to a half mile! Now a quarter! The entrance to the park was now within our reach! There was a new problem though. There were too many people standing by to watch the whole thing. We couldn't just drive through the park at seventy miles an hour and expect not to run over an innocent bystander. We had no choice but to slow down to thirty but we were almost there! We could fucking smell the flowers on the other side! There it was! Right in front of us, Princess Celestia followed by her two guards were the last to jump in and disappear into the swirling abyss. The car then finally screeched to a halt right in front of it. It was now or never. "Celestia bless you, officers!" I said as Vincent and I bolted out of the car and sprinted towards the portal as it quickly started to fizzle out. "Vincent, son!" "Yeah, Dad?" Vincent answered. "Grab my hand and Don't let go!" "Ooohhh Shiiittt!" This was it and there was absolutely no going back at this point. Vincent and I were falling fast and before we knew it, we were completely enveloped in water. This was something that I was expecting and getting used to but this was all new to Vincent which is why I told him to hold onto my hand with all his might. Once again, just like before, I found myself swirling around in a torrent but this time, I had my son with me. Soon, we were quickly floating back upwards towards a bright light where we then finally broke the surface. We were home. The pond wasn't enormous so Vincent and I were able to swim to shore rather quickly where we were both greeted by the sight of our lives. Just about every emergency and rescue crew in Equestria from the Ponyville Fire Department to the Royal Guard was waiting to render aid to the exhausted girls and the Princesses as they were all brought to shore. Even the Wonderbolts were there attending to Rainbow Dash who was being gently loaded onto a stretcher by medics. Everypony needed medical attention aside from me as Princess Celestia had already healed my wounds. The girls were all exhausted, thirsty, starving, battered, and bruised so the hospital was their next destination. "Vincenzo!?" Princess Luna exclaimed as she watched Vincent and I crawl out of the pond. "You came back!" "Your son changed his mind!?" Princess Celestia asked. "Yeah, I figured I'd give this place a try." Vincent replied. "I'm so glad you made this decision. Oh, I don't believe We formally introduced ourselves. I'm Princess Celestia and this is my sister, Princess Luna." "Nice to meet yas. So...wow. You weren't kidding, Vin-er, Dad. This place is really colorful." "Heh, what'd I tell you?" I replied. "Just wait til I show you Sugarcu-" "Oh my god, It's so beautiful! That blue sky! This grassy meadow! The flowers all over the place! Where has this been all my life!?" "Dry your tears, dear subject." Luna said. "Your father has spoken of your ailments both physical and emotional. Come hither. We shall go to the Ponyville village office and prepare your citizenship papers." After telling the girls the good news before they were taken to the hospital, Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all brought Vincent and I to Ponyville's town hall. After doing some paperwork, the princesses asked for a moment alone with Vincent so they could better get to know him. Before I left the room, Celestia lowered her horn onto my forehead as she did three years ago and after the bright flash subsided, I could see that I was once again the light green stallion I was before. As I waited outside the room, I realized that this was the first time in a full week that I could actually relax and think at a normal pace. A lot of crazy things had happened in such a short time but we got through them. The girls and I always made and good team and now we had a new member. I honestly don't think I've ever been this happy. I was about to show my son our new home where we could then be a happy family...and yet...I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe I could be forgetting something. But what?" "Vincenzo!!" A female voice squeaked as the front door of the town hall swung open. "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're back!" "Harshwhinny!?" I said. "You're still here!?" The mare I went on a blind date with but barely knew then galloped over to me and wrapped her forelegs around my neck where she then proceeded to shed tears of joy. She must like me more than I thought. "Vinnie, I was so worried!" Harshwhinny said. "Hey, don't you worry about a thing, hon." I reassured her as I hugged her back. "I ain't going anywhere." "Oh, that's just wonderful! Look, if you want to, I'd like to give it another try with you." "You mean you wanna try going on another date?" "Vinnie, let me tell you something about myself. I'm a very lonely mare. Yes, I know, it sounds pathetic but It's not often that I get time to meet a nice, mature stallion like you. I'm in my forties now and I'm getting to a point where I'm so...*sniff* I'm scared, Vinnie! The idea of me ending up alone for the rest of my life scares me so much and I just...I really like you..." "Wow...uh, hey who turned the a/c off? I didn't know you felt that way. I think we...connected pretty well back there, didn't we?" "So you'll go on another date with me?" "I'd be honored to! There's just somepony I'd like you to meet first." Almost as if on cue, the door to the other room where the princesses and Vincent were slowly opened. The princesses all stepped out and parted revealing Equestria's newest citizen. Standing behind the princesses was a young, dark blue Earth stallion with a black mane and tail who was checking out his new body. "Harshwhinny, meet my son, Vincent." "Oh, I didn't know you had a son." "Neither did I until about a week ago." "Whoa!" Vincent exclaimed as he looked down underneath himself. "That's mine? Nice!" Rainbow Dash always described Harshwhinny as uptight but quickly following Vincent's comment, she burst out laughing and the princesses and I quickly followed suit. As we all shared a hearty laugh together, Vincent continued to look around and observe the new world he would be living in. His eyes darted around the room just a bit more until they soon landed on Harshwhinny. "Hey, my Ma had a hairdo like that." Vincent said. "Only difference was that she was a brunette." None of us were expecting to hear that. This whole thing was the definition of the word "awkward" and to top it all off, it was just followed by at least a minute of awkward silence. I could see tears begin to build up in Harshwhinny's eyes as she had just heard Vincent say that she reminded him of his late mother. Harshwhinny is a smart girl and even though nopony told her that she was gone, it didn't take a genius to figure that out as Vincent said "was". Not only was this awkward, this was getting straight up sappy...not that I had a problem with it. After getting Vincent settled into his own room at my place, we all took advantage of the nice, warm beds we had waiting for us. The past week was very hard on all of us so the first thing we needed to do was catch us on sleep. Afterwards, we were able to just take a seat and make the necessary plans to get on with our lives. Harshwhinny was temporarily staying with Twilight at the castle as she and I were in the process of making plans for our next date that hopefully wouldn't be so rudely interrupted. The girls were expected to all be discharged from the hospital very soon and mentioned showing Vincent the town and what being a pony is all about while Harshwhinny and I were to spend time together. One thing I really wanted to do first though was introduce Vincent to the fellas at the bar. Since Celestia had turned him into a pony like she did for me, I just needed to be sure of one last thing. "Shining, Carrot, Big Mac..." I began as I trotted up to my bros. "I'd like you guys to meet my son, Vincent." "Welcome to Equestria, pal." Shining Armor greeted as he bumped Vincent's hoof. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you, guy." Carrot Cake said as he followed suit. "Y'all are gonna love it here, bud." Big Mac said. "Yeah, this place is actually better than I was expecting." "Hey, new guy, what'll ya have?" The Bartender asked as he approached us at the table. This is why I brought Vincent here. I needed to know weather he still wanted to drink or not. I've been keeping an eye on him and I have yet to see him smoke or complain about being out of cigarettes so it seemed like he was in the clear on that end. I just needed to know that it was over and that he no longer wished to drink booze. "What do you have for soda around here?" Vincent asked. "I'm thinking maybe a Doctor Pepper (R)." "Uh, we have Doctor Salt." Sudsy, the Bartender replied. "How about one of those?" "Alright, that sounds great." I got the answer I so badly needed to hear. From here on out, everything was going to be just fine. I now had my son with me, he was cured of his terrible illness, the girls were safe and sound, and I even have my first date in over twenty years coming up soon. What more could a guy ask for? Vincent and I can live in peace and start making up for lost time. That was my top, number one priority. The girls and all the other friends I've made in Eqquestria have all made me who I am today and I will never forget that. There is however another thing I really need to be grateful for though. If not for that portal tossing me back into New York City, who knows what may have happened. One thing I know for sure is that Vincent would either be in a mental institution or worse. And that city. It's seen its troubles over the past few years but it looks like it'll bounce back just fine. With five huge boroughs, over three hundred square miles, eight and a half million people, and being the biggest hub of commerce and world economic activity, New York City is an icon of sorts. The name alone is only unknown to those who lack a functioning brain. The Big Apple, The city that never sleeps, whatever you wanna call it, that city's always got something great to find within its boroughs. I mean look at me, I found my son. THE END