//------------------------------// // Xenomorph Infestation LV1 // Story: Alien: Twilights Final Chapter // by TwiRaptor //------------------------------// Rainbow stood in front of Twilight in shock. Twilight had her head looking to the ground after the words were spoken. The rainbow maned Pegasus shook her head slowly and started to back away because she couldn't believe Twilight was even thinking about leaving without a goodbye to everypony else. What had gotten into her? Rainbow's lower lip trembled for the first time she and Twilight knew each other and tears began to form in the mares eyes. Rainbow Dash wasn't the kind of mare too cry unless the situation really called for tears but even in most situations she held them back. "You were just going to go!! H-How could you do that to us, Twilight!?" Rainbow coughed as the tears now fell from her eyes. Twilight looked up from the ground and she was crying too. "I didn't think you would understand my reasons for wanting to leave, Rainbow, I never meant to hurt anypony! P-Please.." the alicorn attempted to get closer to her friend but the distance wasn't shortened as her friend backed away more as Twilight tried to move closer. "Rainbow...." "Twilight, just because you love a mare...that doesn't mean we will think of you any differently. However choosing to leave without a word will make us look at you differently. Your not like that...at least that is what I thought" Twilights eyes quickly opened and she quickly began too look around, she looked to her right and then her left but she couldn't see RD. Rainbow wasn't anywhere to be seen, Twilight pushed herself up and onto her hooves. Her right wing was still in a great deal of pain and she screamed from it. The pain was too much for her to handle that she stumbled slamming into a desk. "Rainbow!! Rainbow where are you!" Twilight closed her eyes and leaned against the desk trying not to move too much yet. The pain was too much. She took a quick look around and noticed that the door they came in was opened, she suspected right away that the door was probably where Rainbow Dash went. She didn't know why or if she was coming back, why would her friend leave her alone like that. "Hello! Is anypony there!?" Twilight teared up as the pain from her wing caused her side to feel on fire, as her pain grew it caused her chest to feel just as hurt. "Somepony...." Twilight slipped from the desk and hit the floor with a loud thud. She felt weaker and weaker as her eyes were trying to shut. She lay on her side keeping her wing with the pain to the sky making sure not to lay on it, she looked around with her eyes to see the area was sparking from the lights. The lighting of the halls and the rooms appeared to be smashed so that it would remain dark here. "Anypony....p-please..." Twilights eyes were slowly closing and the area from her point of view was getting darker and darker. She could hear something coming, the sound of hoof steps rang through the doorway as Twilight closed her eyes falling asleep from the pain. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. "Come on wake up you silly alicorn! Your all better now" Twilight's eyes burst open from the sound a mares voice, she was now on a table and the pain that was in her wing was less aggressive and seemed to be fading. She shook her head to clear her vision and bottles were on the floor, whiskey,or was it just beer? Twilight raised a brow as she lowly turned her head. Looking behind her she was then booped on her muzzle. A dark purple mare stood there smiling and she giggled a bit as she kept her hoof there. Twilight looked at it and stared down at the hoof. Why was this mare smiling up a storm when death was all that surrounded them. Was she insane, clueless, or was she strong minded and somehow knew how to turn a bad situation into something worth smiling about. "Um, why are you poking my nose. Who the hell are you?" Twilight moved the hoof from her nose and the purple mare giggled once again and her horn began to glow as a bottle of liqueur now levitated by the unicorn. Twilight raised a brow and quickly got off the table, she was able to move more quickly now that her wing was feeling better. "Did you do this? Wait how did you find me and why did you?" Twilight was silenced as the unicorn placed her hoof on her muzzle again except this time to silence her. "My name is Moon Dusts~ you talk to much and a thank you would be most appreciated. I mean it wasn't hard because everypony I know can make a splint" Moon walked over to the counter she had some tools laid out on. The room was not so neat and tidy, it appeared as if everypony left in a fight. Papers littered the floor and lights were smashed on the walls and ceiling and Twilight could understand why the place was in such a mess. She saw what two xenomorphs could do, she could only imagine the station would be this way with what appeared to be hundreds. "I heard you calling for help...I decided to make something of myself and help you out of your painful situation" Moon had a distinct royal accent to her. Like she was trying to force herself from not using the old royal language or something like that. "Why were you out there all by yourself? You must be some type of daredevil. I have seen what they can do, they ripped my friends apart right in front of me" Twilight frowned and remembered that she was alone. Rainbow Dash was either dead or she got up and abandoned the alicorn. "I'm sorry to hear about your friends, Moon Dust, I bet they meant allot to you." Twilight spoke softly and her faint voice echoed a bit in the quiet room. Moon shook her head and took a sip from her bottle of whatever type of alcohol she was drinking, Twilight still couldn't tell because she wasn't much of a drinker. "Yeah they were close, enough to get me back into old habits in fact. I am not going to complain or tell you not to start drinking, Twilight because that would not be my advice as a matter of fact it numbs the shit hole this station is currently in. Whatever you would call this situation and whatever you would call those things that are causing it" Moon took another large gulp of her drink and set the empty bottle on the table. Twilight quickly used her magic to grab the bottle so she could better look at it. "Aliens, that would be the best way to put it." Twilight was blunt but not blunt enough as to reveal the name of the species because she didn't want to seem involved or knowledgeable about them. "I mean that is what science tells us. A creature of unknown origin and not from your world, Alien" Moon stopped and looked back at the alicorn who was now setting down the glass bottle. "What are you a nerd?" Moon sniffed the air and turned back to the door and exited the room. Twilight coughed and shook her head making a quick burst to catch up to the unicorn and to correct her. "Book worm, Egghead, Science geek" Moon looked back and narrowed her eyes briefly before continuing on her walk. "Or...nerd....that is just a name I would rather not go by. I mean I am not ashamed or anything, its just a common phrase used by bullies in school to those who share an interest in knowledge" Moon giggled and nodded agreeing that the term was used a bit harshly by others but it was good not to be ashamed of who you were. "Nerds are smart and whats wrong with that?" The station seemed full of death as familiarity set in Twilight's heart as she looked at the dead ponies against the walls and the blood stained walls and floor. She closed her eyes remembering the great Valuntas Station and the death that filled it. It was clearly an affect of a xenomorph because the places they were never changed in looks. "So what are your plans to get off this station? Or are your plans different than smart?" Twilight stopped and tilted her head confused by the choice of words. Moon leaned in and placed her lips just next to Twilights ears and she whispered as if they were surrounded by ponies. Which they were but they were all dead and couldn't hear them anyways. "Some survivors want to break out of quarantine thinking it is safe on the other side of those doors. I don't know about you but I think the Weyland workers are responsible for this." Twilight smiled and used her good wing to cover the Weyland W of her outfit just in case Moon didn't see it already. "Wait! What makes you think such a thing? I mean why would they release something on their own station, Moon Dusts, that just doesn't make sense." Twilight pretended to act clueless for her own safety because she really didn't know this mare very well even though she saved her that doesn't mean she is completely safe. "I have a friend that I ran into, he works here and has been saying some interesting things to me. I have been trying to get him to speak more but he appears to be waiting for somepony" Moon smiled and pointed down the hall. "Right down there is where we need to go...just a heads up he can be kind of an asshole to ponies because he's not one" ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The xenomorph smashed down into the room after hours of trying to find a way in. Quickly it got down on all fours and started to hiss as if sniffing the area for her. Sunset took deep breaths and kept close to the desk she was hiding under and thankfully it had cover so she would only be spotted if she moved. The Xenomorph growled and looked up at the ceiling and then it quickly jumped up and landed sticking itself to it and slowly it began to walk. Its scythe like tail began to wag as it slowly started to sniff around the room from above. "Oh come on...why don't you just go already~ Please!" Sunset screamed softly in anger but it was not enough to give away her position. She had been running sense the creatures flooded the quarantined area of the station. Her and White were separated during the commotion and the stallion had not left her mind. She couldn't stop worrying about his safety and hoping he was okay. She wasn't alone in the room, she and a couple mares took to hide here but she was unsure if they were hidden enough for this breed of Xenomorph. Sunset gulped as she thought back to what she knew about the alien creatures. She only knew about to breeds but was aware of many more and she was able to determine that the aliens that flooded the halls were Ridged Warriors. These Xenomorphs are created by queens to protect the hive and to kill all threats that could cause harm to the great mother. These warriors however seemed to think everything was a threat because once your caught by one it was game over man. "Run!!!" Sunset closed her eyes as one of the mares broke from their hiding place to scream in terror. The alien screamed and jumped down from the ceiling and down onto the mare. The other ponies who were hiding stood up but not Sunset, they all began to run and some looked as if they wanted to help the downed mare. The Xeno was quick to respond and slammed the end of its tail down into the eye area of the mare leaving a gaping hole as it pulled it out quick. The other ponies were blocked now as the sound of the mare screaming brought more, three more of the warriors slowly entered from the door and all of them were spewing spit from their mouths. Sunset closed her eyes and the sound a vent knocking was close to her. The warriors were moving slow and not striking yet, they appeared to be waiting for a moment to take on the group of mares or as if they were waiting for something. The vent began to knock louder and louder and then a loud crash after that silence and Sunset could hear the creatures leaving the room. There was allot of activity currently do to all the living that still occupied the ship. "Oh...why does this keep happening...why can it all just go away?" All over the ships quarantined area ponies were experiencing a new thing. A real world hell as the creatures slowly made their ways throughout the area and the ones who didn't know already would soon be face to face with death or fear itself. The bodies of the mares who were hiding with Sunset lay on the floor melting and covered in bite marks from xenomorph tongues and the shit was once again quiet for her as she waited, hoping somepony would come for her because she didn't think she can do it alone this time. Not again. "Do you realize what this means! Do you Sunset!? Do you realize they form under stress and change depending on what kind of stress you put them under!?" Sunset flinched and nodded as the superior scientist screamed in her face. He was angry but yet amazed by the learning they had managed to get from this specimen. "If we strike from long range...they strike back from further with a new breed. If you hit them hard and close they will only hit harder! This is a breakthrough in warfare and we are the ones who discovered it." Sunset shook her head and pushed back with words just as loud. "Your killing her!! We won't be able to get another one if you kill her!! This is enough" Sunset used her magic to grip her weapon as she gritted her teeth together wanting to pull it on the stallion. "Weyland himself would kill you if you kill her! This is enough research and you don't need to put her through anymore!" Sunset watched as the stallion walked over to the panel and looked in on the creature inside "Nopony has ever met Weyland himself, I doubt he or she will come this far to end my life for what needs to be done. I will run more test and I will push the limits!" "Your going to kill her!!!" I DON"T CARE!!! I will do what needs to be done Sunset now GET OUT!!!" The stallion pressed the big red button on his panel and electric shocks began to surge through the holding cell. The creature inside began to scream louder than she had ever heard before swinging its large tail around smashing it against the glass. It was dieing. The scientist stared at it as it screamed for help but none of the other specimens could help it out. "No! NO!! NOOO!!! STOP IT! Your killing her!" The specimen reached out before the electric shocks were too much and it went limp. the creature...was dead.