Canterlot High Has A Club About What?!

by Enclave2277

Sunset And Sweetie Are Doing What!?

Chapter 4: First Outing

Sweetie woke up feeling refreshed the next morning. The time on her clock read a little past nine. She still had two hours before she had to meet Sunset, whom was only a thirty minute bike ride away. Sweetie pulled herself out of bed and threw on a robe before heading into the shower. Honestly, she hadn’t noticed anything different about the way she slept, except for the fact she didn’t have pajamas on.

Regardless, it was yet another victory. Rarity was already awake, prepping the house/boutique for her guest’s arrival, so Sweetie stayed clear of her sister. The fewer things she had to worry about the better. Sweetie closed the door to the bathroom, disrobed, and climbed into the shower. She knew that she wasn’t a burden to Rarity and had no problems leaving the house when Rarity hosted customers. Her older sister was trying to start a career after all, and it did help that Rarity was indeed concerned.

Plus, whenever Rarity had company before, Sweetie always had her friends to hang out with. She still wasn’t sure if Sunset was going to allow her to be naked at her place, let alone if Sunset was even going to keep the two of them there at all. This was a game of fortune for Sweetie Belle; she had to ease herself into this unorthodox lifestyle without Rarity finding out. It might end up upsetting her older sister if she didn't present it in the best possible light.

Sweetie Belle knew from the get-go that she could easily take this lifestyle the wrong way and possibly end up on one of those naughty magazines. She had nothing against those people or their choices; she just didn’t want to end up like them. There was also the horror of someone she didn’t like finding out, such as Diamond Tiara. That being said however, she did want a seasoned voice in her mind, not just a book. And for Sweetie Belle, the answer was Sunset Shimmer. It was amazing to think that only a year and a half ago, Sunset was a villain.

Sweetie finished up her shower and headed back into her room. She pulled out her backpack and put two towels inside. One to dry off with in case she swam, and another to sit on while she was nude. She also put in a swimsuit just in case Sunset refused to accept her request. Once she had everything packed, Sweetie put on a loose shirt and pants without undies, some slip-ons, and made her way down stairs. Rarity was already dressed in her nice suit.

“You look dashing!” Sweetie complemented.

“Thank you dear, I hope this outfit hides some of my nervousness though.” Rarity said, her voice laced with doubt. “Oh, I do hope this all turns out for the best.”

Sweetie smiled. “I know it will. These are your designs we’re talking about. They’re bound to love them.”

That relaxed Rarity. “Thank you sister, I needed that. You’re off to Sunset's place?”

Sweetie nodded.

“Alright, text me when you get there.”

“I will. Bye!”

And with that Sweetie was out the door and on her way to Sunset’s place. To her surprise, it was just as hot as it was the day she first visited. It made the bike ride over all the more interesting, as she hoped her sweat wouldn’t reveal the fact she was going commando. Every street corner Sweetie reached, she checked to make sure she wasn’t see-through. Thankfully, it never got that bad.

When she got to Sunset’s house, she could see that Sunset was indeed home this time. Sweetie wasted no time in standing up her bike and running over. Knocking on the door, Sweetie hoped that she wasn’t too early. She quickly sent an “I’m here” text to Rarity just as the front door opened. Sunset revealed herself, wearing the same sundress Sweetie brought a few days ago.

“Hey Sweetie.” Sunset said.

“Hey Sunset, thanks for having me over!” Sweetie smiled.

“Thanks for offering actually. I would’ve been stuck doing nothing most of today.” Sunset grimaced.

“I know the feeling.” Sweetie smiled. “May I come in?”

“Sure, come on in. I just cleaned up.”

Sweetie nodded and walked in. She could see that nothing had changed, and even the cellophane was still on the furniture. That must be a good sign.

Sunset closed the door behind Sweetie Belle. “So, what is it you wanted to explain to me?”

Sweetie lowered her backpack behind the couch. “Well, it’s a bit of a long story.”

Sunset nodded. “Have a seat on the couch.” When Sweetie nodded, Sunset asked. “Would you like anything to eat or drink?”

“Just water please.” Sweetie answered, sitting on the couch. “The bike ride over here was tough!”

“I know that pain.” Sunset giggled going into the fridge. She pulled out a bottle of water and brought it to Sweetie, who accepted it graciously. “Now,” Sunset said. “What’s up?”

After taking a long drink, Sweetie filled Sunset in on everything.

Sunset nodded her expression a bit hard to read, “I see.”

“So, I was thinking maybe I could try expanding my interest here?” Sweetie asked.

“With me?” Sunset asked. “Why Sweetie I’m touched, but I think I’m a little too old for you.”

Sweetie blushed, “NO, NO, NO N-NOTHING LIKE THAT…!”

Sunset’s expression changed to that of pure mirth, “Of course Sweetie Belle, I was only kidding. I think it’s great that you wanted to try this out. And personally I think it’s cool that I might actually have a close friend who would be willing to share my lifestyle.” She then straightened herself out, “But I must ask, are you going to be okay being naked and seeing me naked?”

Sweetie nodded, “I think I will be.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Sunset nodded, smiling slightly, “Well since I'm the more experienced one, I recommend we don’t get naked in front of each other just yet. Why don’t you go upstairs and get undressed there?”

“Why?” Sweetie asked.

“It'll give you an extra minute in case you want to back out.”

Sweetie nodded, “Alright I’ll be right back.”

“Okay. The bathroom is the first door on your right.” Sunset said as Sweetie hurried upstairs.

Sweetie took in the information and headed upstairs. It didn’t take her long to find the bathroom. Much like the rest of Sunset’s home, it was remarkably plain. Sweetie closed the door and pulled off her clothes. After folding them up neatly and resting them on her arm, she realized exactly why Sunset wanted her away for a moment. And then she began to laugh uncontrollably. Sweetie Belle was nude, in someone else’s house, while the owner was getting naked herself. In any other scenario, this would be all kinds of wrong.

“Wow, this is crazy!” She laughed.

She could easily put her clothing back on, go down stairs, and call the whole thing off. They could then spend the rest of the day having fun and forget about this very moment. But she came to Sunset’s home with the intent of gaining ground in her quest. So why not try it out for five minutes? Sunset was, at least now, trustworthy. And despite the obvious insanity, Sweetie was already naked. So, brushing the thought aside, Sweetie opened the door and walked out.

Sunset apparently heard the door open. “You ready?”

“Yeah. I'm coming down now.” Sweetie answered.

She descended the stairs and spotted Sunset, who hadn’t moved from her seat on the chair. Except this time her sundress was visibly absent and she was just as naked as Sweetie. Sweetie realized that there was an added level of comfort in Sunset’s disposition, which made her relax slightly. She also noticed that she was slightly cooler now. It was mostly due to the fact that her sweaty clothes were no longer on her body.

“Comfy yet?” Sunset asked.

Sweetie nodded, “Much better!”

“So now what you want to do?” Sunset asked as Sweetie walked over.

“First, where do I put my clothes?” she asked.

“Oh just leave them by your backpack, they’ll be fine there.”

“Kay, thanks.”

Sweetie plopped her clothing by her backpack, then walked over to the couch to sit down. The cellophane felt weird at first, but then again she never sat on it before even clothed so she didn’t mind it. She looked over at Sunset. “Is this what it’s usually like for you?”

Sunset nodded, “Pretty weird huh?”

Sweetie agreed. "A bit. So now that we’re like this, what can we do?”

Sunset smiled. “You up for a swim?”

“Can we?” Sweetie asked.

“Yeah, hardly anyone comes down to this side of Whitetail so we’ll be fine.” Sunset answered.

Agreeing to that, Sweetie got up and ran over to her backpack to pull out one of her towels. Sunset, who grabbed a towel hanging by the door, went out to the back to make sure that it was indeed clear of any prying eyes. When she was sure of it, she waved to Sweetie to come forward. When Sweetie ran outside, she didn’t stop until she drove straight into the water. The fact that the water was ridiculously cold didn’t matter to Sweetie; she needed to dive into something like this after the ride over. The feeling she had was exactly the same she had when she tried skinny dipping last time. This time however, she didn’t have to worry about being spotted.

As Sweetie swam underwater, she heard the water get displaced and spotted Sunset jumping into the water. Breaking the surface, Sweetie saw Sunset floating nearby. “This feels so good!” she shouted.

“A great benefit of living out here,” Sunset smiled, “Especially after a long day like this.”

“Yeah, I could get used to this.” Sweetie smiled.

“Really,” Sunset smirked. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were using me for my lake.”

Sweetie giggled. “I don’t think I’d put it like that, especially if this summer decides to cool down. Plus, I do live by two pools so I could go there any time.”

“But neither of those allow you to skinny dip.” Sunset laughed. “Come on, I wanna see how well you can swim.”

Sweetie grinned at the idea and began to swim. Sunset followed her as they took a lap around the lake. At first, Sweetie found it easy to stay ahead of Sunset. But after a lap or two, Sunset began to overtake her. Sweetie found this slightly alarming. She wasn’t losing energy or anything, Sunset was just an amazing swimmer, probably because she lived near a lake. The line of logic calmed Sweetie down somewhat. Soon enough the duo became tired and came to a stop near the shore line.

Sunset padded towards their towels and picked up both of them. After bringing them over, she handed Sweetie her towel and then began to dry off her hair. “Not bad out there, I actually had to push myself.”

“Really?” Sweetie asked. “Because it looked like you weren’t even trying.”

Sweetie laid her towel out and rested upon it. She rolled onto her back just as Sunset did the same a few feet away.

“Yeah, that was actually a bit of a challenge. Do you swim a lot?” Sunset asked.

“Not as much as Scootaloo. But then again she’s a mini-Rainbow Dash. I prefer to do things that are a lot less physical, like singing and dancing, but I do exercise from time to time.” Sweetie answered.

Sunset smiled. “Well, don’t tell Rainbow Dash this, but I know for a fact that I’m a better swimmer than she is.”

“You do have a lake in your backyard.” Sweetie smirked. “I'm honestly not surprised.”

“That’s true.” Sunset nodded. “So, Rarity’s got some clients visiting today?”

Sweetie shrugged. “Some big-wigs from Manehattan. I really hope it goes well, but I’m trying not to think about it too much.”

“Why not? I mean she is your sister and all.”

“Two reasons,” Sweetie said, rather enjoying how the sun felt against her skin. “One: if I worried about every little thing she was doing, I’d drive myself as crazy as Rarity. Two: this is Rarity we’re talking about! Unless the boutique burns down, she’s already nailed the sales pitch.”

“Yet you’re out here sunning yourself and not over there giving her a hand?” Sunset asked. “Forgive me for making assumptions Sweetie Belle, but it seems to me like neither of you want each other in your life.”

“It isn't like that.” Sweetie said evenly. “Rarity has a certain standard she lives by, and creator help you if you get in the way of that standard. I know she means well... it’s just I wanna start living my own life now. Not hers.”

“That’s a bit harsh.” Sunset said rolling onto her side to face Sweetie Belle. “She is your sister.”

“I know.” Sweetie said. “And I love her. I just don’t want to get in her way of her success while I'm trying to build a life of my own. Especially now when I’m trying to become a nudist. If she found out I was doing this, I’d never hear the end of it!”

Sunset had to concede that point. “Fair point. It just seems to me like you’re cutting your sister out of your life.”

Sweetie grimaced. She wanted to say that she would never do that. Yet, the duo had gotten on each other nerves more than enough to have brought them to that point. Still, Sweetie wasn’t cutting Rarity out of anything. She was growing up and she didn’t want Rarity meddling with every facet of her life, so why was Sunset making such a big deal out of it?

“Don’t worry, Sunset.” Sweetie said after a pause. “It won’t come to that. Are you…uh…up for another swim, or can we do something else?”

Sunset sighed with an eye roll. “Depends, what would you like to do instead?”

“You mentioned that people rarely come around here. I was wondering if we could walk along the trail for a bit.” Sweetie answered.

“I’m game for that.” Sunset said.

Sweetie beamed. “Do we need to take our towels?”

“It’s usually a good idea, just in case someone actually does come down the path.” Sunset answered, standing up.

With a nod, Sweetie picked up her slightly wet towel before following Sunset up the path into Whitetail woods. The woods were very sparse of life, yet the sun shone through the tree tops illuminating everything around the girls. Despite their bare feet, the girls hardly minded the walk as they moved shoulder to shoulder down the path. Each step she took, Sweetie felt more and more comfortable with her body and her surroundings. Sunset was helping out a lot, being the role model for her. Sweetie felt very comfortable for the first time in a while.

“Did you tell your friends yet?” Sunset asked.

“That I’m a nudist? No not yet, but I’m seeing them tomorrow, so I’ll tell them then.” Sweetie answered.

“I wonder what their reaction will be.”

“Shocked would be the proper term for it, but I know my friends. They’ll still accept me.” Sweetie said proudly.

“Yeah, I’m sure they will.” Sunset said halfheartedly.

Sweetie turned to Sunset and felt a little discouraged. While she was sure about her friends accepting her, Sunset wasn't so sure about her own. Even though the six of them had achieved so much and grown so close, Sunset couldn’t tell her friends about this fundamental part of her life. That depressed Sweetie, so much so that she leaned over and gave Sunset a hug.

“Don’t worry; I’m sure that given time, everyone will accept you too.” Sweetie said, trying not to notice how good it felt to have Sunset’s skin press against her own.

Sunset, who was caught off guard by Sweetie’s sudden show of affection, smiled. “Thanks Sweetie Belle, I’m sure they will too.” She returned the hug with a pat on Sweetie’s head. “I’m sure they will. One day…”