Canterlot High Has A Club About What?!

by Enclave2277

The CMC Become What?!

Chapter 5: The CMC Become What?!

Sweetie waited anxiously by her window, looking outside to see the moment her friends arrived. Rarity had stepped out for the day to deliver an order she had made and she wouldn’t be back until later that night. So, Sweetie was once again naked at home.

She had enjoyed spending the whole day at Sunset’s cabin. After their walk, the duo returned home for a round of video games and enjoyed a good movie before Rarity called to check in. The day got better when Rarity told them that her pitch had been a stunning success.

Pride in her sister aside, Sweetie was still slightly unsure of her new status. Her time with Sunset was a resounding success concerning her path to becoming a nudist. And yet Rarity didn’t have the faintest idea about her sister’s new hobby.

Regardless of what Sweetie personally felt, Sunset had a point. Sweetie was, in fact, cutting Rarity out of this facet of her life and that wasn’t exactly right. But Sunset only offered concern, commenting that it was ultimately Sweetie’s decision to make.  

Telling her friends she was a nudist was another problem. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would probably handle the news far better than Rarity would, that was for sure. But…nudity was a considered a taboo in polite society and Rarity would likely condemn it as such.

Was it right for Sweetie to hide it? She wasn’t sure. There was the possibility that she could ask her friends about it, but it was going to take a long time before that happened.

Right now, she was only at step one. She wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to break the news to the Crusaders, but she resolved to do it slowly. Her bathrobe rested at the foot of her bed, ready for her to use as soon as her friends arrived.

“Come on girls!” Sweetie said impatiently, “Hurry up and get here already!”

No sooner did the words leave her mouth, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came into view. Both were on their bikes and wore the thinnest clothing they could get their hands on. If it wasn’t for the ungodly heat this week, Sweetie would’ve sworn that the girls had also secretly become nudists as well.  

Leaping from her windowsill, Sweetie quickly donned her robe in order to preserve her modesty. She exited her room and ran downstairs just as the two other crusaders knocked on her door.

“One second!” Sweetie shouted as she ran into the living room.

Quicker than a greased lightning bolt, Sweetie was at the front door. She checked the robe one last time to ensure that she would not be considered indecent. Satisfied with her inspection, she opened the door.

“Hey girls!”

“Hey Sweetie.” Apple Bloom greeted “May we come in?”

“Yeah, anything to get out of this stinkin’ heat!” Scootaloo complained.

Sweetie giggled. “Absolutely, come on in!”

Sweetie didn’t realize how relieved she was to finally be spending time with her friends, until the duo walked out of the heat and into the air conditioned house. But once they did, Sweetie’s ultimate goal was momentarily washed away by the feeling of overwhelming joy. Finally, she was spending some time with her friends.

Apple Bloom walked into the living room and plopped down on the sofa. “Man, I swear this heat was absolutely murder to work in.”

“I thought I was gonna die of thirst during yesterday’s practice.” Scootaloo agreed walking over to join Apple Bloom on the couch. “Thank the maker Dash and I packed plenty of Gatorade.”

“No kidding.” Apple Bloom agreed.

While the duo continued to complain about the heat, Sweetie stood in the middle of the room stock still in confusion. She honestly felt a bit like Fluttershy at the moment. She knew she had to tell the Crusaders about her lifestyle, but she just wasn’t sure how she was going to break it to them or if she’d get the opportunity.

Sweetie almost giggled at the situation. She was standing in the middle of her living room with nothing but a bathrobe on and her friends barely even noticed. Yet, it wasn’t like the conversation they were having wasn’t relevant: this heat was tough.

Yet there she was, completely out of the conversation. It was almost surreal. So, Sweetie decided to let herself into the conversation quietly. There was still enough room on the couch near Apple Bloom so she sat down next to her. And there she sat for a moment or two as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo talked. Finally, Scootaloo noticed.

“Oh hey Sweetie, you’re wearing your bathrobe. Did we interrupt you in the middle of a shower?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom turned around and looked too. “We’re real sorry! If you wanna just head up and get dressed, we’ll wait for you down here.”

Sweetie smiled. “Um…well thanks girls but that won’t be necessary.”

“Wait why?” Scootaloo asked.

“Sweetie, I know the heat ain’t exactly friendly, but we’re inside and under air conditioning. You don’t have to strip down.” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie shook her head, “No, this doesn’t have anything to do with the heat. I…uhh….decided to make a lifestyle change recently.”

Sweetie suddenly found herself feeling extremely nervous. She was about to tell her friends that she was now a participant of what was practically considered a taboo. Before, she was absolutely sure she wanted to do this. Now she wasn’t so sure. She understood then and there what Sunset was talking about.

But it was too late; she had already opened her mouth. And her sudden silence allowed her friends to speak before her.

“Wait what kinda of change?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh my gosh! She’s coming out of the closest!” Scootaloo said in shock.

“Wait…WHAT?!” Sweetie said in greater shock.

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo began to giggle and blush.

“What are we going to tell Button Mash?” Scootaloo giggled.

“What are we gonna tell Rarity?” Apple Bloom added.

Poor Sweetie Belle blushed, “No, that’s not it at all!” But the girls continued to giggle for a moment. Sweetie stood up to try and intimidate them, but it was to no avail.  Finally Sweetie blurted out the truth, “I’m a nudist!”

The laughter was quickly silenced as if the other two were hit in the face with a brick. The house became deathly quiet as Sweetie stood there looking at her two friends. Their expressions were of complete shock as they looked at Sweetie Belle oddly. That’s when her mind felt like it was running at warp speed.

Oh no, she thought, what if they don’t accept me? What if they think I’m a freak or something? Oh Goddess…what if they tell Rarity? What if they tell everyone at school? What am I going to do!?

Her heart began to race as she waited for a response from either of her friends.

Finally Apple Bloom spoke, “Wait, you mean like those people who walk around their house without clothing?”

Sweetie nodded her head.

“Wow,” Scootaloo said. “I didn’t expect that from you Sweetie. What brought this on?”

Sweetie swallowed hard. “Well…actually it has a little to do with the heat.”

And then she began to tell the girls what happened the previous four days.  All the while, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said nothing, expect when they needed some clarification about a few parts. Both were shocked when they found out about Sunset, but agreed to keep it between them for her sake. And in no time in all, Sweetie was finished.

“And that’s my story.” She finished.

“So, if we weren’t here, you’d be naked?” Apple Bloom asked.

Sweetie nodded.

“Would you be naked here now with us?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom wiggled her eyebrows at Scootaloo. “Why you asking Scoots? Do you wanna sneak a peek at Sweetie’s assets?”

“That’s not what I was asking about! You know I don’t swing that way AB….” Scootaloo mumbled.

“And besides Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle added, “Nudism isn’t about sex. It’s more about enjoying your life as naturally as possible.”

Apple Bloom looked back at Sweetie Belle, “I see. So, goin’ off what Scoots asked, if we were cool with it, you’d be here naked as a jay-bird.”

Sweetie nodded again. “But I don’t have a problem keeping the robe on.”

The two girls looked at each other. Sweetie bit her lower lip for a moment, dreading the suspense. The look on Apple Bloom’s face still showed massive levels of shock; meanwhile Scootaloo was a bit more taken back by Sweetie’s sudden change in lifestyle. Yet she still wasn’t sure if they had accepted her or not.

Apple Bloom then turned around, “So besides us and Sunset, who else knows?”

“No one. I’ve only been a nudist for a few days, and I’m still relatively new to it. I mean there are people who’ve lived that way their whole lives, but I’m only four days into it.” Sweetie answered. “I mean Rarity doesn’t even know.”

“Not surprised there.” Scootaloo commented. “No offense Sweetie, but your sister would have an aneurism if she found out.”

“You won’t get an argument from me about that Scoots.” Sweetie said sitting back down. “That’s why she doesn’t know, nor can she.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Well don’t worry, we won’t tell her.”

Sweetie perked up at that line. “Really? I mean you guys are cool with me being a…”

Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom gently nodded. “It’s a bit of a shock, but you’re our best friend. we wouldn’t do anything to alienate you.” Scootaloo said with a heartfelt smile.

Sweetie sighed, “Oh thank you girls! You have no idea how much that means to me!”

“So, are you gonna get naked in front of us?” Scootaloo asked.

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom spun around in shock. “What is it with you?”

Sweetie giggled. “I know right? It seems like you’re really eager to see me naked. Thanks, but my heart belongs to someone else.”

Scootaloo playfully stuck her tongue out at Sweetie. “It’s not that I wanna see you naked, I just thought that one of the requirements of being a nudist was the fact that you’d be nude all the time.”

Apple Bloom went silent for a moment. “Well when you put it like that…”

Sweetie sighed. “I’m only in this thing because I don’t wanna make you guys feel uncomfortable. It’d be pretty weird if I was naked and you two weren’t.”

Almost instantly, Sweetie wanted to rephrase that statement. While secretly she wanted her friends to share her lifestyle, she liked it better that they simply knew about it. There was also the old proverb that stated: “No one should be forced to do something they didn’t want to.”

And Sweetie’s last comment went completely against that idea. However, there were ways that either Apple Bloom or Scootaloo could interpret that line and dismiss it as concern on Sweetie’s part.  

However, the universe had other plans.

“A fair point.” Apple Bloom mused. “Well can I just ask: what’s it like?”

“Yeah, I’m actually kinda interested too.” Scootaloo added.

Sweetie pondered for a moment. “The best way I could describe it is….freeing; like I’m not restricted by anything…physically or mentally. Plus it just feels good; I don’t have to worry about clothing sticking to me when I sweat or being itchy or just plain uncomfortable. There’s also a part of me that just feels, well more open. And after a while, I don’t feel like I’m naked anymore, I just feel like…it’s natural.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom listened intently as Sweetie described her feelings about nudism. Honestly, Sweetie wasn’t sure if they were trying to properly understand why she made this choice, or if they were contemplating trying it out for themselves.

After she finished talking, there was a brief silence. Sweetie shifted in her seat. “Pretty weird huh?”

“I guess so.” Scootaloo said.

“But you make it sound like fun.” Apple Bloom added to which Scootaloo nodded. Apple Bloom then continued. “And with heat like this, I wouldn’t mind trying it out myself.”

Scootaloo raised an eye brow at Apple Bloom. “I thought you had a problem with me asking to see Sweetie naked.”

“Only because you were so blunt about it.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “But after hearing Sweetie, and I mean look at her Scoots…even in a robe she is comfortable. I don’t know. I think I might wanna try it out for myself.”

“Wait a second!” Sweetie exclaimed. “I don’t want my experiences to force you into this, Apple Bloom. It’s not exactly the easiest thing to get into. Besides, it might look really weird if the three of us just suddenly started getting naked. People might start spreading rumors…”

“That’s true.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“But you said it yourself; it’s not about sex right? So what’s the big deal?” Scootaloo asked.

“Hormones.” Sweetie conceded.

“But none of us here are into girls.” Scootaloo said. “And we’re all close friends, what’s so bad about having a little skinship between us?”

“That’s a good point, especially in heat like this.” Apple Bloom agreed.

Sweetie had to concede that point. “That’s true. Plus, at the risk of sounding nerdy, my book told me that true friendship should transcend what you wear. When you’re nude, it means there’s nothing to hide behind; you’re seeing people for what they truly are.”

Scootaloo smiled. “So how about it? Are you in, Apple Bloom?”

“Why not? It might end up being fun.”

Sweetie sighed. “Alright, we’ll get naked together but if anyone has any problems we can stop and put our clothing back on…okay? I don’t wanna be responsible for something stupid or lewd happens.”

“Deal!” both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom agreed.

But before any of them could do anything, the house phone rang. Sweetie instantly got up and ran to the phone, hoping beyond hope it was just a solicitor she could easily hang up on. Unfortunately, it was Rarity.

“Hey sis what’s up?” Sweetie answered, deciding to act casual.

“Hello Sweetie Belle. It turns out that my delivery didn’t take as long as I expected. I’m on my way home right now.” Rarity said with glee.

That glee however, was not shared by Sweetie Belle. Her friends also spotted Sweetie’s face and grew mortified. Now their plans were dashed. Worse, Sweetie actually didn’t tell Rarity her friends were over. That was against the rules, and she could get in serious trouble. She waved over the girls as Rarity spoke.

Covering the phone, Sweetie whispered. “Rarity’s coming home! What do we do?!”

“Let’s go to the clubhouse. We’ll meet up there!” Apple Bloom said.

“Good idea!” Scootaloo said as both she and Apple Bloom dashed out of the house.

Sweetie nodded and uncovered the phone. “What time will you be back, Rarity?”

“In about an hour.” Rarity answered. “Why? Have any of your friends called you?”

“As a matter of fact, I just got off the phone with Scootaloo.” Sweetie lied. “She and AB are free now and want to chill at the clubhouse.”

“I see.” Rarity spoke, slightly defeated. “Well, it’s not like they were going to be busy all of spring break. How long shall you be hanging out with them?”

“Umm…” Sweetie pondered. “Probably until tonight. But I still have to get ready, so I’ll be home when you get back! We can make plans for tomorrow!”

Rarity seemed to perk up. “That sounds like fun Sweetie Belle. I’ll see you when I get home.”

Sweetie then hung up the phone, waited five seconds, and speed dialed Scootaloo’s cell phone. After two rings, an exasperated Scootaloo answered. “Hello?”

“You guys close to the clubhouse?” Sweetie asked.

“Yeah.” Scootaloo answered.

“Okay. I gotta get dressed and wait for Rarity to come home; I’ll be over in an hour okay?”

“Sounds good. The two of us have to shower now cuz we’re really sweaty. We’ll probably meet you there.” Scootaloo answered.

Sweetie nodded. “Alright, I’ll meet you three there then.” And with that she hung up, ran upstairs, and quickly showered.

About an hour later, Rarity arrived home. The both of them agreed to an outing to the mall tomorrow. Afterwards, Sweetie sped off on her bike towards the CMC clubhouse. She had her backpack on with three towels packed inside, one for each member to sit on, as well as her book she rented. She was dressed in a shirt and shorts with undies.

Despite the cloying heat, she didn’t want to risk having her clothing become see-through. The trip to the clubhouse, on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, cut through thick residential areas; unlike the route to Sunset’s house. That meant if she went commando and began to sweat, her clothing would do little to hide what was underneath.

It wasn’t an appealing prospect at the start of the week; it isn’t an appealing prospect now. Still…Sweetie Belle peddled down the side streets of the Canterlot Suburbs towards the clubhouse; despite the heat it was still a beautiful day.

And everyone was outside enjoying it. Especially someone that Sweetie was actually surprised to see. She turned a corner, and there in his front yard playing with his DS, was Button Mash.

“Oh hey Sweetie Belle!” he shouted as he spotted her.

Sweetie came to a stop and waved at Button. “Hey Mash, what’s up?”

“Not much, just grinding my way through a few levels of…oh it’s not really important what have you been up to?” he asked running up to her.

“Nothing much really.” Sweetie lied, “What about you?”

Button groaned. “Family work. It’s not exactly how I wanted to be spending my spring break.”

Sweetie giggled. “I know that feeling all too well.”

“Oh before I forget, I’m heading over to the city on Sunday to check out Midtown Games center. I was wondering if you wanted to come along.” He asked scratching the back of his head, “Maybe you and I could…I don’t know…spend a day in the city?”

Sweetie blushed. “Gee Button, I’m honestly not sure. Rarity and I going to be doing something tomorrow. How about I text you tonight when I know for sure?”

Button nodded, slightly relieved. “Great! Thanks, Sweetie.”

And with that Sweetie Belle was off. She happened to have a crush on Button; there was no denying that. He was a good kid, a bit nerdy, but intelligent and knew how to make a great time out of any situation. While he seemed to enjoy her company readily enough, Sweetie wasn’t quite sure if he was even remotely interested in her as a girl.  

Plus, with her sudden lifestyle change, her feelings towards him were a bit more complicated. Still… at least their relationship wasn’t as interesting as Tender Taps and Apple Bloom, who were already dating.

As she drew nearer to the clubhouse, Sweetie couldn’t help but wonder. If Apple Bloom did accept nudism and become like Sweetie Belle, then she’d have to tell Tender Taps. Sweetie could only wonder how that would affect their budding relationship.

Regardless, that was going to be Apple Bloom’s problem. Upon reaching the clubhouse, she could see her confidants’ bikes already resting against the tree.

Sweetie got off her bike and also rested it against the tree. The long ride over had already made her completely sweaty. The poor girl was in dire need of something cold to drink. Thankfully, as she reached the ramp that led up to the clubhouse, she could hear the treehouse’s air conditioner running.

“Oh thank goodness!” Sweetie said as she walked up.

Upon reaching the door, she performed the secret knock.

“Come on in Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom shouted.

Sweetie nodded and opened the door. Initially, she was expecting to see her other two friends in the buff and doing something stupid. Thankfully, they were doing neither. The two girls were standing in front of the air conditioner cooling off, bottles of Gatorade in their hands. Despite this, the clubhouse was relatively cool. That made Sweetie relax a little bit more as she walked in.

“So what am I going to do to cool down?” she asked. “I don’t know if you noticed how hot I am right now.”

“We’ll yield in a second.” Scootaloo said in an extremely relaxed voice. “There’s a Gatorade in the fridge. I managed to bring some over before I left.”

“You’re the best, Scootaloo.” Sweetie said closing the door and walking over to the fridge opposite her friends.

Apple Bloom was the first to walk away from the AC. “What kept you?”

“I ran into Button on my way over.” She said absentmindedly. “He invited me out to the city on Sunday.”

“Oooooh~” her friends said in unison.

Sweetie blushed slightly. “I told him I’d get back to him.”

“You should totally go! You know he likes you.” Scootaloo said.

“Totally. I think he’d be great for you.” Applebloom agreed.

“He is nice…” Sweetie nodded. “I’m just not sure if I’m ready to have a boyfriend yet.”

“Why not?” Apple Bloom asked. “It’s not that bad.”

“True, but…I just am not sure yet. I really can’t explain why.” Sweetie answered.

Apple Bloom gave her an understanding nod. “Fair enough. Well, I guess we should get naked now?”

Sweetie giggled as she walked over to the air conditioner to cool off. “Eager to get started are we?”

“I just wanna try it out.” Apple Bloom answered.

“Well, I wanna get out of these clothes; my sweat’s made them all sticky and uncomfortable.” Scootaloo added.

Sweetie nodded. “Let me go first so you guys can get comfortable seeing me naked okay?”

The girls nodded. Sweetie stepped away from the cooling breeze of the air conditioner and quickly undressed. In no time at all she was naked, and turned to her friends.

“Well, what ya think?” Sweetie asked while spinning around.

“Not bad.” Apple Bloom said folding her arms. “Though I still got you beat in the chest department.”

“Tsch!” Scootaloo dismissed. “Whatever. I’ve still got a rockin’ set of abs.”

The trio laughed for a moment. Then Sweetie got slightly serious, “Okay girls, time for you both to join me. Now remember, if anyone’s uncomfortable we can put our clothing back on. And also…”

“Nudity isn’t always about sex. We get it!” the two girls said in tandem.

In a surreal display Sweetie couldn’t properly describe, her two friends tossed their clothing aside. To her, it was a bit unsettling at first, seeing her friends naked as well. But she quickly got used to it. She looked between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and laughed.

“I guess this is what it’s like playing Doctor huh?” She smiled.

The trio laughed.

“You know,” Apple Bloom said. “This doesn’t feel that bad actually.”

“Yeah, it’s a heck of a lot cooler without anything on. So…now what do we do?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie shrugged. “I guess we could just do what we normally do.”

As boring as that concept initially sounded, the girls eventually found something to do. At first it was playing cards, and then it shifted to mapping out places for the girls to visit during the summer. When the heat finally broke, they ventured outside to play a little soccer and a couple of turns on a swing set nearby.

 No one came around to see the girls, and they weren’t worried about being seen, especially as the day went on. Pretty soon night had fallen and the girls had retreated into the clubhouse. Sweetie couldn’t be happier, her friends had not only accepted her, but they were now hooked on the nudist lifestyle too. As they sat around the table playing one last round of cards, she looked among them smiled contentedly.

“This was a fun day.” She said.

“Yeah, I actually never thought I’d have fun being naked.” Apple Bloom said. “I might try it out a bit more.”

“When the family’s not home?” Scootaloo asked.

“Maybe.” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Or when I’m working alone in the fields.”

Scootaloo chuckled. “I know I’m gonna do this when the folks aren’t home. I just wish we could go to places where we could do this all the time.”

“There are nudist clubs and colonies you know?” Sweetie remarked.

“Yeah, but those cost a lot to visit. I just wish there was a club that was free to go to, where people like us could meet up and have fun.” Scootaloo sighed.

Sweetie sighed. “Yeah that would be nice.”

What no one noticed was that simple desire set in motion a chain of events. It was started with a single line that seemed to pass over everyone’s head at the time.

Apple Bloom murmured. “Yeah, there should be…”