//------------------------------// // Simple Words [S4: "Simple Ways"] // Story: Pony Postscripts // by MythrilMoth //------------------------------// Rarity sighed dreamily as she cleared away the last vestiges of her shrine to Trenderhoof. "Guess th' honeymoon's over, huh sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she carefully straightened the dress she'd borrowed, now freshly laundered and back on its proper ponnequin. Rarity sighed theatrically. "Yes, well...after everything that's happened recently, I've decided that perhaps Trenderhoof simply isn't my type." "Meanin'?" "Meaning," Rarity said as she scrubbed tape residue off her mirror, "that anypony who doesn't appreciate me for me and recognize my fabulosity simply isn't a pony who appeals to me." Applejack chuckled. "An' you ride Rainbow Dash about her ego." Shaking her head, she sighed, "Ah'm mighty sorry, Rarity. Ah never meant t'—" "Oh, it isn't your fault," Rarity said with a smile. "And I'm sorry I went a bit...off the rails there." She paused, then ducked her head. "I suppose my whole 'simple and country' routine was rather insulting, wasn't it?" "A little," Applejack admitted. "Do you really see me an' mah family that way?" "Of course not, darling!" Rarity said hastily. Clearing her throat, she looked away slightly. "W-well...admittedly, I suppose I do, sometimes, think your country manners, your countryisms, and your, err...overall, err..." "Countryness?" Applejack supplied with an arched eyebrow. "Ahem, yes," Rarity said. "And I mean...I know we live in different worlds, you and I, and the fact that I'm all about fashion and culture and society and you're all about chores and farming and, and...square dances..." Rarity grimaced. "Well, that's simply who we are, and I don't think any less of you for being who you are. Because, after all, you are my friend." She smiled. Applejack chuckled. "Well, sometimes Ah think you're a fussy drama queen who gets all worked up over silly things an' sometimes you work mah last nerve, but...well, shoot, like you done jes' said, you're mah friend." "Awww...!" Rarity rushed over and swept Applejack up into a hug, which was returned with almost bone-crushing earth pony vigor. "But if you ever make fun'a th' way Ah talk ever again," Applejack said softly into her ear, "Ah'll do Big Mac's touchdown dance on your face." "G-got it," Rarity wheezed out as her ribs creaked.