//------------------------------// // 2: Ignorance // Story: Viral Outbreak 01: Code-name: Dust // by riku4578 //------------------------------// Back at the Astral Lord Territory a Lord had finally spotted what had happened "Very......Intriguing" said Xenath. Ever-free Forest "Hmm. Looks like I'm in some sort of overgrown forest. Who knows, it could be a jungle." He thought as he took a closer look of his surroundings. He saw some sort of overgrown path nearby and jumped in the trees climbing (as silently as he can) through the branches. eventually he started to see a town through everything and decided to wait and observe what to do next. Eventually he saw the 6 hybrids from before, all looking disheveled (most likely from walking through the wild forest.) When they were not paying attention he silently climbed down and took a loose hair from each of them trying to the best of his abilities to not let them know he was there, as they seemed to be very tired. Afterward, he slinked off to a nearby cave where he did his best to hide his heat signature, just in case something was watching. Inside the cave, he started to look at patterns in the DNA from the hair he gathered and tried to form a disguise from what he found. There were, of course, a few errors. It took almost 4 hours to get the right shape, as well as to find out how the male forms look, without trying to overdo it. When he finished, he was left with a cyan 'fur' color with a short, blue hair and tail, each with red highlights; with a similar looking muscle structure to his human form. He also had jeans, and a blank gray t-shirt on. “This will do nicely.” he thought. “Now, time to see what kind of information I can gather.” As he made his way into the town, he was stopped by a pink blur, which then cleared up to be one of the hybrids from the castle. “Hi! Who are you?! Do you wanna be friends?! I know you’re not my friend cause I'm friends with everyone in the town and I don’t know you, so it only makes sense that you’re new to town! And if you’re new to town, then we’re not friends yet! So do you wanna be my friend?!” she said over excitedly, without breath. “Sure?” he responded, “Could you get off of me first though?” “Yep!” she said as she bounded off of him, just staring at him, as if trying to ‘figure him out’. Now that he got a better look of her, she had curly pink hair and tail, blue eyes, and pink fur. As far as clothes go she had on a pink t-shirt on with a cupcake design on it, along with a set of pink leggings. “Seems like she enjoys the color pink.” he thought. “You should meet me at Sugarcube Corner in 2 and a half hours, ok?” she said, jogging him from his thoughts. “Sure.” he said. “Pinkie Promise?” she asked. He tilted his head in a questioning manner, obviously not knowing whatever a “Pinkie Promise” was. “Okay, it goes like this, repeat after me,’Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.’ alright?” she said, and with each section of the “promise” she had made an “X” motion over her left pectoral, a flapping motion with her arms, and from nowhere grabbed a cupcake to stick in her closed eye, licking it off afterwards. “Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he repeated. “See you there!” she said, immediately disappearing and pushing up enough dust to blind him for a little. “This is going to be a long day, isn’t it?” he thought, face-palming and shaking his head.