//------------------------------// // Escape from the Castle // Story: Rebirth of a Nightmare // by Raven Blackwood //------------------------------// “Princess?” Anger has consumed Luna's face. She looks as if a thousand deaths could be shattered with a single glance, yet remain stoic and focused. Whole seconds feel like an eternity, Luna’s rage swallowing the room. Quickly, I realize that the single letter Twilight sent seems to have had evicted such emotion from Luna that she feels compelled to evict me from the continent. Gathering the courage to speak I open my mouth, yet no words came out. It takes me what feels like an eternity before I realize that Luna herself is stopping my speech. Not only is it now impossible for me to talk, but also I can’t even move most of my body. My heart feels like it would explode as anxiety overtakes me. I can feel myself being levitated into the air to only see Twilight and Charm looking petrified waiting to see what Luna was going to do. My body smashes into the wall of the library, straight through a bookshelf as I violently accelerate. A sharp blast of pain courses through my body. I give a small groan as I slowly got up from the high impact from Luna throwing me across the room, only to see Luna walking towards me, her piercing eyes still locked onto mine. “NURAY! RUN!” Charm shouted. Dogging a blast of magic, I vault over the railing of the library, letting my wings catch the air to slow my fall. As I run towards the exit, I look up for a split second to see Luna firing a beam of magic at me, and I duck under it as the magic made contact with one of the bookcases, flinging debris everywhere. Using the smoke as a cover, I sweep through searching for an exit. Finding my way through the smoke and burned papers floating down to the floor, I get to the door Charm and I used to meet with Twilight earlier. Pushing the door open, I began galloping down through the hallway. Hoofsteps echo behind me, Luna pursuing her prey. She is not going to give up. I can't allow myself to stop now. Luna wants me dead and there is nothing that I can do to explain to her about Nightmare and me. I make a left turn into a new hallway. It is only a matter of time before I felt another blast of magic hit a crystal wall in front of me. Pushing myself more, I turned to make a right in another hallway. Quickly, I opened one of the doors in the hallway to then close it and pray that Luna did not see me. I started to hear Luna talking while galloping in the hallway. “When I get my hoof on you Nightmare, I will make sure you regret coming back!” The room shook from her scream. Luna wants me dead. She wants to kill Nightmare, and I’m right in her way. I didn’t hear her shouting anymore, nor did I hear the sound of her hoofsteps coming to me. I let out a premature breath. How long can I keep this up without Luna finding me? She didn’t even let me explain at all! It was like she only read maybe a few lines then hastily jumped to a conclusion. My ears perked up as hoofsteps echoed through the hallway. “Princess Twilight,” Charm said in an urgent tone. “You have to calm Princess Luna down!” “I know, I know!” Twilight replied with a sign of fear in her voice. “I didn’t expect Princess Luna to just go crazy like that.” “This is my fault, Twilight. I brought her here, so I’m responsible for Luna’s outbreak. I just wanted you to know about Nightmare’s return,” Charm told Twilight. “Hey,” Twilight spoke up. “I know you just wanted to help out, but we both need to remain calm. We need to find Nuray to keep her away from Luna.” I desperately wanted to show a sign that I was alright, but I knew that it wouldn’t end up well in the long run. Even if Twilight was successful in calming down Luna, it would be useless to do so. When Luna was staring at me there was no sympathy toward me. There was only hate, anger, and rage. The only thing I can think of is to leave the castle and try to find somewhere away from Luna. I could go back to the Royal Castle of the Two Sisters, but that would be the first place where Luna would look. Perhaps going somewhere else would be best to stay low for a while. But where would I go? It’s not like I have map to tell me where I could go. The Everfree forest for one, is a no go. Too dangerous and likely to get killed by the wild animals that inhabit the area. Thinking for a moment, I took my cloak off and untied my saddlebag to see if there might be something that may be of use to me. Putting my hoof inside of it, I only felt my armor I took in the old castle along with the book Starswirl gave me. Grabbing the spell book in my hooves, I opened it up for a desperate attempt at clairvoyance. Flipping through the pages, I still couldn’t find anything that could help me. Closing the book, I put it back in the saddlebag for safekeeping. After that, I put both the saddlebag on myself and then the cloak on to cover my wings. I then scan the room to see if maybe there might be a map somewhere for me to take. As I look around I do it quietly, not give my position away to Twilight, Charm, or to Luna. I didn’t hear Twilight or Charm in the hallway anymore, so at least they’re not nearby. However, I am not taking any chances while doing so. I am now in uncharted territory and I need to survive, I promised Nightmare that I’d protect her. I did not find anything in the dresser. Then I went to the two chests that were accompanied by a bed that is separating them from each other. No luck. Buck. I can’t stay here any longer. I have to get out of here, for my sake and Nightmare’s, too. Wait. Nightmare! Going back to the dresser, I placed one hoof to touch the mirror. My reflection started to morph into Nightmare’s. “Nightmare…” I spoke softly, almost in a whisper. “Talk to me, sister. I need to know if there is some way of getting through Luna.” “Ada,” She spoke in a sad tone. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to see you get hurt from Luna.” She gives me a sad expression. “I should have told you Luna may not have yet recovered from what had happened all those moons ago.” “Nightmare, please. Don’t beat yourself over it.” “You don’t understand. I am the sole reason that Luna hates you,” She turned her head to look the other way. “I took her away from... Celestia. I turned Luna, and left Celestia no choice but to banish us both. A thousand years Luna and I were the only ones to talk to one another on the moon. Locked away to where I lost my sanity long before Luna could lose hers.” “Nightmare, I-” “Don't you see? SHE WANTS US DEAD!” I jumped from her sudden outburst. Nightmare looked at me with regret painted on her face. “I’m sorry, Ada... I didn’t mean to scream at you.” “Sister, I forgive you,” I spoke in a soft tone. “I don’t like seeing you this way. I care about you and I would do everything in my power to make you happy.” While I was wanting to talk more, the reflection of her was swirling back to my form. “Oh Nightmare,” I put a hoof against the mirror. “Stop hitting yourself like this. I know you still feel pain from what happened all those moons ago, but I am here for you, sister. Sighing, I then proceeded to head towards the door. I put my head close to it to hear any sounds of anypony coming in the hallway. Luckily, there was no sound of from the other side. Good. Opening the door, I went to the left to see if I can exit out of the castle and to avoid Twilight, Charm, and Princess Luna. I know that Charm didn't mean for this to happen. She just wanted to be on the safe side. I'm not sure where those three are now. I'm guessing Twilight and Charm might be trying to calm Luna down. Cautiously walking, I found the stairs that leads to the bottom of the castle. Walking down, I kept myself trying to hear any voices or the sound of hoof steps. So far so good. Now that I was back on the floor, I approached the double doors that leads to outside. Turning my head, there was no pony behind me. Well, at least this part was easier than expected. Opening the doors, I made it outside. However, I didn't get off easy like I wanted. “NIGHTMARE!!” Turning my head around, I could see the enraged Princess galloping her way while outside Twilight’s castle. No! I didn't come this far to die! Galloping through the village, I was trying my best to not get hit by Luna’s beam of magic, dipping and weaving where necessary. One false move and I'll be dead. Going from street to street, and trying to not let civilians be in the crossfire of Luna’s magic, I ducked into an alley. I could hear the sounds of ponies panicking from what they were witnessing. Some of Luna’s magic had hit various objects, scattering debris and dust. Luckily, no pony was injured when I was galloping from her. I expected Luna to be mad, but I never imagined this kind of a reaction. I’m dealing with an insane blue alicorn wanting to kill me, trying to help Nightmare the best way I can, and to stop Solar Flare from coming out of Celestia to bring eternal light to Equestria. Talk about a stressful life. Now that I think of it, I feel like I am exiled from Equestria, and all because of a simple letter to Princess Luna. Shaking my head, I peeked my head out to see if there was any sign of Luna. I didn't see anypony in the streets. It was a ghost town. Everypony must've gotten into their homes to avoid the crossfire. With the short breather I was able to take, I realized the repercussions of Luna’s actions The ponies are going to be wondering why Luna acted the way she did. I'm pretty sure there were some who saw her attacking me and are either going to label me as a criminal, or at the very least question me due to the circumstances. I feel like I am a bad luck charm. Charm…. Curse Charm. No. Don't think like that Nuray. You can't curse a pony who has the word ‘curse’ in their name. It would be ironic. Besides, spite is clearly not the solution here. It's just not. Breaking from my thoughts, I slowly walked out of the alley, and to my surprise there was nopony anywhere to be seen. Princess Luna was also thankfully absent. “Sorry Twilight and Charm, but it's probably in my best interest to not come back.” I galloped away, not bothering to look back. I don't know where I will go, but what I do know is I have to stay strong and not allow myself to falter. If Charm’s warnings about Solar Flare had any merit, I’m going to need a plan.