The Hero They Need

by MetalJrock



Celestia's introduction to the changeling queen was unnecessary, but venom was heard in her words and Chrysails, "Ah, Celestia. Isee that I touched a nerve. No defenses could've held me back. The Warp Crystal allows me to travel anywhere I wish. It was only a matter of bringing my army here."

A huge number of changelings descended one by one, all surrounding the masterminds. "Girls," began Batman, "I'll face Ra's Al Ghul. You can handle Chrysalis. It's about time he and I had a small reunion." he cracked his knuckles, seeing that the immortal assassin had drawn out his sword for battle. But to get to Ra's he had to fight his way through a seemingly endless swarm of buglike creatures, 'I've faced worse before. It's just a matter of having energy left to fight him once I get to him.'

The ponies, dragon and princesses scowled at the sight of the changeling queen, "Do you think you all can stand a chance against my army this time? Your brother and the Princess of Love won't be able to help you this time, Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis mocked the lavender pony.

"Hey! We beat ya before and we'll be sure to send you home again!" Applejack threatened.

"You're speaking nonsense... With the power of the Warp Crystal, I have infinite power. None of you Can stop me and my subjects with this in my possession!"

Rainbow Dash huffed, trying to reach for the artifact, but Chrysalis vanished, and performed an offensive spell once she reappeared stunning the cyan pegasus. Rainbow fell to the ground, staggering her way back on all four hooves, "Lucky shot!" she insisted in a slurred tone.

Celestia unfurled her wings and took to the skies, as Chrysalis did the same. The two rulers stared each other down, "Leave now, Chrysalis. Or I'll repeat what I did to you a millenia ago." she threatened.

"Ha! You don't have the guts to do that, Princess!'

Manwhile on the ground, the soldiers fought off the changeling army. One of the tackled Twilight, forcing her to shoot the culprit off of her body. Applejack helped Rainbow stand up using her forehooves, kicking a creature with her backhooves in the process, catching it offguard instead of the opposite. Pinkie held Rarity and used her horn to shoot at the oncoming monsters, each of them getting hit by an orb of light blue magic. Fluttershy ducked down, tripping a changeling accidentally and making it fall on its face and fall unconscious with a grunt. "Uh... Oops?" she said in confusion.

"Call this off, now." said Celestia, Luna flying next to her as well.

Chrysalis smirked than vanished, reappearing behind the alicorns. Luna moved the the left while Celestia moved to the right as a beam came their way. The changeling queen lunged after the Sun Princess, Celestia blocking with her own hooves. She drove her limbs into the changeling's face, hurting her. Chrysalis held her face and scowled, "You'll pay for doing that!" she snarled, racing after the princess once more.

Twilight blasted more changelings back. One of them tried to tackle her and Rainbow, but she propped up a forcefield for them to bounce off instead, "Nice save, Twi!" complimented Rainbow. The cyan pegasus uppercutted another changeling before spinkicking two more down with her backhooves. Applejack, meanwhile, was helping Fluttershy and Rarity fend off a hoard coming after them. The white unicorn pushed some out of the way, knocking them on their back as Applejack stood in front of Fluttershy, beating down as much as she possibly could while still having enough room to breathe.

Pinkie Pie hopped on some of their heads, bouncing off each one on to another while staying above the army. She slammed herself on a changeling ready to attack a guard behind his back. "You're welcome!" she yelled, continuing to hop over the confused bug creatures without a care in the world.

The Princesses each charged after the changeling queen, Chrysalis using a shield to block them before using the Warp Crystal to give herself an advantage. "Face it, princesses! You're kingdom will fall to my changelings! We will feed upon you all!" she declared loudly, raising her arms.

"We'll never let you succeed, Chrysalis!" Luna declared.

The changeling queen held the crystal close to her, absorbing some of its unique magic. The moth creature began to glow blue, feeling herself grow stronger by the second. Celestia and Luna combined a spell to attack, but Chrysalis managed to block it and avoid it with a swift warp. Performing a spell using her horn, Chrysalis hit both princesses before they could even react. The two of them fell down to the ground and landed loudly on their backs. The heroes were the first to notice as Chrysalis slowly descended from her spot, cackling at what she had done.

"Princesses!" shouted Twilight, running to her mentors.

The changeling queen put a hoof in front of her, "If you value your friends lives, then you will step away right now and surrender." she ordered sternly. Twilight looked at her friends and bit her lip, seeing that they were being overpowered by the sheer number of changelings. Each of her friends grew more tired and panted from exhaustion from fighting. Turning her head, she saw that the guards were being beaten at every turn. Looking at the ground, the lavender alicorn sighed in distress.


Chrysalis snickered, "Now... Let us end this." she said before vanishing.

Batman uppercutted a changeling hoping to tackle him. His fist collided with the creatures face, dazing him. The Dark Knight continued as he reached the assassin waiting for the final battle. The vigilante saw a unicorn guard trying to hold back three more changelings coming back at him. In a matter of seconds, he ran there, fighting off the small horde attacking him. The guard sighed, "If we weren't in the middle of an invasion, I'd pay you back for what you did to me and my unit a few days ago."

"I admit... I was a little rough on you." replied Batman. "But let's just focus on the invasion right now."

"Alright, thanks for the assist."

Batman walked more. Seeing more guards fending off the creatures, he threw a batarang at one, catching it off guard and then he pulled out his Batclaw, grabbing another mothlike creature in middair and slamming it on the ground. "Stay down if you know what's good for you." he warned the creature, who moaned in pain. The soldiers looked at Batman, grateful for his assistance, each of them mentioning that they's never believed him to be on their side until now.

Ignoring the comments, Batman grabbed his Explosive Gel Launcher from his utility belt, he shot a small object at a wall. After pressing a button, a section of the wall blew up, the debris managing to hit the changelings near it. The unicorns managed to hold up a shield in time to cover themselves in time. 'One step closer.' he thought. He put the Gel Launcher back on his belt, and then grabbed his Remote Electrical Charge, 'Let's see if I can put this to use.' he thought, holding up the abnormally large object in both of his hands.

He aimed the REC at a group of flying changelings above him and then timed himself, shooting a ball of lightning in front of them to distract them long enough for the pegasi guards to grab them in the air. Satisifed, he marched on, getting ever closer to the mastermind assassin. He put the REC back on his belt, seeing Ra's Al Ghul stare him down. The vigilante held up his fists, ready for the final battle against the assassin.

"Ra's." grunted the hero.

"Detective." replied Ra's. The immortal man threw down a blade next to the Dark Knight, "I shall make it a fair duel." he said, holding up his own sword.

Batman knelt down, grabbing the sword. "Very well."