Daughter of the Crimson King

by The-Black-Knight

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

“Are you sure about this?” Azhek asked, not too thrilled about publically displaying Twilight like this.
“While it does seem unorthodox, but it will put a great deal of people at ease, about you two.” Fury said, walking up to them, hands in his pockets.
“And you are?” Twilight asked, looking at the man. She could tell he had a lot of experience from just his stare and scar.
“Nick Fury, Director of the secret defense agency known as SHIELD.” He answered, pulling a hand out, and offered it to her. “As of right now, I am your liaison with the world’s government.”
Twilight took his hand, and gently shook it. “Princess Twilight, of Equestria.” She said, the Director smirking.
“I already know, Princess. Mr. Stark had already briefed me on your situation.” Fury said, suddenly thinking for a moment. “If you are going to do the Press Conference, then you’ll have to just refer to yourself as ‘Princess’.”
“Why is that, Director Fury?” Twilight asked, keeping to a more formal approach with the agent.
“Our world is full of dangerous people and entities, Princess. To protect you, and ensure that you’ll have a private life, we must protect your identity. This will also call for your face to be hidden during the conference.” Fury answered, looking up at Azhek. “One for you, as well. We’ll need an alias and code name. Can’t have you walking around in armor, all the time.”
Azhek gave a nod, he understood the precautions being made. “I already have a suit in the works for Twilight. Can’t have her walking around in torn clothing, now can we?” Tony said, working on his tablet again, Twilight looking at her torn clothes. “Just need Jarvis to take her measurements and everything will be set.” That caused the princess to blush.
Well, at least it’s Jarvis, and not one of them.” She thought, letting out a sigh, before looking up at Azhek. “Now… What should we call you, while wearing that armor?”
“Can’t call him Captain, that’s Steve’s thing.” Tony said, smirking a bit as the soldier shot him a glare.
“I don’t know much about him, to really give an opinion.” Fury said, shrugging his shoulders.
The group was stumped, they didn’t have any names to give him. Azhek didn’t know, because such things never came up within his life. Twilight couldn’t think of a name, making her wish Rainbow Dash or Spike was there… This was their kind of thing.
“How about Lord Scarab?” The group looked to see Peter, standing within a door way, leaning against the frame. “It makes sense, when you think about it.”
The moment she saw him like that, Twilight’s heart started to race and she raced up to him. “Peter! What are you doing up!” She said, rushing over and having the young hero wrap his arm over her shoulder, completely ignoring the slight blush on her face. “You should be resting.”
He shot her a smile, causing the princess to blush a bit more. “I’m fine, Princess. Tony took care of the worst parts, my powers handled the rest.” He said, chuckling a bit. “Also, Jarvis explained everything while I was getting ready… And also how Tony slipped up with my secret identity.” He shot a glare to the man.
“Hey, sorry if I don’t think clearly when I see my practical adopted son unconscious, and look like he got plowed by the five o’clock traffic… Sue me.” Tony said, still working on his tablet.
“Anyways, yeah… Lord Scarab would make sense.” Peter said, smiling at Twilight, who blushed a bit more, as Azhek walked over. “He leads a group called the ‘Scarab Occult’ and he has a large scarab design on his chest.”
“I don’t think it would meld well with the populace. I mean, if I recall correctly, scarabs don’t have the best perception.” Steve said, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ll have to side with the Captain on this one. Not the best choice.” Fury nodded, placing both hands into his pockets, again.
“I-I like it…” Twilight muttered, trying to calm down her racing heart and stop blushing. “Why am I feeling like this? I only just met him, and yet my heart is racing and I start to blush whenever he just smiles at me….” She took a quick glance at him, thoroughly examining what she could. “W-Well, he is rather cute.
Unfortunately for Twilight, her emotions were letting her magic slip and allowed it to link with Azhek… Who heard every thought she just had. “Well, it isn’t unheard of for a young princess to fall for a hero, who ironically flew to her rescue.” He thought, smiling behind his helmet. “Well, better throw in my piece, too.” Azhek turned, so that he could face the group. “Then it shall be Lord Scarab. The princess likes it, and I believe it has quite a bit of merit behind it.”
Steve and Fury just looked at the Astartes, before giving a defeated nod. “That just leaves figuring out what the two of you can do when not running around, fighting super villains.” Fury looked at them. “Anything I should know, before having your backgrounds made?”
“W-Well, back in Ponyville, I was the town’s librarian… But I also was Princess Celestia’s personal protégé, along with the top student in my Magic School.” Twilight noted, rubbing the sides of her arms. “I also enjoy science, biology, and astrology, mostly. Everyone said, for only being twenty years old, I was a gifted genius… An egghead, according to my friend Rainbow Dash.”
“Hey! She could attend the local university, as a Biology Major. Would be easier to keep track of her, because I’m a Chemistry Student there.” Peter said, making Twilight suddenly light up.
“You enjoy science, too? Barely anyone in Equestria did.” Twilight asked, excited to hear that someone shared the same interests, as her.
“Yep, I was considered a genius, myself, before this super hero gig started. While my grades aren’t the best, for obvious reasons, I gain extra credit by helping out around the science labs.” Peter answered, rubbing the back of his head.
Heroic and smart? That’s rare.” Twilight mentally giggled, giving a nod to Peter.
“Alright, I’ll have my agents forge the proper paperwork for her to attend the university.” Fury then looked up at Azhek. “And yourself, Captain Ahriman?”
“While those of the Thousand Sons Legion are powerful warriors and psykers… We are also well versed scholars and philosophers, like our Primarch. The pursuit of knowledge always being our mission.” Azhek said, making Fury smirk.
“Then I know the perfect background for you.” He said, before walking towards the exit. “I’ll leave you two in Stark’s care, while I handle your identities.” Fury walked into the elevator, the group nodding as the doors shut.
“S-So, Mr. Stark? What design did you have in mind?” Twilight asked, looking at Tony.
“Oh, nothing much. What do you think?” He showed them, making the three mortals gasp, while Azhek just nodded.
“Whoa, she’ll look like a goddess in that!” Peter blurted out, making Twilight blush.
“You’ve out done yourself, Tony…” Steve said, surprised at what he saw.
“Even the Phoecian would be jealous that he didn’t come up with such a design.” Azhek said, the group assuming his comment being a good thing.
The comments made Twilight’s face turn cherry red, with all the blushing. “A-Are you sure I’ll be ok wearing that?” She asked.
Tony gave a nod. “It will give you both a powerful and royal look, along with humble. The crowd will eat it up.” He said, tapping a few more things. “Now, hurry back to your room, so Jarvis can do the measurements. The conference is scheduled for five in the afternoon, plenty of time to prepare you.”
Twilight nodded, rushing back to her room. “Are you sure about this, Tony?” Peter asked, looking at him.
“Sure, as I can be. Plus, she’ll have you and Lord Scarab with her.” Tony said, smirking. “She’ll be fine.”

-Outside of Stark Tower, hours later-

Azhek, still in his armor, cracked the curtain to see a rather large crowd waiting. He could see the reporters, with their cameras and notepads, out in front. “I wonder which ones are the Daily Bugle.” Azhek thought, closing the curtain back.
“You drew quite a crowd, Lord Scarab.” Peter said, wearing his Spider-Man costume, walking up to the Astartes.
“It is to be expected from the masses. They have questions, and they want them answered quickly.” Azhek said, looking down at Peter. “Why do you insist calling me by my alias, before we’ve even started?”
“Because you don’t seem to know how far the press will go to get a good scoop.” Peter said, placing a hand on his hip. “Some are willing to rush into a fire fight between super powered heroes and villains for it. So, we can’t risk anyone ease dropping on us.”
“I see your point, Spider-Man.” He said, understanding the boy’s reasoning. “Have you seen the Princess? It is almost time.” Azhek asked, looking around.
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, I haven’t seen her since Tony had Jarvis do the measurements.” Peter said, looking around too. “Where do you think she could be?”
Before Azhek could respond, Twilight’s voice caught their attention. “R-Right here.” They turned towards the elevator, to see quite the sight to behold. She was wearing a lavender skin tight latex suit, her waist to mid-thigh being covered by a dark purple and white skirt. She had a matching dark purple and white top covering her upper torso, Twilight’s cutie mark over her breast. She also wore a white hooded cape, which reached down to her ankles. Finally, she wore a half mask that covered her face from the nose down, her hair tied back into the hood, so it couldn’t be seen. “H-How do I look?” She asked, looking down at the white heeled boots, which reached to mid-calf, holding a staff with a pink star behind her.
Both Azhek and Peter were speechless, the boy’s jaw going completely slack behind his mask. Azhek noticed this, and closed Peter’s mouth with his left index finger. “You look breath taking, Princess.” He said, walking up to her and placed a left hand on to her shoulder, the heqa staff in his right. “Right now, the Primarch Fulgrim, who strives for perfection and beauty, would weep at the sight of you… For he would have to end his search.” His words were honest, and true, which made Twilight blush behind her mask.
“W-What do you t-think, Spider-Man?” She asked, looking over at the, still, dazed Peter Parker.
Peter had to shake his head, in order to snap out of the daze he was in. “Whoa! Princess! I-I have to say, right now, you’d probably make every girl out there jealous!” He said, Twilight smiling at how he liked the outfit. “You’ll definitely catch their attention, that’s for sure.”
Twilight nodded, still holding a smile behind her mask. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Stark is almost ready.” Jarvis said, the three walking to the curtain.
Twilight stood behind Azhek, in case someone was waiting for the moment she walked out. The Astartes lifted his heqa staff up, crossing it with his left arm over the scarab insignia on his chest, while Peter stood next to him. “Now! Without wasting any more of your time!” They could hear Tony on the other side of the curtain. “I present Spider-Man with our newest guests, Lord Scarab and the Princess!” The three walked out, pushing the curtains aside, as camera flashes were seen and the sounds of people gasping followed.
They made their way over to the podium, Twilight feeling rather nervous but quickly calmed down when she had Azhek and Peter with her. When she got to it, the Astartes and hero got on both sides of her, Azhek on her left and Peter on her right. Twilight tapped the microphone, eyed the flash cards she had, and looked at the crowd. “H-Hello, e-everyone! It is good to be here, and be able to explain some things to you, thanks to Mr. Stark.” She said, into the microphone, waving at them. “At the request of a few important parties, I was told not to use my real name and simply respond to ‘Princess’.”
Twilight looked at the crowd, seeing the reporters write down what she had said. “You’re doing great, Twilight.” She heard Azhek’s voice within her mind, making Twilight look up at him. “Telepathy. Something else we Thousand Sons are able to do… Now, keep going. Just let me know when you will like for me to take over.
She nodded, looking back at the crowd. “I come from another dimension, where my world is filled with magic and openly use it. During an attempt, using a spell that I had recently learned from another powerful sorcerer within my world… I was sent here, shortly after being attacked by three men.” Twilight said, continued noticing the curious looks. “That was when Spider-Man and Deadpool arrived, trying to protect me from them.”
One of the reporters raised their hand, Twilight pointed to them right after. “Princess! Why do these ‘important parties’ not want you to use our real name?” They asked.
“Because we discovered that there is another entity trying to keep me here… We don’t know why, or why they want me. So, these parties wish for me to try and live normally during my stay here.” She answered, pointing to another reporter.
“Princess, is your world a threat to our world?” She asked.
“No, my world is completely peaceful. In fact, one of my royal duties is to help ensure peace and harmony.” Twilight answered, smiling at the crowd. “After all, my official title is the Princess of Friendship.” She pointed to an elderly man, one both Azhek and Peter recognized.
Azhek tightened his grip on the heqa staff, as the man spoke. “Princess! Are you saying that entity brought you here for a reason, and now you’ve aligned with that menace Spider-Man, and his freaky friends?” Jameson asked.
“I-I don’t know… But I do know that Spider-Man isn’t a bad person.” She answered.
“Is that so? And how are we supposed to know that you’re telling the truth? After all, you won’t even tell us your name!” Jameson said, now glaring at her. “It sounds fishy to me!”
“Well, I can’t really… I don’t exactly have proof to-…” Twilight couldn’t finish.
“So it could be true? And you actually helped that menace, and his friends, destroy our city!?” Jameson yelled, starting to make Twilight become somewhat uncomfortable.
“N-No, I would neve-!” She was cut off again.
“And how do we know you aren’t Spider-Man’s quick squeeze!? His eye candy trying to protect him!?” Jameson continued, actually causing a tear to form in Twilight’s eye. She was being publicly humiliated… And that crossed the line.
ENOUGH!” Azhek’s voice boomed, causing the whole area to shake from his anger. He pointed the heqa staff at Jameson. “You shall hold your tongue, peon, before I rip it from your conniving mouth and destroy what is left of your brain with psykic energy!” The whole crowd went silent, they could feel his anger. “The Princess is a kind, sweet, intellectual; soul who does not deserve such venomous words form you!”
“A-And who do you-!” This time, it was Jameson that was cut off.
“I am Lord Scarab, the favored Son of the Immortal Sorcerer King, Primarch Magnus the Red! The sole ruler of the planet Prospero and Gene-Father of the Thousand Sons Legion!” Azhek glared down at Jameson, his psykic energy appearing within the helmet’s eye sockets. “My lord has taken interest in the Princess, granting her our protection. When she was sent here, I was quickly dispatched to protect her! Spider-Man, and his ally Deadpool, protected her until I arrived!”
With a quick motion of his hand, Jameson suddenly floated in front of Azhek. “W-What are-!”
I did not give you permission to speak!” His voice echoed, Jameson becoming silent. “To insult one a Primach has taken interest in, his Astartes are required to kill the insulter! I am also sure such allegations would cause strict tensions between your world and Equestria’s ruler, who has the power to raise a sun!” Azhek continued, making Jameson turn pale. “Making an enemy of Equestria, would mean you have made enemies with the Thousand Sons Legion! From what I have seen of your pathetic world, it would only take a single Fellowship, of nine, to purge it!” His hand went forward, causing Jameson to fly back into his chair. “Now, remain silent. I have stayed my hand twice now, the third will not be so merciful.”
A new reporter raised his hand up, being the only one to have the courage to do so, after the display of power. “Lord Scarab? What is the purpose of your presence?” He asked.
“I am merely here for the Princess’ protection, nothing more. When she returns home, I will return to Prospero.” Azhek answered.
Whoa…. Wasn’t that a bit much, Azhek?” Twilight asked, mentally.
Simple scare tactic, don’t worry… Peter seemed to have liked it.” Azhek responded, Twilight noticing the impressed Peter. “His mind is swimming with thoughts of Jameson finally getting what he deserved.
Twilight giggled a bit, nodding. “I have to admit, it was rather great seeing that spiteful man put in his place.