Diary of a Ruler

by Lamia

Entry 622 - Silence

Today was a bright day which heralded the darkness. We sit in stationary flight and watch the world burn away what remains, unsure what our next actions will be. I still recall what happened as if it were only moments ago, but either way, it was over so quickly.

The morning before the events was a difficult time. Despite all our attempts to keep her alive, our newly-adopted daughter was suffering far too much from the sickness that enveloped all others. We had times with her like any mothers would have: travel, playtime, talking. Just her sweet voice was enough to make us smile. I only wish we had more time to spend with her, still being so young, but her ill state demanded otherwise. With her plea to end her continuous pain, Luna and I tucked her to sleep for the last time, hoping she will find peace in death that she did not so much have in life. Our sorrows already too compounded, we no longer cry for these ponies, but have an appreciation for our experiences. No more will we look upon the deaths of those we have lost in regret, but with the happiness they provided us, no matter how short the duration.

Afterward, Spike quickly left the cave to mourn on his own. That was when it had happened; the ground shook deep within this mountain of ours for just a minute, and a moment later a deafening sound reached our ears, stunning us. The ceiling shook and crumbled, replacing the cave completely with giant boulders. I am unsure how long we were underground from having the mountain fall onto us, but we were nevertheless uninjured. We hastily dug out of the mess and found ourselves outside upon the rocks, noticing that there was nothing left of the mountains.

Looking out across the horizon, we saw that dust covered the landscape and the sky, obscuring our vision. Even the sun was unable to be seen with how thick it was. With a simple spell, we blew it apart and were surprised at the sight of destruction before us.

The land was either barren or ablaze with fire. It was very quiet. The only sound was of the wind that blew past our ears, and it was empty. We gazed at the nearby town that used to be at the base of the mountain: trees torn apart, buildings blown away to ruin, everything covered in ash. We flew down to check on everything, to perhaps see if anypony was still alive, but there were none. Spike was nowhere to be found either, despite the fact that he could not have gotten far. He was gone as well. We had no time to think back on our lives with him, just then; I suggested we check other places for survivors.

Unfortunately, every place we travelled to was the same. Great cities such as Manehattan, Las Pegasus, and even Canterlot were ground to dust. Our old home had mostly fallen off the cliff where it resided, leaving little to resemble its once glorious appearance.

Glistening rivers that once flowed freely throughout the land had all but disappeared, the ones left only carrying ash along its thinning routes. Lakes disappeared and the oceans dropped in level. When we flew high above the world, it was easy to notice there were no signs of life along its flattened landscape. No ponies, no animals, no trees. Everything was destroyed.

All evidence points to the forbidden magic that I have known about for some time. I never dreamed any one pony would use it, much less the rest of the world. I suppose one can never predict when such things would happen, but I should have at least foreseen a hint of this atrocity...

For over a year we have searched for any trace of ponies that might have survived, but there were none. All have perished in the magic and contempt of death and destruction. We could not even find bodies. How could it end this way?

It matters not what had happened, but what will happen next. With the entirely grey and lifeless landscape, we wondered what more there was for us. Our purpose seemed out of reach, having appeared we lost it. However, Luna recalled what Discord had said: There was more to our existence than just this. With a short span of time to develop magical flight to work in tandem with our wings, we ascended above and beyond Equestria, to feel the light of the sun once more. The beauty of it being able to be seen with the contrasting darkness all around is astounding. We can see the moon from here as well, untouched by the impurity of our world, and it is just as beautiful.

Everything that happened to us and our subjects seems so insignificant when viewed from so far away. What importance are our ties at this point? Where do we go from here? The questions plague our minds, however, we are still alive. There is more for us out there -- somewhere -- if we only seek it out.

Just a moment ago, I gazed at the flask of my truest love, still undamaged after all that has happened. I unsealed its contents, and her magic whisked out, moving to shroud my body. For just a moment I felt her presence again, and I knew that there was still hope for me. The memories of her swept through my mind in an instant from when I met her until the end, causing me tears and joy I experienced only once until now. I am... at peace with the loss of Equestria, the ponies within, and Twilight. I discard the necklace by flinging it towards the moon. As I watch it fly away, I share with Luna a genuine smile which she returns, and I feel finally content with moving on.

We gaze upon what once was our home while far from it in this endless calm, knowing now that nothing is left for us there. All that remains of Equestria is our memories, which will last forever. We take flight into the sparkling void without looking back, hoping to find our purpose in this place of mystery.