//------------------------------// // II: Celestia Ships All of Equestria (Luna's Secret) // Story: They Know You're Reading Them // by Aureane //------------------------------// Two minutes in, and Luna looks like she's having a great time sitting on her chair. Celestia and her are having quite the dinner party, and are sitting on opposite sides amidst a super long, royal table. Nopony else is around. Luna is concentrating her magical horn and poking at a piece of lettuce on her plate, trying to get it to stick to her fork, but no matter what she tries, the food seems capable of consciously dodging her steel. She stabs at it faster, puffing and making cute noises every time she misses. Celestia raises a question seeing this, chuckling behind a hoof. "Luna, why not just levitate the food and eat it that way?" Says the hypocritical sun mare, using her fork to expertly plop a piece of bread into her mouth. "But-- I'm not little anymore! Why don't you do it?" "Me, do it? Ha! That's for fillies." She snickers. "Hmf! Sis, I'm not a filly!" "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Yes you are!" "No I'm not!" "What are you, then?" Fifteen seconds passes. "Not a filly." Luna attempts to stab at a piece of bread, but she misses, causing her to whine quietly to herself, her adorable sounds echoing about the room as Celestia once again rewards herself with a silent giggle. "Certainly still a filly. So, how did it feel to be your very own package?" "Ooh! Ooh! It was great, sis!" The moon pony hops about in her chair, completely forgetting the argument. Stars twinkle in her eyes. "I really enjoyed it." She sits back down, suddenly serious for once. "But, if I may ask...?" "Do tell." Celestia leans forward with a sly smile. "T--Twilight..." "Yes?" "Twilight..." "Mhm?" "Twilight didn't want to hug me!" Luna cries out, slumping down in her chair and placing her fore hooves in between her legs, looking off to the side and letting her fork drop on the plate. She levitates and chomps onto a piece of bread to vent her feelings, speaking with her mouth full, "she wafth too inferested in... wellnhhm, thafh creachurr." She points towards the glass, referring to you. "Somefingth abouf a obvervacchun woom." "What?" Luna gulps down the edible material. Blatantly, she screams out, "I want Twilight to hug me!" Two firm hooves slam upon the table, causing everything upon it to get about three seconds of air. Nonetheless, everything lands perfectly. "I thought you were scared of hugs?" Celestia digs into a piece of radish. "Well-- no-- um... well..." The young sister blushes, immediately covering herself, regretting her words. "And confined spaces?" "Um, hmm..." "And the color purple?" "Siiiiiis..." Luna's nose is just above the edge of the table. "And being sent off to unknown places where you'd possibly never be able to come back, if not for you and Twilight being alicorns?" "SIS!!" The older equine blinks. "Oh. Did you say anything?" Luna shakes her head and returns to her normal resting position. "Listen, sis... can I tell you something?" Celestia immediately slides her chair over to Luna, knocking all of the other useless chairs out of the way, and is really, really close all of a sudden. "Ooh, do I smell a... secret?" She says, her nostrils sniffing as she whispers upon her sister's ear. The moon pony's fur tingles against her sister's refined voice. "Um... no. It's not a secret." "What is it, then?" Celestia raises her eyebrows up and down multiple times. "I don't want to say now!" "Squeeeeeeeee! It's a secret!" The sun mare covers her mouth with both of her hooves. "Sis, it's not!" "It is!" She leans in closely to Luna. "Don't worry, I won't tell..." "You promise?" "Uh-huh. You know I never break them." "You won't tell?" "Uh uh." Celestia puts a hoof up to the closest ear, waiting for the moon pony's words. "Okay... well... um..." "Yes?" "Umm..." "Hmmmmmm?" "Sis I can't tell you!" "I KNEW IT! You like Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia throws her fore hooves into the air, celebrating. "I'll make arrangements for the wedding." "No... it's not that!" "It will be massively, entirely big, and it will be announced throughout all of Equestria! I can imagine the theme. 'Sparkling night.' Celestia hugs herself, completely out of this world by now. "Big sis, no!" "And there'll be sparkles, and moons, and spaceships, and planets. What will the kid be named? Hehe!" "SIS!" Her scream rumbles about the whole foundation, and every single guard within the castle has to take a moment to lift themselves up from the ground. The sun mare is done with her moment. "Mmnf. Good stuff. What were you saying?" "That's not my secret! N-not that I have a secret!" Luna is blushing furiously, hiding it with her mane. "Fine. Then just tell me a non-secret!" "Okay." A breath of air flows into the moon equine. "I don't like giving hugs but I like getting hugs." "Excuse me. What was that?" "I don't like giving hugs but I like getting hugs." "I can't hear you." "I don't like giving hugs but I like getting hugs! There, I said it." "Huh? Something got caught in my ears." Celestia pretends to clear them out, one by one. "But big sis, any louder, and everyone will hear!" Celestia is whistling. "...Sis? Can you hear me?" Luna gives her a poke. This time around she's just downright pretending to ignore the sibling. "Sis..." She begins to tear up. "Do you not like me anymore because of my non-secret? Should I have kept it a secret?" "I'm not listening until you say it out loud." (Celestia had already heard her non-secret.) "But... sis..." "I'm sorry. No hugs for you until you say the non-secret really loud." This is the point of no return. Luna needs that hug from big sis. She needs it. Now. More than ever. She bites her lip. "Fine..." She huffs and puffs her lungs out, and lets the whole world know her non-secret. "I don't like giving hugs but I like getting hugs!" ... "Three, two, one..." Celestia looks at the door. Instantly, so many ponies dash in and jump on the moon pony, bursting through the door and bombarding her with a mountain of repressed love and tight snuggles. "Hehe! As promised, I kept to my word of not telling anypony. But... I guess, since it's a non-secret, everypony should know." Celestia chomps down on Luna's piece of lettuce as she watches the enormous storm of hugs enact upon her sister with the force of a thousand horses. "Big... sis..." Luna disappears in the mountain of loving bodies, while Celestia returns to her side of the long table and sits down to take a long, soothing hot sip of 'winning.'