They Know You're Reading Them

by Aureane

VI: Twilight is Not Fancily Amused (Starlight's Plot)

Discord and Celestia now have fancier chairs, whilst Twilight is still in a normal, floating metal chair. The two of them are drinking tea, both having equipped monocles and top hats. Purple is simply over there scribbling out her questions and concerns, twisting and turning floating paper here and about, as if she had already calculated some massive idea that nopony has thought of before. The multitude of guns are still floating around.

Chaos himself pokes about a Celestia plushie that had unpredictably spawned in the midst of the intense battle. He begins, steadily holding tea in his other hand. "If I do say so myself, Celestia, this afternoon stroll has been quite the... amusement." He quits playing with the plushie and pushes it off into the void, leaving his free hand to rest upon his chin as he meets his royal friend's gaze.

Sun takes a very long sip before answering him. "Indeed, Discord. I hold no doubts in your proposal that, before the stories, ponies and the writer, was the writer's parents all along."

"Ah, yes. I'm wiser than you after all, you shining mare, you. Of course I would know these things far greater than-- oh, how do you put it-- anypony else?"

He emphasizes pony, and for some reason the old timers bust out laughing. After quite the intricate array of chuckles and chives, Celestia praises the One(s).

"Ah yes. Where would we be if a certain Site weren't reading us right now?"

You probably didn't think that you could simultaneously exist while Pinkie Pie is paused in time back where the hospital resides. The pink pony has blatantly had more than her fix of the fourth wall, but, since she is not the main character of this dimension, you have taken a moment to leave her be (to her own separate, hidden plot) and bask in the sun mare's well-declared compliment. Fourth wall experienced as she is, she has no control over what the power of a writer can do for you. Brohoof? Pegahoof? No matter. Carry on.

So, as you're holding the piece of cake that the hyper mare had supplied, you decide to finally have a highly anticipated munch at the white and golden treat, and upon your beautiful discovery, it tastes-- dear Luna! Absolutely glorious. A creamy ocean of vanilla surrounds your thirsting tongue with a smooth, wavy cool taste that arrests your entire foundation, efficiently locking your mouth within a DEFCON 5 zone as the chilling ice cream clears out the area, leaving no pore untouched. You hardly wish to swallow after such an icy relief, especially as a bit of a tangy lemon aftertaste reveals itself atop the golden curls.

When your mouth is deemed satisfied, your stomach begs to digest the treat, and deciding that enough is enough, you swallow. The drastically relieving mix of lemon and vanilla seems to tingle upon your esophagus as it brings your whole body to a room temperature of seventy-two degrees-- perfect enough for a well-deserving sentient being such as you. After all, being a human trapped in a glass room for so long starts to work up the heat within the general vicinity.

Anywhom, after being well-quenched by the first refreshing bite alone, you nearly forget to remain consciously attentive to the cheery crowd (and the one stray thinker) in front of you. The cake awaits loyally on the floor as you decide to save it for later, and just then, the young alicorn is about to start.

"Uhm--" Discord immediately holds a finger up.

"Ah ah ah, Twilight. You have to look fancy, in order to obtain this answer." A sly smile can't help but turn up on his face.

A few seconds pass, and Discord and Celestia are about to resume.

"But--" Once again, he holds the finger up.

"Top hat and monocle first. Unless... Celestia never taught you how to spawn one on yourself?" A rogue eyebrow flies up so high, it's almost as if he lost it to the void itself.

Rolling her eyes, she poofs a monocle and a top hat on her face.

About three seconds passes.

To your surprise, Trixie's flank is her monocle, and Starlight is her top hat.

"It worked, Trix!" Starlight raises her hooves in the air. "I told you this spell would work!" She looks down, seeing that she's sitting atop Twilight's head, Celestia and Discord's lungs are cringing from sheer laughter, and both of their top hats and monocles have flown off into the weightlessness of the void.

"Aha!" Trixie responds, "good job, Glimmie!" But she only sees two oldies in front of her. "What? Where's Twilight? And where's you?"

The two ancient ones point behind her. She tries to turn around, but the anti-gravity within the void won't let her. "H-- how come I can't move?"

You are very, very amused seeing that Twilight has two, big red suns growing on her own cheeks.

"T-t-t-tr--" she works out, gaining in her redness. And then you realize, oh shoot. Waddup. That's not just blushing.


The whole void has to absorb her sound wave as each of the other fellows instinctively covers their ears. Having torn Starlight and Trixie's partial moon butt off of herself, she grits her teeth as she increases in redness, covering herself in raging flames. Oh no. There's only one episode where you've seen this before. You say your prayers, though half hoping that the approaching soundwave into your glass barrier will shatter-- sadly, it just bounces off in random directions and does nothing. Disappoint, Twilight. Disappoint.

Nonetheless, Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and Celestia find themselves face-to-face with the angriest pony of them all...

Burning Twilight.