Spike's Actual Date

by Silver Topaz

The first chapter

The town of Ponyville was a quite town. Well most of the time. When creatures from the Everfree forest weren't attacking. The town was filled with ponies going about their business. Some went into stores, others to work and some just played around. In Ponyville a castle lays, this castle belonging to the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle. In the library of the castle there were two ponies. They were practicing magic and reading books. There was also a dragon that was bored out of his mind.

Spike sat in a chair. He already finished reading his comic book, so he didn't have anything to do. He looked in the direction were the ponies were. One of them being Twilight his employer/friend/sister, the other being a unicorn by the name of Starlight Glimmer. Spike looked at her with loving eyes, seeing that it was not long ago that they started a relationship. It was a weird night for Spike, but now he finally had someone to love and someone that loved him right back.

Starlight was casting a spell. The spell if done right would allow her to send letters to any body she wanted, no matter were she was. Spike looked at them working hard and chuckled a bit, seeing as he could do what they were trying to do with magic, with only his breath. A voice woke him from his silent fit of laughter.

"Twilight I don't think I can do it" Starlight was trying to use the spell, but she couldn't do it. She looked down at the ground, a disappointed look on her face, "if I can't do it now when we are so close to each other, how am I going to do it when we're far apart from each other".

Twilight put a hoof on her students shoulder, "Starlight I know you can do it, you just need to practice that's all". Starlight looked at her mentor/friend and she decided to try again.

Spike seeing this decided to offer words of encouragement, "Starlight I know you can do it I believe in you". Both Starlight and Twilight looked in the direction of Spike. Starlight smiling happily and Twilight looking a bit angry, as she wanted Starlight to concentrate.

"Okay here goes nothing". Starlight began charging her magic, she concentrated and thought of were she she wanted to send the paper. Once she had an image in mind she released her magic and everything was engulfed by a bright light. Starlight had a headache from using that much magic, Spike was covering his eyes as was Twilight. When they all looked back at the table were the paper was supposed to be, it was gone. "I did it" Starlight shouted happily.

"I knew you could do it Starlight". Twilight walked to her friend, giving her a hug. Spike only looked around to see were the paper was. He felt something underneath him and reached for it. It was the paper Starlight managed to send. Spike looked at it and smiled seeing that the paper said I love you. "Well that should be enough for today" Twilight said.

"Finally it's about time". Spike said sounding really bored. He looked at his marefriend and Sister, and he gave them a cheeky grin. Starlight walked over to Spike.

"You know if you are so bored, why not leave the castle?"

"What's the point all of our friends are busy". Starlight thought about it and he was right. Rainbow Dash was in Wonderbolt practice. Rarity was in Manehattan checking on her store. Fluttershy agreed to go with her and help her. Pinkie Pie was planning a birthday party in the city as well. And Applejack was busy in her farm as she usually was. "So even if I left what was I going to do" Spike finished his sentence.

Starlight looked at him and smiled, "well don't worry I'm done so we now". Starlight got near Spike's ear and whispered in a seductive voice "we can do something together". Spike looked at her, it took all of his strength not to burst into laughter. Starlight looked at him with an annoyed look "what?".

"it's nothing is just, when you try to be sexy, you come out being more cute and adorable than anything else". Starlight was now blushing, feeling a little embarrassed that she even tried doing something like that. She was so new to this whole dating thing. Spike reached for the paper and showed it to her. Starlight blushed even more and Spike smiled "I love you too". Starlight smiled and looked at Spike, she then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Spike got up and gave her a kiss not on the cheek, but on the mouth. It wasn't quick, but it wasn't long.

"You two know I'm here right". Twilight interrupted the kissing. Starlight and Spike looked at each other and laughed. "Well anyway I will be busy with some new books Princess Celestia sent me, so don't bother me okay".

"Okay" Spike and Starlight said at the same time. Twilight left the room, leaving Spike and Starlight alone. Starlight gave Spike another kiss on the cheek and left the room. Spike looked at her leaving and decided to follow.

Spike caught up to Starlight, who was heading to her room. "Hey Starlight wanna do something?"

Starlight looked back at Spike. She had a sad look on her face, "I'm sorry Spike but Twilight gave me these books that she told me to read". Spike stopped walking and Starlight did the same. "Spike I would love to spend time with you really I would but I can't". Spike looked at Starlight a little sad that he couldn't spend more time with her. Since they got together three weeks ago after that practice date, they rarely spent time together. When they did they barely had anything to do. Aside from talking and kissing, something Spike loved to do. "Spike I'm sure you can find something to do in Ponyville".

Spike looked at her and smile, "don't worry about it, I'm sure there's something I can do". Spike scratched the back of his head. He had no idea what he was going to do. Spike stopped thinking when he felt Starlight nuzzle him. He loved it when she did that, she was so soft and warm. The nuzzle stopped and it then became a hug, which then became a kiss.

Starlight looked into Spike's emerald green eyes. "When I'm done I'll use the spell I just learned, and I'll send you a message okay". Spike nodded "we can do something together then okay" Spike again nodded. "Okay Spike I'll see you later" Starlight gave Spike one last hug and one last kiss and left. Spike watched her go, it was crazy to think that not to long ago he was madly in love with Rarity. He smiled his dream of finally having someone to love becoming true, he was so happy.

Spike walked towards the doors that lead to the outside of the castle. He passed the throne room and he smiled. He remembered the day he met Starlight, she was just sitting in Fluttershy's throne and then she talked and after that she opened a portal that brought them to the past. It was a crazy day and there were parts Spike didn't want to remember, but that day led to Starlight becoming friends with the group, specially Spike and with that it led them to now. Spike opened the doors an he took a long look at Ponyville.

It was a sunny day, barely any clouds in the sky. Ponies went by, some waving at Spike as they went. There were birds singing and flying around, and the occasional breeze could be felt. In other words the perfect day to be outside. Spike thought about what he was going to do, he didn't really think of anyone that he could talk to. He looked around and he decided to just go see what some of his other friends were up to. "Okay Ponyville here I come" Spike spread his dragon wings and took off, hoping he could find something to do.