//------------------------------// // Chapter One (Trouble in Canterlot? Hmm, must be Tuesday.) // Story: Three to Five // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// You know when I was growing up I thought being an adult would answer all my problems, all questions only to find all the problems and questions changed and there were no real answers. There will always be those who disagree with you and you them but most people can't seem to understand why... Just muddle along doing the best we can. Then a strange twist of fate and I found myself here, Equestria. A land of colorful ponies, Unicorns and Pegasus even! And the 'regular' ponies? Nothing regular about any of them I had to let go of old preconceptions very quickly, intelligent, articulate and living their lives the same as any of us and that wasn't the end of it. Dragons, Griffons, Manticores and much, much more. A whole new world, new problems, new questions... But I found an answer, a reason, love... And with it a million more worries, problems and questions but every single one was worth it. I've long since stopped worrying about those I left behind, they'd carry on we all had to. Twilight Sparkle... My lover, best friend, soulmate, wife, life... I try my best to learn from the past, my mother and father... They parted ways not long after I was born they simply weren't ready, I lived with my grandparents for many years, they taught me so much I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t, the road not traveled but I can say it was a wonderful time. They made me who I am today, a man, a husband, a father... I just wish they could have seen it... "Rick!" "Hmm?" I closed the notebook I had been writing in turning to face Twilight as she came down the stairs into our study. "What’s up love?" "What are you writing?" She asked looking curiously. "Oh just some random thoughts and such..." "Can I read it?" "Someday sure, I've only just started." "Oh... I guess that makes sense, but I want to..." She whined adorably sitting in my lap letting me wrap my arms around her breathing her in. "Well if you just can't wait..." She squealed happily turning to kiss me as she levitated it up before her, she looked at it a moment cracking it open it an inch before lowering it back down into an opened lockable drawer locking it and putting the key into my breast pocket. "I can wait..." She smiled nuzzling my neck. "Thanks..." We sat that way a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of one another breathing in and out our hearts beating as one. "So what’s on the agenda today?" I could feel her smile as she stretched against me. "Staying just like this could be nice... But I do have some shelving to do now that Sparkler has introduced her friends to horror novels, a day doesn't seem to pass without one of them stopping by to drop one off or pick one up. We'll have to pick up some new ones the next time we're in Canterlot maybe some adventure and mystery's as well it's a natural progression." I chuckled giving her a squeeze. "You know I'll always defer to your knowledge when it comes to books Twi." "And you promised to help Rarity today searching for some gems, without Spike around..." She slumped slightly and I squeezed her comfortingly. "I miss him; we all do... I guess, We... I kind of took him for granted..." "You were brother and sister practically it's only natural you would miss him, and I know he misses you too but he's with his mother now. At least the only one he's ever known and John... Well I think being a father figure might just grow on him." "I still can't believe he and Princess Celestia..." "What?" "Not that their together silly, after everything we've been through I can understand that." "True enough, but?" "His life... He'll barely be around for a moment of hers, it's not fair!" "I know... I know, but they'll have that moment. And I'm willing to bet no matter how much it hurts they wouldn't trade it." "No, they wouldn't... Well I suppose we had best get busy then." Neither of us moved for another moment not wanted to let go until I lifted her up carrying her upstairs sharing a kiss before I set her down. "I'll pick up Star from the Cakes and bring her along I'm sure Rarity won't mind." We often dropped Star off to play with Pound and Pumpkin and vice versa had them over for playdates, there were only a few other fillies and colts near to Star, Pound and Pumpkins ages, they were a bit apart too but they got along well. The little bell above the door tinkled as I entered, there were several ponies lined up waiting to be served. Pinkie peeked around the waiting ponies waving. "Hi Rick! Star's just in the other room with Pound and Pumpkin!" "Thanks Pinkie." I waved back making my way into the kitchen carefully stepping through the swinging doors not wanting to bump into anyone finding Mr. and Mrs. Cake putting the finishing touches on several batches of cookies and cupcakes. "Hi Rick, their just in the living room coloring last time I checked on them." Mrs. Cake smiled. "Thanks, we'll have the twins over on Wednesday eh?" "Sounds good." All was quiet which usually wasn't a good sign even when coloring but when I stuck my head around the corner I immediately relaxed at the adorable sight, all three of them must have tuckered each other out as they were sprawled out napping together Pounds tiny wings placed protectively over his sister and Star as they snuggled together. I crouched down watching them for a minute with a smile before carefully slipping Star out from their warm embrace into mine not wanting to disturb them, she stirred a bit either from the motion or perhaps a daydream before she turned snuggling against and burying her head in my chest as I rose and exited nodding to the Cakes shushing Pinkie and waving goodbye on my way out. I took a roundabout way to Carousel Boutique avoiding the noisy market letting Star sleep, I could see through the window that she had a couple customers so with a wave and nod to her I went around back where she had her wagon all ready. I sat down in the shade gently rubbing my baby’s back letting my mind wander until I heard the back door open and a quiet giggle. "So sweet... Can you not make it darling? I completely understand if..." She whispered. "No, no... I just thought she, and you might enjoy spending some time together but I guess she must have just layed down for a nap when I went to pick her up..." "That’s all right, you just carry her and I'll tend to the cart until we reach the mountain." "That would work..." I stopped suddenly struck by inspiration. "Or we could..." And off we went out of town, I pulled Rarity's spacious cart while she relaxed in it Star snuggled against her both of them shaded by a parasol she had brought along with a picnic basket and some tools. "Very generous of you darling but you needn’t do all the work." "Not a problem, I could use the exercise really." And it wasn't too difficult her wagon was well made and maintained, when we reached a rockier area I would have a bit more trouble but for now no problem. "If you insist..." She smiled. We talked quietly as we traveled, chit-chat about our lives and our mutual friends enjoying the sunny day and scenery. After an hour we reached the foot of a small mountainous region Rarity finding she had to range further and further to collect gems which made sense. "She certainly moves around a lot in her sleep doesn't she?" Rarity smiled looking down at Star laying across her body upside down now. I chuckled nodding. "True, now that she sleeps on her own... Well most nights..." "Most?" "Well sometimes she still needs her mommy and daddy snuggle time, and sometimes she manages or maybe her sister helps her up onto the top bunk and we find them snuggled together but on her own sometimes she's half in and out of the bed when we check on her." I grinned. "Aww... Sweetie Belle is growing up so fast I regret not spending more time with her..." She sighed wistfully looking out at the horizon. "She still idolizes her big sister believe me, you've got time yet and someday when you have foals of your own..." She looked back to me with a wistful smile. "Someday perhaps... I would like... Oh! Sweetie I'm sorry but you won't get any milk out of... Eek!" She jumped slightly gently pulling Star away from her as I turned red bringing the wagon to a stop. "Mmm, mommy?" "No, it's auntie Rarity..." She whispered stroking her gently as she stretched and yawned her beautiful brown eyes fluttering open. "Auntie!" She squealed hugging her tightly giggling. "I'm glad to see you too little Star..." "I'm here to baby." I rubbed her back and she turned jumping into my arms. "Daddy!" We hugged a moment as Rarity got out of the cart before she pulled back from me a confused look on her face. "What appened to Pound an Punkin?" "Their probably waking up from their naps now too but I came to get you, we thought you might like to come with us as your auntie and I looked for gems." "Jems? Kay!" She struggled to get down full of energy now galloping around sharp rocks, treacherous sinkholes and dangerous outdoor bacteria! Okay... Maybe those sharp rocks were more like gravel and the sinkholes little more than deep footprints and as for the bacteria... Playing outside and being exposed to all those kinds of things was important, at least according to several books we'd read. And admittedly to me too but still it sometimes made a first time dad want to scoop his baby up and keep her safe and secure with him until she was... Twenty! But on the other hand to see her so happy and carefree... What could I do? She'd fall down, get scrapes, bruises and even colds I couldn't cure! But I'd be there to kiss it better and take care of her, always. Star was fascinated by Rarity’s spell how she could unerringly locate even the smallest gem buried or even embedded in rocks! You could see the little wheels in her mind working, she knew it was magic believe it or not she'd seen more than her fair share in her short life. We knew she wanted to try, to do it herself so much but her mother and I tried to keep her safe until she could get some beginners education in magic kindergarten but that was still some ways off and she wanted to do it now! Still other than the occasional magic surge she couldn't get the hang of it yet but I knew she would, I had every bit as much faith in her as my little Angel. We spent a few hours acquiring gems, I would dig them up or break them free of their stony prisons keeping a close eye out for a curious baby naturally. While Rarity detected, cleaned and separated them according to color, quality, size and value. Even the small ones would shine in her fancy designer outfits. Star loved the pretty sparklies playing with and messing up Rarity’s piles a few times though she never lost her temper. A little after noon we stopped finding a flat and shaded spot to spread out a blanket and enjoy Rarity’s picnic lunch, I was a bit worn out and appreciated the break. It was hard work, I probably could have accomplished most of it using magic but I tried not to rely on it too much, you never knew when you might be in a situation when you couldn't use it. Twilight was quite the opposite really, she used magic all the time but still tried to keep in shape believing you couldn't use physical force to overcome every obstruction. Still I knew it was different for her and most Unicorns, her magic was a part of her since she was born a big part. And in a Unicorn at least in my eyes it replaced arms and hands though I was constantly amazed at the skill Earth ponies showed using only their hooves and mouths, same for Pegasus as well as their incredibly dexterous wings. Star was still full of energy racing around curious about everything, Rarity and I had to remind her a few times to stay in view while we finished eating. "Your very good with her Rare." "Oh I just have some experience is all..." "Still I think you'll be a wonderful mother someday..." She smiled wanly a faraway look in her eyes. "Someday... I would like that but we'll have to see..." "Hmm? You'd have stallions lined up around the block to ask you out if you gave them the time... Or mares I guess, sorry..." I added embarrassed. "Oh you think so do you?" She smiled slyly. "Perhaps but you need not fear I'll steal your wife away..." "I didn't mean..." "I know darling; I know..." She leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll find my stallion in shining armor someday, these things take time. After all you had to come to a completely different dimension to find your true love." She giggled. "I guess you’re right, I suppose there might be someone like Twi back there somewhere..." I shook my head. "Doesn't matter, I wouldn't trade what I have for anything..." I smiled watching Star race up a bunch of dandelions in her mouth giving some to me and Rarity before gobbling up the rest getting a drink and taking off again. "So adorable." We rested a bit more before getting back to work, apparently there were still gems in them thar hills! As we managed to fill her wagon about half way which was still impressive her new wagon was quite a bit bigger than the old one. Her detection spell made the task a hundred times easier to be sure, not having to search out the gems was a great boon though to dig them out was still quite the chore. I could only imagine the riches she'd find if she ever made her way underground! On the way back to town we took turns pulling the cart the other carrying Star her energy waning again but I knew after a little rest and some supper she'd need wearing out again lest she be up half the night! Sounds like a job for a big sister... "Thank you so much for your assistance Rick." "Always glad to help Milady." I grinned. "Right baby? Say bye bye to auntie." "Bye... Bye... Auntie..." She yawned returning Rarity’s nuzzle sleepily. "Take care little Star, see you both later and thank you again." I waved with my free arm as we started back home more directly this time and we stopped a few times for small talk with various townsfolk who were always happy to see Star and tired or not she did love attention... It was too late to pick up anything much most of the market closed down for the day but we did stop by Sugar Cube Corner to pick up some cookies for dessert and so Star could say goodbye to her playmates. We got home just in time for dinner, we washed up and ate all four of us telling each other about our days asking questions and laughing together. After dinner as expected the girls played a bit while we cleaned up only stopping when it was time for Scootaloo to do her homework. Star was of course very interested in anything her big sister did though truthfully she was far more of a hindrance then help, before Scootaloo got too frustrated with her Twi swept her up the two of them going for a short walk while I helped my little Angel with her homework. "It's soo booring dad!" "Angel..." I chuckled mussing her mane. "I know some of it seems boring, and pointless..." I leaned close and whispered. "And the truth is some of it is." "Wha?!" "Shh, don't let your mom hear. But it is part of growing up, even when you grow up some things will always seem boring and pointless but you've got to remember that even though you think that way others don't and you shouldn't belittle them." "But..." "And some of the things you learn are important." "Aww..." I kissed her forehead and gave her a squeeze. "Let's go over it again..." She didn't have anything too difficult and truly she was a smart little filly but her impatience often got the better of her making little mistakes then getting even more frustrated trying to find and fix them! I had quickly learned just pointing them out didn't help much, instead I tried to walk her through the problem so she could see where the mistake was. Didn't always work but she was getting better bit by bit. It was getting late by the time Twilight and Star got back so it was off to bed with them Twi reading them a story while I watched smiling as they dropped off. We took turns reading to them a book at a time, they had to be simple enough Star could enjoy it but with something Scootaloo would like as well. Finally, we relaxed in bed together window open to let a breeze through as we read leaning against one another, I put my book aside quite ready for sleep tired from a long day. I turned wrapping my arms around her nestling against her neck careful not to disturb her, as always while she was reading she was 'in the zone' the flipping of pages, her soft breaths, her scent and the beating of her heart soon lulled me into sleep... "Hmm...? What’s this?" Didn't quite make it, still I was warm and comfortable listening to her as she set her book aside for something else, she was quiet a minute one of her forehooves gently rubbing my back. "Rick, are you awake?" She whispered in my ear. I stretched a bit opening my eyes as she leaned down for a soft kiss. "I am, what’s up?" She levitated an official looking scroll over to me as I sat back up. Here we go again... Rick! Truthfully it had been almost three months since the crown debacle and Celestia had wisely decided to keep all the Elements in Canterlot well defended but thinking back to the events in the high school dimension as I had dubbed it either the crown had been powerful enough to override Sombra and call forth the Elements from another dimension to empower the girls or... Well all I could do was guess really, their use... Exposure, to the Elements may have had deeper repercussions... Even across dimensional barriers to their counterparts? Who knows? I was just grasping at straws... "Let's see..." My Dear friends I must apologies again for calling upon you but as the Element bearers there are things only you can handle, only you I would trust with... This is such a thing, the Elements themselves are calling out... For you mayhap or something else I cannot say but for the time being they are contained. So I ask that you come, please. The stakes could be high, so at your earliest convenience thank you. Celestia and Luna Me as well if anyone was wondering, Discord! Discord! Ach! Look what you made me write...! Luna! "Well that’s something... You don't feel strange do you?" I asked putting the scroll aside ribbing her chest. "Nooo...? I mean, I don't think I do..." I scanned her thoroughly finding nothing out of the ordinary but I really didn't know what I was looking for. "We'll have to ask the others and they'll want to read the Princesses message as well." "Definitely! Oh..." She covered her mouth a yawn escaping making me yawn as well. "In the morning..." She snuggled down against me putting the light out. "Sounds good, I hope it's nothing serious..." "Well, it does sound serious but her scroll didn't appear too urgent..." "Strange... I hope we don't need to leave the girls for long, I'm still trying to make up for lost time..." "You never can my love..." She kissed me softly both of us sinking into sleep. Just make the most of the time we have... Your right, and I will... We will... Oh! We'll just bring them with us! Hmm? Schools out for the summer on Friday, so if we wait until the weekend to go which would give the girls plenty of time to get ready as well. I can only assume Princess Celestia will have sent word to the academy for Rainbow Dash too. Well... She did say at our convenience... Exactly, I'll write her in the morning and make sure it's alright. Good plan, goodnight. Love you. Love you... Like I said, here we go again... But still it shouldn’t be too important, there'd be more panic if it was right...?