What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of)

by alpha_

Chapter 2: The wolves that come out to play

There's sounds of.. growling? As I ran (galloping?) closer to the voices I heard earlier. I was already starting to grow tired of all the running for like 10 minutes. WITHOUT STOP. Finally I made it to the area and....what the....

Two equines what I assumed were women since there voices sound women-ish. Their attakcers are wolfs. But these wolfs are different, upon closer inspection they seemed to be made out of.....WOOD?! Okay I've seen everything now.

Just where am I?!

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of one being in pain. I look on to the orange equine to see a medium sized three claw marks on the sides of her waists. Just seeing the blood oozing from the wound made me shiver. I hate seeing blood, the sheer pain she’s must be in was enough to make me help them, and so without thinking I rushed into view.

Applejack tried to buck the Timberwolves but before she can get into to position to buck them in the face, one of the Timberwolves moves out of the way and slashes at her waist. She rear back and hisses in pain very loudly.

Rainbow Dash hears her and tries to assist her but another Timberwolf blocked her path, causing her to become trapped without her ability to fly her way out. Just when they think all hope was lost they hear something wale, something that made the leaves rustles loudly. They thought it was another Timberwolf, but as if Celestia healer answered their plea for help a pony come out of view.

'Who is that guy?!' Rainbow thought, as she stares at their ‘savior’. He had a light brown coat, black messy mane and tail, and a pencil cutie mark. He appears to be frighten yet at the same time he looked angry at the wolves and says loudly "Hey you wolves! Come on I'm better looking to eat, don't you think?!" He was successful and gain the Timberwolves attention.

The wolves lick their wooden lips upon seeing this strange stallion that appeared out of nowhere. One of the three Timberwolves lunges toward the stallion only him to doge in time for the Timberwolf to hit face-first right into a tree at an alarming speed, breaking itself into of thousands of little pieces of timber.

The stallion got up from the dirt and look back at the other two wolves who were walking around the brown pony, watching his every move as would most predators do while watching their prey. They waited for him to make the first step.

Finally for what felt like an enternity one of the Timbewolves grew impatient and rushes at him with open jaws. Again the pony dodges in time and turns around fast before the wolf could regain it’s composure and the pony strikes the wolf between the eyes with his hoof, smashing its head into pieces.

The final Timberwolf was a bit bigger than the other two suspecting it to be the alpha wolf. The wolf swings its large claws at the pony only to dodge but the Timberwolf was smarter because while the stallion dodged the attack the wolf lunges it's head and tries bitting him on his right front leg. It became successful as its wooden but sharp fangs sunk into the stallions flesh, causing him to yell out in pain.

The pony clutches his right leg while crimson blood oozes out of his deep wound. The stallion looks up at the Timberwolf and growls a little, becoming pissed at it.

"Alright you freak of nature, lets dance." He shouts in a cold tone, to which the Timberwolf growls back in a weird way to agree with him.

The pony began rushing with his two back legs first, more lunging himself towards the wooden wolf and rears his good hoof back to punch it but the wolf was fast and dives down to the side. It turns and runs at the stallion with open jaws trying bite him again until...

"Got ya!" The pony jumps over the wolf, landing on his hind legs. He then quickly turns his body, doing a full 360 circle and round house kick the Timberwolf in it’s jaw. It’s head came clean off, hurling away into a tree, shattering it as well as it’s body.

As the brown pony breaths heavily trying to catch his breath from fighting the Timberwolves, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had awestruck facial expressions on those muzzles. This pony had beaten three Timberwolves all by himself, something not many if barely any could do. 'Woah' They both thought in unison.

The pony stands normally on its legs expect his right one and trots over to the two mares "Hey are you two okay?" He asks worriedly. The two mares snap out of their shocked state by the sound of his voice. They both stare at him for a moment, as if he had came from another world.

But before they can speak, the Timberwolves remains starts to glow a lime green hue. "Uh well we appreciate the help partner but ah reckon we should move!" Applejack says as she tries to get up but her wound prevents her from doing so.

"You’re r hurt! You can't get up from that um-" 'Oh what do I do? um um um oh Wait I got an idea! Oh I hope she isn't very heavy.' (well that's rude to a lady) he groans at the idea but he quickly goes to the farm looking pony and says "I may got an idea." He says seriously and lowers down to her while she look of confusion on her face on what he was doing.

"Hop on." The strange stallion says in a more eager tons. Applejack finally understood what he meant but she wasn't sure since he too was injured in his fight.

"Ah'm not sure ‘bout this. You’ve also been badly hurt too!" He gazes down at his leg to see the gash but before he was about to reply, the Timberwolves remains were still glowing green. It began to levitate and flying past them, morphing all the beaten wolves and creates a shape with all of the timber to form.......…………........................................................
A giant Timberwolf.

'Uh oh...' Was the only thought that came into the ponies head