A Wizards Path

by mari tech

Chapter 13: A Song of Fire and Ice

The world is scorched, fire and brimstone. The rivers red with blood. Above Nikolai are imps ready to fight him. The imps crashed to the ground and lunged at Nikolai, their claws sinking deep into his flesh. The blood flows down his arms onto the ground, the cursed earth. Nikolai can't move, Twilight is across the field, chained to the ground. She can only watch. The chains dug into her skin causing great pain to her. A imp scratched Nikolai's chest open. Blood pooled out onto the floor.

Nikolai jolted up in his bed. Twilight oblivious to Nikolai was still sleeping. Nikolai shook his head and got out of bed. Nikolai trudged down the halls to the first floor and sat on the couch in the middle. He held his head in his hands, Nikolai could feel the scratches on him. Nikolai took off his robe and looked for wounds and found none. He threw his robe on the table next to him and went out the door of his home. It was still extremely dark. Nikolai flexed his wings, they still felt weird to him. Technically Nikolai is dead. Nikolai pushed that thought out of his head. He walked down the alley into the main road, it was still busy but not really packed. Nikolai took a nice stroll down the road to clear his head.

Twilight was in her castle, she never really liked it but it was her home. The mane 6 were sitting in their thrones. Every pony was arguing, Twilight couldn't decide what they were arguing about. Their voices kept getting louder and louder, Twilight had a ringing in her ears. It was loud and Twilight snapped.


Fluttershy started crying, rarity and applejack sat with their jaws open, Rainbow dash sat quietly, Pinkie pie had sunk back into her chair. Twilight felt better after that. She needed that after the endless questions before Nikolai's trial.

'Who was that? Are you alright darlin? Is that your special somepony? Did he hurt you....'

Twilight needed to get her aggression out. It may not have been the best way, but it worked. Twilight jumped out of the chair and rushed outside and smashed face first into a wall made of the darkest material. She looked back and saw her 'friends' creeping out to her, eyes glowing red. Twilight prepared a spell and got hit with magic recoil sending her back to the wall. The wall sprouted tendrils and took Twilight and pulled her into the wall. Twilight's last words were muffled before she was absorbed.

Twilight jolted awake in the master bed. Twilight was in a panic and needed to calm down. She looked to her side and saw that Nikolai was not there. Even more panic set in. Twilight jumped out of the bed and down into the living room. She saw Nikolai's robes on the side table. Twilight ran out the door and down to the main street.

Nikolai for some reason had the absolute need to go down a specific alley. He traveled down the alley to be met with 3 figures covered by the darkness. One of the men strode up to Nikolai, pulled a steam pistol and pointed at Nikolai.

"Give us your money and you won't get hurt."

"You think... that I... Nikolai Sanders.... is afraid of a.... little gun?" Nikolai was completely dazed and confused, He kept blanking out.

"And who is this Nikolai Sanders, how special is a homeless man. Not even a shirt."

"You.... I... Me.... Am a mage... all great and powerful. I could... best you." Nikolai didn't see the copper pipe and put him to the ground.

"Kid thinks he is a mage."

"Yeah, see what he has."

Twilight walked down the road, she took note of the beautiful night, not too cold, not too humid, just right. Twilight kept darting her eyes down the alley ways. Twilight began to think about getting her magic back. She started to get excited to experience Nikolai's new magic. Twilight looked down an alley to see 3 people standing over Nikolai who was knocked out. Only one thought came to mind...

"Step... away.... from him." She pointed her steam pistol as the first goon who had the pistol.

"Ah lads look, The kids girlfriends."

"Marefriend... I mean..."

"Marefriend? Isn't a mare a female horse?" He turned away to look at his friends. His other friend just shrugged.

A loud bang echoed through the entire castle. The copper bullet went through the skull of the first goon, curved out and hit the second. The third goon took off down the alley as fast as he could... which wasn't very fast. Twilight scrambled to the first guy and picked up his gun. She took in a deep breath and aimed at the third goon and pulled the trigger. The copper bullet went straight through the chest puncturing the lungs and heart and going out of the rib cage to the wall at the end of the alley. The goon dropped dead, blood pooling under the body. Guards rushed down the alley to see 3 dead goons, a unconscious man, and a scared girl with two pistols. Twilight dropped the pistols and sank to her knees. One of the guards came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I didn't want to hurt anybody, I hate killing things. I just feel sick now. I need to rest." Twilight fell forward, out cold.

Twilight woke up on a cot in a medical tent. Nikolai across the way with a bandage on his head. Twilight looked around to see other sick or injured people. Twilight swung her legs to the ground and looked at Nikolai. Twilight really can't ignore it. She loves him and she can't hide it anymore.

'When he wakes up, i'm going to give him a nice meaningful kiss to welcome him back.'

A couple minutes go by and still no change in Nikolai. Twilight got up and sat down next to him. Waiting.

Empty. Nothing. Void. No mere word could describe the vast empty-ness that is reality. Nothing, Absolutely nothing.

'I hate being alone, no one to talk to. Just me and my thoughts. eeyup, just me."

Nikolai opened his eyes slightly and stared at the all familiar sight of the medical tent ceiling. Nikolai blinked a few times to clear the haze and cloudy-ness. Nikolai tried to sit up but fell back down from pain in his back. Nikolai saw Twilight next to him dozing away, probably waiting for him. He took a quick look around and saw that it was day. Day for Twilight to get her magic back. Nikolai turned back to Twilight.

'yup, cute as ever.'

Nikolai quickly laid up before the pain would bring him down. He turn his legs off the cot and glanced around. Nikolai felt like his mind was clouded.

Twilight woke up in the chair next to Nikolai's cot.


Twilight slowly got up and sneaked behind Nikolai. She put her arms lightly around his neck and brought herself in front of Nikolai.

"Oh, hey Twilight. Glad to see you're up."

Instead of talking, she gave Nikolai a nice long kiss, time stood still as Nikolai took the kiss. Twilight could feel herself connecting to Nikolai. Twilight broke the kiss and took Nikolai close in her arms.

"Finally you made a bold move."

"Got kinda nervous."

"I can tell."

"Well, let's get my magic back."

"Whatever you say... Marefriend." Nikolai said jokingly.

Twilight had a light blush as she exited the tent.

Nikolai and Twilight climb the steps of the pyramid mages college. At the top was the grand master. 2 apprentices accompanied him. One with a dark blue robe, The other in bright white.

"So, Twilight Sparkle. Are you ready to take on your magic?"

"Ready as ever."

"So, here is what will happen. I will give you this injection" He holds a up syringe.

"What will that do?"

"The best way we have found. Next... I have no fucking clue, this hasn't been recorded yet."

"Sounds fun."

"Twilight, are you ready?"

"Let's do this." Twilight went to the grand master and rolled up her sleeve.

"Alright, let's go." The grand master inserted the syringe into Twilight's vein on her wrist. The syringe was opaque so she couldn't see what was inside. For a few moments, nothing happened.

"Is... Is it working?"

"Give it time."


Twilight was looking around at the pyramid, it was beautifully decorated. Rarity would like this. Twilight looked down to see her right arm was on fire. Wait.. Fire.

"OHH GOD I'M ON FIRE.!" Her left arm burst into flame and she sank to her knees with her arms to the sky, begging for mercy.

"IT BURNS!" Twilight fell forward, her arms were burning up, the skin and cloth burning away, the pain was unimaginable.

Nikolai put some frost on Twilight's arm to soothe it as best he can. The fires vanish, Twilight's skin and clothes went back to normal. Twilight was on the college floor, panting. The pain vanished. Twilight sat up looking to Nikolai.

"Well, from what it looks like, you are a pyromancer."

"Okay. I can handle that. Fire and shit. Cool."

"You could say that you were smoking hot."


"You know what I mean."