Friendship is Prime

by Gammerick

Chapter 9

As the white light receded, Twilight opened her eyes to see her five friends scattered nearby, all of them also recovering from the teleportation.

"Girls!" Twilight screamed with glee as she ran toward her friends. When they saw her, a big grin lit up on each of their faces as they all ran towards her.

"I'm so glad to see all of you," Twilight said warmly as they all engaged in a group hug.

"We missed you too, Twilight," Applejack replied as they were still hugging each other.

Twilight's eyes widened in realization. "But what about the others?" A jolt of shock hit the six as they broke their hug to see what had become of their new Autobot friends. Fortunately, they did not have to look too hard.

They looked upwards to see the Autobots towering over them in their original forms once more, with all three of the kids right at their heels.

"We're fine too, thanks for asking," Arcee responded sarcastically.


Very close by from the Autobots and ponies, the Decepticons were also grouped together, recovering from their teleportation.

"Ah, it's so good to see my own finish again," Knockout commented lovingly as he once more gazed on his own Cybertronian features.

Megatron looked over his followers and noticed someone was missing. "Where's Starscream?" Megatron asked angrily. "He had better not have left during all this commotion…"

"Wouldn't surprise me if he did," Airachnid replied snidely. "He's not exactly the most trustworthy bot for second-in-command, is he?"


The peace was disrupted as a white flash appeared in front of the ponies. Surprisingly, it was not Discord that emerged from it. Rather, it was a trio of mariachi ponies that began to play a lively fiesta song. To the six ponies, it was a strange sight. To the Autobots and Decepticons, it was even stranger.

"How are they even playing those instruments?" Jack commented in confusion.

Then a second white light flashed above them, and this time it was indeed Discord that had appeared, though he was wearing a sombrero.

"Congratulations!" Discord applauded as he blew into a party whistler. "Everyone made it out of the labyrinth! Well, almost everyone," Discord added coyly at the end before facing Megatron. "Aren't you missing someone?"

"Where is Starscream?" Megatron asked angrily.

"Oh I caught him trying to run interference on other players, so I had to 'remove' him from the game."

"Release him immediately!" Megatron ordered as he aimed his blaster at Discord.

"Awww, such a sentimental leader, I didn't think you cared about him," Discord teased.

"His safety is of no concern to me," Megatron responded. "But I refuse to let anything that belongs to me fall into the hands of someone like you!"

"Oh fine, be that way," Discord said with an eye roll before snapping his fingers. In a flash of white light, Starscream appeared on his hands and feet, in his original robot from.

"I'm alive? And I have my body back? Oh thank the Allspark!" Starscream praised while gasping for the air he no longer needed. Shortly after that he noticed Megatron looming over him. "Lord Megatron!" He gasped. "I see you were restored as well," he chuckled with nervousness while Megatron simply started at him unamused.

"Now that that's taken care of, what do you say we start the party?" Discord rambled. "I think after all that hard work, we deserve to unwind and cut loose a little, am I right?"

"Knock it off Discord!" Twilight scolded. "You've caused enough trouble already."

"Oh but I feel like celebrating," Discord pleaded.

"I don't!" Twilight replied sternly.

"Ugh, fine," Discord moaned. With a snap of his fingers, the band and his party gear all disappeared in another flash of light. "I still say you should lighten up. Come on, it's the end of the world as we know it, so you might as well live a little!"

"No way, Discord," Twilight reprimanded. "We were brought here to make sure that wouldn't happen."

"Oh that's right! I completely forgot," Discord mocked coyly. "I'm no match for you and your friends. I might as well start packing my things and say my goodbyes." As he said this, a suitcase appeared in his hand, stuffed to the brim with who know what and several shirt sleeves popping out of the seams. He then flew right over each of the mane six as he addressed them.

"Goodbye Rarity," he moaned sadly. "The ever generous soul, not afraid to give up anything for even a complete stranger." Rarity looked away as he said this, the bitter memory of Starscream's betrayal still fresh on her mind.

"Farewell Fluttershy," Discord continued. "Who always uses kindness to solve her problems." Fluttershy lowered her head, ashamed by her explosive outburst against Soundwave.

"Adios Applejack," Discord wallowed with a hand over his eyes. "You know that honesty is the only way to prevent a conflict." Applejack hung her hat over her face to try and avoid looking at him.

"Farewell Rainbow Dash," Discord kept milking the drama. "Loyal to the fullest extent, always prepared to do whatever it takes for her friends." Rainbow Dash simply turned away and refused to acknowledge him, but she still couldn't stop a grimacing frown from forming on her face.

"Sayonara Pinkie Pie," Discord lamented. "I'll miss the way you use songs and laughter to solve your problems." Pinkie Pie's hair once more drooped to the ground in sadness.

"And Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle," Discord said as he practically wept. "You were powered by the magic of Friendship, and as we all know, friendship will last forever…" Twilight frowned and looked away as Discord blew into a handkerchief that he pulled from seemingly nowhere.

Discord teleported a small distance away before continuing his melodramatic angst. "It's been a fun ride, but I know when my time has come. Fire when ready, girls."

"Should we be concerned with how easily he's giving up?" Arcee asked worriedly.

"It's gotta be some sort of trick…", Bulkhead chimed in.

"What? I'm not up to anything." Discord retorted. "I promise I won't even move a muscle."

"Don't worry guys, we can handle this," Twilight's voice was full of reassurance before almost instantly switching to doubt. "Right?" She asked her friends shyly only to be met with equal doubt from her teammates.

"Yeah/Of course/Absolutely/Uhm maybe/We can do it," they all responded simultaneously while looking away and still not sounding sure of themselves.

The girls all began to concentrate on using their elements. The six of them started to rise up in the air, surrounded by a glowing white aura. The Autobots took a step back, and were incredibly surprised at what they were witnessing. The very next moment however, things went wrong as the white aura disappeared and the six ponies fell back to earth and passed out.

"Hahahahahahaha," Discord's laughter started as a whisper until it grew into an explosive fit. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" As he was laughing, the color faded from each of the six ponies until they were completely gray from head to hoof.

Arcee pointed her arm blasters at Discord. "What did you do to them?" She asked angrily.

"Oh me? I didn't do anything," Discord taunted. "I just had to sit back and watch the fireworks."

"What are you going on about?" Arcee's patience was running thin.

"Didn't I tell you? The Elements of Harmony are powered by emotion." Discord explained. "Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic. Oh that reminds me," Discord went on as he looked back over to the six ponies now laying helplessly on the ground. "You won't need these anymore!" His right hand gave off a yellow glow that quickly enveloped the 6 elements. This time however, the elements did not fight back, and they were plucked off the necks of each of their owners. Discord pointed his glowing hand upward, and the six elements soon flew up into the clouds. The next thing anyone could see was six yellow beams of light traveling the sky in 6 different directions.

"What have you done, Discord?" Optimus demanded an answer.

"I simply scattered the elements across this world." Discord replied flatly. "After the last time, I'm trying to be a bit more careful with what I do with them."

"Is that what you were after?!" Megatron barked angrily. "Tricking you enemies into dropping their guard so you could seize those trinkets? Then what was the point of that ridiculous maze?"

"You used us…" Ratchet muttered aloud in shock as he pieced the information together. "You used our conflict with the Decepticons to get to the six of them."

"Ever since I came to your world, I've been able to sense the anger and hatred in each of you," Discord rambled. "I hoped if I could turn that against them, it would be enough to break their spirits. Fortunately, you all played you parts perfectly."

"I can't believe I fell for that…" Ratchet mumbled to himself angrily while clenching his fists in rage.

"Oh don't be so hard on yourself Ratchet," Discord teased. "If you hadn't been my unwitting pawn, I probably would have just forced you to do it anyway…"

As soon as Ratchet heard this, his anger exploded. He extended the blades from his arms and took a running charge toward Discord.

"Ratchet, no!" Optimus tried to stop him, but it was too late, as Ratchet took a swing at Discord.

Ratchet sliced Discord horizontally and cut him into two halves. The Autobots were stunned for a moment, but then both pieces of Discord continued floating in middiar.

"Oh Ratchet," Discord's top half uttered while laughing menacingly. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" As he said this, the lower half with his tail flew up in front of Ratchet. It hit him across the face with a nasty tailspin and sent Ratchet flying back to the other Autobots.

Discord's two halves reconnected effortlessly. It was like he had never been cut in the first place!

"Don't be shy, if anyone else wants to try, please don't hesitate." Discord taunted menacingly.

"Discord!" Optimus stepped forward to confront him. "What do you gain from this? All of this chaos and despair, what does it bring you?"

"I'm the very sprit of Chaos!" Discord replied. "That's like asking why a dog barks or why birds fly south for the winter. It's just my most basic nature to cause all of this chaos, and boy do I love it so! And now that I'm more powerful than ever, I've had a revelation of sorts. Why should I stop at Equestria or one puny world? Thanks to this place, I realize there are multiple worlds out there, just waiting for a touch of chaos to liven up their days. Imagine it; a Kingdom of Chaos, one that covers the entire universe! It's making me all tingly just thinking about it!"

"I cannot allow you to do this," Optimus protested. Chaos as unrestrained as yours will only bring destruction to countless innocents."

"And how do you plan to stop me?" Discord retaliated with a hearty laugh. "Your one hope for salvation has just gone up in smoke. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to planning that Kingdom of Chaos I was talking about earlier. Good luck with your new friends!" And with that, he disappeared in his signature white flash.

"What did he mean by 'new friends?'" Jack asked with curiosity. But before anyone could respond, he got his answer when the ponies started to regain consciousness.

"Good to see you guys are alright," Jack started to console them.

"What does it matter? Everything's pointless now. There's no hope," Twilight responded with no hint of emotion other than incredible depression.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Jack responded to Twilight's strange new behavior.

"Well maybe I LIKE things the harsh way," Fluttershy cut in as she got it Jack's face over the issue. "Got a problem with that?"

"Fluttershy, what's gotten into you?" Raf stepped in on the matter.

"Oh she's fine," Applejack answered for her. "She's just through some things at the moment. She'll get over it."

"In case you haven't noticed, we're all going through some stuff right now!" Miko intervened. "Discord's turning the whole world upside down, and he just made complete fools out of us."

"Oh you're overreacting," Applejack retorted. "I'm sure this will all work itself out, and by tomorrow we'll all be drinking a nice big heaping of apple cider. Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash shifted around uncomfortably, looking at everyone with a nervous gaze. "I don't know. Yes? No? Maybe?"

"Hmph, of course we're all doomed," Pinkie Pie said bitterly. "Like this was ever going to work in the first place! Just look at us, especially Rarity!"

The others averted their gazes toward the white unicorn who was huddled up, cradling a rock in her front legs. "Stay back, all of you!" She screamed. "I know what you're after. You all just want my precious little Dan here. Well I'm not giving him up for ANYPONY!"

"Uhh Optimus," Jack inquired. "What exactly happened to make them all go crazy?"

"I'm not sure Jack," Optimus answered. "But we have to find a way to restore them."

"So, was that supposed to be your 'last hope,' Optimus?" Megatron asked as he approached Optimus. "Because that was pathetically weak, even for Autobots."

"We lost this time, Megatron," Optimus replied. "But we can still keep fighting. We just need to"-

"Spare me your lectures, Optimus," Megatron retaliated. "I've seen enough to know that this is a pointless battle. His power is far too great for anything we can use against him. Not even the power of a Prime can stop him."

"Lord Megatron," Knockout cut in as he and the other Decepticons approached Megatron. "What are you saying?"

Megatron seemed to ignore his question. "Soundwave, open the Groundbridge." Shortly after giving this command, a familiar green portal opened behind the Decepticons. They all entered one by one until Megatron was the only one left.

"Megatron!" Optimus called out. "If you don't help us stop Discord now, there won't be any place in the galaxy safe from his tyranny! No matter where you go, his chaos will reach across the entire universe."

"You DARE to suggest I'm running away?" Megatron replied furiously. "I am the Lord of all Decepticons! I retreat from NO ONE!"

"Then why are you leaving?" Optimus retaliated. Megatron stayed silent, and the two simply locked glares at each other until Megatron turned and entered his Groundbridge. The portal disappeared, leaving the Autobots with the 'reformed' ponies.

"Bumblebee, open the Groundbridge," Optimus instructed his teammate back at the base. "We're heading back to base for now."

"Hmph, try and make me," Fluttershy snapped at him. Unfortunately for her, Optimus was too large for her to really resist. He simply grabbed her with one of his hands. He also grabbed Twilight while Arcee grabbed Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Ratchet grabbed Pinkie Pie and attempted to grab Rarity.

"Oh no you don't," she screamed before lifting her rock over her head. "Move one inch closer, and I'll smash it to pieces. If I can't have my precious diamond, no one will!" But with great precision, Ratchet flicked his finger to hit the rock out of her hooves while leaving her unharmed. He then proceeded to pick up Rarity with his free hand.

The Autobot Groundbridge opened up, and with everyone collected, the team stepped through the portal and made their way back to base.