Disney Princesses in Equestria

by silvadel


Belle awoke to see a fuzzy figure snoring away next to her. She removed herself from the bed and stared. "Adam, Adam, wake up," said Belle. "Something terrible has happened. The curse is back."

Iron will grunted and pushed off the covers. "Iron Will is not under any sort of curse."

Belle screamed.

"Iron will would prefer if you stopped hurting Iron Will's ears," said Iron Will.

"Where am I, and what have you done with my husband?" said Belle.

"Iron Will hasn't done anything with anyone," said Iron Will. "You are in the city of Minos, more specifically in Iron Will's home in Iron Will's bedroom."

"Minos, as in minotaur?" asked Belle. "A city full of minotaurs?"

"Iron Will agrees with your statement," said Iron Will.

Belle grinned then started to back out of Iron Will's house.

Once outside, she embarked on the adventure of a lifetime.