//------------------------------// // Surges // Story: Pinkie Pie's Great Crossover // by Alemandom04 //------------------------------// Joshua pushed the van as fast as it could go. More and more portals appeared. They drove down so many streets. There was a surge of energy that went by. It shook the van. Everything went bright. The light died down. Clara looked at Joshua. "Um. Josh! You're a horse and--I'm a horse!" The car swerved left and right it was slowly losing control. "Come on guys it's no big deal. Being a pony is.." Rainbow Dash looked down at herself. She was a human with blue skin. "Aghh! Why do I have hands!" She was jumping everywhere. "Whoa. It feels nice to have hands again." Pinkie Pie moved her fingers around. "Wait? Again? What do you mean again?" Twilight looked confused. "I'll tell you later. You'd have to watch three hours of film and deleted scenes." Twilight shook her head as another surge came. This time they had big eyes and Rainbow Dash had a giant sword on her back. "何が今間違っていますか?" Asked Rarity. They all looked at each other. "なぜ私はそのように露出して見てください!" Fluttershy hid under the blanket. There were red lines on her face. "これはアニメです!私たちは、日本を話しています!" Said Joshua. "次のサージは今離れすぎてはいけません。" Said Twilight. An octopus was in the trunk. It was about to grab Fluttershy with his tentacles. But another surge came. "ここで--GO!" Yelled Joshua. They were in a blank place. "What's happening!" Said Clara. The next thing they knew they drove right past the words, 'What's Happening!' Joshua slammed on the brakes. A mouse cursor went right past them. Then the action appeared on the screen. Words appeared. They were, "Words appeared. They were, "Words appeared. They were, etc."" A paradox. They had to get out. Another surge went by. "Hey guys. Were back to normal!" Clara looked at Joshua. "Wait. Who are you talking to?" She raised an eyebrow. "My friends! They're right there." She shook her head. "There is no one there. It's just us." Joshua pointed to the back. "You still can't see them? I just... you've gotta believe. I've always believed. Just please. Believe." Clara closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath through her nose. And out her mouth. She opened her eyes. Six multi-color horses smiled and waved. And a Purple and Green dragon waved as well. "Whoa... These are your friends. Joshua. I didn't know--" "Hurry guys, were here." Everyone got out of the truck. They searched around for Emily. Fluttershy looked under the slide. Emily was with the Babysitter. "Come on Emily! Let's go! Your mom and dad are looking for you." Fluttershy ran while Emily and the babysitter followed. The babysitter tripped. Fluttershy and Emily looked back. She got up right as a portal appeared below her. She fell down. "Noo!" Cried Emily. They kept running. "She's right here!" Joshua and Clara ran to Emily and hugged her. The ground shook under Clara and Joshua. Emily ran to the van. "Move!" Joshua pushed Clara out of the way. They both fell to the ground. A portal appeared where they where just standing. Clara leaned over to Joshua and gave him a hug. They both got up and got in the van. They took off to go to an open place. "We need to go to an open place for Rainbow Dash to do a Sonic Rainboom. Another surge came. "Why am I a skeleton!" Yelled Rarity. "And why do I have standards!" "Oh Goodness! Were in the... Undertale fandom..." Joshua sighed. "W-well. I-I don't understand w-why I'm S-s-stuttering." Said Twilight. "why are we having such a bad time?" Said Pinkie. "Ngahhh! Why does this keep happening!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Why does this have to be so difficult?" Said Fluttershy. A huge surge came by. It shook the car and the ground. Joshua couldn't control the car as it went sideways. The van started tipping. It then did a dramatic roll. "How are we gonna get to an open space now?" Asked Applejack. Emily pointed to a field across the street. They all ran over to the field. The gate was locked. So they climbed over the fence. "All right. Now we need a--" A level 10 portal appeared in front of them. "Well... you guys have to go now." Joshua looked down. "Yes. We do. Thank you. For helping us get back home." Twilight walked up to Joshua and gave him a hug. She backed away. "Here. Have this." She gave him a mirror. "What is it?" He asked. "It's a magic mirror. We can communicate with it. Whenever you're in trouble. Just call me. I'll come by. I know a spell." Joshua nodded. They all started walking into the portal. Rainbow Dash was about to walk in when Emily ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Take care kid. And remember... stay in school, be cool, and don't be an egghead..." She disappeared into the portal. Pinkie Pie walked up to Joshua. "Hey. Write some more stories about me. I'll probably be there." She winked. "What?" She bounced away before he could say anything else. "Wow. She is so random." Joshua shook his head. Clara walked up to Joshua. "Josh. So more about us." Joshua looked interested. "How would you like, if we got back together." Joshua smiled. The sound of a gavel filled the courtroom. "Joshua and Clara Flemsland... you now both have equal custody to your daughter, Emily Flemsland." The gavel hit the desk once more. "This court session is now over."