//------------------------------// // 27. Echoes of Fate // Story: The Teal Changeling // by MrAlterad //------------------------------// Luna eyed the sun for a moment longer, before she frowned, her magic fading, horn aching as the last traces of night faded away. Calling upon morning brought Chrys’s face to mind. Particularly, the look of fear in her eyes, after raising the moon last night. She tilted her head, before letting out a sigh, the glass fogging up briefly as she stepped away from the balcony doors. Walking past her bed, she went through the motions of getting ready as yesterday’s time with the young queen ran through her head. It wasn’t long before her frown turned into a smile. Four towns lost, yet their keepers were all alive. And, by the way Chrys referred to them, Luna was under the impression they were not only that, but also safe and sound. Which made the fear in Chrys’s eyes more troubling. Luna didn’t like it. There was something familiar about those eyes, and she didn’t like seeing them tainted with fear. It just didn’t feel right. That, and she didn’t want their relationship to be sullied by it. It was something that needed to be addressed. Nodding to herself, she opened the doors to her chambers, any traces of fatigue washed away with centuries of experience and determination. That, and the promise of a warm breakfast. Outside her door stood the Captain of the Royal Guard, who promptly saluted. He had a troubled look about him. “What’s the matter, Olive?” Luna asked casually, getting a hint of annoyance from the pony. “Queen Chrysalis’s companions wish an audience with Lady Pestle. But, the Lady isn’t accepting.” That made Luna tilt her head. “And you saw fit to inform me?” she asked in a curious tone, making the soldier raise an eyebrow. “I believed it something you would wish to know,” he replied flatly, getting a nod from her as she started down the hall. After passing him, he followed, a pace behind. “Why do they wish an audience with her?” “There is a substance. Some sort of food the Badland Pegasi rely on,” he began in a disinterested tone, “They wish to know if Pestle can replicate it.” “That … sounds like a pretty good reason to talk,” Luna admitted, ears falling for a moment. She had been hoping to keep interactions between her guests and knight to a minimum. “What of the other matters? Any word about the dragon, or Sledge?” “Concerning Sledge, Arrow’s been keeping both eyes on the forest. If anything slips out, we’ll learn of it well before it arrives. As for the dragon, it seems to have made a home out of the mountain near the ruins of Neighgarou. Should we send him back to the Dragon Lands?” “You said ‘he’,” Luna pointed out. Male dragons were particularly difficult to manage. “Find out if he has any relation to Stella. If so, I want to talk to him. In a polite, civilized manner. If not, he can stay, as long as he doesn’t cause trouble.” “Understood.” “And, I shall talk to Pestle. Send for Chrys’s group as soon as they’re ready. Her companions can speak with the Lady in her lab. Chrysalis and I shall reconvene in the throne room. She need not come alone this time.” “Understood,” Olive repeated, waiting a moment for any other orders, before giving the princess an unseen salute. He then broke away, heading to the guest chambers. Luna reached the large double doors to the library not long after his departure. She paused before them, letting out a small sigh, before entering. After walking past the familiar shelves, she turned to a small alcove where room had been made, space given for tables and chemistry equipment. There, she saw her knight, nose buried in a book, eyes darting between the text, and a collection of materials gathered around her. “Pestle,” Luna let out, her voice sharply breaking the silence, making the pegasus flinch. She then let out a cry of alarm, nearly knocking over a beaker filled with bubbling blue liquid. Quickly steadying it, she sighed in relief, before giving Luna a sheepish grin. “M- Morning, Luna.” “Pestle…” Luna repeated, her tone more considering, making the pegasus glance to the side. “Olive squealed. Darn brown muzzler,” she quietly mumbled. “I- I don’t want to talk to them,” she quickly added, her eyes going over the collection of beakers and flasks on the table. “Pestle, Thundercloud wasn’t their fault,” the princess said sternly, walking up to her knight, whose ears had dropped. “They- Well. They should have waited for the Shadowbolts,” she muttered, getting a sigh from the princess. “Pestle, I need you to look past that. I assure you, their reasons to speak with you are important, or I wouldn’t ask this of you. Let us help them, so they can help us get them back, alright?” she asked, making the shy mare look to her, mouth open as if to offer a rebuttal. But, only silence came forth. She held the look for several seconds, glancing to the side as Luna kneeled closer to her. “Pestle, please. Give them a chance?” she asked calmly, making the alchemist flush. “Sorry, Luna,” she replied, fidgeting on the spot. “I’ll … try.” “Don’t worry, Pestle, we will get them back, with Chrysalis's help.” Pestle didn’t look to Luna at that, simply frowning. Luna looked over her friend for a moment longer, wishing she could share her confidence with the alchemist. Instead, she simply eyed the floor, before turning to leave. “I’ll try really hard. Promise,” Pestle muttered, making Luna pause in surprise. She gave the pegasus a proud smile. “Thank you,” she replied, before leaving the library. Pestle’s word was as solid as iron. Luna had no doubt that the knight would find the resolve she needed to aid Chrys, and the answers she desired of the one that destroyed her home. The architect of all the sadness hanging over Equestria: Mantis. Chrys said they captured ponies for food, but that didn’t excuse what Mantis had done to Thundercloud, or the other towns. And from how things were looking, diplomacy with this stallion didn’t appear to be an option. She frowned as she considered how to broach the problem, but didn’t get very far. She was pulled from her thoughts as she was about to reach the throne room. Mr. Gust was walking towards her, with a young pegasus mare at his side. “Good morning Princess~!” he said nonchalantly, getting a smile from Luna as she looked between them. The mare seemed a little at a loss by Luna’s appearance. “Good morning Mr. Gust.” She then glanced to the mare, “You… I take it that you are Momo?” she asked, making the mare blink, before nodding earnestly. “That’s right, your uh, grace!” she let out, “Thank you for being nice to Chrys- Chrysalis.” Luna had to resist the urge to chuckle. “And thank you for helping us get here,” she added, giving the princess one of her best smiles. “Think nothing of it,” she replied, “I’m glad to see you’ve fully recovered from Thundercloud. Had I known about the trap—” “It’s okay,” Momo quickly replied, before her face flushed. “Err, sorry for interrupting.” “Princess, will Lady Pestle hear us out?” Grumpy Gust asked curiously, getting a nod from Luna. “She is waiting in the library. And please, be patient with her. She has a difficult time with … energetic individuals.” That made the pegasi blink, sharing a brief look, before they let out a sheepish laugh. “We’ll keep that in mind,” Momo replied, bowing to the princess, before flying past. Mr. Gust blinked at that, before flying after her. “Momo, do you even know where the library is?” he asked, getting a small laugh from Luna as the mare gave her companion a flustered look. The princess watched them for a moment longer as Gust took the lead, before she continued down the hall. “Well now, if those two are already up and about…” Luna said to herself, “Then that means that Chrys-” she rounded the corner, seeing Chrys, Aegis and Olive standing together. It seemed the three had no words to share amongst themselves. “Ah, my apologies, Queen Chrysalis,” Luna let out, a little caught off guard as she quickly approached the young mare. “It was not my intention to keep you waiting again.” Chrys simply gave her a cool look. “It’s fine,” she replied, glancing to the side, “Woke up early. I’ve ... really been looking forward to this.” “Had trouble sleeping?” Luna asked, masking a small grin as Chrys’s ears perked up in indignation. “Th- That doesn’t matter,” she assured, shifting towards the door “Shall we?” she asked, getting a nod from the princess. Luna looked to the captain, who gave a subtle nod, before departing, the throne room’s guards following him. “Where’s he going?” Luna tilted her head at that. “Something about Captain Olive bother you?” “Just the way he stares….” Chrys quickly replied. “Well, he’s seeing to our dragon problem,” the princess replied, before leading them into the throne room, Aegis following several steps behind them. “...Luna, there’s a lot I want to talk to you about,” Chrys said, eyeing the ground for a moment, before giving Luna a fiery look. “There’s something you should know about the Badland Pegasi.” She was raring to go, which prompted Luna to adopt a mischievous grin. “Can it wait till after breakfast?” Luna asked, making Chrys almost stumble mid-step. “I- well-” Chrys frowned, “That wouldn’t be a bad idea,” she mumbled, before her eyes widened. “Actually, I’ll have to pass on food for now.” Luna blinked, curious to why. Still, she gave Chrys a small grin. “Whatever it is, I’m quite aware that you wanted to tell me yesterday,” Luna admitted. “So, if you wish it, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. We can go over the finer details concerning everything else as I eat, if that’s alright with you?” Chrys didn’t even hesitate. “I’d like that,” she admitted, stopping as they reached halfway across the room, making Luna stop as well. “Luna, we are-” Chrys then frowned, “Actually, it’d probably be easier to just show you,” she affirmed, getting a curious look from the princess. Chrys hesitated, glancing back towards Aegis. Their eyes met for a moment, before the guard gave her a subtle nod. The young queen smiled, looking to Luna, “The Badland Pegasi are shapeshifters. We’re changelings.” Luna blinked at that. Changelings? She knew that they could use shapeshifting magic, but hearing Chrys label them as such meant it wasn’t just practiced magic, but a feature of their race. Her eyes then widened as Chrys was wrapped in teal fire. The Princess stepped back as she took in Chrys’s transformation. It was uncanny. The way the fire wrapped around her, how her body’s shape and color changed with its passing. It stirred up old memories, leaving the princess confused as the light blue unicorn in front of her disappeared, replaced with a black mare just a tad taller than before, with a longer, curved horn, and a set of insectoid wings. There was something wicked, and oddly cute about her appearance. Still, Luna didn’t recognize the form Chrys now wore. But, she knew of her magic, a kind she’d never seen mirrored. She’d seen those flames of change before, a signature transformation witnessed dozens of times, in her youth. As a flame of a different color. Now as Luna looked to the young queen, she saw a pair of teal eyes that felt even more familiar than before. A nostalgic feeling overcame the princess, the sound of crashing waves, the smell of saltwater, and the dew of dread and danger flashed by as her mouth fell open. The rush of the past made Luna feel light-headed, making her sit down, eyes closing for a moment. Chrys gave her a confused look as Luna collected herself. Through the crash of her past, one question hung over her, that needed to be asked. Composing herself, Luna rose, and took a step forward. “...Chrysalis, do you know Violet Widow?” Chrys’s gaze faltered. “You… knew my grandmother?” she asked hesitantly, looking dumbfounded, a look shared by Aegis. Hearing those words made Luna’s heart ache. Just like that, the connection was made. A ghost from the past now stood before her, and it brought a painful smile to the princess. It was so obvious now. It was her eyes. Even though she never saw Violet’s true form, her eyes always had a gleam to them. A proud, determined, teal gleam. Eyes she once despised. And yet, eyes she also came to respect. “Yes, I knew her,” Luna replied, a small smile on her lips as glanced to the window. She looked to the sunlight pouring through, wondering if her sister could see this, through the tinted glass. “Though, not as well as I wished. She was a companion of ours, long, long ago.” Chrys tilted her head, processing this knowledge, unsure how to respond to it. “You were ... friends?” she asked, getting a sad laugh. “No, we weren’t. Not her and I. And it wasn’t her fault either,” she admitted, a hint of regret in her tone, her reply calling forth several memories that tickled at her attention. Ones she hadn’t indulged in a long time. Luna’s eyes then widened as a wonderful idea came to mind. Her horn glowed as she took off her crown. Chrys watched in confusion as Luna left it on the throne. “Shall I show you, as well?” she asked, making Chrys blink blankly for a moment, before comprehension overcame her. Then, that fiery gleam of hers shined through. “Please.” “Very well. What you’ll see will feel almost like a dream, but I assure you, there's no reason for alarm,” she assured, horn glowing brighter. “Highness—” Aegis said in a wary tone, stepping closer to them. “It’s fine,” Chrys quickly assured, giving him an oddly respectful tone, which caught Aegis off guard. His eyes wavered for a moment, before locking on Luna’s. He then blinked, his stare losing focus for a moment, getting a concerned look from the princess. First Chrys yesterday, and now Aegis? What was it with changelings looking light-headed when they looked into her eyes? “V- Very well. Princess Luna, I shall trust you won't take advantage of my- our … trust.” “I assure you, what I shall do is completely harmless,” Luna assured, bending down as Chrys eyed her, more than ready. “What will I see?” she asked. “A memory. One that is older than Equestria…” Luna replied, closing her eyes as she formed the spell, touching her horn to Chrys’s head... ~~~ Chrys’s eyes were shut, expecting some weird tingle or magical feeling to come over her as Luna cast her spell. But, she felt nothing. When the young queen realized she couldn’t feel Luna’s horn on her head, she opened her eyes. At least, she was pretty sure they were open. There was total darkness around her. No throne room. No Luna or Aegis. Just... nothing. “Luna?” Chrys asked, masking her worry with a frown as she glanced around. “Sorry, there’s a complication. I wished to show the memory through the Realm of Dreams, but I can see now that isn’t possible.” Chrys tilted her head at that. “Realm of Dreams?” “It is a place I can travel to, where all dreams reside. Those of ponies, griffins, zebras, beasts and critters. Well, at least where all of them should be. I have been unable to see your dream bubble, or those of the ponies you’ve caught.” It wasn’t in her tone, but Chrys could feel a sense of annoyance radiating around her. “I can still show you the memory, but, it’ll be less … filtered, and more intense.” Chrys frowned. Like she was going to let that stop her. “I’ll manage. Show me.” “...Very well. Instead of projecting the memory, you will be pulled into it. You’ll see it from an onlooker’s perspective, but you will feel the sensations and emotions that I felt—” “I said I can manage,” Chrys said confidently, getting a laugh from the disembodied voice. “Alright alright. I’m starting…” With those words, Chrys’s surroundings … didn’t actually change. There was still blindness in all directions. The young queen was about to point this out, when the crashing of waves made her ears perk up. Curious, she glanced to the source, calling on her magic as her horn glowed. To her annoyance, it didn’t seem to brighten anything further than herself. As she turned to the waves, she felt a cold breeze send a chill down her spine. With the chill, she became aware of the sand she stood upon, pitch black, giving off small twinkles of teal light as she eyed it. Chrys felt dirty, and soaked to the bone. She stumbled as an unexpected pain in her chest made its presence known. It hurt to breathe, as if she just had the wind knocked out of her. “I call upon Yaedra, brightest of stars…” a young voice spoke, casting away the darkness, making Chrys’s light weak in comparison. Chrys winced at the radiance, looking past it to see a young pegasus mare lying on the pitch-black beach. A mare that was slowly climbing to her hooves. Wait, Luna? Her starry mane was gone, azure blue in its place. And, it was a wet mess, sticking to her coat, strands of green plant matter sticking to it. The light she called on radiated from a small crystal vial hanging around her neck, and she parted her mane, looking around warily. She was lacking a horn, which Chrys immediately noticed. That, and Luna was now just as tall as she was. “Where’s your horn?” Chrys asked out loud, her voice seeming to vanish into the darkness, getting no response from the ragged mare before her. Instead, the young queen felt a strange feeling. An answer, delivered without words, as if the knowledge had simply flowed into her: Luna was born an alicorn, whose nature was hidden from herself and her sister, for their own safety. Chrys took this in, feeling a little unnerved by the lack of words. Then again, maybe that feeling wasn’t her own. The young Luna pulled some of the muck from her mane, a frown clear on her lips. That frown slowly shifted to distress as she turned around, taking in her surroundings. Her heart rate started to pick up, her eyes darting across the beach. Where were the others? Where was she? “Tia!?” Luna shouted into the dark, the only reply given being swallowed by the crashing waves. The light around her neck didn’t reach far, swallowed by the grey waters and black sand around, limiting what Chrys could make of the area. Luna spread her wings, giving them a quick flap, before noticeably wincing, making Chrys feel a sting of pain from her own wings. “Carry the light with caution,” a feminine, mature voice let out, making Luna and Chrys round towards the source, their hearts pounding in unison, “Lest you call on things most unpleasant.” She was a unicorn. Or at least, that was the form Violet wore as she walked up to Luna, her vibrant purple coat and flowing mane covered by a heavy cowl. Her horn glowed brightly, covering Luna in her aura. Chrys blinked, being bathed in a comforting warmth as the pain in her chest and wings melted away. She glanced to Luna, who had a mixed look on her face. Begrudging gratitude. “Where’s Tia? What of the others?” Luna asked, getting a hesitant chuckle from Violet. “That is the question. Aboard the Nautilus, shall we say?” “I … really hope so,” Luna replied, standing tall as Violet stepped closer. Chrys did the same, getting a better look at her grandmother. She wasn’t any taller than a full grown pony, which made Chrys tilt her head curiously. The young queen then noticed a small detail that made her just a tad happy. Violet’s eyes were tinted teal. “Let’s go.” Luna said sternly, making Chrys blink as the pony took to the air. Violet watched her for a moment, before a small hexagonal gemstone around her neck briefly shined, and the mare was wrapped in royal fire. Chrys’s mouth fell open as the fire flashed in intensity, its heat making her take a step back. As the fire died down, it revealed a large winged monster, easily larger than a Royal Guard. It had a long neck, its body sleek, Luna’s light glistening off it. It almost resembled a dragon, only far uglier, with a much longer neck and tail. The cowl was gone, but the necklace remained, having also changed to accommodate the larger form. Chrys stood in awe for a moment, her eyes lingering on the gemstone. She was drawn from her awe by an odd thought. Didn’t Violet just break one of the cardinal rules of shapeshifting? No answer forthcoming, Violet took to the dark sky. Chrys eyed her own wings for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Like she was going to be left behind in somepony’s memory. With a steady flap of her wings, she flew after them, catching up with the only source of light with relative ease. Chrys was flying. But, it didn’t feel real. She couldn’t feel her wings. She couldn’t hear the buzzing they made. It wasn’t real. She frowned, pushing those disappointing thoughts aside. They were distracting her. Focusing on the two before her, she tilted her head curiously. Why did Luna choose this memory? “Silence the light,” Violet ordered, getting an annoyed look from Luna, “In darkness, thy eyes are stronger.” Chrys’s heart started to beat harder. No, not her heart, but Luna’s. “Take faith. I shan’t abandon you, if that’s your fear.” “...You had that chance,” Luna mumbled, taking several deep breaths, closing her eyes as the vial’s light faded away. And once again, it all went black. Chrys had never been afraid of the dark, but experiencing Luna’s fear wasn’t helping her nerves. She could feel it. This darkness was a maw, home to monsters that were bigger and more dangerous than the one Violet wore. And they were not blind down here. Down here? ...Yes. Down in the darkest depths of the world. Beneath rock and mountain and soil, where sun and moonlight never fall. Where the waters drained from above gathered, forming a vast, spanless swath of roiling waves underneath the land that would be called Equestria. The home of the bat ponies, and other, nameless things; the Moonless Lake. “So why didn’t you take it?” Luna whispered, her breathing heavy. A question of distraction, to keep her mind away from the things her eyes couldn't see. It … wasn’t working very well. “Patience is my virtue,” Violet said simply. “Tch,” Luna let out, “I can’t stand that about you. You’re just like my sister,” she added, getting a small chuckle from the queen, making Luna flush. “What’s so funny?” “That is what your eyes see, but different, Celestia and I are.” “...Are you toying with me?” Luna asked, not annoyed, but confused. “At this moment? No.” Chrys could feel Violet’s grin. “Tell me, how are we similar?” “Because you’re both kind, strong, patient, wise—” “Hah. Luna, you barely knoweth me. You truly think me her mirror? Those traits be the ‘same’, but their light is different. You’ve yet to consider perspective.” Chrys found her curiosity in sync with Luna’s. “Perspective?” “Your sister is young and naive, just as you are. She is those things you say, for your sake. But I’ve seen her true self. She stands tallest for her little sister. A strong, inspiring older sibling. But, have you failed to notice her patience and wisdom lacking when it concerns Starswirl and I?” she asked coyly, making Luna frown. “What about you?” “I am as I am. I’ve lived years innumerable. Thou could say my wisdom is more authentic.” She then let out a short giggle, “A crone, I am. And the two of you, well, seeing you ‘get along’ brings old habits to the surface.” “What do you mean?” Luna asked. “...I have mothered many in my life. I’ve seen sibling bonds of all kinds, from the cute to the nasty. You two are no different. The protective big sister, and the younger that seeks to step out her shadow. ‘Tis strange to say, I suppose, but seeing that, is my happiness,” she replied, and even though Chrys couldn’t see it, she could feel Violet’s mirth. “I don’t hate you, Luna. I understand how you feel. But, I shall admit, ‘tis fun to tease you.” Chrys could tell Luna was frowning. “...I’d be pretty remorseful, if either of you fell to Discord.” There was a sense of surprise from Luna, as well as a feeling of shame. “Even after the way I’ve treated you?” “Would you name me a liar?” Violet asked in a sly tone, getting silence from her companion. Chrys could feel Luna blushing from Violet’s words. The pegasus was embarrassed, and it was trickling into the young queen. Chrys tried to separate herself from the emotion, with a simple question. Discord? Yes, Discord. The spirit of chaos, whom Violet, Luna and her sister, among others, worked to defeat. Chrys frowned, still finding the unspoken answers unsettling. Still, now she knew the name of the one Violet had left her hive to pursue. Chrys then blinked, an image of the odd statue in the castle garden coming to mind for an instant. She shook her head, pulling herself back from the knowledge, directing herself back towards the memory, which seemed to be shifting. “...We have a problem,” Violet let out in a troubled tone, making Luna’s heart start to pick up. “Call on your light, and back away from me.” “What is it?” “Fast, and big,” Violet replied, her body being wreathed in flames at the same time Luna called on her light. Chrys’s heart skipped a beat, ears falling as a large, open, beakish mouth hurried towards the mare bathed in fire. Her long neck and tail retracted, cowl returning as her form became more equine. But, before the transformation finished, Violet disappeared, the mouth closing over her with a loud click, taking her whole. The memory seemed to slow down, Luna’s eyes widening, a name carried on her voice as she hovered there stunned. The monster hovered in place, only its eyeless face lit by the light, which shifted towards the stunned pony. Chrys was overcome by a strong desire, one that trumped her alarm and concern for her kin. Run. In unison, Luna and Chrys dived away from the beast. Its head turned towards them, its long snake-like body slithering through the air behind it as it considered the fleeing meal. The darkness briefly fell back as a purple blast leaked out of the monster’s beak, making the creature let out a bone chilling screech, coughing out smoke as Violet escaped. Relief washed over Chrys as she saw Violet shift, becoming a pegasus, her cowl torn, her body covered in a thin layer of goop. She quickly caught up with Luna, and together, they flew like a bat out of Tartarus from the monstrosity that was now hot on their flanks. “I really hate this place!” Violet shouted indignantly, quickly shifting between pegasus and unicorn to cast a spell. Chrys considered the tactic odd. Why not simply go to her true form? She only did this once, hitting the monster’s face with a ball of iridescent flame. The creature didn’t seemed that bothered from the attack, prompting Violet to shift back. “No argument!” Luna spat out, sharply turning to the left, her brow furrowing as the monster turned to chase her, the less spicy meal. “Luna!?” Violet cried out, spinning out of the way as the flying snake’s body whipped past her to pursue the daring pony. The darker mare continued to curve around, wings beat as frantically as she could, flying towards the monster’s body as it opened its beak. Through it all, Chrys was by Luna’s side, getting an uncomfortable view of the monster’s maw as it closed around them. Luna planted her hooves into the creature's side, air being knocked from her lungs from the sudden stop. The beak failed to fully close around them, the monster inadvertently biting into itself. Luna hesitated, chest aching, eyes darting to the opening caught between beak and body. She could feel the creature exhale as it’s jaw opened wider. She saw her chance, the warmth around her motivating her as she dived towards the exit, her wings grazing the beak as she made her escape. As soon as the sickening heat was behind her, a conflagration washed by Luna, making her let out an alarmed cry as the monster’s head disappeared in a purple fireball. She temporarily fell, before righting herself, letting out the breath she held as her companion came to her side. “Well done young one!” Violet said, pride in her voice that got a sheepish grin from Luna. Her smile melted as the monster let out an enraged-skittery cry. It followed after them. Luna and Violet continued their descent, Yaedra’s light glinting off the waves beneath. Waves they were quickly approaching. Chrys then felt Luna’s heart stop for a moment. “Turn!” she shouted, making a sharp veer to the left, her wings crying in pain. Chrys saw it, but didn’t move in time to avoid the large form that had broken out of the water. Just as they had been diving down, this creature from the water, sporting the teeth-riddled mouth of a cragadile dove up. It was larger than what was chasing them. The illusion flickered as Chrys passed through it, as if she were a ghost. The young queen blinked, being reminded of the fact that this wasn’t real. But, it didn’t stop the pounding in her chest. There was a sickening crunch as Chrys looked to where the new beast flew. It made dinner out of the monster chasing them, making the large beaked serpent crash beneath the waves, being pulled down as it let out a pained cry. She watched for a moment longer, waves frothing as the body and tail of the larger beast disappeared into the waters. Realizing she was alone, Chrys looked around. She quickly spotted Luna’s light, returning to the stunned pony just as Violet did. “...Was that the same monster that attacked our ship?” Luna dared to ask, getting a sheepish laugh from Violet. “Let us not dwell to find out,” she said, starting to distance herself from the waves, which Luna quickly mirrored. Afterwards, the pair flew in silence, both exhausted and wary. It wasn’t long before once again, Luna’s light faded, letting Violet shift back into the not-dragon creature. Several minutes after being swallowed by blindness, flickering images came to Chrys, passing thoughts and worries, coming from Luna. Her fear started to trickle over to Chrys, making her heart beat faster as in the darkness of her mind grew. What if she were to fail? What if she lost one of her clutchlings? Or Bulwark? Or Dud? Or Amber? What if it was her fault? Chrys’s chest started to ache, in time with Luna’s, fear threatening to overtake them. Their ears perked, when Violet started to hum. They turned to the noise, the shadows faltering to the melody. And after several seconds, Luna hummed along, and after a moment’s hesitation, Chrys did too. So they continued through the dark, humming that song, Luna and Chrys taking strength from Violet’s presence for several minutes, before the song trickled down. Violet let out a content sigh. “Thank the mountain. I see our ship. To the left. Luna, can your eyes make them out?” she asked, Luna’s course shifting with Violet’s. Even with the darkness around them, it wasn’t easy for Luna to spot what Violet saw, but after a minute, it became obvious to the pegasus. A bright blue light, bobbing over the water a ways ahead of them. “It’s the Nautilus!” Luna let out happily, her fatigue seeming to vanish as her wings beat faster. Violet returned to her pegasi self, matching pace as she gave Luna a smile. Yaedra’s light was relit. “Our luck remains strong,” Violet replied, and almost as if skipping to the important part, the memory rushed to the moment when they reached the ship, making Chrys pause as the sight. It had the appearance of a conch shell floating on its back, with a wooden frame wrapped and melded around the front end that let the craft spear through the waters. The shelled frame had a number of long spikes pointing out from the side, the tips barbed, giving off a dangerous glowing green light. A radiant sphere floated over the ship, illuminating the waves around, soundly banishing the darkness, revealing rocks in the water, and large swimming forms that paid the ship no mind. As the pair were close to landing, the crew took notice of them. “Luna!?” a female voice let out, making Luna’s heart skip a beat as she saw a white earth pony mare, with a long pink mane running along the deck towards them. “Sister!” she added, getting a good look of Luna. The pegasus blushed as she landed, before being caught in a tight hug. “Tia-” Luna let out, her eyes stinging, before openly weeping. “Tia…” “It’s okay, I’m right here,” Celestia said softly, pulling Luna closing, running a hoof through her mane. Chrys could feel it, the warmth of their hug, and the honesty of their love. She watched, her own chest aching at the sight, recalling how she felt, when Momo woke up from her coma. To the side, she noticed Violet watching them, a smile on her lips that reminded Chrys of her mother. As the two sisters continued their embrace, more of the crew gathered around. Chrys paid them no mind, taking in the memory before her with a smile of her own. Then, a little to her disappointment, it all started to fade away… ~~~ Chrys opened her eyes, finding herself back at the heart of the throne room. She still felt warm. That feeling melted away when she realized that Aegis was towering over her. “Wh- Where’s Luna?” she asked, getting a sigh from the guard, who shifted to the side. Chrys looked past him, seeing the princess sitting next to one of the windows, which hung open. She had abandoned the rest of her royal finery, sitting as herself before the light, looking almost as she had in the memory. Chrys was caught in awe of the sight, shafts of sunlight falling around Luna as she looked to the sky beyond. Aegis cleared his throat. “You ... were crying,” he said in a hushed tone, making Chrys blink, rubbing her cheeks, finding them wet. “As was she,” he added, making Chrys frown, her chest aching. She completely understood how Luna felt. “Luna… What happened to your sister?” she dared to ask. Luna’s eyes darted to the ground outside, before looking to the young queen. “My apologies, Chrys,” she began, “I felt a little indulgent at the end.” She then took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “My sister … was banished,” she added, a pained look on her face. “Locked away in the sun, never to walk Equestria, ‘til a thousand years her prison made.” Chrys hesitated, unsure if she wanted to ask who did such a thing. “It was a fate wrought on her, by a mare that was young, impatient, paranoid, and unrefined,” she admitted. Chrys stared at her for a moment, before comprehension dawned on her, ears falling in tandem. Luna let out a sad, tired sigh, placing a hoof to the windowsill as she glanced to the sun. “There isn’t a morning I greet where I don’t regret it.” She fell silent for a moment, before slowly turning to Chrys. “But ... that is my burden.” “And… How did Violet die?” “We were-” she hesitated. “A great calamity was triggered. She sacrificed herself to stave off the worst of it,” she admitted. “We knew of her nature, of her kingdom, but she was very coy about showing her true self to us. I think, my sister saw it.” Luna ears fell, “We- I owe Violet a great deal, and not knowing where her kind resided, or what became of her children, bothered me- us, for a number of years.” “But, you forgot?” Chrys asked hesitantly. “I cannot deny that. It was one concern amongst many, and when I came to rule Equestria on my own, I lost track of that wish. It was overwhelming, learning how to manage by myself.” She then lowered her head for a moment, before looking to Chrys, “And it seems fate has brought my negligence to the forefront, five hundred years later.” “Fate?” “Indeed, fate, destiny’s misfortune,” Lune assured, before tilting her head, “You think it’s coincidence that we met like this?” she asked, making Chrys frown. “No, it’s not. I want to save my mother's- Amber’s hive, and you are the princess of Equestria. This meeting was going to happen.” Chrys shook her head, “No fate or destiny about it.” “Yes… I suppose you’re right,” Luna replied. “Chrys, I’ll help you in any way I can to save your hive. I owe it to Violet- To you.” She then raised a hoof, “But, the safety of my ponies is still my highest priority. Despite my wishes, it’s my responsibility to bring them home first.” Chrys frowned at that, but nodded. “I understand.” She then glanced to the side. “Can you show me more?” “I can, but not all of my memories are as clear as that, and it would take a couple of days to go through it all—” “I’m fine with hearing the story,” she admitted. She didn’t like the idea of encountering more of those monsters, memory or not. Luna nodded. “There’s a great deal to cover, secrets of our world that I’ve rarely shared.” Luna then frowned. “I want you to understand, Chrys, that I cannot tell you everything. But, I will tell you all I can.” “Why not?” Chrys asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because there are some secrets out there best left hidden in the dark, lest they bring peril to the whole world.” “Y- You’re serious?” “I assure you, your grandmother’s death was no small sacrifice,” Luna said sternly, walking up to Chrys as she pulled the cushions closer. “Were she here now, I believe she would wish these secrets remained so, unless their spread proved to be of the utmost necessity.” Chrys glanced to the side, feeling as if whatever this secret was, it was more important to Luna, than Chrys’s secret about the attack on Canter Town. “Now, I suppose it would be best to start at the beginning…” The young queen hesitated, before nodding. And so Luna recounted the tale. A story about segregation between the pony tribes. Of the spirit of chaos that came to be one of the statues decorating the garden. Of the friends she’d made. Of the monsters they fought. Of the secrets of her and Celestia’s birth. And how, in the darkness, they found the roots of harmony...