is it a dream?

by BR0NI3

chapter 2-end


so the ponies lugged me over to canterlot. the view from the train was just beautiful. you could see most ererything in equestria. now they never tell you this in the show, but

the ride feels like forever! its something like a five hour trip from ponyville to canterlot if you take train.when we arived there canterlot was even more beautiful that the other

parts of equestria. there were fancy people and rushed people and people on walks just roaming the streets. it looked all organised like nothing ever went wrong. well i guess

that is kind of true. according to the fanfiction my little dashie criminals are sent to where i was, earth, but i dont know if all that fanfiction stuff is true. thier just made to

entertain people. its not like they really... know... what... thier... saying. OH MY GOSH! how did i not see this sooner? mabey the people who write those fanfics actully

were pony crim--- nahhh! its to... absurd, not to say that everything that has happened in the last five days was absurd and... well... not really expected, but i still refuse to

belive that criminals were alowed to keep thier memories. that would be crazy, unless. nahh! that couldnt be it! well. mabey... YES! IT HAS TO BE TRUE! there might have

been some crazy spell put over them (not on purpose) to let them have their memories kept. well why am i even thinking about this, well i AM thought. mabey i was ment to

ARRRHHHHG! STUPID THOUGHTS! TOO MANY IDEAS!, ideas, ideas, ideas, ideas, YES! IDEAS! thats exactly what i need to do, unless im just thinking this whole

demention up and it dosent exist. well Ooh! were almost at the tower of celestia! we walked up there and bowed before celestia. twilight stepped forwards and explained the

whole situation (whitch made me mad because she did'nt know everything.) celestia sat there for a couple of minutes thinking. then she spoke "i have had this instance

before but in an oposite. there was a time when rainbow dash" (rainbowdash gulped at this as she said her name) "was found by a... human" she said human like it was the

most terriable insult imaginable but i had other things to think about. OH MY GOSH! so my little dashe is real? then i scared when i thought of if cupcakes was real. "there

are some rumers... true rumers on earth about things." she smiled friendilly at pinkie pie as if she was saying that stories not real. "but i am afraid to say i know what i must

do. i must take this... human back to his home. i suddenly tenced and twilight, flutter, apple, rarity,and pinkie sighed as rainbow started to cry. "Why celestia? WHY?" she

whined and eventully got a responce from celestia. "because i must put him where he belongs and that is not here. she raised her horn, put it over my head and a white light

engulfed me.

CHAPTER 4-this is now from rainbowdashes PoV

oh no! the person i have been loyal too since i was a filly, the person i thought i could trust, the person that i looked up to, and the person that ruled the kingdom just

banished my b-(yes ill say it) boyfriend to some place called earth. i couldnt think, i just needed some alone time. i stormed out of the room while celestia just chuckled.

that cruel and evil allicorn! how could she do that and then laugh? i went as fast as i could back twards ponyville. i headed strat twards my house and prodused a sonic

rainboom exsept the rainbow was all gray and sad. i opened my door of clouds and guess what i saw? i saw thought! (the pony not the thing) he was uncontious laying on

my cloud sofa. i said in a whispered tone "thought! hey thought!" and his eyes began to wake. his first words as he woke were quiet and delicate but i understood what he

said: "is it a dream?" well i think it was a ritorical question so i just let him rest some more. i dont know why he was so darn tired, mabey teleportation was somethind
tireing. but the only thing that mattered was that he was here, and that this was most definetly not a dream.



-now sorry if the story isnt the best. its my first and i just started writing my little storiesl