//------------------------------// // Traveller in Time // Story: Sleeping Sparkles // by playfulpippapony //------------------------------// Owww, my head. What happened? THE CHANGELINGS! One of them hit me and then... And then? What did happen then? Spike! Oh, I hope he's ok. Ow, my head is killing me. I open one eye and take a look around. I'm outside, how'd I get out here? Wasn't I in the castle? I seriously need to stop asking myself questions. I open my other eye and see I'm lying on the ground. It's a dirt path, not like the streets you get in Cantelot. I can see the sky and dirt, ok I'm outside. But where? You're doing it again Twilight! I groan as try to stand up, I only manage to get into a sitting position. That changeling sure did pack a punch. I rub my head where it kicked me, it felt a little bruised but nothing is broken, thank Celestia. I look up at were I am. Oh, my, gosh. Where in Equestria am I? It looks like a rubbish tip, with a wooden fence around it. There are no rubbish tips like this in Canterlot, the ponies wouldn't allow it. So, I'm not in Canterlot. Um, ok. What else is there to go on? There's, um, there's rubbish, and what looks like a brick building over there. That narrows it down a bit, not. With a bit of effort I manage to stand up, my head is still killing me but it's getting better. I can feel something on me, I look down and see I'm wearing a black leather jacket. What in Equestria am I doing in a leather jacket? And are those trousers!? Ok, forget the whole stop asking yourself questions thing, this is important. The jacket feels odd but strangely comfortable, it is old and well worn. It also has pockets, which since I've got nothing else to do I decide to check. I find a stick of gum and a wallet. That's odd, no pony has used a wallet like this in years. We don't need to, saddle bags are much more convenient since we don't tend to wear clothes with pockets anymore. How strange. Using my magic I open the wallet to see what was inside, not being used to them it took me a while to open it. Inside was about twenty bits in notes, we haven't used notes for years either. Why would I have this, I can't use it. Notes went out of circulation about thirty years ago. There was also a card in there, I decided to read it. Name- Twilight Sparkle Age- 25 Date of birth- 12/03/1948 Rank- Detective Inspector Date enlisted- 27/06/1968 This can't be right, I wasn't born in 1948. The other details are true though. I am 25 years old, my birthday is the 12th of March, but the rest is all wrong. But there's even a picture of me on the card, where did they get that? I put the wallet back in my pocket followed by the strip of gum. "Excuse me Miss" I jumped at the voice. Were did that come from? I looked around to see a yellow stallion dressed in a blue shirt with black trousers, he had a golden badge on his shirt but the print was too small to read from where I was standing. "Sorry to startle you Miss, but you were just staring into space. I've come to escort you to the station". Station? He seemed like he knew me, or at least knew of me. Which isn't uncommon being an Element of Harmony, but it doesn't seem like he's in awe or even aware of that fact. Well, let's find out where I am. "Um, I'm sorry, um, Sir. This is going to sound ridiculous but, where am I exactly?" As I guessed he looked confused at my question, but thankfully he did answer it. "You are in Manehatten Miss, more specifically the west of Manehatten. Are you alright Miss? That's one nasty looking bruise you got there". He points at the left side of my face. I suppose it is a nasty bruise, but even that wouldn't have caused this kind of a hallucination. This is not Manehatten, it hasn't looked like this for about forty years. Trust me, I read a book all about the history when I was in school. This was before the fashion boom of 1995, when all the great designers traveled here to make their name. According to the card in my pocket I was born in 1948, 47 years before the fashion boom. But I am still 25 years old. This doesn't make any sense. Then I remembered the stallion had asked me a question. "Oh, um no it's fine. But, if this is Manehatten, where are all the fashion boutiques?" He looked at me like I'd grown another head, which in the state of mind I'm in right now is entirely possible. "Fashion boutiques? I don't know what you mean Miss. Why would there be any of those in a place like this?" He sounded as if I'd just asked 'were are the purple dancing goblins?' I suppose that answers my question, I am in the past. But I don't remember casting any time traveling spells. "Come on now Miss, let's get you back to the station and get that bruise checked out". I nodded, what else could I do? Still slightly dazed by what was going on I followed him out of the rubbish tip and out onto the streets. There was a billboard that read 'New road being built soon' with a picture of the main road in Manehatten. It was finished in 1982, ok so I can't be in 1982 or later. According to my ID card I was born in 1948, and I am 25 years old. That means it must be... 1973. The streets are filled with ponies, all dressed in simple clothes. That's right, this is before the liberation act in 1994. That's what sparked the fashion boom, there was a sudden demand for fancy clothes for rich ponies. It meant clothes became another thing to distinguish the rich from the poor. It's a shame really, the fashions back then (well, now I suppose) were very nice. This leather jacket looks pretty cool, even if it is a bit worn out. We passed shops and street signs that I remember reading about in books. I spotted a mare smoking outside what I guess was a pub, don't they know how bad smoking is for you? She took it out of her mouth, threw it on the ground and stomped it out with her hoof. Then she took a lighter out of her shirt pocket and lit another one. The flame reminded me of the changeling attack, my friends! Spike! I needed to get back to them. I'd been too distracted by this strange world, and the pain in my head hadn't helped much either. I have to get home! I continued to follow him just because I didn't know the first thing about getting back to the girls and Spike. I looked around for anything that might help me escape, but nothing looked like home. I miss them. I miss Spike. I put a hoof up to my head and winced. The last thing I remember was being kicked by that changeling. Then it dawned on me. I'm in a coma. I must be, how else can you explain the sudden time travel. The clothes, the people, the fake ID. That kick the the head must have knocked me out. But that means my magic bubbles aren't working, which means those changelings were released! Oh, I really hope the girls are ok. I was so deep in thought that I was a bit startled when I heard the stallion speak again. "We're here Miss". I looked up to see a medium sized grey brick building with a corrugated iron roof. It had small windows with bars on them and two wooden doors that swing open when ponies left or entered. It was just like the pictures I saw in my books, everything was for that matter. "Is there anything else I can do for you Miss?" I shook my head. Now that I was closer I could read what it said on his badge. It said 'Police Constable Astro Star', nice name. "Ok then, have a good day Miss" He started to walk away. "Please, call me Twilight". He smiled at me and said... "Ok, have a good day Twilight". He walked off, I had a feeling I wasn't going to see him again. Or maybe my mind will recycle him, after all if I am in a coma there are only so many ponies it can create. He seemed nice though. I turned to look at the grey building. It seemed more intimidating now that Astro had left. Clearly my comatose brain wanted me to come here, so I took a deep breath and walked in. The doors swung open as I walked through with dramatic flair even though I didn't use much force. Maybe it was built that way on purpose. The first thing I noticed was a desk at the end of the room. The room was small with three doors all leading to different rooms. There was somepony at the desk, they were bending down to get something underneath so I couldn't see their face. When they rose I was shocked by who it was. "Spike!" I rushed to the desk and put my hooves on the surface. "Spike it's you! You're ok! You're ok!" I hugged him, when he didn't hug back I let go feeling worried. "Spike are you ok?" He looked startled, almost scared by my actions. "Please don't take this the wrong way ma'am but, who are you?" I was heart broken. He didn't know me. Then I remembered, I'm in a coma. He doesn't know me, of course he wouldn't. I was just so happy to see him, I forgot he wasn't my Spike. Why would I create a Spike who didn't know me? It doesn't make any sense... "I'm, sorry. You just reminded me of someone I knew. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I was told to come here by a Police Constable Astro Star". Spike still looked wary but relaxed a bit. "Oh, you're Twilight. The Gov have been waiting all morning for you, go on through". He waved to the door on his right and carried on with his paper work. It hurt to know he didn't know me, but at least he is here. Sort of. I walked up to the door, I took a deep breath and pushed it open. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. The room had rows of desks, each with a quill and ink pot on top. Stacks of paper work littered the room, on chairs, on desks, even on the floor. It was dark and grey inside, flickering lights hung from the ceiling casting a faint glow over the desks. But what caught my eye the most were the ponies in the room. There, sat at their desks were Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They were dressed for the time period just like every pony else. Applejack was wearing a light blue shirt with a dark grey jacket, she even had a red tie loosely tied around her neck. Pinkie is wearing a black jacket similar to mine, but it didn't look like it was make of leather. She also wore beige trousers, I have no idea why Pinkie would wear this but it actually looks rather good on her. They turn to face me, they don't look like they know me either. It hurts. They aren't my friends, they just look like them. Wait, does that mean the rest of the girls are here too? I don't know if I want to find out. "Um, are you lost little filly?" Applejack asked in a mocking tone, Pinkie snickered. "No, I was told to come here. I'm..." What did my card say my rank was? "Detective Inspector Twilight Sparkle". The title sounded wrong somehow, like I was a fraud. Pinkie perked up at this and walked (she WALKED! Not bounced but WALKED!) over to me. She looked me up and down and said... "You're the newbie?" I nodded. She sounded so serious, it was unnerving. "I suppose you look like somepony the princess would hire". This was nothing like when I first met Pinkie. No surprised gasp, no party, not even a friendly welcome. For a moment I feel guilty for the way I treated her when we first met, I tried to get her to go away. I tried to make all of them go away actually. "You're late. The Gov's been waiting all day for you". Applejack was looking at me, almost like she didn't like me. Why would she dislike me? We've just met. Sort of. "Yea, the Gov's not going to be happy about that. Well, better late than never I suppose". Pinkie walked back to her desk looking at Applejack. "Maybe she's in a good mood today". Applejack snickered. "Yea, and maybe she's decided to take up a career in armed robbery". They both laughed. Who's this 'Gov' they keep talking about? Should I be worried, after all judging by what I already know it has to be one of the girls right? "Um, Applejack?" She stopped laughing and looked at me. "How do you know my name Sparkles?" She definitely doesn't seem to like me. "Um, I read about you?" I hazard a guess as to how I might know about them in this world. Worst case scenario, they find out I'm barking mad and lock me up. Not too bad for the first day on the job right? Speaking of which, what is my job? It says I'm a detective inspector on my card, but what does that actually mean? "Ok, well then, it's time you met the Gov. I suppose you've read up on her too?" I nod to keep up my act. Applejack turns around in her chair and shouts behind her, "Hey Gov! Your new D.I's arrived". I'm scared to see who walks out of that little office at the back, but at the same time the knowledge could be invaluable to me finding a way home. The door swings open, the silhouette of a pony can be seen through a cloud of smoke, I can only assume it came from a cigarette (or maybe ten). She stands there for a while, then they walk out into the light. I'm surprised, but come to think of it, who else could it have been? There, walking towards me, is Rainbow Dash. She's wearing a beige over coat, I can see a black shirt peeking out from underneath. I must admit, Rainbow never was a one for dressing up, but this looked quite good on her. In a 'don't mess with me' kind of way. She keeps walking up to me, I'm beginning to see what Applejack and Pinkie were on about. She is threatening. She finally gets close to me, I can smell the cider on her breath but she doesn't seem to be intoxicated in any way. She looks into my eyes, I feel so small. "So, your the pony sent over from Ponyville. You were meant to be here this morning!" I try to look determined and not threatened, which is difficult because I am nervous as hell! She looks at the left side of my face. "You get in a fight on your way over here?" I suppose I did, but they wouldn't believe the truth so I simply nod. "You can talk right? They didn't send us another silent one did they?" She sounds exasperated like she was recalling a bad memory. "Oh, I remember her. Silent Skies, she was nice". Pinkie chipped in. "Too nice if you ask me, nice isn't good when you're in the force". Rainbow added. "Now, back to you. Why were you late?" How do you answer that? 'Sorry boss, I was in a coma, it won't happen again'. Also when did Rainbow become my boss? I'm the one in charge not her! Luckily Applejack answers for me. "She was in a fight Gov". Rainbow turned around to face her. "I can see that!" She looks back at me. "But that's not a good enough reason to be late, is it?" What kind of job is this were being in a fight is not a good enough reason to be late? I'm starting to feel like I don't belong here, in more ways that one. "Celestia herself set up this team to protect Equestria from evil and disharmony. Evil doesn't wait, so we mustn't be late". So Celestia set up this team, well that explains why I'm here. But I don't remember reading about them, even if I am in a coma there must be some truth to all this. "You got that Sparkle?" I was about to nod but I remembered our earlier conversation so I speak instead. "Yes Rainbow". She looked angry. "That's D.C.I Dash to you!" Then she walked back into her office. She poked her head out of the door and called "You coming Sparkle or do I have to drag you in here?" Oh, she wanted me to follow her? I hurry in quickly to avoid further arguments. Once I was inside she turned back and yelled "And somepony get me some coffee!" Then she slammed the door.