//------------------------------// // Read if you dare // Story: Sweeny Tom // by Even Evil Has Standards //------------------------------// The gray stallion stumbled out of the outhouse, shaking. "Hello, my little Bronies," he panted, "so sorry about my appearance. I am a little...um...shaken by what we-my...lodger and I-have made. It is our Dark and Edgy way of fighting the infamous Cupcakes story (as well as Shed 17). What you are about to read is...well, you've read the description so play a cracked record? Anyway, yes there'll be deaths and-above all-OOC personalities. It's also an expanded take on the dynamite incident from Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure. Before I turn things over to my, uh, associate, I'd like to point out that this is a darkfic as well as my first creepypasta." He shook his head. "Who in tarnation comes up with those things? At any rate, this should be read by: 1. Those who liked the stories mentioned above. 2. Those who have an unhealthy liking to gore. 3. Those who are brave (or stupid) enough. Well, I'm a gonna lay down. They're ready fer ya, Apple Bonker." The gray stallion entered the farmhouse and a few minutes later, the blue stallion with the green Ballwin apple Cutie Mark flounced out. "Hello," he crooned in a somewhat high voice. "You're all probably wondering what that was about. Let's just say I have a stronger stomach for this." He giggled menacingly, "For those of you who are reading beyond this point, let us also say that there is going to be twists and turns in this version as well as differences in songs; meaning not all the songs were in the adaptation this is based upon." His giggling became maniacal laughter as he held aloft a razor blade and made a declaration: "Two can play at this game, Sprinkles!"