Repeat what now?

by Spellbounder

Ch.2 Spell Chaos

The three ponies and the little dragon waited quietly in the library, awkwardly waiting for Princess Celestia to appear. Twilight was ready to pull her mane apart, unable to cope with this much longer.

“Where is she!?! The longer I stay in this crazy place the longer my tail twirls!”

“This really isn’t such a big deal, Twilight.”

Twilight looks over at Spike with an annoyed glare. Her right eye was twitching, grinding on her teeth as she walks over to her assistant slowly.

“Really Spike? NOT A BIG DEAL!?!”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack slowly back away from Twilight, knowing what’s about to happen.

“Don’t you get it, Spike? All the memories, all our adventures, my Alicorn Abilities, everything that symbolized our friendships is just….GONE!”

In seconds, her whole body lights up in flaming rage, causing Spike to hide under a stack of books that collapsed on top of him when he hits the shelf in fear.

“Twilight…..just…calm down, ok?”

“Oh no…”

“Sugarcube, you shouldn’t have said that.”


Suddenly, the door opens in a glowing shine of light, as a tall Alicorn approached the three ponies, happy to see Princess Celestia in her glory.

“I got your letter. Said something was wrong?”

Twilight was suddenly calm, running over to Celestia like she hadn’t seen her in centuries. She grabs onto her leg, still in a state of crazed stress.


“Uhhhhh…..its good to see you too?”


After Celestia managed to pry Twilight off her leg, she sighed in relief, glad she could even still feel it.

“Now….can you repeat what she just said, but a little more calmly?”

So Applejack decided to tell the Princess of their problems, from awaking with no memory at all of the adventures they’ve had, to repeating the day exactly the same as it was before. For some reason, Celestia didn’t seem surprised, walking over to the window to see the old houses that were still intact before Lord Tirek destroyed them.

“That explains a lot. No wonder I can’t find my sister. I thought she was just being a pain in my flank and ignoring me again.”

“Then where is she?”

“Rainbow, don’t you remember? Before Luna overcame Nightmare Moon, she was banished to the moon!”

“Oh yeah, wow, can’t believe I couldn’t remember that.”

“That’s another thing, Princess Celestia. What in tarnation is up with our noggins?”

Celestia walks over to a nearby book shelf and looks through the spell section. She finds an old children’s book of spell for new parents and places it on the table.

“Spells for the screaming Fillies? What the hay does this have to do with anything?”

Celestia ignores Rainbow Dash, turning to page forty-three in the book, showing a spell labeled, “Reset, sleep, repeat.”

“You see, this spell was originally used to block any bad memory that caused a tantrum for little fillies, making them think the memory never happened. But for it to be used in all of Equestria, and to block so much memories for every pony in sight, it would require a lot of magic.”

What the princess had said managed to snap Twilight’s senses back in place, no longer wanting to scream her problems away.

“But…the library….its all….”

“Twilight, this isn’t your library.”


“I’m surprised you couldn’t tell. I mean, of course it looks like the library, but all these books are different. I mean, how do you think I spotted this book so easily? It’s from the royal Canterlot library. Look, there’s even the silver seal on the cover.”

The Canterlot Library symbol was stamped on the cover of the book to show it was their property. Things were now starting to make sense, or make the small group of ponies even more confused than ever.

“Then….where is my castle!?!”

“Uhhhh Twi, one problem at a time please?”

“AJ is right, Twilight. Right now, we need to focus on who in Equestria would even bother to do something so ludicrous and annoying.”

“I don’t know about you four, but I’d bet my left wing that Discord is behind all this.”

“Discord has turned over a new leaf, Rainbow Dash. Sure he still goofs around with a little chaos, here and there, but would never bother to do something so crazy like this.”

“To tell you the truth, I never did trust Discord. Sure he was hilarious with some pranks and jokes, but I mean…come on!”

“Wait….Discord…….oh no.”

In a flash of light, Princess Celestia was gone, as Twilight quickly realized where the Princess had disappeared to.


The four run out of the library as fast as they can, before making their way outside of town to see Celestia in shock, seeing a stone draconequus covered in dirt and hay.

“He’s…he’s stone again.”

“Of course he was…..when we went to the Gala…great tarnation…..this crazy magic has even affected him!”

“Ok, so I was wrong. But you gotta admit, it was a fair guess.”

Princess Celestia examined the stoned Discord carefully, making sure it truly was him imprisoned within it.

“Every feature is exactly the same. This…This is Discord.”

“Should we set him free.”

“That wouldn’t be a good idea. If Discord was hit by the spell, he’ll just return to his former self, wishing to spread chaos once again. We can’t take that chance.”

On their way back to the library, the mane three, Spike, and Celestia were presented with a blaze of confetti, a pink mare began jumping around them in pure happiness.

“Hi everypony! Isn’t today a super duper extra special fun day?”

“Uhhh….Pinkie….do you have any idea what’s going on here?”

Twilight had to test this. She and her friends were users of the elements of harmony. If there’s a chance anyone can still remember what’s going on, its someone as mad happy as Pinkie Pie.

“Well of course! Today is the day that something super amazing will happen!”

“And what is that, specifically, Pinkie Pie?”

“Don’t know yet, but whatever goes on, I’ll be ready for it!”

Ok, this was obviously no help to them. Still strange. I wonder if she knows I’m narrating this. Hmmm…I guess we’ll find out later….