//------------------------------// // Knight in the Dragon's Lair // Story: My Little Universe: Season 4 // by EquestrianKirin //------------------------------// 親愛なる、宝石: 私は、キリンの主は、あなたとやりがいの訪問のためのキリン帝国への調和の要素を招待します。私はまだ持って適切に私のために、前の定規を削除すると、あなたの関与のためにあなたに感謝します。あなたが来ることを決定しない場合、到着時に、あなたのために待っている護衛があります. This was the letter that the Gems had received, and after some translation by Twilight again, they were off on their way. It'd been a while since the Gems had seen the Kirin Empire, and now that they got an invitation, they might as well come by to see how things had been going along. The Mane Six, and the same Gems who came by before to help them. Connie couldn't come by to visit this time around, but, that wasn't too much of a problem this time around. That, and Amethyst decided to come this time around to check things out. It took them a while, sure, but they did eventually arrive at the Kirin empire at around midday. Things seemed to be normal as they got over into town, and many of the Kirin seemed very happy to see them. After all, they helped get their king back, so, that would give them some merit anyway. The group was brought from the train station, straight to the palace, where the king of Kirins was patiently waiting for them. As far as the royalty had going for him, the king of Kirins surely looked the part of a regal pony. He stood tall, almost Celestia's height if not counting the set of antlers. And talk about antlers, the rack he had more fitted the regal leaders of the Deer rather than any Kirin would, stretching to the sides a good foot, with about five points on each antler. His scales were a nice shade of brown, scales covering the king's face, stretching down his neck and to the end of his tail. Fur showed along his chest and belly, which were a lighter shade of gold, reaching down to his brass hooves. Upon arrival, some of the Gems marveled at his appearance, as Twilight was the first to bow to the king. Information from the villagers already got the king aware that their language in Neipponese was limited at most, so, he already had a translator spell casted on him so he can speak to them directly. "Welcome back to the empire, friends," the king said, as he moved over to them. "Hi king! Doing great?" Pinkie asked with a grin. The king didn't seem fazed by the pink pony, but not in a negative way either. "I'm handling much better through these months. It's grateful to see you all face to face without me scaring you," he said humbly. "Yeah, that is fair. So, is there any particular events or things that you've planned for us or is it just us wandering around?" Peridot asked. Applejack didn't want Peridot to make a bad impression, so, the Earth Pony swished her tail to hit Peridot in the head. No reason to get an ego in front of the king. "What?" Peridot asked, rubbing where Applejack hit her. "Oh, I understand your curiosity. And yes, I do have something - a gift if you will." "A gift? What kind of gift?" Rainbow wondered. "Is it a giant cake?!" Pinkie beamed, licking her lips on such an idea. The king gave a humble chuckle. "No, no. Come here, and I'll show you," the king advised, starting to move away. The group began to follow the king, Rainbow flying and Pinkie hopping of course. "Now, there's no need for a reward, lord uh ..." Twilight asked. "Lord Akira. And I insist - you helped put Junsui in her place after all." "What ever happened to Junsui, anyway?" Akira sighed. "I had her sent out of my kingdom, for the next fifty moons. Should give her time to think over what she's done, and learn for it," Akira explained firmly. By the sound of his voice, punishment could've been worse, so, they breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't do anything too harsh apart from banishment. ~~~~~~ The walk was a short one, and the group was brought over to just behind the palace where they didn't get to see last time they came around. It was really just an open field, but well maintained by Akira's staff. Over in the field, there actually was a few other things as well; some stone statues of draconic Kirin, a rock pool along the palace walls, and once more, a few boxes being worked on by two staff members. In the boxes was what appeared to be an assortment of rockets, flairs, and other sorts of fireworks. That immediately got some of their attention. "What're those?" Diopside asked, walking over to see. There were many colors, sizes varying from the size of her fingers to the size of a soda bottle. Neipponese writing was on a number of these, and shapes mainly consists of either rocket-shape or cylinder shape. Akira walked over with a few other ponies, as the others looked around the yard. "These are fireworks - Kirin's specialty. I plan these to be released later on tonight as celebration for you Gems and Ponies," Akira said. Peridot pulled out a green fireworks in particular, and examined it. Diopside kneeled down and looked it over too, her Gem eyes contracting in and out a few times like a camera lens. "Are these weapons?" Peridot questioned, less impressed. "Not entirely. They're used for celebrations mainly. That one is made with you in mind, actually," Akira said. While Peridot felt slightly flattered, she was still unimpressed. "With me in mind?" Peridot questioned. Akira nodded, as Diopside looked it over herself. "My staff had made a number of them with you Gems and Ponies in mind. Curtesy of the most talented of fireworks craftsmanship." Peridot still didn't seem very impressed. As Diopside was looking over the firework given to her, something suddenly began to nip at her nose. Sure enough ... "ah ... ah .. AHCHOO!" The sneeze accidentally got a tiny amount of acid onto the firework, in particular the fuse. You can guess what happens next. "Uh oh." Before she could react, the firework launched off into the sky. It was still in the day, so the explosion wasn't very magnificent compared to night time fireworks. Still, the effects were still visable, and Peridot was given the sight of herself in green fireworks. The shape was pretty accurate to her own, and even the colors looked spot on. The fireworks simply made Peridot look dazzling, and Peridot was left with stars in her eyes ... "Fireworks are awesome," Peridot stated, eyes still up to where the firework had finished. Luckily Akira can make another one easily himself, so, they'll still see that in the sky along with everypony else. That could be just Peridot's ego talking, or maybe from the show of fireworks alone. Akira chuckled, and was about to continue, but ... "Omo yo Akira!" Akira stopped upon hearing the messenger come galloping in. "Watashi no chūdan o yurushi, darekaga kyūden de anata o matteimasu." "Anata wa, watashi wa sudeni koko de gesuto o motte miru koto ga dekimasen ka." Akira replied. "Shikashi sensei wa, sorehadesu -" "Oi." Suddenly, there was a good hearty roar coming from the palace, cutting off the messenger. Akira looked up to his palace, and began to figure out who actually showed up. As for the other guests ... Well, their reactions were beyond shocked. Up at the door was another unique looking pony. White fur. Green mane. Pink eyes. Reptilian tail. One scarred leg with the hoof split. Only one name fit this creature ... "Kyra?!" The mane six, and Gems gasped. Yes, Kyra was here, and he didn't seem very different from last time they saw him, apart from the missing flower. Kyra didn't notice the familiar faces until after hearing them, and he moved down into the palace yard. Akira turned to face Kyra, content with seeing him unlike every other guest there. Kyra turned to Peridot and Steven first, but didn't say anything to them yet. "I see you've returned, Akira? A pleasure to see you again," Kyra started, turning to Akira. "Likewise, Kyra," Akira replied, lowering his head for a moment towards Kyra. Kyra still remembered the others well from their last excusion with him, yet the Draconian focused mainly on the king. "Uh, I hate to intrude. But, could I talk to you in private, please?" Kyra asked. The king didn't expect this, but nodded anyway. Upon getting his approval, Kyra started to move off back towards the palace, the king following behind him. "I'll come back in just a minute," Akira said, as he went on inside with Kyra alongside him. The Mane six and the Gems took a moment to think this over. Kyra pretty much just came out of nowhere, and suddenly he seemed to have known the Kirin king? By the sound of it too, he seemed to have known the king before he was cursed, and overthrown by Junsui. How this makes sense with him being in Beach City beforehand, they had to work out later. Still, it was a curios thing for them. For one Pegasus, it was eating her up, and she didn't want to be left in the dark. "Anypony wanna listen in?" Rainbow offered. "Rainbow, leave them alone. If it's important, that's their business - and you're gone." When Twilight looked up to see, Rainbow and Amethyst were already gone and out of sight. ~~~~~~ After a short while, Kyra and Akira both met up in another isolated room, away from the others. Akira sat down close by, as Kyra paced back and forth, something on his mind he felt needed to discuss with the Kirin. "I know would come onto short notice, but, I need to gain some support in a matter concerning the draconian," Kyra said. "What seems to be the trouble?" Akira asked, as Kyra sat down. His request was a bit of a long shot, but, he needed to hear this. "I need help with the current ruler. You have to overthrow him," Kyra answered, getting to the point. As they were talking, just outside the closed door, Rainbow Dash and Amethyst were overhearing the two, and wanted to know what's what. Akira immediately had his answer. "I will not." "What on earth for?! You know of how much damage has been going on in the country, he can't lead it!" "I understand, but I refuse to risk conflict with my people against yours. I'm sorry, but, if it's a draconian centered problem, the draconians need to be solved themselves. You do understand, don't you?" "Can't you do anything?" "I'm sorry, Kyra ..." The conversation was short, and Kyra remained unsuccessful, but past experiences reminded Kyra how much trouble anger can be, so he didn't go any further with it. It was a disappointment, and Rainbow Dash and Amethyst quickly rushed out of sight before anypony would notice them. ....... "So, there's the deal. What do you think?" Rainbow asked, after explaining things to the rest of the group. Rainbow summed up the situation with that Kyra was having trouble with his own people, and perhaps they can help him out with it. "Well, we can try to help." "OF COURSE WE'LL HELP! He did so much before the launch to Homeworld, he did everything to save Hoemworld before we did, and the plot needs to continue!" Pinkie said. "I won't buy that last one," Peridot noted. ~~~~~~ The decision to go off and help Kyra may be a precarious one, as none of them had ever seen the land of the Draconian before, but the group seemed willing to go and help him out. As far as personal feelings go for him, they mainly had on Garnet's word what the reasons were. Garnet had told them all about why Kyra did what he did, from the aid of the Crystal Gems, to the duel with the Diamonds. All of his intents to Homeworld was to save, but just the stubbornness and arrogance of the Diamonds made him lose patience. However, that was double-edge sword; if Kyra was willing to beat them all down just out of anger, what will the rest of his race have in store? Kyra was willing to engage a one-stallion war against Homeworld, who's to say what the other Draconian would do? As for Kyra, he had left the main village after talking with Akira, not thinking much of the others. He was surprised to see them again, but, he didn't want them to really get involved in his troubles as much as this went. Before their problems intertwined, but not this time. He did end up wondering though, exactly how they were doing? Ever since being dropped off, he didn't get to see them at any given date, so, he only wondered how they faired. Course, he still had problems he had to take care of. It was a decently long walk from the Kirin Empire, but eventually Kyra did make it to the supposed borders. The path there lead into a valley, and from the height in the path, Kyra could easily see where his destination laid out in front of him, and started to move in. The destination looked a bit like a giant-sized version of Ponyville, many of the houses at least double in size of the cottages back in Ponyville. The place didn't seem as well-kept either; dirt roads with dusty décor, not out of place in a dead-end neighborhood. The town was labeled with a arch entranceway, naming the town "Darastrix" - Draconic for Dragon. Kyra began to head off into the town. Compared to the rest of the others in town, Kyra seemed to be the odd one out in size and appearance. Most of the Draconian who saw him walk by were taller than him, and with duller colors instead of Kyra's lighter. Kyra didn't really care about them though, even if he could easily hear the other Draconian talking about him. Even if Kyra was big compared to a normal pony, unicorn, or pegasus, he was a runt compared to his own species. While there was plenty of Draconians here, he had his eyes set on one in particular - the ruler of the Draconians. Finding whoever was in charge though wasn't going to be an easy one ... At least, he figured as much ... "Look who decided to come back," a voice suddenly spoke up. Kyra stopped himself, and looked on ahead of him. Up ahead was another Draconian, but this one was much taller. Imagine comparing Amethyst to Pearl in height, and that was Kyra compared to this Draconian. This Draconian in particular had grey fur, with red eyes and a dark red mane, stretching down his back like Kyra but longer in hair length. As for body structure, the Draconian shared a similar design to Kyra, down to the blade on the end of his tail, though he didn't have any deep scars on him like Kyra did. Kyra wasn't going to take any of his nonsense, yet this Draconian was the one he was looking for. "There you are," Kyra growled. "I thought you high-tailed out of here years ago, Kyra," the Draconian commented. "Don't give me that, Porath! I for one don't appreciate your ruling here," Kyra scolded. However, Porath simply laughed at him. "Oh, this is rich; you're just ticked for getting your tail beaten years ago. Let me guess; you want to get even?" "I want you out, Porath," Kyra growled. "Don't make me laugh! You're getting too weak for this sort of thing, you know it and I know it. Besides, look at you; you're a midget - a runt who's just trying to make a point. You got no chance, and you know it. Why don't you go play with your imaginary rock people?" "They're called Gems, and they're not made up! And as for you, you've wrecked this land far enough. I challenge you to a Dragonclaw Duel!" Kyra announced. Even with the announcement of such a thing, Porath was more than willing to give Kyra the chance to fight him. "A Dragonclaw Duel? If you want your tail smashed again, go fight a bear or something. I don't need to waste my time with you." Kyra barred his teeth. "Either accept it. Or surrender your leadership, immediately." Personally, he'd prefer him to just surrender up front to avoid any real fight, but Kyra of all ponies should know that a Draconian will not back up from a fight so easily unless there was an especially good reason. And as expected, Porath smirked, showing his own sharp teeth. "Alright, tough shot. I could use the entertainment. Meet me at the arena by sundown, and we'll see who's the one talking tough when we're done," Porath decided, turning away, but not before the Draconian whacked Kyra with his own tail on the side of his head. Kyra could go after him now, but he had sundown to do that ... "Oh, and by the way, keep that "army" of yours in check. It's embarrassing for you," Porath commented, before walking out of sight. That was when Kyra looked slightly puzzled, as the crowds went away, wanting to see the fight themselves later on. What army was he talking about? Kyra turned around, and mainly saw the Draconian walking around, but then he noticed the unmistakable glance of a rainbow hair. Kyra trotted over, and sure enough, just pass the corner of one of the buildings, the Gems and Ponies were there already. Kyra groaned. "What're you doing here?" "Here to help you, that's what! You think we're just gonna let you handle that clod alone?" Amethyst said, blood boiling. Hearing Porath go on about him being a runt and how weak he was shot at her too, considering she was also half the size she was supposed to be. "I appreciate it, but, it's best you don't - you're lucky Porath didn't take any of you seriously." "You can't fight him alone! come on, let us help you, please?" Twilight asked. Kyra just shook his head. "This is strictly Draconian business, I don't want you involved in it. Besides, it's too dangerous for you Gems here." "HA! What can he do to us? We're Gems, we beat that Osicone, remember? I'm sure we can take whatever he's got for us," Peridot said. "You do know that Draconians are part-Dragon, right? They eat Gemstones. You're lucky I lost the taste for Gems ages ago," Kyra said. That got Diopside, Peridot, and Amethyst to be quiet on that fact. After a bit though, Steven spoke up again. "I don't care how dangerous it is. We're all behind you, Kyra," Steven said. But by the look on Kyra's face told them he didn't want that, yet he couldn't change their mind. "Look, stay if you wish, but none of you are to interfere with the duel, is that understood?" "But Kyra, a Dragonclaw duel?" Twilight said, worried for him. "No exceptions." Before they could say anything else, Kyra walked away. He knew very well the consequences if anypony were to get involved in a Dragonclaw Duel ... ~~~~~~ Sundown began to come around. And as requested, Kyra had gotten himself to the spot in question by Porath's wishes. The arena was basically as it sounded; a large arena where Draconian can fight. The arena was large, circular, made up of stone, with fencing around so other Draconian could watch. Speaking of the Draconian, many of them had gathered to watch the duel go down. Kyra and Porath stood facing eachother, about ten feet apart, both sides ready to fight. Over amongst the crowd, the other ponies and Gems stood aside, watching the duel from the boundry fence. Peridot, Diopside, and Amethyst took the time before the fight to get their gemstones covered up just in case a Draconian got hungry; Amethyst with a bandana, Peridot with a headband, and Diopside with an eyepatch. They wanted to help him, but Kyra made it perfectly clear that they can't interfere with the fight, no matter what happens to him. Porath looked down to Kyra with an amused grin as Kyra growled. "I admire your confidence, Kyra. But you're getting weak. This should be fun and quick for me," Porath said, licking his teeth like a hungry predator. "You've ruled this land long enough. Today's your reign will be over!" Kyra bellowed. Then it began. The first one to charge at him was Porath, his large hooves digging in the ground as he galloped straight for him. Kyra got himself ready, and just before Porath could get his teeth into him, Kyra jumped aside fast. Porath's lunge just got him skidding on the ground, and Kyra quickly turned around, his strong tail whacking Porath off his hooves. It was a minor hit, but it was a fast one too. The Draconians looked on with intrigue, yet Kyra's friends were happy to see him getting the upper hand. "Alright, point one for Kyra! He's got this," Rainbow said. However, a jinx quickly followed; Porath jumped back up, and spun around as Kyra charged him. Porath met him half way, checking him with his front hoof to knock Kyra off balance. Kyra quickly recovered, but Porath kicked him hard, sending him rolling on the ground. The hit was hard, but Kyra wasn't going to give up for this Draconian. Kyra got up, shook off the hit, and rushed at him again. Porath turned around, but Kyra already got his teeth into him, biting at Porath's back! Porath and Kyra rolled along the ground of the arena, Porath trying to shake Kyra off, but the smaller Draconian was not letting go. Porath snarled, and suddenly made a fast buck, just enough to make Kyra let go. Before Kyra could react, Porath spun around, and pinned him down with his teeth in Kyra's shoulders! When the others saw this, they began to get worried for him. "Come on, Kyra, you can do it," Steven said, hoping Kyra can get himself out. Kyra was hurting, but he found his hooves, and slashed at Porath's chest with his scarred hoof. Porath loosened his grip on feeling the sudden sting, and it was just enough for Kyra to get himself free, and tried to whack him hard with his tail. Porath ducked though, and did his own tail whack on Kyra, sending him flying right at the fence! Be it coincidence or not, Kyra landed right in front of the Gems, who looked shocked. Kyra managed to get to his hooves, and rushed back at Porath again, teeth barred. Kyra spurred into action again, and both Draconians got to their hind feet, swiping at eachother with their front hooves. Kyra's scarred hoof gave him some extra cutting power, but Porath overpowered Kyra, and slammed him into the dirt under him! Kyra struggled a bit, but got his back hooves slammed into Porath's stomach, just enough to get him loose. He got some distance, but he was hurting, and he was getting tired. Porath could see it in Kyra's face, and slammed him off his hooves. Kyra fell right to the ground, and was getting too tired to get back up right away, giving Porath the upperhand. "Where're you going, Kyra?" Porath mocked, biting down on Kyra's neck! It hurt, but Kyra couldn't get him to let him go. Kyra was too tired to get himself free, and Porath basically had the victory in his grasp. The other Draconian waited for the winner to finish him off, intrigued and excited. Porath knew he had this ... "AAHH!" There was a loud crack, and the pain-filled scream caught everypony off guard, as Porath leaped back, shaking his head as if something had hit him. Kyra got to his hooves, and looked over to Porath, who was rubbing his right eye for the moment with gritted teeth. He didn't lose his eye, but, he thought that was the case at first until after some proper observation. The reason behind Porath's sudden spike in pain came from another source standing just a few feet away, a whip in hand, her teeth gritted together, and a deep glare in her eyes. It was Amethyst. "Who whipped me?! I demand to know!" Porath bellowed, the evidence of red now on Porath's face. The Draconian spun around, and stared angrily at the other combatant. Amethyst had tolerated enough. "A-Amethyst?" Kyra got out through tired breath. Porath snarled towards Amethyst. "I am NOT going to stand by and watch you kill Kyra!" Amethyst yelled, readying her whip. Porath didn't care for that, and began to run at her at full gallop. Even if Porath towered over her, Amethyst didn't plan on backing down from him. However, Kyra had other plans; he grabbed her just before Porath did, and threw her aside as best as he could. "HEY!" "Amethyst, I told you to stay out!" Kyra yelled, clearly angry in tone. Seeing the opportunity, Porath grabbed Kyra by the tail, and tossed the Draconian aside with a good swing, the white Draconian landing hard on the ground. Porath wanted a good look at the whip-lasher in front of him. "You got some guts to whip me in the middle of a Dragonclaw Duel, you ant," Porath growled. "Who're you calling an ant?!" Amethyst snapped. Porath bowed his head down, until he was eye-to-eye with her, a hoof on her head. "Why don't you go off and play with somepony your status, huh? I'd rather not deal with you," Porath said, turning, and whipping her face with his tail. Obvious, Porath wasn't going to be taking her seriously. "HEY! I can beat your flank down to a pulp, don't test me!" Amethyst snapped. However, Porath laughed at her. "Amethyst!" Kyra suddenly yelled, but it didn't seem to go through to her. "I smell a challenge," Porath said with a toothy grin. He straightened up, towering over Amethyst again. "Alright, everyone! Looks like we're getting two fights today, so stick around tonight if you want to see some more brutality!" Porath announced. The crowd cheered (excluding the Gems and Ponies of course). Amethyst was up for it, but Kyra wasn't even close. ~~~~~~ "What were you thinking, Amethyst? I made it perfectly clear to not get involved," Kyra yelled. Just a little bit before the extra fight could begin, the Mane Six and Gems had gotten themselves juts outside of Darastrix, obviously not wanting them to fight Porath. Since many Draconian were a bit busy with awaiting the next fight, not many were exactly wandering around the place. However, at the end of everything, Kyra was very upset with Amethyst for getting herself involved in the first place. "Kyra, he was about to kill you! He had his teeth on your throat and everything!" Rainbow snapped, in Amethyst's defense. "Be that as it may, this is not your battle to take." "Of course it is! Kyra, I know this may be important to you, but, we're not going to let you face him alone," Twilight announced confidently. "I appreciate it, but if I wanted you to help me, I'd ask you. And anyway, you all have enough trouble anyway with how much you all do." "Ah ponyfeathers! We always have time to help our friend," Applejack insisted. "Even so, I don't want you involved with my kind's issues; Darastrix is going through enough trouble thanks to Porath's egotistical attitude, I hate to see what he'll do to you if you keep this up with him. Just let me deal with him," Kyra explained. "No way! Someone's gotta teach that punk a lesson," Amethyst retorted, her fists ready to fight. Kyra was starting to worry more and more over her; he couldn't do very well against him, even if he made plenty of nice hits. Amethyst's whip was merely a lucky shot as far as he was concern. Kyra would keep trying, but looking at Amethyst's face pretty much convinced him. "... You're not going to change your mind, are you?" Kyra sighed. "Nope," Amethyst simply replied, cracking her knuckles. Looking over to the moon, it should be time to go and face Porath at this point. So, Amethyst went off on her way back to the arena, passing Kyra so she can get on her way. Kyra and the others watched her go off. "If you don't mind my asking, but can't any of you convince her?" Kyra asked, hoping for a good answer. However, her friends knew how set Amethyst could be sometimes. Besides, the entire town was expecting this to happen, and things could go south if they don't get that wish at least. Kyra felt deeply dismayed. ....... "Glad you can show up," Porath said, once Amethyst had returned to the arena to face him. The Mane Six, Gems, and Kyra showed up, but were more out of sight this time around, watching from further away. Amethyst had her whips at the ready, as Porath gave a mighty roar, exciting the crowd even more. The Draconian was ready to pummel Amethyst into the arena dirt. "Save your breath for picking yourself off the ground," Amethyst mocked. They both knew there was no turning back. Unlike the first fight, it was Amethyst who made the first move, and laid in with her whip. While earlier she gave a strong hit, Porath was prepared this time, and dodged her whipping easily, despite his large size. Porath tried to get his teeth into her more than a number of times, but the small Gem dodged the Draconian easily - much easier than Porath did with Amethyst. As a result, Porath was hit with a number of whips, but they seemed to do not that much. Whenever Porath did make a hit, it would send Amethyst off her feet. For each hit, it made Amethyst a little weaker, but more willing to beat Porath at his own game. During one point however, Amethyst tried onece more to whip him, but Porath finally got bored with her games, and rushed her! Amethyst didn't had time to dodge this time, and while she avoided Porath's hooves, she couldn't avoid his jaws. Porath grabbed her by her legs, and swung her over his head, slamming her down on the arena floor! Once she was on the ground, Porath released his jaws from her, making sure his hooves kept her down. "You think you're something special, you runt?" Porath mocked. Amethyst felt angry, yet Porath didn't give her anytime to really react; he grabbed her by her hair, and swung her around in circles about five times before throwing her at the arena fence. Even if they were farther away, her friends could see her being tossed around, and it was enough to send Steven running to her. "You're nothing compared to me," Porath stated, rushing at Amethyst before she could shake herself off. The Gem was soon wrapped up by Porath's tail, put in a vice-grip. Amethyst tried to get herself loose, but it was no use. "And now, I'll show you what power is!" Porath added, getting in the zone, and started slamming Amethyst in the dirt multiple times. At this point, Steven had reached the fence, skidding to a stop, as he watched Amethyst getting beaten up. If Porath's brutality wasn't beating any sense in Amethyst, then Porath's words were. Being called weak and nothing would beat anybody down. "Amethyst!" Steven gasped. However, his call was drowned by the cheering crowd, as Porath released Amethyst, tossing her head over heels until she landed on the floor. Amethyst got to her hands and knees, as Porath stood tall, basking in the cheers of his subjects. Steven wanted to go in, but before he could get over the fence, Amethyst was picked up by Porath's tail, upside down no less, and lifted up to Porath's face. Amethyst's face was angry, but Porath could tell she was hurting slightly. Porath smirked, and heard the crowd chanting for him to finish her off, much like those for a wrestler from a wrestling match. Amethyst's own personal experience knew where this was going, only she was on the receiving end rather than the one bringing the pain as Purple Puma - her wrestling alter-ego. As for Porath, he was more than eager to listen to his fans, but not before giving Amethyst one more stab at her being. "You really think you're such a tough fighter, huh? Well guess what; you're nothing more than a burn-out excuse. Keep that in mind, you little shrimp." And finally Porath then answered the crowd's praises by throwing Amethyst up into the air, and before she could do anything Porath jumped up high in the air, sank his teeth into her body on the way up, spun around, and landed hard with her slamming into the earth. The crowd uproared in cheers, as Porath left Amethyst on the ground, basking in the cheers. He had won again. Without anybody doing anything, Steven jumped the fence and raced over to Amethyst. Thank Celestia her gemstone wasn't damaged, but Amethyst didn't really move at first, slowly getting to her knees. "Amethyst?" "... I'm sorry, Steven," Amethyst said finally. Porath and his insults were now getting to her head, as the reality of his words were sinking in. She was a defect; she was half the size and half the strength she was supposed to be. She barely made a scratch on him, and she got her butt beaten down by this Draconian, despite fighting many other things before. "Amethyst, what's wrong?" Steven asked. Amethyst wouldn't answer, but Steven could tell that she was hurting a bit. "I ... I can't do it." "You can do it," Steven encouraged. "Steven, you saw what happened to me -" "Amethyst, don't say that! He's just trying to get to you." "Well. Well, it's working! I'm not like any other Quartz - I'm not supposed to be like this," Amethyst choked out. Steven didn't want to see Amethyst hurt like this. "No you're not!" "Wha?!" "Amethyst, that's why you're great! So, you're different from a regular Quartz, there's nothing wrong with that. You are your own Gem, and you're perfect the way you are. Don't let anybody or anypony tell you otherwise," Steven said. Amethyst felt touched, though she wasn't sure if it was Steven, or Rose talking. Either way, those words made Amethyst feel a lot better, as Steven brought his hand out to help her up. Amethyst smiled, and took the friendly gesture. After being brought up, Amethyst went over and hugged Steven ... "That's right! Porath; leader of the -" *BOOM* Everything halted for a moment when a sudden mushroom cloud of dark, dull lavender suddenly appeared after a flash of light. It was enough to get the others to come over, and Porath to spin around to see what happened. The Mane Six rushed to the fence, stopping just at the spot, joined by the other Gems, and Kyra. When the cloud disappeared, they were witness to another figure standing there for all to see. She had three arms; one on the right, and two on the left that fused at the elbow. She was tall, barely taller than Jasper, and had a large, rounded body. Steven's shirt was covering her chest, though it appeared stretched, and same thing could be said for the blue shorts she was wearing, with Amethyst's star-styled boots on her feet. Her shoulders and cheeks had peach freckles, her skin a mauve color, and her shaggy short hair (which covered her left eye) a sort of brown, closer to Steven's color in his hair. Everypony was simply shocked by what they saw, yet the figure seemed more content and happy. "What. A. BEAUTIFUL night!" She beamed, enthusiastic as she could ever be. Porath wasn't so easily intimidated, even if this newcomer was just as tall as he was. "Who the hay are you?" Porath growled. The figure took a moment to think. "Yeah. What am I? I feel Amethyst would know this," she pondered. Eventually though, she began to reveal her true identity by summing two particular Gem weapons; a shield, and a whip. "Now an Amethyst, and a Rose Quartz, would make a ..." She took a moment to toss the shield in the air, catching it with her whip. Upon contact, the weapons fused together to make up a large, and impressive Yo-yo (odd for a weapon). Once that was summoned, she balanced out the string in an action pose, the string slipping in her three hands, as the Yo-yo spun like crazy right in front of her as she looked on in confidence. "Smoky Quartz." The large Draconian wasn't so easily swayed, and took to his new fighter with barred teeth. The fight was started up again, and the two combatants were at it again, but this time Smoky had a much better hand, and the odds dipped into her favor over Porath. Smoky dodged the charge easily, spinning like a top, with her Yo-yo spinning around, and hitting Porath as he ran by. Porath was knocked back much harder this time, and sent him off his hooves, and onto his back. He quickly recovered, a bit dazed but fine, yet this proved that Smoky Quartz was stronger than he thought. Porath got up onto his hooves again. "That all you got?" Porath snarled. "I got a few more moves. Ever heard of 'sink the dink'?" Smoky joked. Suddenly, Smoky Quartz's Yo-yo slammed into Porath's face. Before he could shake it off, the Yo-yo slammed into him again, knocking him back even further. Porath's hooves were tossed out from under him thanks to the Yo-yo string sliding under him. She was string, and she was fast for such a large girth. "Alright you fat lard-ball, you asked for it!" Porath yelled, galloping to her. Smoky launched the Yo-yo at him, but this time she missed, and Porath grabbed it in his mouth. He thought he had it in his prime, but ... "Aww, leaving so soon?" Porath was confused, but suddenly Smoky got the Yo-yo skyward, spinning like a propeller, Porath spinning so fast it was a blur! Porath lost his grip, and was thrown straight up, only then Smoky pull back in her Yo-yo. Porath flew high in the air, and finally landed in a loud crash, a huge cloud of dust showing up in his wake. Everyone waited with baited breath to see the results. And the results? ... Smoky sitting on Porath with a big smile on her face. "Good job, Smoky! Thank you, thank you Smoky," Smoky said, congratulating herself. Porath was knocked out, eyes spinning and in a complete daze. Looks like Smoky won. ....... "... Strength better ..."