My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

by GuardianEternal

Chapter 4

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

Chapter 4: the Seeker of souls and life in Equestria

Doctor Whooves and nurse Redheart turned around to see whose voice it was. They stopped and stood in shock upon seeing who entered the room.

"S-Spike!" said Dr. Whooves with a bit of apprehension and shock in his voice. Spike turned his head down slightly, as if expecting to be scolded. Instead he got a serious reply back

"Spike this is SERIOUS he's lost so much blood that in order to get him into a stable state he would least..Well at least 3 pints of'd be draining 50 percent of your bodies supply...A-are you sure Spike?" asked Dr. Whooves in a concerned tone. Before spike could answer, they heard someone enter. It was Rainbowdash with Twilight.

"Spike! I thought the doctor told both of you to stay out of this room for a while" said Twilight as she turned to Dr. Whooves with guilt "sorry Doctor Whooves, I hope we didn't disturb you much." she said in a sorry manner, then Dr. Whooves spoke up.

"Well, Twilight, spike here was going to donate blood to Siris here to try and save him" Twilight shook her head in disapprovingly.

"Spike you're just a baby dragon, he's too big, you'd be draining yourself dry!" she said in a concerned tone, then Spike finally spoke up "I-I don't care...he a person like me, like you, like all of the ponies in Equestria...I j-just can't leave him blood heals my wounds, it should heal his too, besides Twilight, the doctor said he needs only 3 pints, I've got about 6 I'll still have some left..." spike said in a convincing tone

"D-Doctor Whooves, please tell Spike that it's too dangerous for him to give blood!" Dr. Whooves looked at her with an 'I don't know what I can say' face and shrugged his shoulder

"T-Twilight h-he...HE'S UNCONSCIOUS!" said Dr. Whooves as he looked at the unconscious Siris.

"Twilight it's now or never!" said Spike and Dr. Whooves looking at Twilight seriously; Twilight looked at spike then looked at Siris

"...Spike...I've known you since I became a pupil of Princess Celestia...please...please, be careful Spike" said twilight with concern in her voice.

Spike nodded "don't worry Twilight, I'll make sure we're both up and running by the end of this!" he said with a confident tone in his voice,

"Hey spike!" said Rainbowdash, he turned around and looked at her "Be careful...for Twilight" she continued as she walked out with Twilight.

Spike turned to Dr. Whooves who had the blood regulator ready for him. When spike saw the I.V needle the nervousness set in.

U-uh, D-Doctor a-are y-y-you s-sure you need a-a n-needle that b-big!" Stuttered a nervous Spike clenching his right arm, Dr. Whooves walked over to Spike and pushed him with his head over to the regulator, and Siris, now pale white.

"Spike...look at him...he needs your blood, if he doesn't get it...he'll die..." said Dr. Whooves looking at spike sadly. Spike looked down at his toes trying to work up the courage to do it. As he looked up; the signs of nervousness that he showed faded and were replaced with courage and confidence.

"Hook me up, doc!" he said smiling fearlessly, Dr. Whooves looked at nurse Redheart they both nodded towards each other and she put Spike down on the I.V chair they slid over next to Siris and the machine.

"Alright honey, this might pinch" said nurse Redheart

"Ha! Don't worry I'm a big-" the nurse then inserted the I.V into Spike before he finished, and he let out a big yell of pain "Yeeeeooow!...” he retorted with surprise and and pain sniffing a bit “ coulda told me you were putting it in!".

[Room next door]

Twilight pacing back and forth heard the sound of Spike’s yelp and she squinted a bit but kept calm and sighed lightly, Rainbowdash sitting with Fluttershy got up and trotted by Twilight “he’s a tough little dragon Twilight, he’ll be fine” she said, trying to keep her nerves down “yea, i know Rainbowdash, i’ve never dealt with anything like this before, so i’m a bit nervous for him, he’s a baby dragon after all Rainbowdash” Rainbowdash nodded “yea, he’s one crazy little dragon”

[In Operation room]

Spike sat with hurt and tears building in his eyes from the needle’s sudden insertion into his arm. Dr. Whooves then turned and inserted the other I.V into Siris as well without a problem and he turned to the machine and turned it on, starting the blood transfer. "So doc, what will happen if someone like me, a dragon with magical blood, gives blood to someone non-magical like him?" he asked while looking at the blood go into Siris

"Hmm...That's a good question Spike but most likely nothing, the magic should dissipate in the non-magical blood and turn normal" replied Dr. Whooves as he shrugged his shoulders.

While the fight to get Siris conscious again was underway, Siris himself was experiencing something quite strange.

As he regained consciousness, Siris noticed that he was floating in a strange wispy realm that seemed to go on forever. Taking a look around he also noticed strange lights that appeared seemingly out of nowhere heading towards an unknown destination. Some of the lights began to float around him like moths to a flame.

"H-huh? What are these things?" he wondered out loud.

"Hey that's hardly fair! I'm not calling YOU a 'thing' now am I?" replied the light with a British accent.

"Wha? I-it..err..y-you talked!" replied Siris in surprise

"Well of course we talk, we're human! As well as other things that were alive just like you were!"

Siris Floated back from the ball of wispy light in confusion. "What do you mean by werealive!" he asked with fear. The ball drew back as if confused by a dumb question

"What do mean by that? You're dead aren't you?" asked the ball of light curiously

"N-no! I'm not dead!"

As he said that the ball of light drew closer to him. "Hmm let's see if you're telling the truth or if you're talking bollocks" The light stared at him for a few minutes before speaking again. "Ah your right! I see a faded aura around you; it's lightly mimicking the true light and confusing the others"

Siris drew back from the ball in confusion "I-I'm in the realm...of the dead? But how?" Siris asked the ball of light. As he spoke, it started flashing and waving and slowly took the shape of a knight with a golden crown.

"Well, I'd suppose it would be best and most comforting, if I show you who I was"

"Where have I seen you before? Hmm..." mumbled Siris to himself as he looked at the man, the man let out a sigh of disappointment

"Kids in your time period know nothing of history...ahem, I am King Arthur, lord of the Knights of the Round Table" he continued, Siris jumped at the famous figure that had appeared before him.

"Y-YOU'RE King Arthur! I-I mean, THE king Arthur!" he asked obviously dumbfounded.

The knight nodded slowly with a content and gentle smile. "Yes, I am here to watch over the spirits that are transitioning to the next stage of existence". Siris tilted his head in confusion. "I watch over and protect those who have died and head to the light which calls to those whom are no longer amongst the living" said King Arthur simplifying it for him.

Siris looked down at his free floating feet "protect them...from what exactly?" he looked up and around, watching the dots of light float slowly towards a strange light which shines dimly to Siris but brighter to the spirits who see it

"We protected them from the evil in all of us, and our job is to keep its wretchedness away from the pure souls which cross over" said Arthur as if telling a story.

Siris rubbed his head with confusion "evil in all of us?" he thought

"But as of late it has been far too quiet and guardians like me are on edge. It's been finding its way into other planes of existence like yours and disturbing the balance in the process, and has grown at an astonishing rate".

Siris leaned forward slightly out of curiosity. Arthur looked at him Knowing full well what he was about to ask. "You want to see your mother again, don't you?" Siris stopped in shock as he heard his question be answered without a single word uttered. Siris began sweating and nodded nervously waiting for his answer. "Hmm. Something about you... is different than the other living" he said examining Siris's aura closely.

"W-well can you take me to her?" he asked desperately wanting an answer.

King Arthur stopped looking at his aura and turned his attention back to Siris

"Yes and no..." he replied with no emotion in his voice

"What do you mean?" Siris asked in confusion.

Arthur gave him a serious look "Only the dead are allowed to enter the light. If you're living or not once enter the light you risk never coming back" King Arthur said shattering his hopes into tiny bits of dust.

"A-are you sure?" he asked with disappointment and sadness. As they spoke, both of them heard light whispers, to Siris unintelligible garble but not to the knight. He looked down as if being told something important "Hmm... are we all sure?" he asked seeming to nothing.

As the whispers silenced, the king turned to Siris and smiled with relief "well...young one it seems it's my time to pass on, but not before I allow you one conversation with your mother" he said with a contented sigh

"R-REALLY! You would do that for me!" exclaimed Siris leaping for joy.

The knight nodded and waved him over to the direction of the light. As he drew closer he felt a force pulling him towards it, not a forceful pull but a self driven force. Arthur pulled out his sword and put in front of Siris's eyes it, positioning it broadside against his vision. "Do NOT look at the light...once you become attracted to it, you won't want to stop until you enter it...once we reach it I shall be given the ability to keep it open for you for a short time before I have to enter it. You must hurry, your life force is returning and you won't be able to stay here much longer before you return to Equestria!" he said to Siris as they began their crossing into the Light of divine origin.

The light's allure began to grow as they grew closer, the voices of the light whispering of a destined visit from a living being "hey...Arthur...what are those voices?" asked Siris curiously looking around. King Arthur turned around to him and removed his helmet and placed it backwards on Siris's head

"Wear this. You mustn't even take a minor peak or hear a sound until you pass thr-..." suddenly

"Pass, through?" asked Siris, turning around toward the wispy realm once more and turned the helmet around to see why he stopped. A large grotesque figure with what seemed to be wispy human arms reaching for him.

As they lunged for him King Arthur dashed in front of it stopping them with a slash of his sword.

"RETURN TO THE ABYSS FROM WHENCE YOU CAME EVIL DEMON!" he yelled with powerful fury in his voice and held his sword out to the sinister creature. When Siris took a closer look, he saw it was a skeleton-like creature, but as he looked down he also noticed a black mass seemingly stitched with tortured souls that made up its robe. It also had souls that encircled its waste and to the inside it's chest like some form of life line.

"I hath been summoned, my devour his soul...stay your way, guardian or I shall devour yours to sate my appetite" spoke this abomination lifting his bone like finger towards Siris.

Arthur moved his arm in front of him and held his sword outward. "Then I shall be your appetizer!" said King Arthur as he floated in front of Siris holding his blade with both of his hands.

A silence passed for what seemed like hours to both of them. Time seemed to stop as king and the creature both flew forward at each other. Arthur took a stabbing lunge and the creature tried to evade. It avoided the brunt of the blow but was still nicked by the blade in the process. The creature let out a deafening screech, disturbing his energies and hurting Siris's ears. The creature took a great dash for Siris and Arthur stabbed it in the back. The creature was quick to react as it twisted quickly around and smacked him in his face. The force of the impact caused him to lose grip of his sword and tumble towards the light, but before he did Siris flew behind him, stopping him quickly.

"Something different about this soul's so much stronger than the rest" said Arthur as he placed his hand on Siris's arm and looked at him seriously. "Now listen, if anything happens and I lose this battle I want you to close your eyes and call to the spirits to return you. You're not fully recovered but it's better than letting him devour your soul! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Arthur demanded. Siris nodded failing to notice the creature that had snuck up behind him and grabbed him pulling him towards his shadowed chest. Before it could get him, Arthur immediately flew in front of its face and punched it as hard as he could, causing it to lose its grip on Siris

"G-gah its touch! I-it's like the life was being sucked from my body" he thought to himself worriedly, he then looked up and saw the creature starting to absorb King Arthur's energy.

His light began to dim quickly as the creature devoured his energy slowly and most likely the most painfully "r-remember y-young l-ling w-what I told y-you t-to do" he said weakly, emotions stirred strongly within Siris. Anger, fear, and sadness filled his soul, a feeling of righteousness overcame him and he floated toward the creature with fury burning in his eyes and very soul. He looked closely and saw the king's sword still plunged into its back and , without a second of hesitation, he dashed forward as quickly as he could and jumped on the creature's back grabbing the sword. As he twisted it left and right the creature released its deadly grip of the King, who descended slowly below

"Y-youngling w-what are you d-doing! Get out of h-here while y-you can!" he exclaimed weakly. Siris then pulled the sword from its back then dashed a small distance, and stood holding the sword with two hands in front of himself.

"You want me! Then come FIGHT ME!" he yelled as loudly as he could while spreading his arms apart, sword in his left hand. With fury in the very essence of his shout, he began to glow with divine light. As the souls of the light filled his soul's vessel with power, the creature screeched once more in an attempt disrupt the transference of power. But even thought it disorientated Arthur, it did not faze Siris.

Floating resolute above the light, holding the sword now with one hand, his eyes glowing deep blue and the sword with power and with one movement and all his power, he slashed down and threw a great wave of energy at the creature, seemingly destroying it in the blast.

The energy that filled his soul with power returned to wherever it came from leaving Siris breathing heavily. He floated over to Arthur floating weakly in the void of the wispy realm "Y-you s-stopped it? H-how?" he asked weakly giving Siris a stunned look.

"I-I don't know...the power to defeat it...just came to me" the king weakly nodded and looked to the light and looked to him once and again

"T-this was it...youngling...t-this battle was t-to be m-my last, now t-the light beckons me, me to it...don't wants only won't take you...when we approach it this t-time" he said to Siris, his energy began fading quickly. With haste Siris put his arm over Arthurs and quickly started to float over to the light, this time there was no force that pulled Siris to it...nothing but a light with growing intensity.

" where our time together comes to an end" spoke Arthur. As he squinted Siris noticed strange angelic spirits gently take hold of him and he floated towards the unknown beyond. Before he disappeared he said one...last...thing "your road ahead is going to be difficult and it will seem to be impossible, but don't be deterred , you'll never be alone, look to your friends, together you shall surpass any challenges you come across" then he was gone and all there was, was a light which seemed to never end.

Siris turned around as the grotesque creature rose up and took hold of Siris's throat, squeezing harder and harder. Siris's struggle began to weaken as the life was being drained from his very soul. "G-gah..gra...uh...uh..I-I c-can'" Siris said as his hand began to slip from the creature's grip.

A sudden shout rang throughout the light "DON'T YOU HURT HIM!" As his consciousness began to fade, Siris saw a great white angelic figure fly in front of the creature and smite it once and for all with the divine power of the light as a great flash. The creature could not withstand the force of the blow and disintegrated into nothing.

Siris was free but he struggled to get his arm up and hold it out to the divine figure. The light shined too greatly for Siris to see who had saved him but as the figure touched him, he felt the life taken from him return. With a deep he felt his heart racing and regained full consciousness. Siris took a closer look to see who his savior was. With a single gasp and one word it smiled at him gently "m-mommy?"

Siris began to lose control of his emotions and started to cry. The figure looked at him with a gentle, caring smile and floated to him and cradled him in its arms

"Shh...Hush now...My son, sleep...Your friends are waiting for you..." said the divine figure.

"I-I don't want to go! I want to be with you mom!" exclaimed Siris with great sorrow and pain in his voice. She smiled and closed her eyes and placed her head upon his

"I've missed you too my son...I always loved you, and I always wanted to be with you, till you both grew up strong, to help you through your troubles, to kiss you goodnight, to protect you. But destiny calls us here sooner than any of us want... But do not worry, I am always with you and your sister, do not cry my son...stand strong! I shall always be there, watching over both of you and your new friends" said his mother, gently rubbing his head. Siris picked his head up and looked into his mother's eyes. They were the same as he remembered, deep blue, just like his, and nodded lightly. She nodded back then cradled him once more

"I know what will let you sleep, my son" she then spoke in the most beautiful of voices and Siris began to fall asleep with only a single tear falling down his cheek, not out of sadness, but out of longing as she sang a familiar melody...

"~win-ter is done...spring appro-ches...sleep my litt-tle~ ba-bies..when you wake, the dawn of the spring day shall~ be there, to greet you, to help you, to be there for~ you-u-u...when the coming of winter, approaches yet again, do-o-o not fear! Do-o-o not cry! Know that coming of WIN-TER means~ Spring is o-o-o-o-on it's wa-a-a-a-y...once again!" .

As she sang Siris finally fell into a deep slumber. She let go of him as he glowed and phased out of the realm with a great light.

" son". As he dreamt he saw figures go back and forth, one figure was red, the other blue. The two turned around and looked at each other before jumping toward one another becoming a single entity. As many others began to phase in, he heard a familiar voice shout.

"H-HE'S COMING TOO!" it sounded female. As objects and colours coming into focus, a brown figure walked up to him

"Alright nurse, stop the transfer..." spoke this male voice. When everything came into view, he saw a brown pony with a sand timer on his flank. "Ho, careful, slowly, do you feel?" said the pony who, when Siris took a closer look, was Dr. Whooves

"I...feel...good?" he said curiously. He turned slowly and looked at his back. The wound had which had healed completely. "W-wha-what" He asked huffing lightly

"You went into shock. If it wasn't for spike here, you wouldn't have made it!" replied doctor smiling happily at him.

Siris looked around and found Spike, he was pale with bags under his eyes. As he looked at Spike, he turned to him and smiled lightly.

"H-hey your are you feeling?" said Spike sluggishly. Siris turned to the doctor.

"What happened to spike, doc?" Dr. Whooves turned to Spike and smiled

"He gave you the blood that you desperately needed to survive" said the doctor speaking lightly to Siris

"W-what! How much did he donate, like a gallon? He looks terrible!" he exclaimed to the doctor looking back at spike

"No...he gave you actually, three pints of blood!...You're a lucky guy, not many become bound to a dragon so easily to the point of giving up their own blood!... Very lucky indeed!" said the doctor patting his back. Siris picked himself up from the blood soaked table the stood up strong.

"W-whoa!, hey you shouldn't get up so quickly, you're just recovering from extensive blood-loss and shock, you should lay down on your bed, over there" said nurse Redheart concertedly as she pointed her Whooves to a clean makeshift bed near a window.

Siris ignored her completely remembering what his mother said. "Do not cry, my son... stand strong! I shall always be there, watching over both of you...and over your new friends". He looked to them with resolve, smiled and gestured his head "no" lightly pulled out the I.V still in his arm, patched it with a cotton ball and band-aid then walked over to spike.

"Come on bud...let's get you back home with Twilight and into your bed" he said gently to spike, who nodded and smiled. He was tired, but happy.

He picked up Spike and cradled him in his arms and looked down at his blood soaked shirt then up to the doctor and nurse and smiled. They looked at each other in shock, before nurse Red heart spoke "A-are you sure you'll be ok?" she asked with concern. He turned to her and smiled greatly and nodded.

"Don't worry I'm feeling GREAT now, I have the absent wound to prove it, plus...I got to go take this hero home.." he said as he looked at spike "he's earned a good long rest" he continued, both the nurse and doctor looked at each other and turned and looked at him with smiles and eased concern

"W-well you, uh... take care then. Oh here!" said the nurse as she walked over and picked up Siris's pants, which weren't stained in blood. He looked at her and he put spike on her back as he grabbed his pants and slipped each leg through each hole. He then looked to her as she gently handed spike to him before he continued out the door closing it behind him.

Dr. Whooves and nurse Redheart looked at each other and then the bloody mess. Sighing nurse Redheart looked towards the door. "He's something special...yup, definitely something special..." she said as they both began to clean the room.

As Siris walked into the next room he could hear voices and hooves trotting back and forth. "Oh! I hope Spike and Siris come out of this ok... Oh how could I let him do such a thing? He's just a baby dragon!" Twilight's voice was thick with concern.

Spike spoke up in Siris's arms. "Thanks for the confidence Twilight..." he said rolling his eyes. Siris walked in with blood covering his shoulder. Fluttershy, having regained consciousness, fainted again confusing Siris

"Uh?...hey.." the room was filled with joyous voices as the group ran over to them both. First one up of course, was Twilight

"Oh, how you guys feeling? Are you and spike going to be ok?" asked Twilight worriedly as her horn glowed and picked up Spike and put him on her back

"Yeah ...the doctor said he would need some rest and he'll be right as rain. Me?" as he paused deep in thought of his venture, worrying all the girls, then applejack spoke up

"What's the matter Sugar cube? Did something happen?" she asked, Siris looked up at her with a serious and worried look.

"At first...I...was...dead, though for just four minutes..." he spoke with a disheartened tone of voice, making everypony jump with surprise. Pinkie Pie spoke this time, with very surprising calm and worry

"Y-you dead, dead?" she asked nervously, Siris nodded

"Yeah...while I was, I appeared in this strange...wispy realm where I ran into two unexpected things..." he continued

"What was that?" asked Twilight meekly.

"There was...some kind of creature after me". Then Rarity spoke up

"Some kind of dastardly ghoul?" she said with disdain, he gestured his head "no" and continued

"Something worse...a spirit called it...a...a 'soul stealer'...mean anything?" he asked them this answer only stunned all but one pony who knew what it was

"A-a soul stealer! After you! what plane were you on?" she asked.

"Uh...I don't know but it had this massive light in the-" as he explained, Twilight interrupted him with a shocked response.

"Then this could be much worse than any of us could imagine, if something so evil could enter that realm and attack you-" this time, Siris interrupted her

"It also, almost destroyed a 'guardian" spirit' he spoke, the sound of Twilight's voice changed from shock to an eased worry.

"One of the strongest of spirits...defeated? If that's the case then it MUST have been a grudge spirit then .That's the only one capable of defeating a guardian spirit. Come on everyone, we have to head over to our house. Since Spike is too tired to send a message to Princess Celestia, we'll do it tomorrow".

Siris dropped his head down in an effort to hide his teats. Rarity saw through this and walked up to him.

"What's the matter dear? It's ok now you're here and not in that horrible mess" she said trying to soothe him. He lifted his head smiling, tears still flowing.

"The other thing...was that..."

As he spoke the ponies, including Fluttershy who recovered from fainting, looked at him with anxiousness

"I saw my mother. She saved me from that...thing". Twilight looked at him and smiled

"Just as a mother should...I'm glad you saw your mom one more time" she spoke to him, he nodded and spoke again.

"She said that she would watch over me and my sister...and all of you" as he said it he wiped away the tears "but she also stay strong! And to fight on and so I shall, and I WILL solve the mystery of me being here!" he said with a fiery passion. Everyone smiled as he opened, making their way to Twilight's house.

As they left Siris felt the sunlight on his face and he smirked. As they made their way through town, he saw the ponies passing by and the ponies in their shops stared at him weirdly. He looked at Twilight and asked "Why are all these ponies staring at me?" she turned her face toward Siris, then looked around and noticed the same thing as him

"Hmm...they must be nervous...that typical, but as you stay here, if you have a good heart, they'll warm up to you" she reassured him. As she finished something popped into Rarity's mind

"Ah, Twilight that reminds me" she said as she looked at Siris "Someone left this outside our room, it had your name on a note on top of it" she continued as she lifted a shirt out of the same bag she brought his clothes in. To his surprise it was his same favourite shirt, but clean. It had the same design and was faded. It had the picture of the sword he used on the creature back in the realm of the dead on its back holstered diagonally with a leather band. He looked at it and chuckled a bit then put it on "hehe...thanks...for everything you did...King Arthur...find everlasting peace" he thought looking up to the sky smiling. Rarity looked at him as if he had lost it

"Eh, what's the matter dear?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion, Siris looked back down to her.

"Nothing...nothing at all Rarity" he sighed and they continued on their way.

As they made way through Ponyville as quick as possible they all arrived at a tree house, which Twilight then pointed both her hooves to it,

"So here's my home Siris. Let's head inside everyone" Twilights 'home' was a semi-large tree which had carved windows and a carved door, no doubt by magic. As he entered he saw a bunch of bookshelves filled with all sorts of books, stairs leading to the second floor.

"Come on; let's head up stairs to my room, oh! Let me put Spike to bed first" said Twilight pointing a hoof towards the stairs.

She walked over to a small basket. As the others headed upstairs and Twilight was putting spike down to bed Siris looked down and saw an old book with the picture of a colt in black armour and a mare in white armour that were identical, looking onward towards each other in the distance on a starlit night, Siris knelt down and looked closer, but when he tried to read it he saw it was in a different language.

Twilight noticed that Siris was kneeling down, and looking at something.

"Hmm? What are you looking at?" she said as she trotted up to Siris He picked it up and showed her, it struck her with much surprise to what book it was.

"Separate worlds?" she said as Siris turned at Twilight with a confused look, she looked at him with confusion as well when it dawned on her.

"Oh yea...I forgot we have separate languages of writing" Siris looked back down to it and turned the page to see a bright white colt with a black mare standing together under a sunset

"What's it about Twilight?" asked Siris curiously, she looked at the book and explained it

"It's a romance adventure about a colt and a mare who were in love, it was an unbreakable love, but a great storm caused by a powerful and evil wizard which tore their lands apart and sends them hundreds of miles away from each other, each lover on the other island. this book tells of both their adventures as they fought to find each other again. They travelled across lands, overcame traps, battled bandits, the evil army and deadly tricks of that very same wizard"

Siris looked back up at her

"What happens at the end?" he asked her intrigued by the story. Twilight turned the page to one with three characters, one was a black colt, and another was a white mare. They were both standing in front of a dark and evil looking stallion on a tower with black clouds swirling around the tower and above it. Twilight looked at the book as if she regretted picking it up.

"It's sad... they finally meet but what they went through had changed them greatly. The once white coat the colt had, had been turned black by the ashes of war and he couldn't see the good in anyone. The once black mare had her black coat turned white, blessed by the divines for her good deeds and her once reckless behaviour changed for the better and became more caring. Though they didn't quite love each other anymore, they ascended his evil tower to stop him from hurting the world they came to cherish dearly" she continued

"What happened when they reached the top?" asked Siris curiously looking at the pages, Twilight looked at one of the last pages and recited it.

"When they reached the top of the evil wizard's accursed tower, they stood hoof to hoof looking upward. The evil wizard stared down at them and smiled evilly.

"Oh how a single emotion can push even the most separated ponies together!" and as he spoke his breath seemed to spew brimstone and fire. The two former lovers stood side by side and nodded to each other before running forward and blasting all their magic from within to vanquish him.

As the magic flowed towards him, he released a great surge of powerful dark magic in return, but they stood resolute and together in unison they spoke. 'By ourselves we are weak...but together we are unbreakable!' With that they combined their beam and threw all they could into one great explosion of light magic". Twilight then stopped and turned away

"W-what? What's the matter aren't you going to finish it, please?" asked Siris. She turned back and without reading the book recited the last paragraph with sadness in her voice.

"Before the final blow was struck, the wizard called a curse he had placed on the colt and with a second call activated it.

With the wizard defeated they looked at each other smiling and laughing lightly.

The fire of love that once burned in their hearts came back and this time they knew it was unbreakable. But then...but then...the colt collapsed to the ground from the curse placed on him. The worried mare raced over to him as he fought for precious seconds of consciousness. She stood over her dying lover and cried as he looked into her eyes and spoke

"Though we may be separated now, one day we will be together once" the colt looked into her eyes one last time then...then... with one last smile, he closed his eyes ,the wind gently blowing on his mane" as Twilight spoke she will stopped because she starting to tear up.

"T-that can't be it! It just can't!" said Siris exclaiming with sadness and surprise, Twilight looked at the book once more and smiled, she looked at Spike and then Siris as she weeping as she spoke.

"She shook him and she yelled to the heavens and cried. Then a divine light shone down upon him, he shone brightly his war stained coat turned back to white. The mare fell on to him and sobbed.

"P-please...take me... I cannot live a life without him! Without him to comfort me, to love does not mean anything as long as we are separated from one another!" she yelled with pain and tears as she fell onto him weeping.

As though the heavens had heard her pleas to be with the colt she had loved, the great light that had shone down upon him then shone on the mare. She looked up and saw that very colt with great angelic wings as floated down in front of her

"My darling...let us not be separated..." he spoke, his voice gently echoing in the light wind as he held out his hoof to her. She smiled with tears in her eyes and took hold of his hoof and she floated up to him. They looked into each other's eyes, and then he spoke again.

"Even heaven cannot ignore the plight of true love...come...let us go to where love never dies..." they then floated up into the heavens.

Before they ascended, there was a great flash of light and the tower of the wizard's evil creation disappeared. On the island where it once stood was a shrine where the lovers had ascended. It was not a normal shrine. It was blessed with the divine power to unlock one's true hidden abilities, but only true love could unlock its power. With one last look down, they kissed and the divine light which carried them up and beyond...faded..."

Twilight closed the book using her magic and placed it on the shelf. Siris looked at her with optimism "do you think this island exists?" she looked at him smiled and with a confused look shrugged her shoulders.

"Well come on Spike's in bed, let's head upstairs, the girls must be wondering where we went to" said Twilight. Siris took a look around and looked at Twilight once more

"Hey...Twilight...before we head upstairs...I have to ask" he asked Twilight halfway up the stairs, she turned around and looked down to him.

"What?" she asked.

"Why do you have so many books here?" replied Siris. She smiled and replied as if she knew he knew it already

"Well it's the local library...Well...some are mine...but it's also me and Spike's home as well, as we live here We report to princess Celestia through a letter sent by Spike on our findings about friendship" Siris started walking with Twilight heading up stairs as he spoke

"Did you always live here?" he asked, Twilight smiled and answered quite happily

"Nope, we once lived in Canterlot with princess Celestia herself, I'm her pupil...but she thought that I needed to learn about friendship and find friends as well" Siris looked confused but still smiled.

"So I'm guessing you did exactly that?" he asked

"Yep! I don't regret it one bit. I love my friends and if I had a choice between returning to Canterlot or staying with my friends here, in Ponyville...I'd gladly stay here...But don't say anything to them please?" asked Twilight, Siris smiled and nodded.

As they headed upstairs, Siris noticed it was pitch black

"Hey I coulda sworn it was brighter up here a minute ago...uh hey...Twilight? Rarity...Pinkie Pie...Applejack...uh...Rainbowdash?"

He looked around in complete darkness and then he heard someone Twilight say

"Alright...NOW!" she yelled then suddenly a black curtain darkening the room, let in a blast of light

"SURPRISE!" Yelled everyone causing Siris to flinch with surprise "Wha!..T-Twilight? What's going on?" he asked with surprise and happiness

"Well it's a PARTY silly!" replied Pinkie pie her place.

"For what?" he asked Pinkie pie as she hopped around happily looking at him.

"It a 'welcome to Equestria''s about you coming to Equestria for the first time EVER!" she replied vigorously

"Well we thought it would be a nice gesture, if we threw a party for know it's not everyday you see a “human” in Equestria" spoke Twilight smiling and giggling.

This brought an overwhelming sense of happiness letting out tears that he failed to hold back. The girls saw and they all looked to him with concern, Applejack walked up to him

"Aww, what's the matter sugar cube? Somethin' buggin ya?" she asked with a concerned look on her face, he looked up with tears falling to the ground and a light smile.

*Sniff* "I-I..haven't had a party just for me...or a party for anything, ever..." this made them all jump, especially Pinkie pie

"Oh!...The thought of never having a party EVER just unthinkable!" Exclaimed Pinkie pie, but Siris looked up to them and smiled while wiping away the tears

*Sniff* "But've thrown...a special party for me..." *Sniff* "Thank you!" he said happily and with a bit of melancholy.

Pinkie pie spoke up breaking the sad mood

"Well this is a party LETS HAVE SOME FUN ALREADY!" she exclaimed with energy as she grabbed a party blower and stuck it in Siris's mouth and popped the confetti while Twilight used her magic and started the party music.

For two hours Siris and the ponies danced and partied, Siris feeling warm and welcome. As the festivities slowly came to an end a strange sensation in Siris's chest made his nervous, but he hid it well enough that they didn't notice. Placing a hand on his chest when they weren't looking

" burns" Twilight doing a two step noticed Siris and walked up to him with concern

" something wrong? Are you hurting or are you still injured?" she asked with a motherly tone. Siris froze and quickly thought of something, anything to get her to think he was fine.

"'s not pleasant!" he replied chuckling nervously with a convincing smile, she looked at him with a small amount of suspicion

"Well here..." as she spoke she lifted up a cup of cold water "drink should ease that burning feeling " he grabbed the cup and drank it happily, and as he drank it, that burning sensation dissipated he then looked at her, grinning.

"Well since its getting dark, you think it's time to clean up?" asked Siris, Twilight looked around and noticed how dirty everything it really was.

"Oh! You're right it's getting dark...alright. Girls lets-" as she spoke Siris put his hand over her mouth

"Oh! Um...It's ok I'll take care of it! girls just get your sleep" Twilight looked at him with concern

"Are you sure you'll be fine cleaning up by yourself...I mean I DO live here... I think we should all help and clean up with you, it’s not right to let you do the work by yourself" Twilight persuaded, Siris walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and grinned gently

"It's ok...please let'll make me feel better knowing I'm helping do my part around here" he said looking at her with a bit of happiness, Twilight looked at him concern and nodded lightly

"Well...Ok...But, please... promise me that you won't do too much ...I don't want you straining or hurting yourself " Siris nodded and walked towards a cleaning broom, Twilight turned to the other ponies "Alright's time to sleep, let's go so we can let him clean up" they looked at her with confusion and hesitantly walked or flew out. Rarity stuck around just for a bit, before leaving and walked up to Twilight.

"Shouldn't we help him clean up Twilight? I mean...he was so hurt earlier, he might strain himself" she whispered, Twilight shrugged her shoulders in confusion.

"I told him we'd be glad to help, but he insisted that he do it by himself. I wanted to help but he said he won't feel like he's paid us for our kindness" Rarity tilted her head in confusion.

"I don't know...but as long as he doesn't hurt or strain himself, I suppose I'll let him this time". After she finished they walked downstairs she turned to him one more time before she left

"When you're finished just head downstairs I've prepared a room for you...I used it for storing some of the books here...but for now it'll be your room" Siris nodded and grabbed a broom and started sweeping.

6 minutes after they went downstairs and to sleep Siris was still sweeping getting all of the confetti and other leftover stuff that fell on floor when he heard someone coming up the stairs

"Huh... Hello? Twilight?" he asked squinting at the dimly lit room he looked at the clock "10:04? Hmm still kinda early" he thought to himself, as the steps grew louder he walked up and lit most of the candles, causing the room to brighten, he turned around to see who it was "SPIKE!" exclaimed Siris in shock.

"Heeey...what's...up? Why...are..y's-till''s pretty late...dude" said spike sluggishly.

"I could ask you the same Spike...I thought you'd be sleeping till tomorrow" he said. Spike looked down and then looked up at him smiling faintly

"Dude you should head back to shouldn't be awake! You need to recuperate from that blood donation!" exclaimed Siris as he walked up to Spike and knelt down "You could pass out any minute from just getting up and walking" explained Siris but Spike fell down on his butt and sat with stubbornness.

"I-I...don't...w-wanna" said Spike with an increasing sluggishly slurred speech. Siris saw how stubborn Spike was and gave in

"y-you...can stay" said Siris, this almost made Spike leap for joy, if he wasn't so weak and tired. Siris started sweeping again then Spike turn to Siris and look at him.

"Do you... need help?" he asked weakly knowing he wasn't close to finishing. Siris wiped away the sweat and looked around seeing the mess all around him. He smiled and gestured his head

"No I'll be ok Spike, it'll just take a bit of elbow grease, I can get it done!"


As he was just about done cleaning Siris, who was washing dishes, stopped suddenly and fell to the floor on one knee gripping his chest and groaning in pain. Spike was woken up suddenly by the sound of a dish falling on the ground and breaking

"S-spike...I-It...hurts" said Siris in pain. As Spike slowly regained his sight he saw his friend was hurting badly

"W-whaa-ts... the matter! A-are y-y-you...sick? it...the chores! Maybe...the cupcakes?" he exclaimed with fright, even though he was in severe pain, Siris fought through it and spoke

"I-i-it my...chest a-and b-body is on fire!" he said, Spike weakly reached out his arm and touched his chest, it was very hot, as if a powerful fire burned within... Spike pulled his hand away quickly.

"O-ouch! That'" Spike then, tried recollecting anything that could lead to this event or could have cause it "hmm..." he thought of everything since he met him to his second encounter up to now, when it dawned on him as he remembered the conversation with Dr. Whooves.

"so doc, what will happen if someone like me a dragon with magical blood, gives blood to someone non-magical like him?"...

"Hmm...that's a good question Spike...but most likely?...nothing, the magic should dissipate in the non-magical blood and turn normal."

"hmm...wait...a...sec...he said "MOST LIKELY" but...what does...this mean?...I have up...Twilight maybe she can...make sense of this". Muttered Spike to himself quietly. But as he was thinking, Siris began to breath very heavily and a strange light began emanating from his mouth. Siris immediately got up and dashed towards the door downstairs holding his mouth, Spike followed after him, stumbling after him as he hung on to the walls for support walking downstairs and to the door

" it must...must be what...I went through as a...newborn dragon "the dragon blood awakening"..." Siris gently opened the door and left it open, which Spike used as well to follow him.

Spike desperately tried to followed him, but it was hard because though he was willing to go after him, his legs and body weren't cooperating. For two minutes he fought passing out and through his dazed state to continue after him. Siris then stopped at a lake

"'re going through...t-the dragon bloods a-awakening...please...wait" Siris stopped at the edge of the lake and turned to Spike, Siris suddenly started to ignite in a blue flame writhing in pain as he did. Spike attempting to run collapsed and this time he couldn't get back up. But despite that Spike continued to push as he gripped the ground and pulled himself to Siris despite the fire and spoke to him

" control it using...w-willpower...u-um...think of invincible or uh..." Spike started thinking of things that could give Siris the will to overcome the dragon's blood which ignited the flame within. As he was engulfed in flame he let out a single name with a great roar which rang throughout all of Equestria for everyone to hear


After he finished, he picked himself up with a almost unnatural peaceful calm and stood ablaze with an intense blue flame which spun around him intertwined and turned to spike

"There is only one thing...I care about more than life... that one thing that allows me to push myself drive more than any other...that's m-my..." before he finished the flames disappeared and he collapsed. Spike wobbly got up and slowly limped over to him Attempting to help him up gently

"It's my sister...and till I die...she will always the most precious thing to me...t-t...thank gave me the...the drive to control the power within..." as he spoke he smiled gently to him giving him the best hug he could and put him down. Spike's eyes sparkled with happiness to the bond he and Siris now shared Spike turned to him and spoke

"We're...we'!" he said huffing lightly. A very happy sounding Siris chuckled a bit then knelt to him

"...Blood brother" he said with sincere words and Spike lightly nodded and agreed.

As they finished both of them heard hooves nearby. Taking a look it was the Twilight and the others too. As they looked around they saw Spike and Siris and ran to them with haste. The first to speak was Rainbowdash.

"Hey are you two ok!" Siris and Spike looked to each other and as Siris tried helping Spike up he felt faint

"Y-yea...we're ok..." replied Siris Weakly. Twilight walked up to them both

"What were you two doing out in the middle of the night! Spike you should have known better than to get up and walk around...the doctor said you'd need at least a day to recuperate before you even think about it!" scolded Twilight looking at Spike, he in turn looked down and said Sorry. Afterwards she turned to Siris "What are you doing outside with him! I asked you to try and not strain" as she was scolding she started to tear up, everypony saw her starting to cry but it was Siris who stepped up and hugged her.

"I'm...sorry, ... I promise this night and for the rest of my life...I won't go back on my word...and to protect everyone...always" as he said it, it stunned everypony how sincere he was. Twilight turned to him and wiped away the tears

"I-I'm sorry...I don't usually front of everyone... I'll hold you to your word, I know you'll hold it" said Twilight starting to smile. She then walked over to Spike and picked him up and all the girls helped Siris and Spike into the tree house.

Twilight walked once more to Spike's bed and put his covers over him

"Good night Spike...see you in the morning" she said to him, Spike shifted over and spoke to Twilight once more before he succumbed to sleep

"Thank you Twilight...and...and good you too...but could bed" Twilight looked at him curiously

"Where Spike?" she asked gently Spike smiled and said one word

"Siris..." she nodded and as he went to sleep she gently picked up his basket with magic and went into Siris's room, with him sitting on his bed

"What's up Twilight...what's that?" he asked

"Spike wanted to sleep next to you...would you-" before Twilight finished Siris finished it for her with his answer

"Yes..." she nodded and placed his bed next to Siris's. Twilight looked out the window then curiously asked "did you guy head out there...because of that loud boom?" Siris looked to her with surprise and lied

" shocked me and I dropped a plate by accident...sorry" Twilight waved her hooves, gesturing 'it's fine'. Siris asked her a question of his own

" you think that this princess Celestial or err..Celestia and princess Luna...would know how I got here?" Twilight looked at him with endearment

"I'm sure they will...I have faith, with that we can find out why you came here...but for the time being...would you like to stay here with all of us?" wondered Twilight.

It came to him as a shock, she wanted him to stay even though he was a creature from a different universe or dimension and take care of him as she would anypony. Siris teared up and a little flicker of something flared for a second like a spiritual connection. He replied happily .

"Yes I would gladly accept..." Twilight almost seemed to leap with joy as she looked at him nodding happily. Siris thought of something then asked Twilight as she was leaving

"When can we talk to the princesses?" Twilight looked at him and giggled then walked out after saying only this

"All the girls want to get to know'll be able to talk with them...and sooner than you think"

She closed the door and Siris lay down on the bed turning to Spike saying one thing before sleeping

"See you tomorrow" lil' bro". With that sentence Siris looked out the window and let the sea of dreams carry him away to a land of peaceful sleep and recuperation.


Authors note:

Sorry this chapter took so long but I hope it was worth the wait. As of now I will have started already on chapter 5...and I will do my best to make every chapter better than the last. What happens now?