//------------------------------// // XCR: The Mystery // Story: Sons of Damas // by Tatsurou //------------------------------// As the group prepared for competition in the next Grand Prix, they were surprised as Blitz came in to deliver live on camera a recorded message from Meezo himself. Jak and Rayn both paid close attention, while the others stuck close to listen. "Greetings fellow race lovers," the distorted voice spoke from the shadowed silhouette on the screen. "Your perseverence this season has been...surprising. But Krew has sent you on a fool's errand. I'm prepared to forgive and forget, and spare each of your lives if you walk away now." Jak rolled his eyes as the message reached that part. "So much for the intimidating crime lord," he mumbled under his breath. "He doesn't know the first thing about this. He might as well have just proclaimed that he's afraid we'll actually win, and the consequences thereof." He noticed Blitz' eyes hardening as he spoke, and smirked. "Well, you certainly are brave!" Blitz managed to get out. He started to say more, but Jak stepped between him and the camera. "If you're listening, Meezo," he began, standing side-on to the camera as he spoke so one eye was on Blitz, "your days are numbered. We're coming for you, and you don't have enough to stop us." As Blitz left the area, Rayn spoke up. "So...am I the only one who thinks the silhouette of Meezo looked like a bald Blitz?" "And Blitz does wear a toupee..." Daxter pointed out thoughtfully. "Might be a coincidence," Jak murmured. "But Blitz is definitely in Meezo's pocket, at the very least..." Despite Razor's best efforts, the team cooperative efforts continued to pull through even the direst circumstances, allowing Jak to come in first in the race while Razor was left coming in fifth. Jak was rather unsurprised that this resulted in yet another TV interview from Blitz. "And here he is, ladies and gentlemen!" Blitz began as he approached. "The man who beat - nay, humiliated! - the mighty Razor! How does it feel to still be breathing?" "Disappointing," Jak replied bluntly, once more getting in character as a real hardass. "With all he'd been talked up, I expected better of him...and this sport in general." "Well, we'll see what we can do to liven things up for you, shall we?" Blitz offered. "But it seems like you've got the Championship locked down! You're the rising star!" He then smirked somewhat wickedly. "Of course...every star falls." "Then I suggest you watch where you stand when it comes time for me to land," Jak replied grimly. With only one Grand Prix remaining to clear, the group knew that attempts to destroy them would drastically increase. As such, they went to work ensuring their base of operations was well protected and their vehicles were as strong as they could be made. At the same time, Jak and Shining both practiced their Eco abilities, determining carefully how best to use them in the races. A minor error in one race revealed to Jak that someone had attempted to sabotage his kart's weapons systems, but wasn't aware that Keira had given every system in every kart triple redundancy, just in case something went wrong. After the race, Keira examined the device used to sabotage the racer, and determined it was the same type that - according to records - had killed Blitz' father on the track. However, given their suspicions regarding Blitz, they decided not to do anything about it as of yet. A more difficult discussion arose, however, when Rayn uncovered certain information that she felt compelled to confront Jak about. She found him resting atop their mobile base. "Jak, there's something I need to discuss with you." "I'm certain," Jak replied easily. "Is it true that you killed my father?" she asked bluntly. Jak nodded. "Yes, it's true," he replied readily. "Were you expecting an apology?" Rayn's eyes narrowed. "You don't regret it in the slightest, do you?" she demanded angrily. "Krew was so consumed with his greed that he dealt with anyone who would pay him," Jak told her flatly. "He was willing to sacrifice an entire city for his own profit, even if it meant dooming all of humanity in the process. Yes, I killed him. I dealt with him as I've dealt with any threat to those who look to me for safety and a future, and who had no heart left. I have no more regret from killing him than from killing Kor, the leader of the Metalheads...or Errol, who allied with the Dark Makers." Standing up, he walked away. "As I'll deal with anyone else who threatens those I care for, and prove they will not change their ways. As I intend to deal with Meezo if he does not keep his word when we win." "What kind of monster are you?" Rayn demanded angrily. "The kind this world needs," Jak replied. "The kind it made me to be. Besides, you know the type of person Krew really was better than I do, don't you?" He noticed Rayn flinch back. "Thought so. You're cut from the same cloth...but you care. That's more than he ever did. I'll be counting on that when the time comes." "What are you talking about?" Rayn queried cautiously. "You'll see when this is over, and you have control of Meezo's business," Jak answered simply, "one way or another. After all, finding out who was in control of the underground crime rings is exactly why we came here in the first place."