The Teal Changeling

by MrAlterad

28. Alchemic Bonding

“...Dud,” Momo began, getting a curious look from him, “Will they be fine?” she asked, glancing back down the way they came. He tilted his head, before giving her an assuring smile.

“Chrys and Princess Luna? They’ll be more than fine,” he replied confidently, before giving her a confused look. “You’re worried? Weren’t you okay with this?” he asked, getting a sheepish laugh from her.

“I’m a little worried. I mean, she’s telling Luna that we’re not ponies. I mean, I’m for it, but it’s just-” She shook her head, “Never mind. It’s nothing.” She continued ahead of him for several paces, before stopping. She looked to him, “Don’t tell Chrys…” she asked softly, making him tilt his head.

“Being a pillar is rough, huh?” he asked, making her blink.


“You’re Chrys’s pillar. Her support,” he said matter-of-factly, making her frown.

“And you’re not?”

“Pretty sure she leans on you more,” he replied coyly, making her blush slightly.

“R- Right,” she replied, before letting out a small sigh.

“Hey, it’ll be fine,” Dud reassured. “Though, I kind of wish we were there. Seeing the princess’s surprise would be amazing!”

“Well, you could have stayed,” Momo pointed out, before her eyes widened. She didn’t mean to say that out loud...

“True,” Dud replied, rubbing his chin in thought, “Odd. Why didn’t I think of that?” he wondered, looking to Momo, before his face flushed. She couldn't help but smile. “Well, I’m here now, so guess I’ll just stay,” he declared. “We’re probably not missing all that much anyways,” he added offhoofedly, stopping and standing upright in a serious fashion. “Surprise, I’m a changeling!” he said, trying to mimic Chrys’s voice, “Now, let’s talk diplomacy!” Momo chuckled. He smiled at her, before pausing at an intersection. His smile faltered as he glanced both directions in indecision.

“Something wrong?” she asked, making him shake his head.

“Not sure where the library is myself,” he admitted, making her blink dumbly.

“You don’t?”

“Nope!” he replied happily, “But, he does~!” he added, turning to a guard they were about to pass. After a short list of directions, Momo took the lead.

“So Dud, after everything’s done. When there’s peace. What next?” she asked, glancing to him curiously as he came to her side. He tilted his head in thought.

“Hmm. Not sure. I can’t guess at the specifics, but I think it’s fair to say that things will brighten for ponies and changelings alike.”

“I meant you,” she said flatly.

“Oh!” He frowned for a moment. “Well, I suppose it’d be back to exploring, seeing the world, breaking pets free from their cages, and looking for rare creatures.” His eyes then widened excitedly, “I heard there’s a kind of bird called a Roc that grows as big as dragons in the griffin mountains.” Momo’s ears started to fall, which the stallion seemed oblivious to. “But, that will wait till I’ve taken care of our promise,” he added, her mood turning around as he gave her a smile.

“Y- You’re sure?” she asked, blushing slightly, “I mean, we’ll probably be busy- Chrys and I, with getting her hive together.”

“Well, that would be fun in its own way,” he replied, nodding. Momo tilted her head at that, but her coming question died as they found themselves before the library. “Speaking of fun~” he added, opening the doors.

Momo’s mouth fell open. She’d seen Lores’ book collection. It couldn’t even fill a shelf in this place, brimming with tomes of all sizes, thickness, and languages. It smelled of paper and knowledge. Dud’s eyes had an excited gleam in them as he dived right inside, his gaze all over the place as he hovered around the shelves, Momo fluttering in his wake.

“There’s so many!” was all she had to contribute.

Isn’t it great!?” he replied, his smile faltering as somepony let out a hushing sound. The pair looked to each other, before gliding around to the alcove Lady Pestle called home, her nose once again buried in a tome. Momo came to her first, pulling the vase hanging from her back around, before placing it on the table next to the mare. Pestle flinched in surprise.

“You’ll see us now, right?” Momo asked, making Pestle’s eyes dart from Momo to Dud for a second, before giving a small nod.

“Th- That’s right,” she mumbled, marking her page before putting the book to the side. “P- Princess Luna wanted me to help you with…?”

“Oh,” Momo said with a smile, “Can you make this?” she asked, tapping the vase. Pestle hesitated for a moment.

“A vase?” she asked, making Momo flush briefly.

“No no, what’s inside!” she pointed out. Pestle looked like she wanted to say no, but there was a curious gleam in her eyes that compelled her, making her glance into the container. She picked it up, swirling the vase slowly, before wafting some air with her wings to smell it.

“Um, what is it?” she asked.

“It’s nectar. Food!” Momo replied, getting a small frown from the knight.

“P- Please, not so loud. And, just food? How do you make it?”

“With magic,” Dud cut in, “Like, unicorn magic. We were hoping there was a way to make it without that.” Pestle blinked at him, before giving him a weak smile.

“Yeah, what Dud said,” Momo added, getting a briefly confused look from Pestle, before she nodded.

“If that’s what you want, then I should be able to do it,” she replied, showing a look of pure intrigue. “Let’s see what we have here,” she added, grabbing the vase before pulling some nectar out with a spoon. Then, she went to work on it, with practice and ease that betrayed the clumsy sleepy mare they took her for yesterday.

She placed some in a beaker. Made it change colors with some strange smelling pigments. She wafted it. Tasted it. She then slid her book to the side, before grabbing some parchment and a quill, and jotting down notes. It quickly became clear to Momo and Dud that the alchemist was oblivious to their presence now, losing herself in her work as she did all sorts of things to the nectar. Dud watched on curiously. He wasn’t an alchemy expert, but he had a vague idea of what she was doing. Momo however, was completely lost.

“Sooo, this is alchemy?” she asked skeptically, making Pestle pause. She looked to Momo, a little put off by the question.

“Y- You don’t know alchemy?” she asked, making Momo shake her head.

“Only what Dud told me,” she explained getting a confused look from the chemist, who glanced to the stallion. “That you mix things together to make new things.”

“Th- That’s a gross simplification,” Pestle replied, glancing to the side, flustered. “Alchemy is, a science. I mean, yes, the core premise is taking things, and from them making something different, but, it’s soo much more than that!”

“Do tell,” Dud said eagerly.

“It’s, well, complicated. To be good at alchemy, you must understand a whole lot of things: astrology, chemistry, biology, metallurgy; names of species, compounds, ingredients. What’s safe and what’s not,” she said excitedly, indicating to her flasks and the library itself. “There’s a great deal that goes into it. Knowledge, and work! With alchemy, you can make something as mundane as apple cider, or something as rare and incredible as mythril!” She then nodded to herself. “I mean, saying it’s just mixing things … doesn't do it justice,” she added. She was smiling, but with her rant over, she was reminded of whom she was talking to. Her ears fell as she looked away from them.

Momo tilted her head at that.

“...So, cooking is alchemy?” she asked. Pestle blinked at the question, her ears flying back up as she gave an eager nod.

“Th- That’s right! And just like anypony can cook, anypony can do alchemy. From a zebra or earth pony, to even a unicorn.” She then smiled, “Alchemy is everypony’s magic. That’s what I love about it. And one amazing thing about alchemy, is if you do it right, you can end up with something greater than the sum of its parts.” Momo couldn’t help but smile at Pestle’s enthusiasm. The knight then glanced to the beakers she’d laid out, eyes widening as she brought her attention back to them. “Oh dear, I- I got side-tracked.”

“So, can you cook nectar?” Momo pressed, making Pestle blush, her energy dying back down.

“It doesn’t seem very special.” She then raised her hooves at the upset look that got from Momo, “I mean, it’s clearly made from magic, but it’s no more complex than honey.”

“It is special,” Momo assured, “We- uh, Badland Pegasi, need it to live.” Momo then tilted her head, “Well, our young need it. And we need ponies to make it.” Pestle frowned at that.

“You need ponies…” her sentence hung in the air for an awkward moment, making Momo and Dud share a worried glance. She glanced between them, the awkward silence she brought on making her blush. “M- Magic is involved,” she stated flatly, “It- shouldn’t be too hard to replicate.”

“Really!?” Momo asked, making Pestle flinch.

“Library,” she murmured, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Not so loud,” Dud explained, getting a sheepish look from Momo. “Will it be easy to make?”

“This ‘nectar’ is mostly just syrup made from a particular kind of magic. It’s … love?” she asked, swirling some nectar in a beaker as it slowly turned pink, “Yes, love.” She then blinked, before her face slightly flushed. “Th- There’s magical residue in it. To completely mirror it, I’d need a small amount of similar magic to add to the mix.” She then adopted a ponderous look, “Perhaps from an apple tree?” she asked, mostly to herself. She dropped another pigment into the nectar, making it briefly shimmer a myriad of colors before stabilizing again. “Right, magical apples should work.”

“Apple trees mimic love?” Momo asked curiously, Hope coming to mind.

“Enchanted apples don’t grow like natural apples,” Pestle explained, “They require lots of attention and care to flourish, which is imbued in the plant’s fruit.”

“Dud, are those rare?” Momo pressed, her question making Pestle look to Dud.

“They aren’t common,” he admitted. “Would we need a lot for a batch like that?” he asked, indicating the vase.

“Hmmm. This is just a hunch; I’d need to actually make it to see if it works,” Pestle said, looking over her notes, before glancing to the nectar, “But one apple, Zap or Cindercrisp, would be enough for a barrel of this stuff.” She then tilted her head. “Cindercrisps are easy to get this time of year. Zap apples are hard to come by, since nopony’s figured out how they grow.” The stallion nodded.

“Still, it sounds pretty doable!” he exclaimed, sharing a smile with Momo. Pestle looked to her guests, fumbling with her lab for a moment in indecision, before glancing to the stallion.

“Y- Your name’s Grumpy Gust, right?” she asked, making him blink, giving a small nod. “Then ... why does she keep calling you Dud?” she pressed, fidgeting slightly in her seat, making Dud tilt his head.

“It’s his nickname,” Momo explained. She then blinked in realization, “I’m Momo. He’s Dud.” That won a small frown from the knight. Pestle considered him for a moment, looking torn between keeping her mouth shut, or not. She held a hoof to her chest, trying to soften the burning within. A fire that’d been smoldering since thunder boomed, weeks ago. The pain made her take a deep breath, before glaring at him.

“Wh- Why would the son of an Earl let himself be called anything other than his family name?” she asked sharply, “Th- That’s just, just, irresponsible!” Dud blinked, before his ears fell. Momo could feel the air grow colder in the following silence.

“Uhh, Dud,” Momo began hesitantly, “What’s a Earl?” she asked, his smile now lost to her.

“It’s a noble title. It’s not as high as a duke, but it’s still higher than most nobility,” he replied flatly. “An Earl is a pony who owns land, or in this case, clouds, and tends to it for the princess. A pony that allows others to live and work upon it. Of Thundercloud’s five districts, my family owned Tradencloud. If you wanted to open a shop, build a home, or any number of things in that district, you did so with my father- The Earl’s permission.” Momo’s eyes widened at that.

“That’s what you meant by ‘rich bigot’?” she asked softly, getting a small nod from him.

“Lady Pestle, I don’t care for that title, and have no claim to it,” he assured, looking to the knight. “I was disowned years ago, and I still want nothing of it.” Besides buying a carriage on their funds, that is.

“W- Well, Luna, and everypony in Thundercloud knew that,” she spat out, making the stallion blink, before his mouth fell open. “After breaking into places to free pets, it’s no wonder you were disowned! M- Makes a pony wonder if you didn’t destroy the city on purpose.”

“I did not,” Dud quickly replied, a heated look in his eyes that made Pestle step back. “I would never-” He shook his head, “Even at my lowest, had I the choice, I wouldn’t destroy it.”

“Dud,” Momo said in a concerned tone. Pestle frowned at him for a moment longer, before taking a step forward.

“That’s a lie!” she replied, shaking her head in denial, eyes wet, “Everypony talked about it. There’s no love between you and your family. You destroyed Thundercloud to spite them!”

“No, he didn’t,” Momo cut it, “When we first reached Thundercloud, he was sad at what’d been done to it!” she pressed, stepping towards the knight, who moved back, eyes wide.

“W- Watch it! I’m Luna’s Knight, I know how to fight-” she tripped over an abandoned book, falling unceremoniously on her back, her head knocking into a nearby table leg. “O- Ow-” She looked up to see several vials roll off towards her, making her yelp as she deftly caught them with her wings and hooves. She let out a small sigh, before her eyes met Momo and Dud’s. Her face flushed in embarrassment.

Momo glanced to Dud, her frown melting at the display. She walked up to Pestle, whose hooves were too tied up with vials to effectively stand up. Momo offered a hoof. Pestle swatted it away with a wing, sending two vials flying, before smashing into the stone floor nearby. “I- I don’t want your help!”

“W- Why?” Momo asked, ears falling.

“Because your kin destroyed my home!” Pestle spat out, “And- and you took-” She got on her hooves, her body trembling for a moment as she teetered between emotions. Anger, hatred, fear, they consumed her. It was too much for the normally quiet mare.

Like a cord snapping, her shoulders slumped, wings falling to her side, the remaining vials simply crashing to the ground. She let out several tired breaths, before breathing in deep. “You took my husband and son,” she said calmly, her eyes hidden by her mane. Momo took a step back, her chest hurting at those words. Pestle started moving around, brushing the broken glass, avoiding Dud and Momo as they digested her words, coming from it with the purest truth:

She was a victim of their making.

“I don’t want to help you. Either of you,” she said, a line of tears running down her cheeks as she cleaned her mess. “B- But, I have to, if I want to see them again.”

“I-” Momo hesitated, “Look, I’m really—”

“Sorry?” Pestle cut off. “Sorry isn’t bringing them back,” she added bitterly, before pointing to the exit. “Get out of my lab. You’ll have your nectar.” Momo’s mouth opened, words she wanted to say on the tip of her tongue. But, what was there to say, besides apologizing?

Lowering her head, Momo turned around, walking away from the desks. She couldn’t deny Pestle’s hatred. A small part of her wanted to, but it wasn’t strong enough to swim through the shame that was flooding her heart. She paused, when she realized she was alone. Glancing back, she saw Dud looking at Pestle, still in her lab.

“Momo isn’t to blame,” he said calmly, making Momo’s chest hurt for a moment. She turned towards him. Pestle did the same.

“You have no right to say that, city killer!”

“Yes, I’m a city killer,” he said flatly, “I triggered a trap set by Mantis, even though I knew something was off about the whole thing. Afterwards, I nearly lost two good friends. I had a lot of time to think after that, and the more I thought, the more I hated it.” Pestle was looking at him, confused by what he was saying. Momo’s held a hoof over her heart, bound wings and a flash of light coming to mind.

“I don’t like these feelings,” he added, glaring at the floor, “I can’t stand them. So I did something about it. I worked. I worked myself ragged. I wanted to fix it. Make a new Thundercloud. But, I’m no fool. I knew what I helped build would never be the same.” His eyes met Pestle’s. “You can call me city killer. I feel like one. But, there’s no reason to yell at Momo. She is not responsible for attacking Thundercloud. Nor foalnapping your family.”

“L- Like horsefeathers she isn’t!”

“Dud, it’s alright—” Momo was cut off.

“No it’s not,” he said sternly, giving her an annoyed frown. “Lady Pestle, where Momo comes from, you’re given a choice. Be a worker, or be a soldier. Momo chose to be a worker.” Pestle glanced to her for a moment.

“And you think that makes it right?” Dud raised an eyebrow at that.

“I think you just want an excuse to hate her,” he said flatly. She blinked at him, her frown gone, leaving confusion in its place.

“N- no. That is-” she glanced down, looking unsure of herself.

“...I ignored it,” Momo said quietly, making the others turn to her. “The ponies we brought in. I didn’t like it, but I ignored it. I didn’t speak up. I didn’t complain. I simply stayed quiet as we captured more and more ponies.” Dud’s ears fell. Her eyes were wet too.

“We need them to make nectar. We need them to keep us fed. I’ve never made nectar before, because I knew they were like us. But, I ignored it.” She took a step towards Pestle, who seemed unsure how to respond. “Pestle, I don’t blame you for hating me. I saw what our soldiers did to Thundercloud. I saw the sadness in everyponies’ eyes in Dodge.” She brought a hoof to her chest. “It hurts. Dud, he’s right, I chose to be a worker, but it wasn’t for ponies. I was ignorant. I wanted to be ignorant. Leaving home with Chrys changed all that. Now, I want to make it all better.” She then shook her head, “I want to make this guilt go away! I- I keep looking forward, distracting myself, putting on a strong look for Chrys, but it’s always there, in the back of my mind.” She gave Pestle a determined look. “So, I want- I’m going to make it better. So does Chrys, and Dud- Grumpy Gust.” She took another step forward. Pestle held her ground. “Pestle. I want to make this right. Not just to end the guilt, but because Equestria didn’t deserve what we’ve done. That’s why we came to you. To make things right.” And to make a better tomorrow. “...Pestle, even though you hate us, will you still help us?”

Pestle looked into Momo’s eyes for a long moment. She saw the tears in them, mirrored in her own. Her eyes looked away, unable to stand it. Momo’s words of ignorance resonated with her own feelings, making the knight feel shame well up from within.

“I- I already said I would do it,” she replied, letting out a ragged breath.

“Thank you,” Momo replied, her ears low as she glanced back the way they came. “If you have any questions, ask, and we’ll get out of your mane as fast as we can.” Pestle considered them for a moment, opening her mouth, as if ready to dismiss them. Her eyes fell to Dud’s, making her recall how she called him irresponsible. She was being very un-knightly right now. Her shoulders sagged.

“I- Need a small break,” she said weakly, fluttering past them. Momo looked to Dud, who had a strangely sad look in his eyes. “You can stay,” Pestle added, making the others look to her in surprise. “I won’t be long, I just… need some water.” With that, she quietly left, leaving the two alone. Silence fell over them for over a minute, neither quite up to striking a conversation. As they waited, what transpired played through their heads, eventually making them look to each other, the self blame the other held during that ‘talk’ making them frown in unison.

That frown shifted to worry for Momo. Son of an Earl? Owner of a district? There was nothing unimportant about that. One could even call it rare. It was clear to Momo that he hated this rarity. The weight of his past was present in this castle, and it called him by name. Was he going to try and leave again, now that they were here? Did she have any right to stop him this time? Her ears fell as she considered that.

“I’m not leaving,” he said assuringly, making Momo blink. Could he read her mind!? “It’s written on your face,” he added with a small grin, making her flush.

“Dud- I’m—”

“I’m not a Dud anymore.” She’d never frowned faster in her life. “My name’s Grumpy Gust-” she slapped him. Like she was ever going to call him by the name he hated. He was surprised. It wasn’t a particularly strong slap, but it still stung, making him rub his cheek as he slowly looked to her. Her eyes were tearing up again.

“You are Dud,” she said flatly, summing up paragraphs of what she wanted to say in three short words. “Okay?” she asked. He considered her for a moment, his expression softening. He then pulled her into a hug, making her breath catch in her throat.

“I must be having a bad day. Nearly forgot my name,” he said with a frail smile.

“Th- That’s right. You’re Dud, a rare creatures expert that likes changelings,” she said quietly, returning the hug, once again feeling his warmth. “...It’s all going to be okay. Right?”

“Absolutely,” he said faithfully, making her squeeze him harder. She then leaned back slightly, their faces close. She looked into his eyes. She could lose herself in them. Her chest was pounding, and as if it were only natural, their faces were slowly closing the gap between them.

“O- Oh!” Pestle’s voice let out. Momo’s heart skipped a beat, her and Dud’s eyes flashing towards the returning Alchemist. Her eyes were red, likely from crying. “S- Sorry, didn’t m- mean to interrupt,” she added, her face turning beet red as she stepped back. “Oh my gosh. I- I’ll just—”

“I- It’s okay.”
“Don’t go!”

Dud and Momo said in unison, their faces flushed as they broke the embrace, stepping back from each other.

“U- Using somepony’ else's lab for that kind of alchemy is-” She tripped over the rug, making her crash down in front of Momo and Dud. “O- Ow.” she added, slowly getting to her hooves, a moment Momo and Dud took to distance themselves from each other.

“N- No funny business going on here,” Dud stammered out.

“So, uhh,” Momo quickly added, before her eyes fell to the vase she’d brought in, “About that nectar!”

“Huh?” Pestle replied, before her eyes widened. “Right. Umm, you can stay, if you want.” Momo and Dud barely heard her. “...I don’t like you. But, I promised I’d try really hard,” she added, getting a confused look from the others. She paused, glancing between them, looking torn on a question she really wanted to get off her chest. “My family. Are they … alright?”

“They’re completely fine,” Momo assured.

“You said you needed them to make nectar—”

“From their dreams,” Momo added, “It’s made while they’re asleep. We make sure they have good dreams, about those they love.”

“Dreams? I- see. I guess that explains why Luna can’t see them,” Pestle mumbled, eyeing Momo for a moment, before glancing to the flasks. “Thank you,” she whispered, before approaching her tools. “Could you tell me more about this nectar, please,” she added, glancing between them. “Like how you made this batch, and any details that you have. Anything will help. The more I know, the easier a time I’ll have replicating it.”

Momo and Dud blinked at that, sharing a look as they recalled how the nectar was made. Suffice to say, Pestle’s Q & A had plenty of blushing to go around.


“This ... is a lot to take in,” Chrys admitted, pictures of monsters and lost cities floating in her head. Luna let out a small chuckle.

“Imagine living it.” Chrys didn’t have to, after having seen that memory. A memory born from magic she’d only heard about from stories her mother told. She’d would have to ask Luna how to cast spells like that. At a more appropriate time, of course. There was still things she needed to explain.

“Well, now it’s my turn...” Chrys replied, before going into great length describing changeling life, what state the hive was in before she was born, and details about the attacks on the four towns. She told Luna nearly everything, besides Ghost, Hope, or the attack on Canter Town. Hopefully, they could reach Amber before that…

“So you keep them in cocoons, and turn their love into nectar?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow, getting a sheepish look from Chrys. “I- I see. This, this is also a good deal to take in,” she admitted, once Chrys had finished recounting their journey here.

Lunch had come and gone, and dinner wasn’t too far off. “Perhaps it would be best to take a break, and consider what we’ve shared.” Chrys nodded in agreement, if only because she was hungry, and had passed on eating earlier. Pony food is still not good for changelings if they’re shapeshifting. “Am I right in assuming your hive won’t move out until winter comes to a close?”

“That’s the plan,” Chrys affirmed, getting a small smile from the princess.

“Then it would appear that we’re not too pressed for time.” The princess then nodded, “I’ve arranged a banquet for tonight, for you and your friends. Shall you check on them while I attend to my other duties?”

“I suppose,” Chrys said with a sigh, before getting to her hooves, which Luna mirrored.

“Ahh, before you leave,” Luna began, looking to Aegis. “Thank you, loyal shield, for not attacking me.” Chrys blinked at that, looking to Aegis, who had a troubled look.

“What does she mean?” Chrys asked him, before looking to Luna, “What do you mean?”

“My guard was completely down while I was showing you the memory,” Luna explained, “He was a silent onlooker, who would never have had a better chance to strike me than that.” She then gave Aegis a coy smile, which made the guardian frown. “If you wanted to ‘subdue’ me, you went and wasted your chance.”

“I will admit, the idea came to mind,” he said.

“Aegis…” Chrys said, feeling oddly conflicted. She wasn’t sure if she should scold him for the thought, or compliment him for not acting on it.

“Hmm, I can see it in your eyes,” Luna added, making Aegis glance to the side, “You think me a fool for leaving myself exposed?”


“H- Hey!” Chrys let out, glaring at him.

“Chrys, allow me a moment. I suspect there is insight here which you should glean.” Chrys didn’t know how to take that. She glanced between the two for a moment, before letting out a bothered sigh. “Sir Aegis, I do not doubt your might. Arrow, Murmur and Whisper told me of your strength when you fought Sledge.” She tilted her head. “Am I a fool for trusting you? It’s possible,” Aegis was unsure of how to respond. “You are Chrys's shield. You wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her, or the future she’s working towards. A future where your Queen’s hive can prosper without fighting or abducting ponies.” Chrys’s eyes darted from Luna to Aegis, seeing the royal guard’s stance slacken.

“Are all ponies so quick to trust?” he asked simply, making Luna shrug.

“Everypony is different, and everypony has the potential to be a fool,” she replied, “Truly, I didn’t consider the possibility of you attacking me when I showed Chrys that memory. I lost myself in the moment.” She then gave him a sly grin, “For not ‘subduing’ me, you have my gratitude.” Aegis actually blushed.

“I- I think this topic is done,” he replied, glancing to Chrys, “I’d rather not waste any more of your time, Highness.”

“Clearly,” Chrys said flatly, before turning to Luna, “Will we talk more tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“Any chance we could practice magic, as well?” Chrys added, trying to sound like it was unimportant. Luna chuckled.

“If that is what you want, then I don’t see why not. We can practice some magic too,” she replied, getting a small grin from the young queen. “Though, next time, give me a chance to eat breakfast first,” she said, getting a sheepish laugh from Chrys.

“No promises,” Chrys said sharply, before wreathing herself in flame, returning to her unicorn form.

“You … prefer that look?” Luna asked, making Chrys scoff.

“It’s the dead of winter. Even if it’s warm inside the castle, it’s chilly by changeling standards,” Chrys said dismissively, before making to leave. Truth be told, she had a feeling her true form wouldn’t draw the happiest of gazes from onlookers. With that said, Chrys left the throne room, with Aegis a step behind. In the hall, Ghost stood waiting, and as soon as she left the doors behind her, he entered the room. Chrys glanced at him as he moved to Luna.

“Princess, there’s a, personal, matter I wish to talk about-” Ghost began, being cut off with the doors closing. Chrys tilted her head curiously, before continuing on. When the throne room was out of sight, she stopped, turning towards Aegis.

“You could have attacked Luna,” she said curtly. “Why didn’t you?”

“...Because I’ve decided to trust in what you’re after,” he replied. For some reason, that made Chrys’s chest ache.

“We learned a lot today,” Chrys added, getting a solemn nod from the guard.

“I consider myself quite blessed to hear it from the source.”

“It reminds me of what Momo and I found...” Chrys began, looking to him, “Aegis, I think I’ve kept you in the dark long enough.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” he replied flatly, making her falter for a moment.

“Come again?”

“The princess was right. I could have attacked her, but I didn’t. Pointing that out made me realize something important.”

“And that is… ?”

“As I said. It’s because I trust you.” Well, she hadn’t been expecting that. “I have to admit, I saw you as a hatchling. A young one that needed to be protected. That didn’t know what was best. That didn’t know what the hive needed. Whether that was true or not when we left the hive, now I see you for what you really are.”

“A queen?”

“A princess who’s becoming one. And from the looks of it, a strong queen. One without a hive, but a queen all the same. And though you are not my queen, if Amber wished it, I feel I wouldn’t hesitate to call you my own.” Chrys was touched by that, giving him a small smile. “You needn’t tell me what you found in the mountain. I don’t need to know, unless you feel that's the case.” Chrys considered him for several moments, before shaking her head.

“Took you long enough, idiot,” Chrys replied playfully, getting a firm nod from Aegis.

“My apologies, Your Highness. I’ll endeavor to not be so slow in the future,” he replied, wearing a small grin, which she mirrored. Feeling quite happy with herself, and what she’d learned and gained today, she continued on through the hall. After walking about for several minutes, that happiness hit a snag.

“Momo and Dud went to the library, right?” she asked, getting a small nod from Aegis. “Just where is that...?”


Several hours later, and some filling in of details led to Chrys’s gang, as well as Pestle and Olive sitting in the throne room. In the time since Chrys left, a fabulous wooden table had been brought in, with accompanying low chairs for each of them.

The table was long, with Chrys sitting at one end, Aegis sitting right behind her. Momo and Dud were to her sides. Opposite was Luna’s seat, with a nervous Pestle and a put-off Olive seated next to the princess’s empty spot. The captain clearly looked like he wanted to complain at being sat at the table like some sort of guest. Food hidden within silver trays were brought to the table as Dud let out a bothered sigh.

“Aww. We really missed out!” Dud exclaimed, his sentiment shared by Momo.

“Was that all true?” Momo asked, leaning into the table towards her clutchling, “Luna and Queen Violet sailed in some underground lake together?” Chrys raised her hooves dismissively.

“It has to be true. I mean, it’s a little too crazy to be made up,” Chrys replied.

“I’ll have to pester the princess for details!” Dud added, getting a small smirk from Chrys. “I mean, just imagine the rare creatures hiding down there!”

“You- You won’t have to wait long for Luna,” Pestle muttered, slinking deeper into her chair as the others looked to her. Indeed, it wasn’t long before Luna joined them at the table. And with her arrival, their food was revealed. Steaming plates of delectables. Meals fit for royalty, that would make even the most extravagant of nobles blush.

“Friends,” Luna began, looking amongst her guests and staff, “Long ago, when the divided pony tribes finally came together, food was scarce. Together, they often had to break, and share their bread. As time passed on, this act began to mean something more. A bond. A shared meal, blessed with the intent of prosperity. This meal symbolizes my promise to bring things right.” Luna then placed a heavy hoof on the table. “It won’t be easy. Stolen family and destroyed homes are a hard thing to forgive. And forgiveness is something rarely given for free. But, Chrysalis, you and your companions have made great strides towards that goal. So tonight, we feast. We break bread, for the promise of better days.” Luna then took her hoof of the table, her serious demeanor fading away as she gave them all a warm smile. “By all means. Dig in!”

And that is exactly what they did. As they ate, questions were tossed back and forth, between Dud, Luna, and all the others. Questions about the past. Questions about nectar. Sharing the changeling revelation, and the surprises it elicited from Pestle and ‘Olive’. Luna and Chrys watched on, lost in thought between the distracting questions. Halfway through the meal, a passage from an important book came to Luna’s mind. She frowned slightly, before looking to the young queen.

“Chrys, do you know your destiny?” Luna asked, making Chrys pause, another forkful of delight hovering before her open mouth. She frowned, the fork returning to the plate with a slight clink.

“Luna, I said earlier that I don’t believe in those sorts of things. I was born a queen, so I will be one. You could call that destiny, but it’s simply providence.”

“You’re mincing words,” Dud pointed out, getting a cross look from her.

“I’m not saying that you should believe in the notions of fate and destiny,” Luna replied. “But, you shouldn’t be so set in ignoring them.” Chrys had to hide her annoyance. Fate. Destiny. She didn’t like those words. They cheapened anything that they were tied to. Amber always said that there was a reason for everything. Chrys doubted the answer to everything was ‘fate and destiny’.

“Luna, I don’t care—”

“Chrys,” the princess said patiently, “In our world, is a rare kind of magic. A kind that glimpses into the future, and mark what’s seen as a prophecy. Or, a dream,” she added, raising an eyebrow, making Chrys glance to the side. After all, it was a prophetic dream that sent Violet Widow on her quest. “Fate and Destiny are irrefutably tied to those. To deny destiny, or ignore fate, is to ask for calamity.” Chrys played with her plate for a moment, stewing on Luna’s words.

“What do you all think?” Chrys finally asked, looking to those close to her. There was no immediate answer, appetites going quiet in deliberation.

“What are the odds,” Dud began, “of a pony like me being the one that opened the door to Thundercloud’s doom?” he asked, getting a troubled look from his company. He then looked to Luna. “I don’t believe I was ‘fated’ to cause Thundercloud’s destruction. It was doomed, regardless as to whom opened the door.” Pestle wore a pained look. “But, the fact that I opened it, makes me believe there’s something greater to this.”

“Dud…” Momo said, placing a hoof on his shoulder. He gave her an assuring smile.

“Princess Luna,” he pressed, “Can a prophecy be altered?”

“They can,” Luna replied confidently. “They would serve little purpose otherwise.” Chrys blinked at that, looking to her.

“So, if fate and destiny can change, then what’s the point in believing in them?”

“Because they can only change, if you know of them,” Luna replied, giving Chrys a very serious look, “Chrysalis, are you destined to become a queen, or are you fated to fail?”

“H- How am I supposed to know!?” Chrys asked, her patience at it’s limit. “I want to succeed. I want to keep the hive safe- Amber, safe. And that’s what I’m going to do,” she then hesitated, “With your help. Right?”

“Of course.”

“Then, fate and destiny don’t matter. At least, not to me. There’s a reason for everything, and we’re going to be the reason everything turns out for the best.” Luna blinked at that, before glancing to her food.

“Yes. Yes, of course,” she added, letting out a small sigh. “For the best.” She assured, raising her drink, which got an excited look from Momo.

“Oh, a toast!?” she asked, getting a smile from the princess. Chrys looked from Luna to the others, before adopting a fiery look, raising her glass too.

“I guess we’re toasting for peace, right?” Dud asked. Pestle eyed her cup as he said that, looking uncertain as Chrys nodded.

“For peace!” she declared, raising her cup. Luna lifted hers as well.

“For peace!” And one after another, the rest of the table joined in.

And as the dinner continued, Luna looked on, her grin masking a touch of worry. After all, she had a prophecy in her possession, and with the changeling revelation, many of the missing pieces were now clear to her. In fact, she was tempted to share the prophecy now. But, considering how adamant Chrys was in ensuring her mother’s safety, she felt it might be best to wait for a better time for the reveal, considering the fate it implied for Amber. She had a strong feeling it would lead to heated words.

Still, she had experience keeping these prophecies from coming to pass, and she had no intention of failing on Chrys’s behalf, or letting a fifth city fall to Mantis. Yes. There was still plenty of time, plenty of opportunities to come forth with it, when Chrys was ready...