Rainy Days

by thatoneguy82

Rainy Days

Rainy Days

By thatoneguy82

The orchestral sounds of thunder boomed through the clouded night sky. A stream of cold sharp rain accompany the thunderous sounds making melodic tunes as each droplet hit the leaves of the pine trees. Tenor winds howl through the forest like a pack of wolves on a full moon night. It was a peaceful night. At least for the two ponies sheltered in a small cavern near the edge of the forest.

Lying her head on her forelegs, the small cyan pegasus slept on the dry hard floor. To her side, lay a red mountain of a pony. His green apple eyes observe the performance occurring outside; His ears taking in each natural note from the slow repetitive croaking of the frogs to the gentle peaceful cricket sounds. He let out a soft long sigh lowering his head to the floor, finally able to relax after a long treacherous day on the hiking trail, splitting up from Applejack’s group to hike with Rainbow Dash.

A sudden burst of lightning erupted in the dark night sky startling the tranquil pegasus.

“Sweet Celestia!” She jumped to the roof of the cavern shivering like a baby rattle, making the stallion chuckle.

“Is this funny to you, Big Mac?” Rainbow Dash asked starring at him, narrowing her eyes.

“No intention to ‘fend you Miss Dash. I just couldn’t help m’self.”

Letting out a long sigh of frustration, she responded, “Look Big Mac I lost count on how many times I told you not to call me Miss Dash! I hate it! It doesn’t sound as awesome as Rainbow Dash.”

A tiny smile emerged on Big Mac’s face. “My apology, Miss…” Rainbow Dash flew in front of his muzzle panning her stern deathly magenta eye to his, “Um- I mean Rainbow Dash.”

“Apology Accepted.” She responded with a smirk on her face. Trotting towards the edge of the cavern, Rainbow Dash sees the thunderstorm display surrounding them. “Ugh rainy days are the worst. I told the weather team to post-pone the thunderstorm schedule for this weekend so I could beat Daring Do’s hiking time in her new book, Daring Do and the Eternal Flower. It took her three days to trespass this forest but I wanted to do it in two days. Guess, that won’t happen at all.” She lay on the ground blowing raspberries at the rain like a little filly.

“You know that a strong pony can hike through these woods in one day.” Big Mac approached her and lay a few feet away from her looking at the vivid storm outside.

Rolling her eyes she responded, “Wow that makes me feel so much better, thanks.”

“You know why it took Daring Do three days to hike through these woods?”

Tapping her hooves together and with a burst of joy in her voice she responded, “Well in the book, Daring Do was looking…”

“No, No, No” Big Mac shook his head, “that’s not the answer I’m looking for.”

“Well Big Mac or apparently a Daring Do know-it-all, what’s the correct answer?” Rainbow Dash asked while crossing her forehooves.

“Have you gotten the opportunity to read A.K. Yearling’s writing memoir?” She shook her head. “Well while writing Daring Do and the Eternal Flower, She was forced to hide herself in a cavern, like this one, during a nasty summer storm.”

“I-I didn’t know that.”

He nodded his head. “She wrote seeing that breathe taking thunderstorm let her imagination run wild.”

Rainbow Dash focused her sigh outside trying her best to imagine what A.K. Yearling saw within the storm. “Huh? I didn’t know you were a fan of A.K. Yearling’s book” She said.

He shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t really bring it up much.”

A small silence appeared as both ponies look outwards. The first rays of Luna’s moon broke through the heavy dark clouds illuminating the forest in front of them.
“So, do you like rainy days?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

He nodded, “You darn right I do!”

Rainbow Dash chuckle a bit, “Love the enthusiasm. So why?”

“Love the sound of rain hitting the roof of the house, I don’t have to work…”

“I agree with you on that part,” she added.


Rainbow Dash looked puzzle hearing Big Mac’s halt in words. Looking up she saw a tiny watery pool forming around his emerald eyes.

“And it reminds me of my Pa.”

“Oh.” That’s the only word she could say. She moved her eyes around trying to find anything to derail the conversation but the only thing she could see was rain.

“Sorry for making our situation, more uncomfortable” He said.

She flew up to him placing her hoof on his chin, “Hey, there no need to apologize. Plus I’m actually enjoying this trip, besides the rain.”

Big Mac wiped a few of his tears. “Thanks Miss Dash.”

“I’ll let that one slide.”

Another ray broke through the cloud barrier as the storm slowly dissipated. The stars aligned themselves like guardians around the moon forming constellations. Their light added a sweet flavor to the night sky making both ponies glee in awed. “During rainy days, my pa would tell me and Applejack stories. All types of stories from his childhood. He had the gift to bring the stories to life, right in front of you.”

The starlight shined in the magenta sea of Rainbow’s eyes as she shifted herself closer to Big Mac. She could feel his fiery warmth and his tempo heartbeat while wrapping one of her wings around him, “I-I would like to hear one of your Dad’s stories, please?” His eyes enlarge feeling her wing around him. He looked down at her. A small pink blush rose from her cyan canvas cheek. “If you tell anypony about this, especially your sis, I’ll beat you senseless” said Rainbow Dash diverting her eyes from his. He chuckled. He look toward the dark sparkling ocean above.

He told her his Pa’s stories. Some of them where childhood stories about the early life in the Apple Farm; others where about the mythical stories of Equestria’s early days. All the time Rainbow Dash’s eyes were frozen on Big Mac. Nothing around could distract her from Big Mac bringing his words to life. The clouds assisted by changing form and they gave a legendary performances for each story; a performance that only she saw. The moon journeyed through the night sky reaching its’ destination at the edge of the horizon. Both the mountain stallion and pegasus were sleeping, keeping the stories alive in their dreams.


Rainbow Dash opened her eyelids. The thunderstorm continued its encore on the outskirts of her shelter; everything else changed. The stone cold floor transform to wet wood, the tall sturdy pine trees were now young apple trees ready for the harvest, and the top of the cavern became a wooden roof. “Look who woke up from her nap” said a warm familiar voice. To her side was the red firm mountain, Big Mac, with his forearm around the pegasus small body. “Did you enjoy your nap, Dashie?”

She stretched out her wings a bit moving closer to him; snuggling his neck with her muzzle. “Dashie? You know that I hate that nick-name” she replied. He lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss. A spring of pink rose from her cheeks. “But I’ll make an exception, just for you.” She added hugging him tighter like a filly hugging their favorite teddy bear. “Guess what dream I just had” she taunted. He shrugged his shoulders. “The time we were stuck in the cave. Where you told me all those amazing stories. One of the best nights of our life.”

“Eeeyup” responded Big Mac with a grin on his face.

She smiled; just like every time he said that single word. She lay her head on his neck looking towards the horizon, “You’re right, Macintosh. Rainy days are awesome.”

“Eeeyup” he responded. Moving his forearm up and down her body feeling her gentle soft coat. He added, “And they’re even better with you by my side.”

With her heartbeat ecstatic like a metronome, she gave him a slow passionate kiss. “I want you to tell me another story, Macintosh.”

He chuckled a bit and responded, “Of course, anything for my Dashie.”

Both ponies looked to the stage in the dark afternoon sky. Macintosh orated the fantastical stories that brought to life the celestial actors in the sky to remerge and produce another private performance for the couple. The same performance accompanied with the orchestral sounds of thunder and rain that bonded Big Mac and Rainbow Dash that one peaceful night, and onwards.